항공 용어
transmissometer, turbulent separation, waggle, wide body
traffic management unit, traffic no factor, traffic no longer observed, transfer of radar identification
tilt, timatic, time group, torching
the United State of America transportation request, throttle lever, throttle valve, through route
taxi patterns, terminal operations, terrain following, tetrahedron
subject to load, swing nose, swing tail, target resolution
step taxi, step turn, stereo route, stop altitude squawk
singapore aviation academy, split flap, squall, squall line
selected ground delays, short range clearance, short shipped, short simplified approach lighting system with flasher
route action notification, sail back, seaplane, segment
quick look, radar point out, radio, road reconnaissance
point out, polar trough aloft, power lever, quadrant
pitch out, plan position indicator scope, plane, pod
overlying center, oxygen equipment, parallel offset route, pass behind/in front of (descriptions)
operational planning & utilization system, orbit flight, out-bound carrier, over shoot
noncomposite separation, nonmovement areas, numerous targets vicinity (location), off line
navigable airspace, negative contact, next data authority, no subject to load
monitor alert, monitor alert parameter, monitor alert parameter, national search and rescue plan
meter list display interval, mileage system, minimums, minutes-in-trail
make short approach, manufacture empty weight, meter fix arc, meter fix time/slot time