oisobagiojami-okokayol-oldold ageold and newold animalold bachelorold bodyold bonesold bookold boy networkold Buddhist monkold buildingold castleold commanderold conditionsold coupleold customold customsold daysold editionold eraolder and younger alumniolder brotherolder generationolder personolder sisteroldest son-in-lawoldest son of the crown princeold fashionold-fashionedold-fashioned objectold-fashioned practicesold foeold folksold foxold generationold gentleman
- cucumber gimchi/kimchi: Gimchi/Kimchi made by cutting cucumbers twice lengthwise, leaving one end uncut, and then stuffing them with chopped chives and onions seasoned with chopped scallions, minced garlic, red pepper, etc.
- 오이를 길게 갈라서 속에 파, 마늘, 고춧가루 등으로 양념한 부추와 양파 등을 넣어 담근 김치.
2. 괜찮다
- Being allowed because there is nothing to worry about or no problems.
- 걱정되거나 문제될 것이 없어 허락할 수 있다.
3. 그래¹
- An exclamation used when giving a positive answer that means 'I'll do so', 'Yes, it is', or 'I see.'
- ‘그렇게 하겠다, 그렇다, 알았다’ 등 긍정하는 뜻으로, 대답할 때 쓰는 말.
okay; sure
4. 오냐
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker answers the call of someone junior to him/her.
- 아랫사람의 부름에 대답할 때 하는 말.
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker answers in the affirmative to the question or request of someone junior to him/her.
- 아랫사람의 물음이나 부탁에 긍정하여 대답할 때 하는 말.
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker acknowledges or swears something.
- 어떤 사실을 긍정하거나 다짐할 때 하는 말.
yes; okay
yes; okay
okay; all right
5. 자³
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker attracts someone's attention.
- 남의 주의를 끌려고 할 때에 하는 말.
okay; here
7. 좋아
- An exclamation uttered when one is determined and has a strong resolve.
- 단단히 마음을 먹고 결심을 할 때 하는 말.
- A prefix used to mean "a plant ripening quickly due to the short maturing time".
- '식물이 자라는 기간이 짧아 빨리 여무는'의 뜻을 더하는 접두사.
- A prefix used to mean quickly.
- ‘빨리’의 뜻을 더하는 접두사.
1. 구⁷
- Being from the past; being different now or non-existent.
- 지난날의. 지금은 없거나 바뀐.
old; former
5. 오래되다
- Marked by a long duration of time since the start or formation of something.
- 무엇이 시작되거나 생긴 후 지나간 시간이 길다.
old; ancient
9. 헌
- Being so old as to become in a poor condition and wornout.
- 오래되어 멀쩡하지 않고 낡은.
old; wornout; second-hand; used
old age
1. 고령
- A state in which a person is of old age, or of advanced age.
- 나이가 많음. 또는 많은 나이.
old age; advanced age
old and new
old animal
old bachelor
- A single man who is past marriageable age but has not married.
- 결혼할 나이를 훨씬 넘겼지만 결혼하지 않은 남자.
old bachelor
old body
old bones
old book
old boy network
old Buddhist monk
old building
- The older one of two buildings used for a similar purpose.
- 비슷한 용도로 쓰이는 두 건물 중에서 더 오래된 건물.
old building
old castle
old commander
old conditions
old couple
old custom
- A practice or custom handed down from a long time ago.
- 오래전부터 전해 내려오는 습관.
convention; old custom
old customs
old days
old edition
old era
older and younger alumni
older brother
3. 형¹
- A word used only by a male to refer to or address his male siblings or cousins older than himself.
- 남자가 형제나 친척 형제들 중에서 자기보다 나이가 많은 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
older brother
4. 형³
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A moderately-raised form used by a man to refer to or address another man who is of about the same age as or older than himself, usually attached to the addressee's family name.
- 남자들 사이에서 나이가 비슷하거나 아래인 사람의 성 뒤에 붙여 상대방을 조금 높여 말하거나 부르는 말.
older brother
5. 형님
- (honorific) A word used only by a male to refer to or address his male siblings or cousins older than himself.
- (높임말로) 남자가 형제나 친척 형제들 중에서 자기보다 나이가 많은 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
older brother
older generation
- The older generation that is currently leading society.
- 현재 사회를 이끌어 가는 나이가 든 세대.
older generation
older person
older sister
1. 언니
- A word used only by a female to refer to or address her female siblings or cousins older than herself.
- 여자가 형제나 친척 형제들 중에서 자기보다 나이가 많은 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
- A word used only by a female to refer to or address another female older than herself endearingly.
- 여자가 자기보다 나이 많은 여자를 다정하게 이르거나 부르는 말.
older sister
older sister
2. 형님
- A word used by an old woman to refer to or address another female older than herself in a friendly manner.
- 나이가 많은 친한 여자들 사이에서 나이가 적은 사람이 나이가 많은 사람을 이르거나 부르는 말.
older sister
oldest son-in-law
oldest son of the crown prince
old fashion
- The appearance or atmosphere in an old-fashioned way.
- 예스러운 모습이나 분위기.
antique style; old fashion
1. 고색창연하다
- Looking stylish in an old-fashioned way, or being antique.
- 오래되어 예스러운 분위기나 멋이 있다.
antique; old-fashioned
2. 고전적²
- Following a method or format handed down from a long time ago.
- 오래전부터 내려오던 방식이나 형식을 따르는.
classical; old-fashioned
3. 고풍스럽다
- Looking stylish in an old-fashioned way, or being antique.
- 보기에 옛것과 같은 멋이 있다.
antique; old-fashioned
4. 낡다
- An idea, system, etc., being obsolete and behind the times.
- 생각이나 제도 등이 시대에 맞지 않게 뒤떨어진 상태이다.
outdated; old-fashioned
old-fashioned object
- (disparaging) An out-of-date object which is past its time.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 아주 오래되어 시대에 뒤떨어진 사물.
old-fashioned object
old-fashioned practices
- Customs from old days which are behind the times.
- 예전부터 내려오는 시대에 뒤떨어진 풍습.
old customs; old-fashioned practices
old foe
- Another party about which one has borne a grudge for a long time.
- 오래전부터 원한을 품은 상대.
- Another party about which one has borne a grudge for a long time.
- 오래전부터 원한을 품은 상대.
old foe; old foe
old foe; old foe
old folks
old fox
- A person acting and pretending to disinterested, while thinking differently.
- 마음속으로는 다른 생각을 하면서 겉으로는 아무렇지 않은 것처럼 행동하는 사람.
guileful person; sly one; old fox
old generation
- The previous generation, or the generation of old people.
- 이전의 세대. 또는 나이든 사람들의 세대.
old generation
old gentleman
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