one place
    one place; a single place
  • A place designated as one spot among many.
  • 하나로 정해진 곳.
    one place; same place
  • A place designated as the same or a single spot for something.
  • 같은 곳이나 하나로 정해진 곳.
    same place; same seat; one place
  • The same place.
  • 같은 자리.
one place down
    one place down
  • The place of a digit to the right of the place of a certain digit in the decimal system.
  • 십진법에서 어떤 자리보다 낮은 자리.
ProverbsOne plans to catch a tiger, but ends up catching a rabbit
    One plans to catch a tiger, but ends up catching a rabbit; bright beginning and dull finish; bright but fruitless attempts
  • To start something with great ambitions, but produce anticlimactic results in the end.
  • 어떤 일을 시작할 때 크고 훌륭하게 하려고 했으나 처음과 달리 끝은 초라하고 엉뚱하다.
ProverbsOne plans to paint a tiger, but ends up painting a puppy
    One plans to paint a tiger, but ends up painting a puppy[cat]; bright beginning and dull finish
  • To start something with great ambitions, but produce anticlimactic results in the end.
  • 어떤 일을 시작할 때 크고 훌륭하게 하려고 했으나 처음과 달리 끝은 초라하고 엉뚱하다.
one position
    high post; important position; one position
  • An important or high-ranking position; or a certain position.
  • 중요하거나 높은 직위. 또는 어느 한 직위.
ProverbsOne rotten apple spoils the barrel
    A loach makes the whole puddle murky; One rotten apple spoils the barrel
  • For the misdeed of a person to have a negative influence on the whole group or many people.
  • 한 사람의 좋지 않은 행동이 그 집단 전체나 여러 사람에게 나쁜 영향을 미친다.
one round
    one round; one turn; one session
  • A state of having an event or match one time.
  • 한 차례 벌이는 일이나 경기.
IdiomOne's anger raises
    One's anger raises
  • For one's anger to surge up.
  • 화가 치밀어 오르다.
IdiomOne's anger rises
    One's anger rises
  • To become very angry or furious.
  • 매우 화가 나거나 흥분하다.
IdiomOne's appetite drops
    One's appetite drops
  • For the words or behavior of someone to be unpleasant and disgusting.
  • 상대방의 말, 행동 등이 불쾌하고 역겹다.
IdiomOne's attention has been sold
    One's attention has been sold
  • For one's attention to be drawn to something.
  • 어떤 것에 관심이 쏠리다.
one´s attitude
    one´s attitude
  • One's stance or attitude on a certain issue.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 입장이나 태도.
IdiomOne's back comes out
    One's back comes out
  • To feel anxious for fear that one's faults or weaknesses will bring about negative results in the future.
  • 잘못이나 약점으로 나중에 좋지 못한 일이 생길까 봐 불안하다.
IdiomOne's back drags on
    One's back drags on
  • To never get up once one takes a seat.
  • 앉으면 일어날 줄을 모르다.
  • One's back drags on
  • To be slow in completing work.
  • 일의 마무리가 느리다.
IdiomOne's back is heard
    One's back is heard
  • For something hidden to appear and be known.
  • 숨긴 일이 나타나 알려지다.
IdiomOne's back is lifted
    One's back is lifted
  • To run out of money or the wealth needed to help one do something.
  • 어떤 일을 할 수 있는 돈이나 재물이 다 떨어지다.
IdiomOne's back is revealed
    One's back is revealed
  • For something hidden to be revealed and known.
  • 숨긴 일이 드러나 알려지다.
IdiomOne's back is safe
    One's back is safe
  • There is no need to worry about the aftermath of something.
  • 어떤 일이 일어난 후에 대해 걱정할 것이 없다.
IdiomOne's back is stout
    One's back is stout
  • To have a force that supports one from behind.
  • 뒤에서 도와주는 힘이 있다.
IdiomOne's belly button falls out
    One's belly button falls out
  • To be very funny.
  • 매우 우습다.
IdiomOne's belly is as big as Namsan Mountain
    One's belly is as big as Namsan Mountain
  • To have a pot belly because one is pregnant.
  • 임신을 하여 배가 많이 나오다.
  • One's belly is as big as Namsan Mountain
  • To have a pot belly because one gained weight.
  • 살이 쪄서 배가 많이 나오다.
IdiomOne's belly is attached to one's back
    One's belly is attached to one's back
  • To be so hungry that one's belly becomes sunken.
