mild case
    slight illness; mild case
  • The symptom of a disease which is not severe.
  • 심하지 않은 병의 증세.
mild fever
    slight fever; mild fever
  • A fever in the body, which is not severe.
  • 그다지 높지 않게 몸에서 나는 열.
    gently; mildly
  • In the manner of looking or feeling soft.
  • 인상이나 느낌이 은근하게.
    mildly; amiably
  • With a very kind and soft personality or attitude.
  • 성격이나 태도가 매우 상냥하고 부드러운 모양.
  • In such a manner that one is very kind and tender when scolding someone.
  • 타이르는 태도가 아주 다정하고 친절하게.
    mildly; gently
  • In the state of one's personality being gentle and generous.
  • 성격이 부드럽고 너그럽게.
  • One's personality, attitude, etc., being warm-hearted and gentle.
  • 성격이나 태도 등이 따뜻하고 부드러움.
Bound Noun의존 명사
  • A bound noun that serves as a unit of distance.
  • 거리의 단위.
  • Bonus points that are accumulated according to purchase of product or card transaction history.
  • 상품을 구매하거나 카드를 사용하는 실적에 따라 쌓이는 보너스 점수.
    mileage; gas mileage; fuel efficiency
  • The distance that a car travels on a certain amount of fuel.
  • 자동차가 일정한 양의 연료를 써서 움직이는 거리.
    turning point; milestone
  • An important moment or time when a person can move in a new direction in doing something.
  • 어떤 일에 있어 새로운 방향으로 나아갈 수 있는 중요한 시점이나 시기.
    feisty; militant
  • Being like engaging in a battle.
  • 전투를 하는 것과 같은.
  • An ideology or policy that focuses on war and military preparation, with the main goal of strong military power,
  • 강한 군사력을 나라의 주된 목표로 삼고 전쟁과 그에 대한 대비를 가장 중요시하는 사상이나 정책.
    being armed; militarization
  • An act of being outfitted with equipment, etc. for a war or battle, or such equipment.
  • 전쟁이나 전투를 하기 위한 장비 등을 갖춤. 또는 그 장비.
    armor; militarize
  • To make another person outfitted with equipment, etc. for a war or battle.
  • 전쟁이나 전투를 하기 위한 장비 등을 갖추게 하다.
    military; army
  • A group of soldiers organized according to a certain command system and rules.
  • 일정한 지휘 계통과 규율에 따라 조직된 군인들의 집단.
    military; troops
  • An orderly group of soldiers who strictly abide by the rules.
  • 일정한 규율과 질서가 있는 군인들의 집단.
    soldier; military; army
  • (archaic) A soldier or military.
  • (옛날에) 군인이나 군대.
  • Being related to military affairs such as military forces, war, etc.
  • 군대, 전쟁 등 군의 일과 관계되는.
military academy
    military academy
  • A four-year military school, which is built to train the officers of the army, navy, and air force.
  • 육군, 해군, 공군의 장교를 길러 내기 위한 4년제 군사 학교.
military achievement
    military achievement
  • An achievement in military-related matters such as war, etc.
  • 전쟁 등 군사와 관련된 일에서 세운 공적.
military affairs
    military affairs
  • Affairs involving the military, armaments, etc.
  • 군대나 군비 등의 군과 관련된 업무.
    military affairs
  • Things or matters involving the military, armaments, etc.
  • 군대나 군비 등의 군과 관련된 일.
military alliance
    military alliance
  • A promise of two or more countries to help each other in cases of a third country's attack or defense from a third country.
  • 두 나라 이상이 그 이외의 다른 나라에 대한 공격이나 다른 나라로부터의 방어에 대해 서로 돕기로 하는 약속.
military arts
    military arts
  • The state or quality of excelling at martial arts and being brave.
  • 무예가 뛰어나고 용감함.
military authorities
    the military; military authorities
  • The leadership of a military service that is in charge of military matters, or a force centered around such a leadership.
  • 군사에 관련한 일을 맡은 군의 지도부. 또는 그것을 중심으로 한 세력.
    military authorities
  • The authorities of the military that are in charge of military matters, or the major forces around the authorities.
