mild casemild fevermildlymildnessmilemileagemilestonemilitantmilitarismmilitarizationmilitarizemilitarymilitary academymilitary achievementmilitary affairsmilitary alliancemilitary artsmilitary authoritiesmilitary bandmilitary basemilitary bootsmilitary campmilitary capabilitymilitary commandMilitary Demarcation Linemilitary dictatorshipmilitary disciplinemilitary engineermilitary expeditionmilitary facilitymilitary forcemilitary fundsmilitary gearmilitary governmentmilitary instructormilitary lawmilitary musicmilitary necessitiesmilitary officermilitary ordermilitary planemilitary policemilitary powermilitary prisonmilitary provisionsmilitary purposemilitary ricemilitary salutemilitary sciencemilitary secretmilitary serial numbermilitary servicemilitary service numbermilitary songmilitary spendingmilitary strategy and tacticsmilitary strengthmilitary suppliesmilitary supplymilitary traineemilitary trialmilitary uniformmilitary violence
mild case
mild fever
2. 나긋나긋
- With a very kind and soft personality or attitude.
- 성격이나 태도가 매우 상냥하고 부드러운 모양.
mildly; amiably
3. 순순히²
- In such a manner that one is very kind and tender when scolding someone.
- 타이르는 태도가 아주 다정하고 친절하게.
4. 원만히
- In the state of one's personality being gentle and generous.
- 성격이 부드럽고 너그럽게.
mildly; gently
- One's personality, attitude, etc., being warm-hearted and gentle.
- 성격이나 태도 등이 따뜻하고 부드러움.
- An important moment or time when a person can move in a new direction in doing something.
- 어떤 일에 있어 새로운 방향으로 나아갈 수 있는 중요한 시점이나 시기.
turning point; milestone
- An ideology or policy that focuses on war and military preparation, with the main goal of strong military power,
- 강한 군사력을 나라의 주된 목표로 삼고 전쟁과 그에 대한 대비를 가장 중요시하는 사상이나 정책.
- An act of being outfitted with equipment, etc. for a war or battle, or such equipment.
- 전쟁이나 전투를 하기 위한 장비 등을 갖춤. 또는 그 장비.
being armed; militarization
- To make another person outfitted with equipment, etc. for a war or battle.
- 전쟁이나 전투를 하기 위한 장비 등을 갖추게 하다.
armor; militarize
1. 군¹
- A group of soldiers organized according to a certain command system and rules.
- 일정한 지휘 계통과 규율에 따라 조직된 군인들의 집단.
military; army
2. 군대
- An orderly group of soldiers who strictly abide by the rules.
- 일정한 규율과 질서가 있는 군인들의 집단.
military; troops
4. 군사적²
- Being related to military affairs such as military forces, war, etc.
- 군대, 전쟁 등 군의 일과 관계되는.
military academy
- A four-year military school, which is built to train the officers of the army, navy, and air force.
- 육군, 해군, 공군의 장교를 길러 내기 위한 4년제 군사 학교.
military academy
military achievement
- An achievement in military-related matters such as war, etc.
- 전쟁 등 군사와 관련된 일에서 세운 공적.
military achievement
military affairs
military alliance
- A promise of two or more countries to help each other in cases of a third country's attack or defense from a third country.
- 두 나라 이상이 그 이외의 다른 나라에 대한 공격이나 다른 나라로부터의 방어에 대해 서로 돕기로 하는 약속.
military alliance
military arts
- The state or quality of excelling at martial arts and being brave.
- 무예가 뛰어나고 용감함.
military arts
military authorities
1. 군¹
- The leadership of a military service that is in charge of military matters, or a force centered around such a leadership.
- 군사에 관련한 일을 맡은 군의 지도부. 또는 그것을 중심으로 한 세력.
the military; military authorities
2. 군부
- The authorities of the military that are in charge of military matters, or the major forces around the authorities.
- 군사에 관한 일을 총괄하여 맡아보는 군의 지도부. 또는 그것을 중심으로 한 핵심 세력.
military authorities
military band
- A group organized with soldiers that play military music.
- 군악을 연주하는 군인들로 조직된 부대.
military band
military base
- An area with a military facility that is important for national defense strategies or tactics.
- 국방 전략이나 전술상 중요한 군사 시설을 갖춘 지역.
military base
military boots
military camp
1. 군부대
- An army consisting of a certain number of soldiers or where the army stays.
- 일정한 규모로 이루어진 군대 조직. 또는 그런 조직이 머물러 있는 곳.
military camp
2. 군영
- A place where the military stays for a certain period during military action or training.
- 훈련이나 작전을 하는 동안 군대가 일정 기간 머무르는 곳.
military camp
3. 부대³
- An army consisting of a certain number of soldiers or where the army stays.
- 조직을 이루고 있는 군인 집단. 또는 군인 집단이 머물러 있는 시설.
military camp
military capability
- The power and capacity of weapons such as guns, cannons, bombs, etc.
