ProverbsYou cannot live with a guilty conscience
    You cannot live with a guilty conscience
  • An expression meaning you should not commit a crime or sin because the sense of guilt will distress you and make you ask forgiveness for what you have already done.
  • 죄를 지으면 마음이 불편하므로 죄를 짓지 말고, 이미 지은 죄는 용서를 받아야 한다는 말.
ProverbsYou cannot pass your habit on to a dog
    You cannot pass your habit on to a dog
  • An expression meaning a bad habit that was acquired is hard to break.
  • 한번 들인 나쁜 버릇은 고치기 어려움을 뜻하는 말.
ProverbsYou cannot scratch your own back
    A Buddhist monk cannot shave his own hair; You cannot scratch your own back
  • It may be difficult to take care of something related to oneself, so one may need help from others to get it done.
  • 자기가 자신에 관한 일을 해결하기는 어려운 일이어서 남의 손을 빌려야만 이루기 쉽다.
ProverbsYou cannot spit on a smiling face
    You cannot spit on a smiling face; A soft answer turns away wrath
  • It is difficult to be hostile toward someone who approaches in a friendly manner.
  • 좋게 대하는 사람에게 나쁘게 대할 수 없다.
ProverbsYou can pick up grains of rice that have been poured, but you cannot pick up the words that have been spoken
    You can pick up grains of rice that have been poured, but you cannot pick up the words that have been spoken
  • You should watch your words because they cannot be retracted once spoken.
  • 말은 한 번 하면 취소할 수 없으니 말을 조심히 해야 한다.
ProverbsYou can repay a debt with words even if it is worth as much as one thousand nyang, a unit of old Korean coinage
    You can repay a debt with words even if it is worth as much as one thousand nyang, a unit of old Korean coinage; A soft answer turns away wrath
  • You can solve a difficult or seemingly impossible problem if you speak in a favorable and plausible manner.
  • 말만 잘하면 어려운 일이나 불가능해 보이는 일도 해결할 수 있다.
ProverbsYou can sound water ten fathoms deep, but you cannot sound the human heart a single fathom
    You can estimate water thirty meters deep, but you cannot estimate the human mind thirty centimeters deep; You can sound water ten fathoms deep, but you cannot sound the human heart a single fathom
  • It is very difficult to know what is really on a person's mind.
  • 사람의 속마음은 알기가 매우 어렵다.
    You can estimate water one thousand meters deep, but you cannot estimate the human mind one centimeter deep; You can sound water ten fathoms deep, but you cannot sound the human heart a single fathom
  • It is very difficult to know what is really on a person's mind.
  • 사람의 속마음은 알기가 매우 어렵다.
ProverbsYou can still live with your gums if you do not have teeth
    You can still live with your gums if you do not have teeth
  • You will still find a way to solve a problem even if you do not have something essential.
  • 필요로 하는 것이 없어도 없는 대로 다른 방법으로 해결할 수 있다.
ProverbsYou get angry at others for your own mistakes
    The person who farts gets angry; You get angry at others for your own mistakes
  • To get angry at others even if one did something wrong.
  • 잘못을 저질러 놓고 오히려 남에게 화를 낸다.
you girl
    you bitch; you girl
  • (either disparaging or endearing) A pronoun that is used to refer to the listener when the listener is a woman.
  • (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 듣는 사람이 여자일 때, 그 사람을 가리키는 말.
ProverbsYou have cried wolf too many times
    not believe someon's claim that a fermented soybean lump is made from beans; You have cried wolf too many times
  • To not believe what someone says even if he/she tells the truth.
  • 아무리 사실을 말해도 믿지 않는다.
ProverbsYou have to knock on a bridge before crossing it even if it is made of stone
    You have to knock on a bridge before crossing it even if it is made of stone
  • An expression used to advise that one should double check and take caution even if one knows something well or it looks certain.
  • 잘 알거나 확실해 보이는 일이라도 한 번 더 점검하고 주의해야 한다.
ProverbsYou have to look up at the sky in order to pick a star
    You have to look up at the sky in order to pick a star
  • An expression meaning achieving a certain result requires effort, preparation, opportunities or adequate conditions provided
  • 어떠한 결과를 얻으려면 그에 어울리는 노력과 준비, 기회나 조건이 필요하다는 말.
ProverbsYou have to sleep at one place even if you may eat rice at ten different places
    You have to sleep at one place even if you may eat rice at ten different places
  • People are advised to live in a fixed residence.
  • 사람은 거처를 일정하게 정하고 지내야 한다.
you know
    well; you know
  • An exclamation used to refute the other party's opinion lightly or to inform him/her of a new piece of information.
  • 사실을 말할 때, 상대의 생각을 가볍게 반박하거나 새롭게 일깨워 주는 뜻으로 하는 말.
    well; you know
  • An exclamation used to refute the other party's opinion lightly or to inform him/her of a new piece of information.
