ominous feelingominous signomissionomitomnipotenceomnipotentomnipresentomniscience and omnipotenceomniscient and omnipotentomnivoreonon a large scaleon and offon-and-offon and ononceonce againonce and for allonce in a blue moononce in a whileonce moreOnce mounted on a horse, one wants to have a groom lead it by the halterOnce on shore, we pray no moreOnce startled by a softshell turtle, you will also be startled by a caldron lidonce upon a timeondolondolbangoneone actone-act playone after anotherone ageone and onlyone and othersone and the sameone anotherone-armed person
ominous feeling
ominous sign
1. 누락
- A state in which a part that should have been included has been left off a list or record.
- 포함되어야 할 부분이 목록이나 기록에서 빠짐.
2. 생략
- The act of reducing or removing a part of a whole to make it short or simple.
- 전체에서 일부분을 줄이거나 빼어 짧게 또는 간단하게 만듦.
omission; deletion
3. 탈루
- An act of taking something outside and sending it elsewhere.
- 밖으로 빼내 다른 데로 나가게 함.
omission; missing
1. 누락하다
- For a part that should have been included to be left off a list or record, or make it happen.
- 포함되어야 할 부분을 목록이나 기록에서 빠지다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
omit; be omitted
2. 누적하다²
- To eliminate or fail to include data, etc., in a record.
- 정보 등을 기록에서 빠뜨리다.
leave out; omit
6. 생략하다
- To reduce or remove a part of a whole to make it short or simple.
- 전체에서 일부분을 줄이거나 빼어 짧게 또는 간단하게 만들다.
leave out; omit
- Political force or organization, etc., being excessively strong and big.
- 권력이나 조직 등이 일정한 범위를 넘어서 강하고 크다.
omniscience and omnipotence
- The state of knowing everything absolutely and having the ability to do anything, or such power.
- 모든 일을 잘 알고, 모든 일을 할 수 있음. 또는 그런 능력.
omniscience and omnipotence; being almighty
omniscient and omnipotent
- Knowing everything absolutely and having the ability to do anything.
- 모든 일을 잘 알고, 모든 일을 할 수 있다.
omniscient and omnipotent; almighty
- An animal such as a monkey, a mouse, and a chicken, which eats various kinds of food regardless of whether it is of animal origin or plant origin.
- 원숭이, 쥐, 닭 등과 같이 동물성 먹이나 식물성 먹이를 가리지 않고 두루 먹는 동물.
omnivore; polyphagous animal
on a large scale
on and off
1. 오락가락
- In the state of raining or snowing intermittently.
- 비나 눈이 내렸다 그쳤다 하는 모양.
on and off; by fits and starts
2. 질금
- In the manner similar to that of rain falling lightly for a brief period.
- 비가 아주 조금 내렸다 그치는 모양.
on and off
3. 질금질금
- In the manner similar to that of rain falling lightly for a brief period.
- 비가 아주 조금씩 자꾸 내렸다 그쳤다 하는 모양.
on and off
4. 찔끔¹
- In the manner similar to that of rain falling lightly for a brief period.
- 비가 아주 조금 내렸다 그치는 모양.
on and off
5. 찔끔찔끔
- In the manner similar to that of rain falling lightly for a brief period.
- 비가 아주 조금씩 자꾸 내렸다 그쳤다 하는 모양.
on and off
- Repeating at precise intervals.
- 일정한 시간 간격을 두고 되풀이하는.
recurrent; intermittent; on-and-off
on and on
once again
once and for all
- In a manner of one quitting something decisively or acting boldly.
- 아주 단호하게 끊거나 과감하게 행동하는 모양.
resolutely; decisively; flatly; completely; once and for all
Proverbsonce in a blue moon
- To happen very rarely.
- 아주 드물게 가끔 나타나다.
like beans sprouting in a drought; once in a blue moon
once in a while
once more
ProverbsOnce mounted on a horse, one wants to have a groom lead it by the halter
- People's greed is endless.
- 사람의 욕심은 끝이 없다.
