on earth
    on earth
  • An exclamation used to express that one is wondering about and emphasizing something.
  • 물으면서 강조할 때 쓰는 말.
one aspect
    one side; one aspect
  • One facet of a certain matter.
  • 어떤 일의 한쪽 면.
    one side; one aspect; being on one hand
  • One facet of a certain matter.
  • 어떤 일의 한 측면.
one at a time
    one at a time; separately
  • One by one.
  • 하나씩 하나씩.
    one at a time
  • One by one in a certain order.
  • 차례에 따라 하나씩 순서 있게.
    one at a time; separately
  • One by one.
  • 하나씩 하나씩.
ProverbsOne beats the bush and another catches the birds
    A bear does a handspring and its owner takes the money; One beats the bush and another catches the birds
  • An expression used to describe a situation where a person is not paid for what he/she has done while another person wrongfully benefits from it.
  • 수고하여 일한 사람은 따로 있고 그에 대한 보상은 다른 사람이 받는다.
ProverbsOne becomes black if one goes to a black place, and one becomes white if one goes to a white place
    One becomes black if one goes to a black place, and one becomes white if one goes to a white place
  • People tend to be influenced by circumstances or the people surrounding them.
  • 사람은 환경이나 주변 사람의 영향을 많이 받는다.
one bite
    a little; a bit; one spoonful; one bite
  • A small amount of food that is equivalent to a spoonful.
  • 숟가락으로 한 번 뜬 정도의 적은 음식.
IdiomOne bites someone's tail and then someone else bites one's tail
    One bites someone's tail and then someone else bites one's tail
  • To continue.
  • 계속 이어지다.
one blood
    same root; one blood
  • The same lineage.
  • 같은 계통.
one blow
    one stroke; one blow
  • An act of making one attack or such an attack.
  • 한 번 공격함. 또는 그런 공격.
one body
    one body
  • One body.
  • 한 몸.
one by one
    singly; individually; one by one
  • One person by one person.
  • 한 사람씩 한 사람씩.
    one by one; in detail
  • On each and every item.
  • 각각의 항목마다 다.
    one by one
  • In a manner of picking up things at one time which have been dispersed here and there.
  • 여기저기 널린 물건을 하나하나 집어 드는 모양.
    each; one by one
  • Every single item that constitutes the whole of something.
  • 전체를 이루고 있는 낱낱의 대상.
    singly; individually; one by one
  • One person by one person.
  • 한 사람씩 한 사람씩.
ProverbsOne cannot hide one's age
    One cannot hide one's age
  • One's age is bound to be revealed from one's behavior or words however hard one tries to hide it.
  • 나이를 아무리 속이려고 해도 행동이나 말에서 진짜 나이에 맞는 모습이 드러난다.
ProverbsOne cannot see one's own nose however bright it is
    One cannot see one's own nose however bright it is
  • To be unable to completely know oneself however smart one might be.
  • 자기가 아무리 똑똑해도 정작 자기 자신에 대해서는 잘 모른다.
ProverbsOne climbs over a hill only to face yet another hill
    One climbs over a hill only to face yet another hill; from smoke into smother; out of the frying pan into the fire
  • For difficulties to linger and become more serious as time goes by.
  • 어려움이 끝나지 않고 갈수록 더 심해지다.
one color
    one color
  • A single color.
  • 한 가지의 빛깔.
one country
    one country; one state
  • One nation.
  • 한 나라.
one day
    one day
  • A period of 24 hours from 12 a.m. to 12 a.m. next day.
  • 밤 열두 시부터 다음 날 밤 열두 시까지의 스물네 시간.
    day; one day; some day
  • An unspecified day.
  • 특별히 정해지지 않은 어떤 날.
    one day; once
  • A certain time in the past.
  • 과거의 지나간 어느 때.
ProverbsOne day feels as if three autumns
    One day feels as if three autumns
  • An expression used to describe a situation where one feels as if a short time is very long.
  • 짧은 시간이 매우 길게 느껴진다는 말.
one-day life zone
    one-day life zone
  • A range within the distance that one can travel to take care of certain business and return in one day.
  • 하루 동안 일을 끝내고 되돌아올 수 있는 거리 안에 있는 범위.
one day's sunglight
    one day's sunglight; one full day
  • The time from the sunrise to sunset.
  • 해가 떠서 질 때까지의 동안.