- 총, 포, 폭탄 등의 무기의 힘과 성능.
firepower; military capability
military command
- An order made to command military forces.
- 군대를 지휘하기 위한 명령.
- An order issued by a head of state to the military.
- 국가의 원수가 군대에 내리는 명령.
military command; military order
military command
Military Demarcation Line
- The military line set when two countries in the middle of a war agree to a truce.
- 전쟁을 하던 두 나라 사이에 휴전을 협정할 때 설정하는 군사 활동의 한계선.
Military Demarcation Line
military dictatorship
- A form of government in which the political authority is concentrated on one former military person or a minority of former military men.
- 군인 출신의 일인 또는 소수 인원에게 정치권력이 집중되어 있는 정치 형태.
military dictatorship
military discipline
military engineer
- The battalion whose missions include civil engineering, construction, measurement, demolition, explosives, etc., or a solider who belongs to the battalion.
- 군대에서 토목, 건설, 측량, 폭파 등의 임무를 맡은 부대. 또는 그에 속한 군인.
military engineer
military expedition
military facility
- A facility made for military work such as the army, war, etc.
- 군대나 전쟁 등 군의 일을 위해 만든 시설.
military facility
military force
military funds
military gear
military government
- The military wielding legislative, jurisdictive and administrative authority in governing a certain area.
- 군대가 일정 지역을 다스리면서 모든 입법, 사법, 행정의 권한을 행사하는 것.
military government
military instructor
- A military official in charge of training or educating soldiers in military forces.
- 군대에서 군사들을 교육하거나 훈련하는 일을 맡은 장교.
drillmaster; military instructor
military law
military music
- Music used in the military to increase military pride or morale.
- 군대에서 군대 의식이나 군대의 사기를 높이는 데에 쓰는 음악.
military music
military necessities
- Necessities for maintaining the military or fighting war.
- 군대를 유지하고 전쟁을 하기 위해 쓰이는 것.
military necessities
military officer
- An officer in the military who is in charge of military matters.
- 군에 소속되어 군사 일을 담당하는 관리.
military officer
military order
military plane
- A plane used for military purposes such as combat aircraft, bombers, etc.
- 전투기, 폭격기 등 군사적 목적에 쓰이는 비행기.
military plane
military police
- The branch that acts as the police within the military; or the soldiers serving in such a branch.
- 군대 안에서 경찰의 역할을 하는 병과. 또는 거기에 소속된 군인.
military police
military power
- The power to fight a war, which consists of the military strength, weaponry, and economic power of the military.
- 군대의 병력, 무기, 경제력의 정도를 합한, 전쟁을 치를 수 있는 힘.
military power
military prison
- A military prison into which a soldier is put when he/she has done something against military law.
- 군법을 어긴 군인을 가두어 두는 군대 안의 감옥.
military prison
military provisions
military purpose
military rice
military salute
- A salute mostly done by people in uniforms, raising and placing a fully-stretched right hand at the eyebrow.
- 흔히 군복이나 제복을 입은 사람들이 오른손 손바닥을 곧게 펴고 눈썹 언저리까지 들어 올려서 하는 경례.
military salute
military science
- The science of studying theories related to military matters such as military organization, warfare, etc.
- 군대, 전쟁 등 군의 일과 관련된 이론을 연구하는 학문.
military science
military secret
- A secret related to the military or national defense that should be kept for the security of the nation.
- 국가의 안전 보장을 위해 지켜야 하는, 군사나 국방과 관련된 비밀.
military secret
military serial number
- An identification number given to each soldier.
- 군인 개개인에게 주어지는 고유 번호.
military service number; military serial number
military service
military service number
- An identification number given to each soldier.
- 군인 개개인에게 주어지는 고유 번호.
military service number; military serial number
military song
military spending
military strategy and tactics
- A method to command troops and lead a war.
- 군사를 지휘하여 전투를 이끌어 나가는 방법.
military strategy and tactics
military strength
- The number of soldiers; the strength of an army based on the number of its soldiers.
- 군인의 수. 또는 그로부터 나오는 군대의 힘.
strength of an army; military strength
military supplies
- Supplies necessary for maintaining the military or fighting wars.
- 군대를 유지하고 전쟁을 하기 위해 필요한 물품.
military supplies
military supply
military trainee
- A student who is educated and trained to be a military officer at a national military, naval or air-force academy.
- 장교가 되기 위해 육군, 해군, 공군의 사관 학교에서 교육과 훈련을 받는 학생.
cadet; military trainee
military trial
- A trial that judges a criminal who broke the military law.
- 군법을 어긴 범죄자를 심판하는 재판.
- An international trial held to judge a war criminal.
- 전쟁 범죄자를 심판하기 위해 열리는 국제적인 재판.
military trial
military trial
military uniform
military violence
- (figurative) The violence committed by the military or the police.
- (비유적으로) 군인이나 경찰의 폭력.
military violence
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