IdiomOne's energy rises
    One's energy rises
  • For the momentum to increase.
  • 기세가 오르다.
one session
    one round; one turn; one session
  • A state of having an event or match one time.
  • 한 차례 벌이는 일이나 경기.
one's esteemed son
    your son; one's esteemed son
  • (polite form) The son of someone.
  • (높이는 말로) 다른 사람의 아들.
one's every action
    one's every move; one's every action
  • Each one of every action or move.
  • 행동이나 움직임 하나하나.
one's every move
    one's every move; one's every action
  • Each one of every action or move.
  • 행동이나 움직임 하나하나.
one's existence
    one's existence
  • The existence of oneself.
  • 자기의 존재.
ProverbsOne's extended hands are embarrassing
    One's extended hands are embarrassing
  • To become embarrassed since one fails to get something that one asked for or someone refuses to accept one's favor.
  • 무엇을 얻으려고 손을 내밀었다가 얻지 못했거나, 반대로 무엇을 받으라고 주는데도 상대편이 이를 받지 아니하여 난처하다.
one's ex-wife
    one's ex-wife
  • One's ex-wife.
  • 이혼하기 전의 원래의 부인.
IdiomOne's eyeballs are flipped over
    One's eyeballs are flipped over
  • (slang) To lose one's reason since one went through something shocking or is engrossed in something.
  • (속된 말로) 충격적인 일을 당하거나 어떤 일에 열중하여 이성을 잃다.
IdiomOne's eyeballs are overturned
    One's eyeballs are overturned
  • (slang) To lose one's senses due to a strong shock or rage.
  • (속된 말로) 심하게 충격을 받거나 화가 나서 제정신이 아니다.
IdiomOne's eyeballs come out
    One's eyeballs come[stick] out
  • To be very startled.
  • 매우 놀라다.
IdiomOne's eyeballs spin round and round very quickly and dizzily
    One's eyeballs spin round and round very quickly and dizzily
  • For something to be so busy or a change to be so fast that one can hardly keep up with it.
  • 따라가지 못할 만큼 바쁘거나 변화의 속도가 빠르다.
IdiomOne's eyes are as big as the size of an oil lamp
    One's eyes are as big as the size of an oil lamp
  • For one's eyes to become wide and round out of astonishment or fear.
  • 놀라거나 두려워 눈이 크고 동그랗게 되다.
ProverbsOne's eyes are covered with a pea pod
    One's eyes are covered with a pea pod
  • To be unable to make an accurate judgement or think straight.
  • 사물을 정확하게 보지 못한다.
IdiomOne's eyes are covered with bean pods
    One's eyes are covered with bean pods
  • To only see good in someone after falling in love with them.
  • 사랑에 빠진 대상의 모든 점이 좋게만 보이다.
IdiomOne's eyes are opened
    One's eyes are opened
  • To gain insight and a discerning eye to understand things.
  • 사물을 보고 이해하는 능력이 생기다.
IdiomOne's eyes are opened up
    One's eyes are opened up
  • To become able to make a judgement on an object or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상을 판단할 줄 알게 되다.
IdiomOne's eyes are overturned
    One's eyes are overturned
  • To lose one's reason since one went through something shocking or is engrossed in something.
  • 충격적인 일을 당하거나 어떤 일에 열중하여 이성을 잃다.
IdiomOne's eyes are pitch-dark
    One's eyes are pitch-dark
  • To be in a state where one is confused and unable to think straight.
  • 정신이 어지럽고 생각이 막힌 상태이다.
  • One's eyes are pitch-dark
  • To be illiterate.
  • 글자를 알지 못하다.
ProverbsOne's eyes are the scale
    One's eyes are the scale
  • For one's eye measurement of something to be exactly correct just like it was gauged with a scale.
  • 눈으로 보고 짐작한 것이 저울에 단 것처럼 딱 들어맞는다는 말.
ProverbsOne's eyes are the treasure
    One's eyes are the treasure
  • To be excellent at remembering things to such an extent that one does not forget anything that one has ever seen.
  • 한 번 본 것은 잊지 않을 정도로 뛰어나다.
IdiomOne's eyes become round
    One's eyes become round
  • For one's eyes to become wide and round out of strong astonishment or doubt.
  • 몹시 놀라거나 이상하여 눈이 크고 동그랗게 되다.
IdiomOne's eyes become wide open
    One's eyes become wide open
  • To suddenly come to one's senses.
  • 정신이 갑자기 들다.
ProverbsOne's eyes resemble one's mind
    One's eyes resemble one's mind
  • It is easy to guess someone's mind just by looking into his/her eyes.
  • 눈만 보아도 그 사람의 마음을 미루어 알 수 있다.
IdiomOne's eyes spin round and round very quickly and dizzily
    One's eyes spin round and round very quickly and dizzily
  • For something to be so busy or a change to be so fast that one can hardly keep up with it.
