as an ordinary thing
    as an ordinary thing
  • As a common thing.
  • 그저 그만하게.
as a result
    so; as a result
  • For this reason.
  • 이러한 이유로.
Idiomas a test
관용구시험 삼아
    as a test
  • Within a limited scope to find out the results in advance; actually
  • 결과를 미리 알아보려고 제한된 범위 안에서 일단, 실제로.
  • A mineral that is highly resistant to acidity and alkalinity and cannot transmit heat and electricity properly so that it is used as a material to resist fire, heat, electricity, etc.
  • 산성이나 염기성에 강하고 열과 전기가 잘 통하지 않아 불과 열, 전류 등을 막는 재료로 쓰이는 광물.
as black as a crow
    pitch-dark; as black as a crow; as black as soot
  • Extremely dark.
  • 빛깔이 매우 까맣다.
    pitch-dark; as black as a crow; as black as soot
  • Extremely dark.
  • 빛깔이 매우 짙게 까맣다.
as black as soot
    pitch-dark; as black as a crow; as black as soot
  • Extremely dark.
  • 빛깔이 매우 까맣다.
    pitch-dark; as black as a crow; as black as soot
  • Extremely dark.
  • 빛깔이 매우 짙게 까맣다.
IdiomA scab forms over one's ears
    A scab forms over one's ears
  • To hear somebody repeat something over and over.
  • 어떤 말을 너무 많이 듣다.
  • A 15 to 30 centimeter-long-parasite that lives in the small intestines of a human body.
  • 길이는 15~30센티미터 정도로, 사람 몸의 작은창자에 사는 기생충.
ProverbsA scarlet skirt is better than other colored ones with the same price tag
    A scarlet skirt is better than other colored ones with the same price tag; better a castle of bones than of stones
  • To choose a better quality and better looking product if the price and conditions are the same.
  • 값이나 조건이 같으면 품질이 좋고 보기에 좋은 것을 택한다는 말.
    ascend; accede
  • To ascend the highest position in an area.
  • 어떤 분야에서 가장 높은 지위에 오르다.
    soar; increase; ascend
  • For prices, etc., to go up suddenly.
  • 물가, 값 등이 이전보다 갑자기 올라가다.
  • To ascend into heaven.
  • 하늘에 오르다.
  • ascend
  • In Catholicism, for a believer to die.
  • 가톨릭에서, 신자가 죽다.
    go up; rise; ascend
  • To move from the bottom to the top, or from a lower place to a higher one.
  • 아래에서 위로, 낮은 곳에서 높은 곳으로 가다.
  • climb; ascend
  • To go toward a high place.
  • 높은 곳을 향해 가다.
    come up; rise; ascend
  • To move from a lower place to a higher one.
  • 낮은 곳에서 높은 곳으로 오다.
    superiority; predominance; ascendancy
  • The state of being more powerful or capable than others; such power or ability.
  • 남보다 힘이 강하거나 실력이 나음. 또는 그 힘이나 실력.
    superiority; dominant position; ascendancy
  • A more prominent position or level than others.
  • 다른 사람보다 뛰어난 위치나 수준.
ascend and descend
    go up and down; ascend and descend
  • To climb up and down something.
  • 올라갔다 내려갔다 하다.
ascending order
    ascending order
  • A situation in which data are arranged in order from smallest to largest.
  • 데이터를 순서대로 늘어놓을 때, 작은 것부터 큰 것의 차례로 늘어놓는 것.
ascending path
    uphill path; ascending path
  • A path going up a hill.
  • 고개를 오르내리는 길.
ascend to a throne
    ascend to a throne
  • To become king.
  • 임금의 지위에 오르다.
  • In Catholicism, the death of a believer.
  • 가톨릭에서, 신자가 죽음.
  • An ascension to the highest position in an area.
  • 어떤 분야에서 가장 높은 지위에 오름.
  • Ascension into heaven.
  • 하늘에 오름.
    rise; increase; ascent
  • An act of going up.
  • 위로 올라감.
    ascent; uphill
  • A slope from low to high terrain.
  • 낮은 곳에서 높은 곳으로 이어지는 비탈진 곳.
    ascent; uphill
  • An inclined path from high to low terrain.
  • 낮은 곳에서 높은 곳으로 이어지는 비탈진 길.
ascent and descent
    going up and down; ascent and descent
  • The act of ascending and descending.