ProverbsOne devil knows another
    Various types of green colors are all green; Like draws to like; Birds of a feather flock together; One devil knows another
  • An expression meaning people in the same situation or league side with each other.
  • 처지나 부류가 같은 사람들끼리 한 편임.
one dimension
    one dimension
  • A state in which a straight line can be expressed with a single real number.
  • 직선을 하나의 실수로 나타낼 수 있음.
    one-sided; one-dimensional
  • Leaning in one direction.
  • 한 방면으로 치우치는.
one-dish meal
    one-dish meal
  • Food that includes the main dish and side dishes in a plate and can be served as a meal.
  • 주식과 부식을 한 그릇에 담아 한 끼의 식사가 되도록 만든 요리.
ProverbsOne dislikes to eat it but does not want to give it to others
    One dislikes to eat it but does not want to give it to others [the dog]
  • An expression to describe a situation where someone is reluctant to give something to others although it is of no use to himself/herself.
  • 자기에게 필요가 없으면서도 남에게 주는 것은 아까워한다는 말.
ProverbsOne doesn't even find it hard when one enjoys doing it
    One doesn't even find it hard when one enjoys doing it
  • An expression to describe the idea that one enjoys doing something challenging if it is what one wants to do.
  • 자기가 하고 싶어서 하는 일은 힘들어도 즐겁게 한다는 것을 뜻하는 말.
IdiomOne' ears hurt
    One' ears hurt
  • To hear something so many times that one no longer wants to hear that.
  • 너무 많이 들어서 또 듣기가 싫다.
one end
    one end
  • One end of something.
  • 한쪽 끝.
ProverbsOne even grasps at straws if falling into water
    One even grasps[clutches] at straws if falling into water
  • One may do anything in a hopeless and urgent situation.
  • 절망적이고 위급한 상황에서는 이를 극복하기 위해서 어떤 행동이라도 가리지 않고 한다.
one full day
    one day's sunglight; one full day
  • The time from the sunrise to sunset.
  • 해가 떠서 질 때까지의 동안.
one generation
    one generation; one age
  • A certain generation or age.
  • 한 시대나 한 세대.
ProverbsOne gives love to others, if they love one first
    One gives love to others, if they love one first
  • A person tends to love or care for others as much as they care or love for them.
  • 남이 나를 대접하는 만큼 나도 남을 대접하게 마련이다.
one glance
    one glance; one look
  • An act of taking a look at something once or briefly.
  • 한 번 봄. 또는 잠깐 봄.
  • one glance; a single view
  • The range that one can see at a time with one's eyes.
  • 눈으로 한 번에 볼 수 있는 범위.
ProverbsOne grows black if one keeps close to an ink stick
    One grows black if one keeps close to an ink stick
  • One is bound to become evil if one gets along with an evil person.
  • 악한 사람과 사귀면 그를 닮아 악하게 된다.
ProverbsOne is likely to have a balding forehead if one likes freebies too much
    One is likely to have a balding forehead if one likes freebies too much
  • (teasing) An expression used to describe someone with a bald forehead.
  • (놀리는 말로) 이마가 벗어진 사람을 이르는 말.
  • One is likely to have a balding forehead if one likes freebies too much
  • (teasing) An expression used to describe someone who likes freebies.
  • (놀리는 말로) 공짜를 좋아하는 사람을 이르는 말.
ProverbsOne is not invited anywhere but still has many places to go
    One is not invited anywhere but still has many places to go
  • One has a lot of places to go or things to do even if one is not invited or acknowledged.
  • 자기를 알아주거나 불러 주는 데는 없어도 스스로 가야 할 데나 해야 할 일이 많다.
ProverbsOne laughs because one cannot cry
    One laughs because one cannot cry
  • To be very surprised and dumbfounded because one unexpectedly suffers big trouble.
  • 생각하지 못하고 낭패를 보아서 너무 놀라고 어이가 없다.
one life
    lifetime; one life
  • A person's life.
  • 한 사람의 생애.
one look
    one look; glance; glimpse
  • An act of taking one look or glancing at something.
  • 한 번 봄. 또는 언뜻 봄.
    one glance; one look
  • An act of taking a look at something once or briefly.
  • 한 번 봄. 또는 잠깐 봄.
ProverbsOne makes money like a dog and spends it like a minister
    One makes money like a dog and spends it like a minister; Narrow gathered, widely spent
  • To work hard and make every effort to make money, and then spend it gracefully and worthily.