  • 따라가지 못할 만큼 바쁘거나 변화의 속도가 빠르다.
IdiomOne's eyes turn
    One's eyes turn
  • To pay attention with interest.
  • 관심을 가지고 주의를 두다.
IdiomOne's face blossoms
    One's face blossoms
  • For one's face to become fat and look healthier.
  • 얼굴에 살이 오르고 얼굴빛이 좋아지다.
one's family
    one's family
  • (polite form) Another person's home or family.
  • (높이는 말로) 남의 집이나 가정.
    one's family
  • Members of a family living in the same house.
  • 한집에 사는 가족.
one's family and relatives
    one's whole family; one's family and relatives; kinsfolk
  • A group of people related by blood, having the same ancestors; or the relatives from the same ancestors.
  • 조상이 같고 한 핏줄로 이어진 집단. 또는 같은 조상의 친척.
one's father and elder brother
    one's father and elder brother
  • A compound noun meaning one's father and elder brother.
  • 아버지와 형.
one's father's aunt
    one's father's aunt
  • The wife of one's grandfather's younger brother.
  • 아버지의 작은어머니.
one's father's cousin
    one's cousin's child; one's father's cousin; one's mother's cousin
  • A child of one's parent's cousin; one's relation with that child.
  • 부모님의 사촌이나 사촌의 자식과의 친족 관계. 또는 그런 관계에 있는 사람.
one's favorite song
    one's favorite song
  • A song that one particularly enjoys singing.
  • 즐겨 부르는 노래.
one's favorite student
    one's favorite student
  • The student that a teacher particularly loves.
  • 스승이 특별히 사랑하는 제자.
IdiomOne's feet are familiar with something
관용구발이 익다
    One's feet are familiar with something
  • To be familiar with a certain street as one has been there many times.
  • 여러 번 다녀서 그 길에 익숙하다.
IdiomOne's feet are reluctant
    One's feet are reluctant
  • To be disinclined or hesitate to do something.
  • 마음이 내키지 않거나 선뜻 어떤 일을 하고 싶지 않다.
IdiomOne's feet float
    One's feet float
  • To visit a certain place once in a while.
  • 어떤 곳에 가끔씩 다니다.
IdiomOne's feet have worn out
관용구발이 닳다
    One's feet have worn out
  • To visit a certain place very often or move very busily.
  • 어떤 곳에 매우 자주 다니거나 매우 분주하게 움직이다.
one´s fellow countrymen
    one´s fellow countrymen; one´s compatriots
  • The people of one's own nation.
  • 자기 나라의 국민.
IdiomOne's fickleness is like the juk, rice porridge, that is being boiled
    One's fickleness is like the juk, rice porridge, that is being boiled
  • For words, behavior or feelings to be fickle and frequently change.
  • 말이나 행동, 감정 등이 이랬다저랬다 자주 변하다.
ProverbsOne's fists are crying
    One's fists are crying
  • To barely suppress one's rage, but feel like hitting or beating someone.
  • 겨우 참고 있지만 매우 분해서 치거나 때리고 싶다.
one's folks
    one's relatives; one's folks
  • People who are related by blood and share the same last name.
  • 성이 같고 혈연관계에 있는 사람들.
IdiomOne's foot cannot be lifted
    One's foot cannot be lifted
  • To be unable to leave with ease due to concern, worry or wistfulness.
  • 근심이나 걱정, 아쉬움 등으로 인해 마음 편하게 떠날 수가 없다.
IdiomOne's frame becomes thick
    One's frame becomes thick
  • To grow older and bigger to become almost an adult.
  • 나이가 들고 제법 자라서 어른에 가깝게 되다.
IdiomOne's front and back are blocked
    One's front and back are blocked
  • To be unable to deal with something in a flexible or quick-witted manner.
  • 일의 형편에 따라 적절하게 처리하는 재주나 눈치가 없고 답답하다.
IdiomOne's front and back are different with each other
    One's front and back are different with each other
  • To speak or act in an inconsistent manner.
  • 말이나 행동이 서로 맞지 않다.
ProverbsOne's future is like thirty six thousand kilometers
    One's future is like thirty six thousand kilometers
  • To have a lot of days to achieve any great success because one is still young.
  • 아직 나이가 젊어서 앞으로 어떤 큰일이라도 해낼 수 있는 날들이 충분히 있다.
IdiomOne's gait cannot be lifted
    One's gait cannot be lifted
  • To hesitate to leave as one feels uneasy.
  • 마음이 놓이지 않아 선뜻 떠날 수가 없다.
one's granddaughter
    one's granddaughter
  • The daughter of one's son.
  • 자기 아들의 딸.
one's grandfather's younger brother
    one's grandfather's younger brother
  • One's father's uncle who is younger than one's grandfather.
  • 아버지의 작은아버지.
one's grandson
    one's grandson
  • The son of one's son.