  • 사실을 말할 때, 상대의 생각을 가볍게 반박하거나 새롭게 일깨워 주는 뜻으로 하는 말.
you know what
    you know what
  • A pronoun used to indicate a person or thing that one cannot remember right away or cannot talk about directly.
  • 금방 생각나지 않거나 직접 말하기 곤란한 사람 또는 사물을 대신 가리키는 말로 그 사람 또는 그것.
    young; green
  • Very young.
  • 나이가 매우 젊다.
  • One's appearance, attitude, etc., looking young.
  • 생김새나 태도 등이 어린 듯하다.
  • Low in age.
  • 나이가 적다.
  • young
  • Small and weak because the animal or plant has recently been born or budded.
  • 동물이나 식물 등이 난 지 얼마 되지 않아 작고 약하다.
    young; juvenile
  • Being in youth.
  • 나이가 어리다.
  • Having lived for only a short time.
  • 나이가 어리다.
  • Being in one's youthful years.
  • 나이가 한창때에 있다.
  • young
  • Looking younger than one actually is.
  • 보기에 나이가 실제 나이보다 적은 듯하다.
    young; fresh
  • (figurative) Being full of youth and livelihood.
  • (비유적으로) 젊음과 생기가 가득하다.
young adult and middle-aged
    young adult and middle-aged
  • People aged between 20 and 39.
  • 청년과 장년.
young and old
    young and old
  • Young and old people.
  • 늙은 사람과 젊은 사람.
young chicken
    chick; young chicken
  • A small-sized young chicken not fully grown up.
  • 아직 다 자라지 않아 몸집이 작은 어린 닭.
young Confucian
    young Confucian
  • A person who studies Confucianism.
  • 유교를 공부하는 사람.
  • A person who is lower in age or rank of family lineage than oneself.
  • 나이나 항렬이 자기보다 낮은 사람.
  • Having a lower age in comparison with someone else.
  • 나이가 비교 대상보다 적다.
younger brother
    younger brother
  • A brother who is younger.
  • 남자 동생.
    younger brother
  • The name a woman uses to refer to her younger brother in a conversation with others.
  • 여자가 남에게 자기의 남동생을 이르는 말.
younger brother-in-law
    younger brother-in-law
  • (polite form) A word used to refer to or address an unmarried younger brother of one's husband.
  • (높이는 말로) 남편의 결혼하지 않은 남동생을 이르거나 부르는 말.
younger daughter
    younger daughter
  • A daughter who is not the eldest among two or more daughters.
  • 둘 이상의 딸 가운데 맏이가 아닌 딸.
younger daughter-in-law
    younger son's wife; younger daughter-in-law
  • The wife of one's younger son.
  • 작은아들의 아내.
younger person
    being younger; younger person
  • The state of being younger than someone; a person who is younger than someone.
  • 자기보다 나이가 적음. 또는 그런 사람.
younger sister
    younger sister
  • A term of address used by a man in referring to his younger sister who is either a sibling born to the same parents or a relative.
  • 같은 부모에게서 태어난 사이이거나 일가친척 가운데 항렬이 같은 사이에서, 남자의 여자 동생.
    younger sister
  • A sister who is younger than oneself.
  • 여자 동생.
younger son
    younger son
  • A son who is not the eldest among two or more sons.
  • 둘 이상의 아들 가운데 맏이가 아닌 아들.
younger son's wife
    younger son's wife; younger daughter-in-law
  • The wife of one's younger son.
  • 작은아들의 아내.
youngest daughter
    youngest daughter
  • The youngest daughter born last among all sons and daughters.
  • 아들딸 가운데 맨 나중에 낳아 나이가 가장 어린 딸.
youngest son
    youngest son
  • The youngest son born last among all sons and daughters.
  • 아들딸 가운데 맨 나중에 낳아 나이가 가장 어린 아들.
young flower
    young flower
  • A young flower planted and grown in a pot before being transplanted to a flower garden.
  • 꽃밭에 옮겨 심기 위해 화분 등에 심어 키운 어린 꽃.
young generation
    new generation; young generation
  • A generation with a strong character that easily accepts new kinds of culture.
  • 새로운 문화를 쉽게 받아들이고 개성이 뚜렷한 세대.
young gentleman
    young gentleman
  • (honorific) An unmarried man.
  • (높임말로) 결혼하지 않은 남자.
young group
    young group
  • The younger, more ambitious faction of a group or organization.
  • 어떤 조직이나 단체 안에서, 젊고 패기 있는 사람들로 이루어진 파.
young herbs
    young herbs
  • A dish of potherbs, made with newly-grown, tender sprouts from trees or grass in spring.
  • 봄에 새로 난 나무나 풀의 연한 싹으로 만든 나물.
young lady
    young lady; Miss
  • A single young woman.
  • 결혼하지 않은 젊은 여자.
  • young lady
  • (archaic) A nobleman's unmarried daughter.
  • (옛날에) 결혼하지 않은 양반집 딸.
young man
    young man; young woman
  • A person of a young age.
