one's mind taking a new turn
    one's mind taking a new turn
  • The state of someone giving up past thoughts and mindset and becoming a different person, usually motivated by an incident.
  • 어떤 동기가 있어 지금까지 가졌던 생각이나 마음가짐을 버리고 완전히 달라짐.
IdiomOne's mind turns away
    One's mind turns away
  • To come to no longer like something.
  • 더 이상 좋아하지 않게 되다.
one's mom
    one's mom
  • A word used to refer to or address a woman with a child regarding her child, usually attached to the child's name.
  • 주로 자녀 이름 뒤에 붙여 자녀가 있는 여자를 자식과 관련하여 이르거나 부르는 말.
one's mother's cousin
    one's cousin's child; one's father's cousin; one's mother's cousin
  • A child of one's parent's cousin; one's relation with that child.
  • 부모님의 사촌이나 사촌의 자식과의 친족 관계. 또는 그런 관계에 있는 사람.
one's mother tongue
    one's mother tongue; one's native language
  • The language of one's own nation.
  • 자기 나라의 말.
IdiomOne's mouth is taken off
    One's mouth is taken off
  • To start talking.
  • 말을 하기 시작하다.
IdiomOne's mouth is wide open
    One's mouth is wide open
  • To be very surprised or pleased.
  • 매우 놀라거나 좋아하다.
IdiomOne's mouth only hurts
    One's mouth only hurts
  • For someone to be unable to understand or refuse to accept something that has been repeatedly said.
  • 아무리 말을 해도 이해하지 못하거나 받아들이지 않다.
IdiomOne's mouth waters
    One's mouth waters
  • To have an appetite.
  • 식욕이 생기다.
  • One's mouth waters
  • To have greed for an interest or fortune.
  • 이익이나 재물 등에 욕심이 생기다.
one's native country
    one's native country
  • One's native country, not a foreign nation nor a colony.
  • 외국이나 식민지가 아닌 자기 나라.
    one's own country; one's native country
  • The country of one's nationality.
  • 자기의 국적이 있는 나라.
one's native language
    one's mother tongue; one's native language
  • The language of one's own nation.
  • 자기 나라의 말.
IdiomOne's neck is cut off
    One's neck is cut off
  • To step down from a certain post or position.
  • 일정한 직위나 직책에서 물러나게 되다.
IdiomOne's neck is hanging restlessly
    One's neck is hanging restlessly
  • To face a situation where one is ousted from one's position.
  • 지위에서 밀려날 상황에 놓이다.
IdiomOne's nerves are ferocious
    One's nerves are ferocious; One's nerves are on edge
  • To feel dissatisfied and unpleasant.
  • 마음에 들지 않고 기분이 나쁘다.
IdiomOne's nerves are on edge
    One's nerves are ferocious; One's nerves are on edge
  • To feel dissatisfied and unpleasant.
  • 마음에 들지 않고 기분이 나쁘다.
IdiomOne's nerves hurt
    One's nerves hurt[are reversed]
  • To feel dissatisfied and unpleasant.
  • 마음에 들지 않고 기분이 나쁘다.
one's new country
    one's new country
  • A country to which one emigrated and where one lives.
  • 이민하여 사는 나라.
one's new post
    one's new post; one's place of appointment
  • A place where a person works after being given a new position or duty.
  • 어떤 지위나 임무를 받아 근무하는 곳.
IdiomOne's nose falls off
    One's nose falls off
  • To worry about something too much to such an extent as to drain one's energy.
  • 걱정을 많이 하여 힘이 빠지다.
ProverbsOne's nose is cut off even when one opens one's eyes
    One's nose is cut off even when one opens one's eyes
  • For the atmosphere of a society to be very coldhearted and inhuman.
  • 세상인심이 매우 사납고 도리에서 벗어나 있다.
IdiomOne's nose is flattened
    One's nose is flattened
  • To be put to shame or cast down.
  • 몹시 무안을 당하거나 기가 죽다.
IdiomOne's nose is skewered
    One's nose is skewered
  • To be restrained because one's weakness has been seized upon.
  • 약점을 잡혀 구속을 받다.
one's office
    workplace; one's office
  • A place where one does work as one's job.
  • 사람이 직업을 가지고 일하는 곳.
one's old age
    one's old age
  • The time of life when one is old.
