ask again
    repeat a question; ask again
  • To repeat the same question one more time because one did not catch the answer.
  • 못 듣거나 해서 똑같은 질문을 다시 한번 더 하다.
    ask again; plead with again
  • To ask someone a favor that one asked him/her already.
  • 이미 한 번 한 것을 다시 부탁하다.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively for one time.
  • 곁눈으로 슬그머니 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively, repeatedly.
  • 곁눈으로 슬그머니 자꾸 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively one time.
  • 곁눈으로 슬쩍 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively, repeatedly.
  • 곁눈으로 자꾸 슬쩍 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively one time.
  • 곁눈으로 슬그머니 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively, repeatedly.
  • 곁눈으로 슬그머니 자꾸 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively one time.
  • 곁눈으로 슬쩍 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
    askance; sideways
  • A word describing the motion of looking sideways at something furtively, repeatedly.
  • 곁눈으로 자꾸 슬쩍 흘겨보는 모양.
  • A word describing the motion of looking askance at something quickly, repeatedly.
  • 가볍게 자꾸 흘겨보는 모양.
ask a patient about his or her condition
    ask a patient about his or her condition
  • For a doctor to check medical conditions of a patient by asking about symptoms.
  • 의사가 환자에게 증상을 물으며 건강 상태를 파악하다.
ask a question
    ask a question
  • To ask about something one does not know or wants to know.
  • 모르는 것이나 알고 싶은 것을 묻다.
    ask a question; make an inquiry
  • To ask about something one doubts or does not know.
  • 의심이 되거나 모르는 점을 묻다.
ask around
    ask around
  • To ask all around in order to find something that one wants.
  • 원하는 것을 찾기 위해 떠도는 소문을 두루 따라다니다.
ask back
    ask back
  • To answer with a question instead of giving one's answer.
  • 물음에 대답하지 않고 도리어 물어본 사람에게 다시 묻다.
    ask back
  • To ask back rather than answering the question that one received.
  • 물음에 대답하지 않고 질문을 한 상대방에게 도리어 묻다.
    aslant; obliquely; askew
  • In the state of tilting or leaning to one side, not straight.
  • 바르지 않고 한쪽으로 기울거나 쏠리게.
    askew; oblique
  • Seeming to tilt to one side, rather than being horizontal or vertical.
  • 수평이나 수직이 되지 않고 한쪽으로 조금 기울어진 듯하다.
    slanted; askew; tilted
  • A person's body or an object slightly leaning to one side.
  • 몸이나 물체가 한쪽으로 비스듬하게 기울어져 있다.
ask for
    request; ask for
  • For the speaker to request the listener for something.
  • 말하는 이가 듣는 이에게 어떠한 것을 줄 것을 요청하다.
ask for advice
    ask for advice; consult
  • To seek the opinion of an expert or a professional organization in order to deal with a matter more efficiently.
  • 어떤 일을 효율적이고 바르게 처리하기 위해 전문가나 전문 기관에 의견을 묻다.
ask for a price
    ask for a price
  • To offer a price for selling or buying goods when the original price is not fixed.
  • 물건의 가격이 정해져 있지 않은 경우에 팔거나 사려는 값을 부르다.
asking again
    asking again; pleading with again
  • The act of asking someone a favor that one asked him/her already.
  • 이미 한 번 한 것을 다시 부탁함.
asking a question
    asking a question; inquiry
  • The act of asking a question to someone junior to oneself.
  • 윗사람이 아랫사람에게 물음.
asking around
    asking around
  • The act of asking all around in order to find something that one wants.
  • 원하는 것을 찾기 위해 떠도는 소문을 두루 따라 다님.
asking back
    asking back
  • The act of asking back rather than answering the question that one received.
  • 물음에 대답하지 않고 질문을 한 상대방에게 도리어 물음.
asking for a reason
    complaint; asking for a reason
  • Words said to issue a complaint or to add to what has been said.
  • 이런저런 불평을 하거나 덧붙이는 말.
asking for it
    asking for it; bringing something upon oneself
  • The state of suffering the consequences of what one did.