  • 군사에 관한 일을 총괄하여 맡아보는 군의 지도부. 또는 그것을 중심으로 한 핵심 세력.
military band
    military band
  • A group organized with soldiers that play military music.
  • 군악을 연주하는 군인들로 조직된 부대.
military base
    military base
  • An area with a military facility that is important for national defense strategies or tactics.
  • 국방 전략이나 전술상 중요한 군사 시설을 갖춘 지역.
military boots
    military boots
  • Shoes that soldiers wear, made to be convenient in battling.
  • 전투하기 편리하게 만든, 군인이 신는 신발.
    military boots
  • The feet that are wearing military boots.
  • 군화를 신은 발.
military camp
    military camp
  • An army consisting of a certain number of soldiers or where the army stays.
  • 일정한 규모로 이루어진 군대 조직. 또는 그런 조직이 머물러 있는 곳.
    military camp
  • A place where the military stays for a certain period during military action or training.
  • 훈련이나 작전을 하는 동안 군대가 일정 기간 머무르는 곳.
    military camp
  • An army consisting of a certain number of soldiers or where the army stays.
  • 조직을 이루고 있는 군인 집단. 또는 군인 집단이 머물러 있는 시설.
    military camp
  • A place where the military stays.
  • 군대가 진을 치고 있는 곳.
military capability
    firepower; military capability
  • The power and capacity of weapons such as guns, cannons, bombs, etc.
  • 총, 포, 폭탄 등의 무기의 힘과 성능.
military command
    military command; military order
  • An order made to command military forces.
  • 군대를 지휘하기 위한 명령.
  • military command
  • An order issued by a head of state to the military.
  • 국가의 원수가 군대에 내리는 명령.
Military Demarcation Line
    Military Demarcation Line
  • The military line set when two countries in the middle of a war agree to a truce.
  • 전쟁을 하던 두 나라 사이에 휴전을 협정할 때 설정하는 군사 활동의 한계선.
military dictatorship
    military dictatorship
  • A form of government in which the political authority is concentrated on one former military person or a minority of former military men.
  • 군인 출신의 일인 또는 소수 인원에게 정치권력이 집중되어 있는 정치 형태.
military discipline
    military discipline
  • Discipline and regulations of an army.
  • 군대의 규율과 법도.
    military discipline
  • Discipline or order of the military that all soldiers have to observe.
  • 모든 군인이 지켜야 할 군대 내의 규범이나 질서.
military engineer
    military engineer
  • The battalion whose missions include civil engineering, construction, measurement, demolition, explosives, etc., or a solider who belongs to the battalion.
  • 군대에서 토목, 건설, 측량, 폭파 등의 임무를 맡은 부대. 또는 그에 속한 군인.
military expedition
    military expedition
  • The act of travelling a long distance to fight in a war.
  • 먼 곳으로 전쟁을 하러 나감.
military facility
    military facility
  • A facility made for military work such as the army, war, etc.
  • 군대나 전쟁 등 군의 일을 위해 만든 시설.
military force
    military force
  • A military force.
  • 군사적인 힘.
military funds
    military funds
  • Money necessary for military purposes.
  • 군사적인 목적에 필요한 돈.
military gear
    military gear
  • Gear or equipment that a soldier has to have.
  • 군인이 갖추어야 할 복장이나 장비.
military government
    military government
  • The military wielding legislative, jurisdictive and administrative authority in governing a certain area.
  • 군대가 일정 지역을 다스리면서 모든 입법, 사법, 행정의 권한을 행사하는 것.
military instructor
    drillmaster; military instructor
  • A military official in charge of training or educating soldiers in military forces.
  • 군대에서 군사들을 교육하거나 훈련하는 일을 맡은 장교.
military law
    military law
  • Law applied in the military.
  • 군 내부에서 적용되는 형법.
military music
    military music
  • Music used in the military to increase military pride or morale.
  • 군대에서 군대 의식이나 군대의 사기를 높이는 데에 쓰는 음악.
military necessities
    military necessities
  • Necessities for maintaining the military or fighting war.
  • 군대를 유지하고 전쟁을 하기 위해 쓰이는 것.
military officer
    military officer
  • An officer in the military who is in charge of military matters.
  • 군에 소속되어 군사 일을 담당하는 관리.
military order
    military command; military order
  • An order made to command military forces.