  • 자기 아들의 아들.
one's grasp
    one's clutch; one's grasp
  • The range of one's reach to get hold of something or one's sphere of power.
  • 자기가 가질 수 있거나 권력을 미칠 수 있는 범위.
IdiomOne's greed blocks one's eyes
    One's greed blocks one's eyes
  • For greed to prevent one from making an appropriate decision or judgment.
  • 욕심 때문에 사리 판단이나 분별을 제대로 못하다.
IdiomOne's guts flare up
    One's guts flare up[get twisted]
  • To be dissatisfied with a certain situation, word, behavior or attitude and be upset and get cross.
  • 어떤 상황이나 말, 행동, 태도 등이 매우 마음이 들지 않아 기분이 좋지 않고 비뚤게 생각되다.
IdiomOne's hair stands on end
    One's hair stands up upside-down; One's hair stands on end
  • To be very nervous out of fear or astonishment.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 몹시 긴장되다.
    One's hair stands up upside-down; One's hair stands on end
  • To be very nervous out of fear or astonishment.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 몹시 긴장되다.
IdiomOne's hair stands up upside-down
    One's hair stands up upside-down; One's hair stands on end
  • To be very nervous out of fear or astonishment.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 몹시 긴장되다.
    One's hair stands up upside-down; One's hair stands on end
  • To be very nervous out of fear or astonishment.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 몹시 긴장되다.
IdiomOne's hands go to something
관용구손이 가다
    One's hands go to something
  • To keep eating something because it is delicious.
  • 음식이 맛있어서 자꾸 먹게 되다.
  • One's hands go to something
  • For something to require a lot of efforts.
  • 어떠한 일에 노력이 많이 필요하다.
one's hands held together behind one's back
    one's hands held together behind one's back
  • A position where the two hands are held together behind the back.
  • 두 손을 허리 뒤로 하여 마주 잡은 것.
IdiomOne's head awakens
    One's head awakens
  • For one's thinking to be ahead of one's times, not lagging behind.
  • 생각하는 것이 시대에 뒤떨어지지 않고 앞서 있다.
IdiomOne's head becomes big
    One's head becomes big
  • To get to think or judge like an adult.
  • 어른처럼 생각하거나 판단하게 되다.
IdiomOne's head falls out
    One's head falls out
  • To have a hard time doing something as it is complicated or difficult.
  • 일이 복잡하거나 어려워서 힘들다.
IdiomOne's head is hardened
    One's head is hardened
  • For one's ability to think or remember to be not as good as it used to be.
  • 사고하는 능력이나 기억력 등이 예전만큼 못하다.
IdiomOne's head is rotten
    One's head is rotten
  • For one's way of thinking or thoughts to be obsolete since it is different from that of general public.
  • 사고방식이나 사상 등이 다른 사람들과 다르거나 낡아서 쓰지 못하게 되다.
IdiomOne's head is thick
    One's head is thick
  • To get to think or judge like an adult.
  • 어른처럼 생각하거나 판단하게 되다.
IdiomOne's head is wet
    One's head is wet
  • To be influenced by a certain thought or convention.
  • 어떤 사상이나 인습 등에 물들다.
IdiomOne's head spins fast
    One's head spins fast
  • To be excellent in judging a situation.
  • 상황을 판단하는 능력이 뛰어나고 똑똑하다.
IdiomOne's head spins well
    One's head spins well
  • To come up with a good idea.
  • 어떤 일을 할 때에 좋은 생각이 잘 떠오르다.
IdiomOne's head subsides
    One's head subsides
  • To get to have respect.
  • 존경하는 마음이 생기다.
IdiomOne's head turns white
    One's head turns white
  • To care and worry about something too much to such an extent that one's hair grows white.
  • 머리가 하얗게 변할 정도로 어떤 일에 너무 신경을 쓰고 걱정하다.
one's heart
    real intention; one's heart
  • A mind that remains unchanged from start to finish.
  • 처음부터 변함없이 가지고 있는 마음.
    real intention; one's heart
  • A mind that remains unchanged from start to finish.
  • 처음부터 변함없이 가지고 있는 마음.
    one's heart; one's mind
  • (slang) A person's heart or state of mind.
  • (속된 말로) 사람의 마음.
IdiomOne's heart beats
    One's heart beats
  • To get excited or nervous about something and be fretful.
  • 흥분되거나 긴장되어 가슴이 조마조마하다.
IdiomOne's heart beats with a paddle club
    One's heart beats with a paddle club
  • For one's heart to beat very fast.
  • 심장이 매우 빨리 뛰다.
IdiomOne's heart burns
    One's heart burns
  • To worry anxiously.
  • 초조하게 고민하다.
IdiomOne's heart bursts
    One's heart bursts
  • To feel very overwhelmed.
  • 매우 벅찬 느낌을 받다.

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