IdiomOne's heart collapses
    One's heart collapses
  • To find it difficult to pick up the pieces from severe shock.
  • 심한 충격으로 마음을 바로잡지 못하다.
IdiomOne's heart explodes
    One's heart explodes
  • To be overwhelmed with excitement.
  • 매우 흥분되어 가슴속이 꽉 차다.
IdiomOne's heart is as small as a bean
    One's heart is[becomes] as small as a bean
  • To shrink back with anxiety and nervousness.
  • 불안하고 초조하여 움츠러들다.
IdiomOne's heart is on fire
    One's heart is on fire
  • For emotions or thoughts to become intensified.
  • 감정이나 생각이 강해지다.
IdiomOne's heart is opened up
    One's heart is opened up
  • For a frustrated or oppressed state of mind to be eased.
  • 답답한 마음이 없어지다.
IdiomOne's heart is pricked
    One's heart is pricked
  • To feel a prick at one's conscience.
  • 양심의 가책을 받다.
IdiomOne's heart is torn
    One's heart is torn[stuffed to bursting]
  • To feel pain in the heart because of grief.
  • 슬픔으로 마음이 매우 아프다.
  • One's heart is torn[stuffed to bursting]
  • To feel overflowing joy with overwhelming emotion.
  • 감격으로 크게 기쁘게 되다.
IdiomOne's heart is torn apart
    One's heart is torn apart
  • To feel severe pain in the heart.
  • 심한 마음의 고통을 받다.
IdiomOne's heart sinks
    One's heart sinks
  • To be startled.
  • 깜짝 놀라다.
IdiomOne's heart stops
    One's heart stops
  • To die as one's heart stops.
  • 심장이 멈추어 숨이 끊기다.
ProverbsOne sholud first give love to others, if one wants to be loved by them
    One sholud first give love to others, if one wants to be loved by them
  • One must love or care others, if one wants the same from them.
  • 자기가 다른 사람에게 사랑이나 관심을 가지고 잘 대해 주어야 다른 사람도 나에게 잘 대해 준다.
ProverbsOne should chew meat to fully enjoy the flavor
    One should chew meat to fully enjoy the flavor
  • One should have firsthand experience to thoroughly understand something as one could never appreciate the flavor of meat before chewing it.
  • 고기를 씹지 않고 제맛을 알 수 없는 것처럼 일을 직접 해 봐야 참뜻을 안다.
ProverbsOne should chew meat to fully enjoy the flavor, and one should speak to fully enjoy the flavor
    One should chew meat to fully enjoy the flavor, and one should speak to fully enjoy the flavor
  • One should bring things out into the open without reservation to feel better just like one can never appreciate the flavor of meat without chewing it.
  • 고기를 씹어야 그 맛을 알 수 있는 것처럼 할 말은 마음에 두지 않고 다 하는 것이 좋다.
ProverbsOne should experience a man to know himher better
    One should experience a man to know him/her better
  • You have to get along with someone for a long time to completely know what he/she is because appearance can sometimes be deceptive.
  • 사람의 마음은 겉으로 보아서는 알 수 없으며 함께 오랫동안 지내보아야 알 수 있다.
ProverbsOne should experience a man to know himher better, and one should cross the water to know it better
    One should experience a man to know him/her better, and one should cross the water to know it better
  • You have to get along with someone for a long time to completely know what he/she is because appearance can sometimes be deceptive.
  • 사람의 마음은 겉으로 보아서는 알 수 없으며 함께 오랫동안 지내보아야 알 수 있다.
ProverbsOne should first talk nicely, if one wants to be responded to in the same manner
    One should first talk nicely, if one wants to be responded to in the same manner; What comes around, goes around
  • One must speak or act nicely to others, if one wants the same from them.
  • 자기가 다른 사람에게 말이나 행동을 좋게 해야 다른 사람도 자기에게 좋게 한다.
ProverbsOne should speak to fully enjoy the flavor, and one should chew meat to fully enjoy the flavor
    One should speak to fully enjoy the flavor, and one should chew meat to fully enjoy the flavor
  • It is better to say what one has to say.
  • 할 말은 하는 것이 좋다.
one's house
    one's house
  • One's home.
  • 자기 집.
one's husband's home
    one's husband's home
  • The house that one's husband's parents live in, or one's husband's household.