  • 오르고 내림.
ascertain something through historical research
    ascertain something through historical research
  • To prove the era, value, details, etc., of ancient objects through the study of ancient books or artifacts.
  • 옛날 책이나 유물을 통해 예전에 있던 사물들의 시대, 가치, 내용 등을 증명하다.
  • A person who has found enlightenment through spiritual cultivation.
  • 도를 닦아 큰 이치를 깨달은 사람.
  • A person who has found enlightenment through spiritual cultivation.
  • 도를 닦아 큰 이치를 깨달은 사람.
  • A person who cultivates himself/herself spiritually or religiously.
  • 도를 닦는 사람.
    ascetic; disciplinant
  • A person who disciplines himself/herself physically and mentally to put the Buddha's teachings into action.
  • 부처의 가르침을 실천하기 위해 몸과 마음을 바르게 갈고 닦는 사람.
    penance; asceticism; mortification
  • In Buddhism, an act of making oneself suffer physically, with an intention to suppress one's desire and find illumination.
  • 불교에서, 몸으로 견디기 어려운 일들을 통하여 수행을 쌓는 일.
    stoicism; asceticism
  • An ideology which achieves its ideals by suppressing the desires and wants of the mind and body.
  • 몸과 마음의 욕구나 욕망을 억제하여 이상을 성취하려는 사상.
  • The cultivation of one's body and mind in the right manner.
  • 몸과 마음을 바르게 갈고 닦음.
ascetic practice
    ascetic practice
  • The act of cultivating oneself spiritually.
  • 도를 닦음.
Proverbsas clear as mud
    as if water is mixed in water, alcohol is mixed in alcohol; as clear as mud; wishy-washy; running hem and haw
  • To not have one's own opinions or arguments and for one's words or behavior to be unclear.
  • 자기의 의견이나 주장이 없고 말이나 행동이 분명하지 않음.
a second
    imitator; follower; a second
  • The act of copying someone’s work rather than creating something original in the fields of literature, art, study, etc. or a person acting this way.
  • 문학, 예술, 학문 등에서 새로운 것을 처음으로 만들어 내지 못하고 남의 것을 그대로 따라 한 것. 또는 그런 사람.
a self-important attitude
    airs; a self-important attitude
  • An attitude where one feels superior and looks down others.
  • 잘난 체하며 남을 자기보다 낮고 하찮게 여기는 태도.
a senior citizen
    the aged; a senior citizen; an aged person
  • A person of old age.
  • 나이가 많은 사람.
Ending of a Word어미
  • A connective ending used to indicate that the preceding event and the following one happened sequentially.
  • 앞의 말과 뒤의 말이 순차적으로 일어남을 나타내는 연결 어미.
  • -aseo
  • A connective ending used for a reason or cause.
  • 이유나 근거를 나타내는 연결 어미.
  • -aseo
  • A connective ending used for ways or means.
  • 수단이나 방법을 나타내는 연결 어미.
  • An expression used to guess that the preceding statement is the cause or reason for the following statement.
  • 앞에 오는 말이 뒤에 오는 말의 원인이나 이유일 것 같다고 추측할 때 쓰는 표현.
-aseoneun an doeda
    -aseoneun an doeda
  • An expression used to indicate that a certain act or state is banned or limited.
  • 어떤 행동이나 상태를 금지하거나 제한함을 나타내는 표현.
Ending of a Word어미
  • An expression used to stress time by indicating that it was only at a certain time that the following situation or incident occurred.
  • 시간을 강조하며 어떤 시간에 이르러서 비로소 뒤에 오는 말이 나타내는 상황이나 사건이 일어났음을 나타내는 연결 어미.
  • -aseoya
  • An expression used to indicate that the preceding statement is the cause, reason, or premise.
  • 앞의 말이 원인이나 이유, 전제임을 나타내는 연결 어미.
  • -aseoya
  • An expression used to indicate that the speaker thinks the preceding statement is wrong.
  • 앞의 말을 옳지 않게 생각함을 나타내는 연결 어미.
a series of wins
    successive victories; a series of wins
  • The state of winning battles or games in a row.
  • 싸울 때마다 계속하여 이김.
as expected
    as one expected; as expected
  • As one thought.
  • 생각했던 대로.
as far as one can
    as far as one can; as fast as one can; as much as one can
  • As much as possible.