  • 먹은 것이 없어 배가 홀쭉해질 정도로 배가 고프다.
IdiomOne's belly skin is attached to one's back
    One's belly skin is attached to one's back
  • (slang) To have a sunken belly and feel very hungry because one has not eaten.
  • (속된 말로) 먹은 것이 없어서 배가 등에 붙을 만큼 들어가고 몹시 배고프다.
one's beloved
    lover; one's beloved
  • A person who loves or is loved in a romantic relationship between a man and woman.
  • 남녀 간의 사랑하는 사람.
one's best
    one's best
  • All one's heart and power.
  • 모든 정성과 힘.
IdiomOne's blood vessels pull
    One's blood vessels pull
  • To feel a stronger sense of intimacy toward one's blood relatives.
  • 혈연관계의 사람에게 더욱 친밀감을 느끼다.
IdiomOne's body forms
    One's body forms
  • To gain weight and become fat.
  • 살이 쪄서 뚱뚱해지다.
IdiomOne's body heats up
    One's body heats up
  • To have the fidgets.
  • 마음이 조급하다.
IdiomOne's boldness is ample
    One's boldness is ample
  • To be confident without being afraid or conscious of others.
  • 남을 겁내거나 의식하지 않고 자신만만하다.
IdiomOne's bottom stinks
    One's bottom stinks
  • To have weakness or fault that has been concealed.
  • 숨겨 둔 약점이나 잘못이 있다.
IdiomOne's breath reaches to one's chin
    One's breath reaches to one's chin
  • To be out of breath.
  • 매우 숨이 차다.
one's brother
    one's brother
  • The brother to whom the same parents gave birth.
  • 같은 부모에게서 태어난 형제.
one's brother-in-law
    one's brother-in-law
  • A word used only by a male to refer to or address his older sister's husband.
  • 누나의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말.
one´s Buddhist name
    one´s Buddhist name
  • The name given to a new Buddhist monk, in the world of Buddhism.
  • 중이 되는 사람에게 불교계에서 지어 주는 이름.
one's business
    one's perfect job; one's business
  • Something that a person can do well because it suits his/her skills.
  • 자신에게 잘 맞아서 잘해 낼 수 있는 일.
IdiomOne's chance is yellow
    One's chance is yellow; One's sprout is yellow
  • For a business or person to have no chance of success.
  • 일이나 사람이 잘될 만한 가능성이 없다.
IdiomOne's chest is alleviated
    One's chest is alleviated
  • To feel refreshed at heart.
  • 마음이 시원해지다.
IdiomOne's chest is cool
    One's chest is cool[fresh]
  • To feel much better and relieved.
  • 기분이 매우 좋고 가뿐하다.
one´s childhood name
    one´s childhood name
  • The name one is called, in one's childhood.
  • 아이 때의 이름.
one's clutch
    one's clutch; one's grasp
  • The range of one's reach to get hold of something or one's sphere of power.
  • 자기가 가질 수 있거나 권력을 미칠 수 있는 범위.
ProverbsOne's coming day is a market day
    One's coming day is a market day
  • Just when one is about to do a certain thing, something unexpected occurs by chance.
  • 어떤 일을 하려고 하자 뜻하지 않은 일을 우연히 당함.
one's company
    one's company
  • The company for which one works.
  • 자신이 속해 있는 회사.
one´s compatriots
    one´s fellow countrymen; one´s compatriots
  • The people of one's own nation.
  • 자기 나라의 국민.
one's condition
    one's means; one's condition; one's place
  • A state of being within one's means or according to one's condition.
  • 자기의 처지에 맞는 한도.
one´s confidant
    one´s confidant
  • Someone whom one can trust and entrust something with.
  • 믿고 일을 맡길 수 있는 사람.
IdiomOne's contour is thick
관용구선이 굵다
    One's contour is thick
  • For one's appearance to be masculine and bold.
  • 생김새가 남성스럽고 뚜렷하다.
IdiomOne's contour is thin
    One's contour is thin
  • For one's appearance to be feminine and delicate.
  • 생김새가 여성스럽고 섬세하다.
one's country
    one's country
  • The country in which one's nationality originates.
  • 자기의 국적이 속해 있는 나라.
one's course of action
    one's course of action
  • The place one went to, or the direction towards which one must go.
  • 어떤 사람이 간 곳이나 가야 할 방향.
one's cousin's child
    one's cousin's child; one's father's cousin; one's mother's cousin
  • A child of one's parent's cousin; one's relation with that child.