  • 남편의 부모가 사는 집. 또는 남편의 집안.
    one's husband's home
  • (polite form) The house that one's husband's parents or one's husband's family live in.
  • (높이는 말로) 남편의 부모가 사는 집이나 남편의 집안.
one's husband's younger sister
    one's husband's younger sister
  • One's husband's younger sister.
  • 손아래 시누이.
one side
    one side; aspect; part
  • One side of an object, a person, or something.
  • 물체나 사람이나 일의 한 면.
    one side; one way; one party
  • One party or direction.
  • 어느 한쪽이나 한 방향.
    one side; one aspect
  • One facet of a certain matter.
  • 어떤 일의 한쪽 면.
    one part; one side
  • A single part or side of something.
  • 한쪽 부분.
    one side; one part
  • One part of something or one direction.
  • 어느 한 부분이나 방향.
    one side; one part
  • A certain part of something or direction.
  • 어느 한 부분이나 방향.
  • one side; one aspect; being on one hand
  • One facet of a certain matter.
  • 어떤 일의 한 측면.
    one-sided; one-dimensional
  • Leaning in one direction.
  • 한 방면으로 치우치는.
    one-sided; unilateral
  • Leaning toward one party or side.
  • 어느 한쪽이나 한편으로 치우친.
one sided love
    unrequited love; unanswered love; one sided love
  • A love that is not reciprocated but one-sided.
  • 서로 사랑하는 것이 아니라 한쪽만 상대편을 사랑하는 일.
IdiomOne's indignation surges up
    One's indignation surges up
  • To be very angry and furious.
  • 몹시 화가 나고 분하다.
one´s inmost thoughts
    one´s intention; one´s inmost thoughts
  • An invisible, deep part of one's mind.
  • 겉으로 잘 드러나지 않는 마음의 깊은 곳.
IdiomOne's inside boils
관용구속이 끓다
    One's inside boils
  • For strong emotion to surge up within one's mind due to anger or resentment.
  • 화가 나거나 분해서 격한 감정이 마음속에서 치밀어 오르다.
IdiomOne's inside burns
    One's inside burns
  • To worry about something and be fretful.
  • 걱정이 되어서 마음이 조마조마하다.
IdiomOne's inside goes down
    One's inside goes down
  • For one's anger or sulking to be relieved.
  • 화가 가라앉거나 토라졌던 감정이 누그러지다.
IdiomOne's inside is eased
    One's inside is eased
  • For one's anger or sulking to be relieved.
  • 화를 냈거나 토라졌던 감정이 누그러지다.
IdiomOne's inside is seen
    One's inside is seen
  • For one's intention to be obviously revealed.
  • 의도가 뻔히 드러나다.
IdiomOne's inside surges up
    One's inside surges up
  • To be upset and overwhelmed with resentment.
  • 기분이 언짢아 분한 마음이 복받쳐 오르다.
IdiomOne's inside trembles
    One's inside trembles
  • To be very scared and afraid at heart.
  • 마음속으로 몹시 겁이 나고 두렵다.
one´s intention
    one´s intention; one´s inmost thoughts
  • An invisible, deep part of one's mind.
  • 겉으로 잘 드러나지 않는 마음의 깊은 곳.
ProverbsOne's journey toward death is thirty six thousand kilometers
    One's journey toward death is thirty six thousand kilometers
  • An expression meaning one has a lot of days to live.
  • 아직 살아갈 날이 많이 남아 있음을 뜻하는 말.
one's legal wife
    one's legal wife
  • One's legal wife, not a concubine.
  • 첩이 아닌 원래의 부인.
IdiomOne's life comes and goes
    One's life comes and goes
  • To face a very dangerous or critical moment.
  • 매우 위험한 순간이나 고비에 처하다.
one's life history
    curriculum vitae; one's life history
  • A document on which one's personal history including one's academic background and career is written.
  • 자신의 학력, 경력과 같은 지금까지의 이력을 적은 문서.
one's lifetime
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • A period of all one's life.
  • 한평생 살아 있는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • While one lives.
  • 살아 있는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • The time in which one lives.
  • 살아 있는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • The period of one's whole life.
  • 사람이 한평생 사는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • The time that one lives.
  • 한 사람의 살아 있는 동안.
IdiomOne's liver and gall bladder drop
    One's liver and gall bladder drop
  • To be very startled.
  • 몹시 놀라다.