  • 돈을 벌 때에는 열심히 수고하며 벌고, 쓸 때에는 깨끗하고 보람 있게 쓰다.
one man
    one person; one man
  • One person or a certain person.
  • 한 사람. 또는 어떤 사람.
one million
    a million; one million
  • Being the number that is the product of one hundred times ten thousand.
  • 만의 백 배가 되는 수의.
one mind
    one mind
  • The united mind of people.
  • 하나로 합쳐진 마음.
    oneness; one mind
  • A united spirit.
  • 하나로 합친 마음.
Idiomone mind and one goal
    one mind and one goal
  • An expression used to describe the manner of many people working for a shared goal.
  • 여러 사람의 마음과 뜻이 같음.
one morning and one evening
    one morning and one evening
  • A figurative expression indicating a brief span of time.
  • 하루 아침과 하루 저녁이라는 뜻으로, 짧은 시일.
ProverbsOne must not proceed if it is not a road, and one must not listen if it is not a word
    One must not proceed if it is not a road, and one must not listen[blame] if it is not a word
  • One should not start something in the first place if it is wrong.
  • 올바르지 않은 일이면 아예 처음부터 하지 말라.
ProverbsOne needs to measure to see if something is short or long
    One needs to measure to see if something is short or long
  • One should actually do or go through something to find out whether it is big or small, whether one wins or loses, and whether one is good or bad at it.
  • 크고 작고, 이기고 지고, 잘하고 못하는 것은 실제로 해 보거나 겪어 보아야 알 수 있다.
ProverbsOne needs to open one's eyes if one wants to see a star
    One needs to open one's eyes if one wants to see a star
  • An expression used to advise someone to make efforts and preparations to achieve something.
  • 어떤 성과를 얻기 위해서는 그에 따르는 노력과 준비가 필요하다는 말.
    unity; singleness; oneness
  • The property of something consisting of one element, component, etc., and nothing else.
  • 다른 것이 섞이지 않은 단 하나로 되어 있는 성질.
    oneness; one mind
  • A united spirit.
  • 하나로 합친 마음.
one night
    one night; single night
  • The time from the sunset to the next day's sunrise.
  • 해가 지고 나서 다음 날 해가 뜰 때까지의 동안.
  • one night
  • One night.
  • 어떤 날 밤.
one of these days
    someday; some other time; one of these days
  • Within a few days.
  • 가까운 며칠 안.
  • A state in which two sides confront each other with equal shares or rights, or one person confronts another person.
  • 양쪽이 같은 비율이나 같은 권리로 상대하거나 한 사람이 한 사람을 상대함.
one-on-one talk
    interview; one-on-one talk
  • A meeting to discuss personal problems or issues in private.
  • 고민이나 문젯거리를 가지고 서로 만나서 이야기함.
one or two
    a couple of; one or two
  • One or two.
  • 하나나 둘의.
Idiomone or two days
관용구하루 이틀
    one or two days
  • For a short time.
  • 짧은 기간 동안.
Idiomone out of a thousand
관용구천에 하나
    one out of a thousand
  • Very seldom.
  • 매우 드물게.
Idiomone out of ten thousand
관용구만에 하나
    one out of ten thousand
  • In an unexpected case that may possibly happen.
  • 혹시 있을지도 모르는 뜻밖의 경우에.
one over another
    in layers; one over another
  • In a state in which multiple objects are overlapped or connected.
  • 여러 물건이 포개지거나 이어진 모양이나 상태로.
    in layers; one over another
  • In the manner of being overlapped.
  • 여러 겹으로 겹쳐 있는 모양.
    in layers; one over another
  • In the manner of being overlapped.
  • 여러 겹으로 겹쳐 있는 모양.
one part
    one part; one side
  • A single part or side of something.
  • 한쪽 부분.
    one side; one part
  • One part of something or one direction.
  • 어느 한 부분이나 방향.
    one side; one part
  • A certain part of something or direction.
  • 어느 한 부분이나 방향.
one party
    one side; one way; one party
  • One party or direction.
  • 어느 한쪽이나 한 방향.
one person
    one person; one man
  • One person or a certain person.
  • 한 사람. 또는 어떤 사람.
one-piece dress
    one-piece dress
  • A woman's outer garment made of one piece.
  • 윗옷과 치마가 하나로 붙어 있는 여자 겉옷.

'English - Korean > n , o' 카테고리의 다른 글

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