old handold home of one's motheroldishold ladyold lawold loveold lyricsold maidold manold modelold motherold novelold oneold orderold parentsold personold pine treeold rivalold sayingold schoolold shoeold soldierold songold stockOld Stone Ageold storyold structureold styleold systemold taleOld Testamentold thingold-timerold timesold treeold typeold womanoligopolyoliveolive oilOlympicsomeletteomelette riceomenominous
old hand
1. 고참
- A person who has been in an organization for a long time.
- 한 조직에 오래전부터 있었던 사람.
old hand; old-timer
2. 백전노장
- An experienced person who has been through all kinds of difficulties like an experienced general who has fought numerous battles.
- 수많은 싸움을 치른 노련한 장수처럼 온갖 어려운 일을 많이 겪은 노련한 사람.
veteran; old hand; old-timer
3. 베테랑
- A person who is highly skillful in a certain field, from working in that field for a long time.
- 어떤 분야에서 오랫동안 일하여 기술이 뛰어나고 능숙한 사람.
veteran; old hand
old home of one's mother
- The home where one's mother's parents, siblings, etc., live.
- 어머니의 부모, 형제 등이 살고 있는 집.
old home of one's mother
old lady
1. 노마님
- (polite form) An aged lady from a family of high social status.
- (높이는 말로) 지위와 신분이 높은 집안의 나이 많은 부인.
old lady; dowager
3. 할머니
- (affectionate) A word used to refer to or address an old woman.
- (친근하게 이르는 말로) 늙은 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
old woman; old lady; granny
4. 할머님
- (honorific) (affectionate) A word used to refer to or address an old woman.
- (높임말로) (친근하게 이르는 말로) 늙은 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
old woman; old lady
old law
old love
- Love of the past; former love; a person one used to love.
- 예전에 했던 사랑. 또는 예전에 사랑하던 사람.
bygone love; old love
old lyrics
old maid
1. 낭자
- (archaic) An old honorific address term referring to an unmarried adult woman.
- (옛날에) 결혼하지 않은 성인 여자를 높여 이르던 말.
old maid
2. 노처녀
- A single woman who is past marriageable age but has not married.
- 결혼할 나이를 훨씬 넘겼지만 결혼하지 않은 여자.
old maid; spinster
3. 올드미스
- A single woman who is past prime marriageable age but has not married.
- 결혼할 나이를 훨씬 넘겼지만 결혼하지 않은 여자.
old maid; spinster
old man
1. 고물²
- (figurative) A person who becomes useless in a society, or old.
- (비유적으로) 사회에서 쓸모없이 된 사람이나 나이가 든 사람.
old man; good-for-nothing
4. 할아버님
- (honorific) (affectionate) A word used to refer to or address an old man.
- (높임말로) (친근하게 이르는 말로) 늙은 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
old man; elderly man
5. 할아버지
- (affectionate) A word used to refer to or address an old man.
- (친근하게 이르는 말로) 늙은 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
old man; elderly man
old model
old mother
old novel
old one
old order
old parents
old person
old pine tree
old rival
- Another party whom one has competed against for a long time in terms of skills or power.
- 오래전부터 재주나 힘을 겨루어 온 상대.
old rival
old saying
old school
- A group of people following the thoughts or methods of the past.
- 옛날부터 전해 내려오는 생각이나 방식을 따르는 무리.
old school
old shoe
- (figurative) Something that is so useless that one would not hesitate to discard it.
- (비유적으로) 값어치가 없어 버려도 아깝지 않은 것.
nothing; old shoe
old soldier
old song
old stock
Old Stone Age
- The ancient Stone Age in which people made tools by breaking stones.
- 돌을 깨뜨려서 도구를 만들어 쓰던 가장 오래 전의 석기 시대.
Old Stone Age; Paleolithic Age
old story
2. 옛날이야기
- A story that is said to have happened a long time ago or a story made up to be a true story of long ago.
- 옛날에 있었던 일이라고 전해지거나 있었다고 꾸며서 하는 이야기.
old story
3. 옛이야기
- A story that is said to have happened a long time ago or a story made up to be a true story of long ago.
- 옛날에 있었던 일이라고 전해지거나 있었다고 꾸며서 하는 이야기.
old story
old structure
- An organizational system and order of the past, far behind the times.
- 시대에 뒤떨어진 과거의 조직 체계와 질서.
old structure; old system
old style
old system
old tale
Old Testament
1. 구약
- In Christianity, God's words, given before the birth of Jesus Christ, to save the Israelites.
- 기독교에서, 예수가 나기 전에 하나님이 이스라엘 민족에게 준 구원의 약속.
- In Christianity, the Bible that records the history of the Israelites before the birth of Jesus Christ and the words and promises of God.
- 기독교에서, 예수가 나기 전에 이스라엘 민족의 역사와 하나님의 말씀과 약속을 기록한 경전.
Old Testament
Old Testament
2. 구약 성경
- In Christianity, the Bible that records the history of the Israelites before the birth of Jesus Christ and the words and promises of God.
- 기독교에서, 예수가 나기 전의 이스라엘 민족의 역사와 하나님의 말씀과 약속을 기록한 경전.
Old Testament
3. 구약 성서
- In Christianity, the Bible that records the history of the Israelites before the birth of Jesus Christ and the words and promises of God.
- 기독교에서, 예수가 나기 전의 이스라엘 민족의 역사와 하나님의 말씀과 약속을 기록한 경전.
Old Testament
old thing
1. 고참
- A person who has been in an organization for a long time.
- 한 조직에 오래전부터 있었던 사람.
old hand; old-timer
2. 백전노장
- An experienced person who has been through all kinds of difficulties like an experienced general who has fought numerous battles.
- 수많은 싸움을 치른 노련한 장수처럼 온갖 어려운 일을 많이 겪은 노련한 사람.
veteran; old hand; old-timer
old times
old tree
old type
old woman
- A state in which the market is controlled by a few companies.
- 소수의 기업에 의해 시장이 지배되는 상태.
- An evergreen tree growing along the shore of the Mediterranean, whose fruits are used for extracting oil.
- 지중해 연안에서 주로 자라고 열매로는 기름을 짜는, 사계절 내내 푸른 나무.
- An evergreen tree growing along the shore of the Mediterranean, whose fruits are used for extracting oil.
- 올리브 나무의 열매.
olive oil
- An international sporting event which is held every four years.
- 4년에 한 번씩 열리는 국제적인 운동 경기 대회.
- A dish made by frying chopped meat, vegetables, etc., and then wrapping them with a thin layer of fried egg.
- 고기나 야채 등을 잘게 썰어 볶은 후 얇게 부친 계란으로 싼 요리.
omelette rice
- A dish made by frying rice with meat, vegetables, etc., and then wrapping them with a thin layer of fried egg.
- 밥을 고기나 야채 등과 함께 볶고 그 위에 얇게 부친 계란을 씌운 요리.
omelette rice
1. 기운²
- A movement or atmosphere that signals something is going to happen.
- 어떤 일이 일어나려고 하는 움직임이나 분위기.
omen; implication
2. 전조
- A vibe or feeling that makes one think something may happen.
- 어떤 일이 일어날 것 같은 분위기나 느낌.
omen; sign
3. 징조
- An atmosphere or feeling that suggests something is likely to happen.
- 어떤 일이 일어날 것 같은 분위기나 느낌.
omen; sign
4. 징후
- Something that indicates that something happened or is likely to happen.
- 어떤 일이 일어났거나 일어날 것을 나타내는 현상.
omen; sign
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