Once mounted on a horse, one wants to have a groom lead it by the halter; Give him an inch and he will take a mile; The appetite grows with what it feeds on
ProverbsOnce on shore, we pray no more
- For one to beg someone desperately for help when his/her help is urgently needed, but to ignore him/her after things have finished and their troubles have ended.
- 자기 일이 급할 때는 사정하며 매달리다가 그 일이 무사히 끝나고 나면 그 도와준 수고를 잊고 모른 체하며 지내다.
have a certain state of mind before taking a dump, but have a different state of mind afterwards; Once on shore, we pray no more; The danger past and God forgotten
ProverbsOnce startled by a softshell turtle, you will also be startled by a caldron lid
- A person who was startled by something shudders at the sight of something else which looks similar to it.
- 어떤 것에 크게 놀란 사람은 비슷한 물건만 보아도 겁을 낸다.
Once startled by a softshell turtle, you will also be startled by a caldron lid
Idiomonce upon a time
관용구옛날 옛적에
- A very long time ago.
- 아주 오래 전에.
in the old days; once upon a time
- A system of underfloor heating using fire, hot water, or electricity, etc.
- 불 또는 더운물이나 전기 등으로 바닥을 덥게 하는 장치.
- A room that has a system of underfloor heating using fire, hot water, or electricity, etc.
- 불 또는 더운물이나 전기 등으로 바닥을 덥게 한 방.
- hot-floored room: A room which has a system of underfloor heating.
- 온돌을 놓아 바닥을 따뜻하게 한 방.
2. 물건
- (figurative) A person who is very proficient in a certain field.
- (비유적으로) 어떤 분야에서 제법 실력이 좋은 사람.
thing; one
5. 하나¹
- The state of sameness or consensus in a cause, mind, thought, etc.
- 뜻, 마음, 생각 등이 일치하거나 모아지는 것.
- The word that is used to indicate a particular thing or person among many.
- 여러 가지 가운데 특정한 어떤 사물이나 사람을 가리키는 말.
- The word that means "some" without specifying anything, or a certain type.
- 어떤 것을 명확히 밝히지 않고 어떤, 어떤 종류의.
one act
- A play or drama in one act or a small number of episodes.
- 연극이나 드라마가 하나의 막 또는 적은 횟수로 구성된 것.
one act
one-act play
one after another
1. 딱딱²
- In the manner of continuous movements, happenings, etc., stopping or ceasing at the same time or in succession.
- 계속되던 일이나 움직임 등이 여럿이 다 또는 잇따라 그치거나 멈추는 모양.
one after another; in the same breath
2. 딱딱³
- In the manner of several people or things running into one another at the same time or in succession.
- 여럿이 다 또는 잇따라 마주치는 모양.
one after another; at once
3. 뭉글뭉글
- In a state in which ideas or feelings occur in succession.
- 생각이나 감정이 잇따라 자꾸 떠오르는 모양.
one after another; persistently
4. 새록새록
- In the manner that new things are created or happen continously.
- 새로운 물건이나 일이 계속해서 자꾸 생기는 모양.
in succession; one after another
5. 속속
- Continuously in succession.
- 이어서 계속.
one after another; successively; one upon the heels of another
one age
one and only
one and others
one and the same
one another
1. 서로¹
- A person whom one is in a relationship or paired with.
- 짝을 이루거나 관계를 맺고 있는 상대.
each other; one another
2. 서로²
- Toward each person who is one of two or more people who are related.
- 관계를 맺고 있는 둘 이상의 대상이 각기 그 상대에 대하여.
each other; one another
3. 서로서로¹
- (emphasizing form) The person whom one is in a relationship or paired with.
- (강조하는 말로) 짝을 이루거나 관계를 맺고 있는 상대.
each other; one another
4. 서로서로²
- (emphasizing form) Toward each person who is one of two or more people who are related.
- (강조하는 말로) 관계를 맺고 있는 둘 이상의 대상이 각기 그 상대에 대하여.
each other; one another
one-armed person
- (disparaging) A person who does not have one of two arms.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 한쪽 팔이 없는 사람.
one-armed person
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