  • 자기가 한 일의 결과를 자기가 받음.
asking out
    asking out
  • The act of a man or a woman asking somebody to go on a date.
  • 남자나 여자가 상대에게 만나 줄 것을 청함.
asking price
    asking price
  • The price that is offered for selling or buying when the price of an object is not fixed.
  • 물건의 가격이 정해져 있지 않은 경우에 팔거나 사려는 값을 부름.
ask oneself
    ask oneself
  • To question oneself.
  • 자기 자신에게 묻다.
ask out
    ask out
  • For a man or a woman to ask somebody to go on a date.
  • 남자나 여자가 상대에게 만나 줄 것을 청하다.
ask politely
    ask politely
  • To ask one's elders something.
  • 웃어른에게 말씀을 드리다.
    ask politely
  • (polite form) To ask in order to find something out.
  • (높이는 말로)무엇을 알아내기 위하여 묻다.
    ask politely
  • To ask one's elders something.
  • 웃어른에게 말씀을 드리다.
    ask politely
  • (polite form) To ask in order to find something out.
  • (높이는 말로)무엇을 알아내기 위하여 묻다.
Proverbsask 'whose dog is barking'
    ask 'whose dog is barking?'
  • An expression used to refer to the attitude of a person who does not listen to what others say.
  • 남의 말을 들은 체도 하지 않는다는 말.
    aslant; obliquely; askew
  • In the state of tilting or leaning to one side, not straight.
  • 바르지 않고 한쪽으로 기울거나 쏠리게.
as little as possible
    as little as possible
  • At a minimum, or as little as possible under a certain condition.
  • 가장 적게 잡아도. 또는 일정한 조건에서 가능한 한 가장 적게.
as long as
    as long as
  • If one does something after all.
  • 어차피 그렇게 된 바에는.
ProverbsA small leak will sink a great ship
    A light drizzle will go unnoticed as it wets one's clothes; A small leak will sink a great ship
  • A small thing can become big, if it accumulates.
  • 작은 일이라도 그것이 계속되면 큰일이 된다.
a small one of inferior quality
    a small one of inferior quality
  • The smallest and most inferior one among many things.
  • 여럿 가운데 가장 작고 품질이 떨어지는 것.
ProverbsA small red pepper is more spicy
    A small red pepper is more spicy
  • A person of a small frame is more excellent and shrewd than one of a larger frame.
  • 몸집이 작은 사람이 큰 사람보다 재주가 뛰어나고 야무지다.
as many as
    as many as; whopping
  • In a state in which the number or amount is larger than one thought.
  • 생각한 것보다 그 수나 양이 많게.
    as many as; long
  • A word used to indicate that the quantity, length of time, etc., is much greater or longer than expected.
  • 분량이나 시간상의 길이 등이 예상보다 상당히 많거나 긺을 나타내는 말.
ProverbsA smiling house will have good fortune
    A smiling house will have good fortune
  • A family whose members are on good terms with each other and whose home is filled with laughter will be blessed.
  • 가족들이 서로 정답고 집안 분위기가 좋아 늘 웃음소리가 나는 집에는 복이 찾아온다.
as much
    as much; that much
  • To that extent.
  • 고만한 정도로.
as much as
    as much as; no less than
  • Far more or larger than one thought.
  • 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 많거나 크게.
as much as one can
    to the utmost; as much as one can
  • To the best of one's ability or capacity.
  • 힘이나 정도가 미치는 데까지 최대한.
    as much as one can
  • To the maximum as much as possible.
  • 가능한 범위 내에서 최대한으로.
    as far as one can; as fast as one can; as much as one can
  • As much as possible.
  • 가능한 한 최대로.
    as much as one can; to the best of one's ability
  • As much as possible.
  • 될 수 있는 대로.
as much as possible
    as much as possible
  • As much as one can.
  • 될 수 있는 대로.
as much as that
    as much as that
  • To that extent, or that much.
  • 그러한 정도로. 또는 그만한 정도로.
    as much as that
  • To that extent, or that much.