  • 군대를 지휘하기 위한 명령.
military plane
    military plane
  • A plane used for military purposes such as combat aircraft, bombers, etc.
  • 전투기, 폭격기 등 군사적 목적에 쓰이는 비행기.
military police
    military police
  • The branch that acts as the police within the military; or the soldiers serving in such a branch.
  • 군대 안에서 경찰의 역할을 하는 병과. 또는 거기에 소속된 군인.
military power
    military power
  • The power to fight a war, which consists of the military strength, weaponry, and economic power of the military.
  • 군대의 병력, 무기, 경제력의 정도를 합한, 전쟁을 치를 수 있는 힘.
military prison
    military prison
  • A military prison into which a soldier is put when he/she has done something against military law.
  • 군법을 어긴 군인을 가두어 두는 군대 안의 감옥.
military provisions
    military provisions
  • Food for soldiers.
  • 군인들을 위한 식량.
military purpose
    military purpose
  • The state of being used for military purposes.
  • 군사적인 목적에 쓰이는 것.
military rice
    military rice
  • Rice for soldiers' meals.
  • 군인을 위한 양식으로 쓰는 쌀.
military salute
    military salute
  • A salute mostly done by people in uniforms, raising and placing a fully-stretched right hand at the eyebrow.
  • 흔히 군복이나 제복을 입은 사람들이 오른손 손바닥을 곧게 펴고 눈썹 언저리까지 들어 올려서 하는 경례.
military science
    military science
  • The science of studying theories related to military matters such as military organization, warfare, etc.
  • 군대, 전쟁 등 군의 일과 관련된 이론을 연구하는 학문.
military secret
    military secret
  • A secret related to the military or national defense that should be kept for the security of the nation.
  • 국가의 안전 보장을 위해 지켜야 하는, 군사나 국방과 관련된 비밀.
military serial number
    military service number; military serial number
  • An identification number given to each soldier.
  • 군인 개개인에게 주어지는 고유 번호.
military service
    military service
  • An act of working at the army as a soldier for a certain period of time.
  • 일정한 기간 동안 군인이 되어 군대에서 일하는 것.
    military service
  • A citizen's liability to serve in the army for a certain period of time.
  • 일정한 기간 동안 군대에서 일해야 하는 국민의 의무.
military service number
    military service number; military serial number
  • An identification number given to each soldier.
  • 군인 개개인에게 주어지는 고유 번호.
military song
    military song
  • A song to boost the morale of soldiers.
  • 군인들의 사기를 높이기 위한 노래.
military spending
    military spending
  • The money spent to maintain the military or to fight wars.
  • 군대를 유지하거나 전쟁을 벌이는 데 쓰는 돈.
    military spending
  • The money spent to maintain the military or to fight wars.
  • 군대를 유지하거나 전쟁을 벌이는 데 쓰는 돈.
military strategy and tactics
    military strategy and tactics
  • A method to command troops and lead a war.
  • 군사를 지휘하여 전투를 이끌어 나가는 방법.
military strength
    strength of an army; military strength
  • The number of soldiers; the strength of an army based on the number of its soldiers.
  • 군인의 수. 또는 그로부터 나오는 군대의 힘.
military supplies
    military supplies
  • Supplies necessary for maintaining the military or fighting wars.
  • 군대를 유지하고 전쟁을 하기 위해 필요한 물품.
military supply
    military supply
  • The supply of goods or food for the army.
  • 군에 필요한 물건이나 음식 등을 공급함.
military trainee
    cadet; military trainee
  • A student who is educated and trained to be a military officer at a national military, naval or air-force academy.
  • 장교가 되기 위해 육군, 해군, 공군의 사관 학교에서 교육과 훈련을 받는 학생.
military trial
    military trial
  • A trial that judges a criminal who broke the military law.
  • 군법을 어긴 범죄자를 심판하는 재판.
  • military trial
  • An international trial held to judge a war criminal.
  • 전쟁 범죄자를 심판하기 위해 열리는 국제적인 재판.
military uniform
    military uniform
  • The uniform worn by soldiers.
  • 군인들이 입는 제복.
military violence
    military violence
  • (figurative) The violence committed by the military or the police.
  • (비유적으로) 군인이나 경찰의 폭력.

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