  • 가능한 한 최대로.
    with all one's might; as far as one can
  • Exerting all one's power; or doing one's best.
  • 있는 힘을 다하여. 또는 힘이 닿는 데까지.
Idiomas fast as one can
    as far as one can; as fast as one can; as much as one can
  • As much as possible.
  • 가능한 한 최대로.
as good as
    not inferior; as good as; almost equal
  • Not falling behind or being inferior when compared with other things.
  • 다른 것과 비교했을 때 뒤떨어지거나 못하지 않다.
    no less than; as good as
  • Not inferior or worse than others.
  • 다른 것과 비교했을 때 뒤떨어지거나 못하지 않다.
as good as new
    seamless; as good as new; perfectly repaired
  • Not leaving any trace that can be noticed of decorating or mending.
  • 남이 알 수 없을 정도로 꾸미거나 고친 흔적이 없다.
as good as others
    as good as others
  • Without weaknesses when compared to another person or thing.
  • 남이나 다른 것과 비교해서 못한 점이 없이.
ProverbsA shaded place will become a sunny place and a sunny place will become a shaded place
    A shaded place will become a sunny place and a sunny place will become a shaded place
  • There are good times as well as bad times because the wheel of fortune turns.
  • 세상 일은 돌고 돌기 때문에 좋은 시기도 있고 나쁜 시기도 있다.
    shameful; ashamed
  • Feeling ashamed to face others.
  • 창피하여 남을 대하기가 부끄럽다.
    ashamed; shameful
  • Feeling abashed due to being shy or embarrassed.
  • 쑥스럽거나 어색하여 남 보기에 부끄럽다.
  • Shy and unwilling to face anyone.
  • 남을 마주 보기가 부끄럽다.
    ashamed; feel shame
  • Feeling uncomfortable because of being shy or awkward.
  • 부끄럽거나 민망하여 마음이 편하지 않다.
    ashamed; humiliated
  • So shy or embarrassed that one cannot hold one's head up.
  • 얼굴을 들지 못할 만큼 수줍거나 창피하다.
    ashamed; abashed
  • Feeling shame with an uneasy conscience.
  • 창피하거나 떳떳하지 못하다.
    embarrassed; ashamed
  • Being very ashamed due to a disgraceful event or fact.
  • 체면이 깎이는 어떤 일이나 사실 때문에 몹시 부끄러운 느낌이 있다.
    embarrassed; ashamed
  • Being very ashamed due to a disgraceful event or fact.
  • 체면이 깎이는 어떤 일이나 사실 때문에 몹시 부끄럽다.
ProverbsA sheet of blank paper is easier to carry when lifted up by two people
    A sheet of blank paper is easier to carry when lifted up by two people
  • Cooperation makes an easy task much easier.
  • 아무리 쉬운 일이라도 서로 도와서 하면 훨씬 더 쉽다.
  • (figurative) A pale complexion.
  • (비유적으로) 창백한 얼굴빛.
    remains; ashes
  • The bones left after a dead persons' body is burned, or the bones found in a tomb.
  • 죽은 사람을 태우고 남은 뼈. 또는 무덤 속에서 나온 뼈.
  • A pile of ashes left after a fire.
  • 불에 타고 난 후 남은 재가 쌓인 더미.
  • ashes
  • (figurative) A place rendered useless after something was burnt down.
  • (비유적으로) 불에 타서 부서지고 무너져 못 쓰게 된 자리.
  • (figurative) A sickly, pale complexion.
  • (비유적으로) 핏기가 없는 창백한 얼굴빛.
a short time later
    a little later; a short time later
  • After a while.
  • 조금 뒤에.
    a little later; a short time later
  • After a while.
  • 조금 뒤에.
  • A container into which cigarette ash is flicked.
  • 담뱃재를 떨어 놓는 그릇.
ashy color
    ashy color; gray color
  • (figurative) A state of being grim and stone-faced or having a gloomy look on the face.
  • (비유적으로) 어둡고 굳은 표정이나 얼굴빛.
  • One of the six continents in the northeastern part of the earth; it is stretched from Japan to Turkey; it is the home of the countries such as Korea, China, India, etc.
  • 지구의 동북쪽에 있는 육대주의 하나. 일본에서 터키에 걸치는 지역으로 한국, 중국, 인도 등의 나라가 위치한다.

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