  • 늙은 뒤.
    one's old age; later years of one's life
  • The time of life when one becomes old.
  • 늙어 가는 때.
one's older brother
    one's older brother
  • The older brother to whom the same parents gave birth.
  • 같은 부모에게서 태어난 오빠.
one's other half
    one's other half
  • (figurative) A person who is very close to oneself such as a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, etc.
  • (비유적으로) 연인, 배우자와 같이 매우 가까운 대상.
one's own age
    one's own time; one's own age
  • One's lifetime.
  • 한 사람의 일생.
one's own business
    one's own business
  • A business that one manages and runs on one's own.
  • 자신이 직접 관리하고 운영하는 사업.
one's own car
    one's own car
  • A car that is used by an individual or his/her family, not for business.
  • 영업을 위한 것이 아니라 개인 또는 개인의 가정에서 쓰이는 자동차.
one's own charge
    one's own expense; one's own charge; self-financing
  • The act of paying the money one should pay, for oneself; the money.
  • 자기한테 필요한 돈을 자기가 내는 것. 또는 그 돈.
one's own child
    little child; one's own child
  • (endearing) A little child or one's own little child.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 어린아이나 어린 자식.
one's own country
    one's own country; one's native country
  • The country of one's nationality.
  • 자기의 국적이 있는 나라.
    one's own country
  • One's home country.
  • 자기 나라.
one's own efforts
    one's own efforts
  • One's own power, energy, efforts, etc.
  • 스스로의 힘.
one's own expense
    one's own expense; one's own charge; self-financing
  • The act of paying the money one should pay, for oneself; the money.
  • 자기한테 필요한 돈을 자기가 내는 것. 또는 그 돈.
one's own flesh and blood
    hand and foot; one's own flesh and blood
  • (figurative) One's siblings or children.
  • (비유적으로) 형제나 자식.
    one's own flesh and blood
  • A person related by blood such as a parent, child, sibling, etc.
  • 부모, 자식, 형제 등과 같이 같은 혈통으로 맺어진 사람.
one's own handwriting
    one's own handwriting; holograph
  • The act of writing letters in one's own hand; the letters written in such a way.
  • 자기 손으로 직접 글씨를 씀. 또는 그 글씨.
one's own house
    one's own house
  • A house that one owns.
  • 자기 소유의 집.
one's own making
    one's own work; one's own making
  • The act of making or writing something by oneself; something made in such a way.
  • 제 손으로 직접 만들거나 지음. 또는 그렇게 만든 것.
one's own money
    one's own money; savings
  • The money that is in the pocket.
  • 주머니 안에 들어 있는 돈.
ProverbsOne's own nose is three feet long
    One's own nose is three feet long; have one's own fish to fry
  • An expression used to describe a situation where one's own business is so urgent and difficult that one cannot afford to help others.
  • 내 사정이 급하고 어려워서 남을 돌볼 여유가 없음을 뜻하는 말.
one's own play
    one's own play
  • A play that one wrote oneself.
  • 자기가 만든 연극.
one's own song
    one's own song
  • A song that one wrote oneself.
  • 자기가 만든 곡.
one's own theory
    one's own theory
  • One's thought or theory that one has argued from a while ago.
  • 전부터 늘 주장해 온 생각이나 이론.
one's own time
    one's own time; one's own age
  • One's lifetime.
  • 한 사람의 일생.
one's own views
    one's own views; good grasp of something
  • A unique opinion or idea of a person who is knowledgeable and competent in a certain field, and therefore has reached a certain level of expertise or established his/her own theories
  • 어떤 분야에 대하여 뛰어난 지식과 능력이 있어 자기 나름대로 경지나 체계를 이룬 사람의 독특한 생각이나 의견.
one's own way
    one's own way
  • As one has decided or as one wishes.
  • 마음먹은 대로.
one's own work
    one's own work; one's own making
  • The act of making or writing something by oneself; something made in such a way.
  • 제 손으로 직접 만들거나 지음. 또는 그렇게 만든 것.
one's parents
    one's parents
  • One's father and mother.
  • 아버지와 어머니.
one's paternal uncle
    one's paternal uncle
  • A brother of one's father.
  • 친아버지의 형제.
IdiomOne's patience hurts
    One's patience hurts[is reversed]
  • To feel like vomitting soon because one's tolerance to a strong or fishy smell is weak.