  • 나이가 젊은 사람.
young noble
    young noble
  • A man born in a noble family; a child of an aristocrat.
  • 귀한 집안에 태어난 남자. 귀족의 자제.
young person
    young person; immature person
  • A person who is still young or looks young.
  • 아직 어리거나 어려 보이는 사람.
    tender physical constitution; young person
  • One's physical constitution of having soft bones because one is at a tender age; such a person.
  • 나이가 어려 아직 뼈가 굳지 않은 체질. 또는 그런 사람.
    young person; minor
  • A person who is young.
  • 나이가 어린 사람.
    young person; youth
  • A young person who is mature both physically and mentally.
  • 육체적으로나 정신적으로 다 자란 젊은 사람.
young prince
    young prince
  • A good-looking, refined man with presence.
  • 용모나 풍채가 뛰어나고 고상한 남자.
young radish
    young radish
  • Young radish whose soft leaves rather than roots are used for making gimchi/kimchi.
  • 잎이 연해서 뿌리보다 잎을 주로 이용하여 김치 등을 담그는 어린 무.
    young radish
  • A small radish with a lot of fine roots; the entire body along with its leaves and stems are pickled into gimchi/kimchi.
  • 잎과 줄기가 달린 채로 김치를 담그는, 크기가 작고 잔뿌리가 많은 무.
young walleyed pollack
    young walleyed pollack
  • The young of a walleyed pollack.
  • 명태의 새끼.
young widow
    young widow
  • A woman whose husband passed away when she was young and who has not remarried.
  • 젊은 나이에 남편을 잃고 혼자된 여자.
    young widow
  • A woman whose husband passed away when she was young and who has not remarried.
  • 젊은 나이에 남편을 잃고 혼자된 여자.
young woman
    young woman
  • The age around twenty of a female.
  • 스무 살 안팎의 여자 나이.
    young man; young woman
  • A person of a young age.
  • 나이가 젊은 사람.
  • A word used when mentioning the counterpart or his/her company or organization in an honorific way.
  • 상대편이나 그 소속 기관을 높이는 뜻을 나타내는 말.
  • A pronoun used to indicate many people when listeners of the same age or younger are included.
  • 듣는 사람이 친구나 아랫사람일 때, 듣는 사람을 포함한 여러 사람들을 가리키는 말.
ProverbsYour child is yours only when heshe is in your bosom
    Your child is yours only when he/she is in your bosom
  • Children obey their parents when they are young, but do as they want when they grow older.
  • 자식이 어렸을 때는 부모의 뜻을 따르지만 자라서는 제 뜻대로 행동하려 함.
ProverbsYour ears will be fed up with a good song if it is repeated three times
    Your ears will be fed up with a good song if it is repeated three times
  • Even something good will feel wearisome if prolonged or repeated.
  • 아무리 좋은 것이라도 지루하게 끌거나 자꾸 반복하면 싫어진다.
Your Excellency
    Your Excellency; Your Grace; Your Honor
  • A word used to refer to or address high-ranking officials.
  • 특정한 높은 지위의 관료를 높여 부르는 말.
your father
    your father; his/her father
  • (slightly respectful) A word used by parents to refer to or address their married son who has a child.
  • (조금 대접하는 말로) 결혼하여 자식이 있는 아들을 그의 부모가 이르거나 부르는 말.
    your father
  • (polite form) Another person's father.
  • (높이는 말로) 남의 아버지.
Your Grace
    Your Excellency; Your Grace; Your Honor
  • A word used to refer to or address high-ranking officials.
  • 특정한 높은 지위의 관료를 높여 부르는 말.
your highness
    your majesty; your highness
  • (archaic, reverent form) A king or his family.
  • (옛날에 높이는 말로) 임금이나 그 가족.
    his highness; your highness
  • (polite form) A word used in the Joseon Dynasty of Korea to refer to or address a prince who will inherit the crown.
  • (높이는 말로) 조선 시대에, 다음에 왕이 될 왕세자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
    your highness; your majesty
  • A word used to refer to or address an emperor or empress with respect.
  • 황제나 황후를 높여 부르는 말.
Your Honor
    Your Excellency; Your Grace; Your Honor
  • A word used to refer to or address high-ranking officials.
  • 특정한 높은 지위의 관료를 높여 부르는 말.
your majesty
    your majesty; your highness
  • (archaic, reverent form) A king or his family.
  • (옛날에 높이는 말로) 임금이나 그 가족.
    your majesty; his highness
  • (honorific) A king.
  • (높임말로) 임금.
    your majesty; his majesty
  • (polite form) A word used to refer to or address a king in the Joseon Dynasty of Korea.
  • (높이는 말로) 조선 시대에, 왕을 이르거나 부르는 말.
    your highness; your majesty
  • A word used to refer to or address an emperor or empress with respect.
  • 황제나 황후를 높여 부르는 말.

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