  • 그러한 정도로. 또는 그만한 정도로.
Idiomas much as the tears of a chick
    as much as the tears of a chick
  • A very small quantity.
  • 매우 적은 수량.
as much as this
    as much as this
  • To this extent; this much.
  • 이러한 정도로. 또는 이만한 정도로.
as of now
    as of now; at present
  • A certain point in time.
  • 어떤 기준으로 정해진 바로 그때.
    as of now; currently
  • Right at the time set by a certain standard.
  • 어떤 기준으로 정해진 바로 그때에.
ProverbsA soft answer turns away wrath
    You cannot spit on a smiling face; A soft answer turns away wrath
  • It is difficult to be hostile toward someone who approaches in a friendly manner.
  • 좋게 대하는 사람에게 나쁘게 대할 수 없다.
    You can repay a debt with words even if it is worth as much as one thousand nyang, a unit of old Korean coinage; A soft answer turns away wrath
  • You can solve a difficult or seemingly impossible problem if you speak in a favorable and plausible manner.
  • 말만 잘하면 어려운 일이나 불가능해 보이는 일도 해결할 수 있다.
as often as
    every time; as often as
  • On each occasion.
  • 일이 생기는 때마다.
as one
    as one; same; uniform
  • Different things or people being exactly the same in their thoughts, opinions, etc.
  • 모두가 조금도 다른 데가 없이 꼭 같다.
as one expected
    as one expected; as expected
  • As one thought.
  • 생각했던 대로.
as one likes
    as one likes
  • Haphazardly as one pleases.
  • 자기가 하고 싶은 대로 아무렇게나.
ProverbsAs one sows, so shall he reap
    Beans grow where beans were sowed, red beans grow where red beans were sowed; As one sows, so shall he reap; An onion will not produce a rose
  • Everything produces a result that corresponds to its cause.
  • 모든 일에는 원인에 걸맞은 결과가 나타난다.
    Red beans grow if red beans were sowed, beans grow if beans were sowed; As one sows, so shall he reap; An onion will not produce a rose
  • Everything has a cause and produces a result that corresponds to the cause.
  • 모든 일에는 원인이 있고 그 원인에 따라 결과가 나타난다.
Idiomas one's tongue turns
    as one's tongue turns
  • Talking recklessly without considering consequences.
  • 깊이 생각하지 않고 말을 되는대로 마구.
as one wants
    as one wants
  • As one likes.
  • 자기가 원하는 대로.
Idioma sound made when one's breath goes down
    a sound made when one's breath goes down
  • A sound one makes hurriedly as if one is about to die.
  • 곧 죽을 듯이 급하게 내는 소리.
Proverbsa sound with a bone inside
    a sound with a bone inside
  • A word that has a profound meaning.
  • 말의 내용에 심각한 뜻이 담겨 있음.
  • a sound with a bone inside
  • A word that has a malicious intention.
  • 하는 말에 악의가 들어 있음.
ProverbsA sparrow cannot just pass a mill
    A sparrow cannot just pass a mill
  • To be unable to pass by what one likes or what will benefit oneself.
  • 자기가 좋아하거나 자기에게 이익이 되는 일을 보고 그냥 지나가지 못한다.
Idiomas passing words
    as passing words; in passing
  • Mentioning something in passing while talking about something else
  • 다른 말을 하는 김에 중요하지 않게 말하며.
    side; aspect; facet
  • A certain aspect or field of a thing.
  • 일의 어떤 측면이나 방면.
    side; aspect
  • A part within a certain range.
  • 일정한 범위의 어느 부분.
    look; aspect; status
  • The way an object looks or a phenomenon unfolds.
  • 사물이나 현상의 모양이나 상태.
    one side; aspect; part
  • One side of an object, a person, or something.
  • 물체나 사람이나 일의 한 면.
    aspect; part
  • A part or case of a certain object or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상의 한 부분. 또는 한쪽 면.
aspect of affairs
    aspect of affairs; situation
  • A developing situation.
  • 어떤 일이 진행되어 가는 상황.

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