  • 부모님의 사촌이나 사촌의 자식과의 친족 관계. 또는 그런 관계에 있는 사람.
IdiomOne's craving is like kkultteok, honey-filled rice cake
    One's craving is like kkultteok, honey-filled rice cake
  • To have a strong desire to do something.
  • 무엇을 하고 싶은 마음이 매우 강하다.
IdiomOne's crotch is ripped
    One's crotch is ripped[torn]
  • To be very poor.
  • 몹시 가난하다.
  • One's crotch is ripped[torn]; keeping up with the Jones
  • To find it difficult to keep up with others, without considering one's own capacity to do so.
  • 자신의 형편은 생각하지 않고 남을 따라 하다가 괴로움을 겪다.
one's deathbed
    one's deathbed; one's end
  • One's last moment of facing one's death.
  • 죽음을 맞이함.
one's dirty linen
    one's dirty linen; weak point
  • The part that one is ashamed of and does not want to show to others.
  • 남에게 알리고 싶지 않은 부끄러운 부분.
one's doctor
    one's doctor
  • A doctor who is responsible for treating a certain person.
  • 어떤 사람의 병을 맡아서 치료하는 의사.
one's dying wishes
    one's dying wishes
  • The wishes of a dead person that he/she could not realize during their lifetime.
  • 죽은 사람이 살아서 이루지 못하고 남긴 뜻.
IdiomOne's eardrum bursts
    One's eardrum bursts
  • For a sound to be very loud.
  • 소리가 매우 크다.
IdiomOne's eardrum falls out
    One's eardrum falls out
  • For a sound to be very loud.
  • 소리가 매우 크다.
IdiomOne's eardrum gets torn
    One's eardrum gets torn
  • For a sound to be very loud.
  • 소리가 매우 크다.
IdiomOne's earlier and later statements are consistent
    One's earlier and later statements are consistent
  • For a word or story to be reasonable and logical.
  • 말이나 이야기 등이 이치에 맞고 조리가 있다.
IdiomOne's ears become clear
    One's ears become clear
  • To come to understand a foreign language.
  • 외국어를 알아듣게 되다.
IdiomOne's ears get tempted
    One's ears get tempted
  • To become interested in something because it could be beneficial.
  • 들어보니 자신에게 이득이 생길 내용이어서 관심이 생기다.
IdiomOne's ears open wide
    One's ears open wide
  • To have one's curiosity stimulated by unexpected news.
  • 기대하지 않은 소식에 강한 호기심이 생기다.
IdiomOne's ears sting
    One's ears sting
  • For a sound to be too sharp and loud to bear.
  • 소리가 날카롭고 커서 듣기에 괴롭다.
  • One's ears sting
  • To hear something so many times that one no longer wants to hear that.
  • 너무 많이 들어서 또 듣기가 싫다.
one's elder brother
    one's elder brother
  • The older brother to whom the same parents gave birth.
  • 같은 부모에게서 태어난 형.
one's elder sister
    one's elder sister
  • The elder sister to whom the same parents gave birth.
  • 같은 부모에게서 태어난 언니.
    with one's own hands; oneself
  • In person without receiving other's help.
  • 남의 힘을 빌리지 않고 자기 손으로 직접.
  • One's own self.
  • 자기 자신.
  • One's own body.
  • 자신의 몸.
    self; oneself
  • The person himself/herself.
  • 바로 그 사람.
  • oneself
  • (emphasizing form) The very person mentioned in the preceding word.
  • (강조하는 말로) 앞에서 가리킨 바로 그 사람.
IdiomOne's eloquence stands up
    One's eloquence stands up
  • To save face as something is put into practice as said.
  • 말하는 대로 행해져 체면이 서다.
one's end
    one's deathbed; one's end
  • One's last moment of facing one's death.
  • 죽음을 맞이함.
    one's end
  • The very last moment of one's life.
  • 삶의 마지막 순간.
IdiomOne's energy goes up and down
    One's energy goes up and down
  • For one's enthusiasm for something to be not consistent or constant.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 열정이 일정하거나 꾸준하지 못하다.

'English - Korean > n , o' 카테고리의 다른 글

One's heart collapses - One's mind opens  (0) 2020.02.07
One's energy rises - One's heart bursts  (0) 2020.02.07
on earth - one-piece dress  (0) 2020.02.07
ominous feeling - one-armed person  (0) 2020.02.07
old hand - ominous  (0) 2020.02.07

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