  • 냄새가 강하거나 비린 것 등에 대해 견디는 능력이 좋지 않아 금방 토할 듯하다.
IdiomOne's peepers are overturned
    One's peepers are overturned
  • (slang) To lose one's reason since one went through something shocking or be obsessed with something.
  • (속된 말로) 충격적인 일을 당하거나 어떤 일에 집착하여 이성을 잃다.
IdiomOne's peepers go blind
    One's peepers go blind
  • (slang) To do something wrong as if one has gone blind.
  • (속된 말로) 마치 눈이 먼 것처럼 잘못된 행동을 하다.
one's perfect job
    one's perfect job; one's business
  • Something that a person can do well because it suits his/her skills.
  • 자신에게 잘 맞아서 잘해 낼 수 있는 일.
ProverbsOne spits something if it is bitter, while swallowing it if it is sweet
    One spits something if it is bitter, while swallowing it if it is sweet
  • To chase one's own interest without considering right or wrong.
  • 옳고 그름을 따지지 않고 자기의 이익만을 따른다.
one's place
    one's means; one's condition; one's place
  • A state of being within one's means or according to one's condition.
  • 자기의 처지에 맞는 한도.
IdiomOne's place is settled
    One's place is settled
  • To get accustomed to something that one newly started to such an extent that one feels comfortable with it.
  • 새로 하는 일에 편할 만큼 익숙해지다.
  • One's place is settled
  • To settle down in a new place.
  • 새로운 곳에서 생활이 안정되다.
one's place of appointment
    one's new post; one's place of appointment
  • A place where a person works after being given a new position or duty.
  • 어떤 지위나 임무를 받아 근무하는 곳.
    one's post; one's place of appointment
  • A place where a person works after being given a certain duty.
  • 일을 맡아 근무하는 곳.
one spoonful
    a little; a bit; one spoonful; one bite
  • A small amount of food that is equivalent to a spoonful.
  • 숟가락으로 한 번 뜬 정도의 적은 음식.
one's post
    one's post; one's place of appointment
  • A place where a person works after being given a certain duty.
  • 일을 맡아 근무하는 곳.
one's price
    one's value; one's price
  • The monetary value of a person who has been sold as a slave to another.
  • 누군가의 소유물로 팔려온 사람의 가치를 돈으로 계산한 액수.
one's relatives
    one's relatives; one's folks
  • People who are related by blood and share the same last name.
  • 성이 같고 혈연관계에 있는 사람들.
IdiomOne's saliva comes up
    One's saliva comes up
  • To have an appetite.
  • 식욕이 생기다.
  • One's saliva comes up
  • To have greed for an interest or fortune.
  • 이익이나 재물 등에 욕심이 생기다.
IdiomOne's saliva runs
    One's saliva runs
  • To have an appetite.
  • 식욕이 생기다.
  • One's saliva runs
  • To have greed for an interest or fortune.
  • 이익이나 재물 등에 욕심이 생기다.
IdiomOne's sap drains
    One's sap drains
  • To have no energy as one has worked very hard or severely suffered something.
  • 너무 힘들게 일하거나 시달려 기운이 없다.
IdiomOne's screw falls out
    One's screw falls out
  • For one's state of mind to be relaxed with tension eased.
  • 긴장이 풀려 마음이나 정신 상태가 느슨하다.
IdiomOne's screw is loosened
    One's screw is loosened
  • For one's state of mind to be relaxed with tension eased.
  • 긴장이 풀려 마음이나 정신 상태가 느슨하다.
IdiomOne's seed money is revealed
    One's seed money is revealed
  • For one's money or possessions to be used up.
  • 가진 돈이나 물건이 다 없어지다.
  • One's seed money is revealed
  • For one's appearance or character that has been concealed to appear.
  • 평소에 숨겨져 있던 원래 모습이나 성격이 나타나다.
one's self
    one's self
  • Oneself.
  • 자기 자신.
one's senior
    older person; one's senior
  • A person who is older than someone.
  • 나이가 많은 사람.
    one's senior
  • A person who is older or higher than oneself in a family.
  • 가족 관계에서 자신보다 나이나 위치가 많거나 위인 사람.
IdiomOne's senses fall out
    One's senses fall out
  • To think and behave in an abnormal manner.
  • 비정상적으로 생각하고 행동하다.

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