IdiomOne's liver and gall bladder sink
    One's liver and gall bladder sink
  • To be very startled.
  • 몹시 놀라다.
IdiomOne's liver and intestines are cut off
    One's liver and intestines are cut off
  • To feel unbearable grief.
  • 참을 수 없을 만큼 슬픈 느낌이 들게 되다.
IdiomOne's liver and intestines burn
    One's liver and intestines burn
  • To be fidgety; to fret and feel anxious.
  • 마음을 졸이다. 또는 초조해하고 불안해하다.
IdiomOne's liver and intestines melt
    One's liver and intestines melt
  • To be charmed and dazzled so much so that one loses one's sense.
  • 정신을 차릴 수 없을 만큼 마음이 끌리다.
  • One's liver and intestines melt
  • To fret or feel anxious.
  • 마음이 몹시 초조하거나 애가 타다.
IdiomOne's liver becomes porous
    One's liver becomes porous
  • To become hollow and unreliable.
  • 실속이 없고 믿음직스럽지 못하게 되다.
IdiomOne's liver dangles
    One's liver dangles[rattles/sinks]
  • To be very shocked out of fright.
  • 몹시 놀라 충격을 받다.
IdiomOne's liver drops
    One's liver drops
  • To be very startled.
  • 매우 놀라다.
IdiomOne's liver flares
    One's liver flares
  • For the heart to pound out of astonishment or fear.
  • 몹시 놀라거나 두려워 가슴이 두근거리다.
IdiomOne's liver flutters
    One's liver flutters
  • To feel anxious and agitated or nervous.
  • 마음이 초조하고 불안하다.
IdiomOne's liver shivers
    One's liver shivers
  • To get cold feet and be very anxious.
  • 매우 겁이 나고 불안해하다.
IdiomOne's liver shrinks
    One's liver shrinks
  • To be scared out of sudden uncontrollable fear.
  • 매우 두려워 겁이 나다.
IdiomOne's liver shrinks to the size of a bean
    One's liver shrinks to the size of a bean; be scared stiff
  • To be very frightened; to be very terrified.
  • 매우 겁이 나다.
IdiomOne's liver swells up
관용구간이 붓다
    One's liver swells up
  • To become too imprudent for one's position or situation.
  • 처지나 상황에 맞지 않게 지나치게 용감해지다.
one's manner of doing work
    one's manner of doing work
  • (figurative) The way one does work or how something is progressing.
  • (비유적으로) 일이 되어 나가거나 일을 해 나가는 모습.
one´s manner of walking
    one´s manner of walking
  • The way one walks.
  • 걷는 모양.
one's maternal uncle
    one's maternal uncle
  • A word used to refer to or address a brother of one's mother.
  • 어머니의 남자 형제를 이르거나 부르는 말.
one's means
    one's means; one's condition; one's place
  • A state of being within one's means or according to one's condition.
  • 자기의 처지에 맞는 한도.
one´s memory
    brain; one´s mind; one´s memory
  • The brain where one's consciousness, memory, or thought exists.
  • 사람의 의식이나 기억이나 생각이 들어 있는 머릿속.
one's mind
    one's heart; one's mind
  • (slang) A person's heart or state of mind.
  • (속된 말로) 사람의 마음.
one´s mind
    brain; one´s mind; one´s memory
  • The brain where one's consciousness, memory, or thought exists.
  • 사람의 의식이나 기억이나 생각이 들어 있는 머릿속.
IdiomOne's mind falls out
    One's mind falls out
  • To be unable to notice or perceive something.
  • 무엇을 잘 알아차리거나 인식하지 못하다.
IdiomOne's mind goes to something
    One's mind goes to something
  • For one's thoughts or attention to be focused on something.
  • 생각이나 관심이 쏠리다.
IdiomOne's mind indulges in something
    One's mind indulges in something
  • To indulge in something and be unable to think about something else.
  • 어떤 것에 정신이 쏠려 다른 일을 생각하지 못하다.
IdiomOne's mind is drawn to something
    One's mind is drawn to something
  • For thoughts or one's attention to keep going in a certain direction.
  • 생각이나 관심이 자꾸 그쪽으로 가다.
IdiomOne's mind is laid down
    One's mind is laid down
  • To be relieved; to not worry.
  • 안심되다. 걱정되지 않다.
IdiomOne's mind is like a chimney
    One's mind is like a chimney; The spirit is rolling
  • To want very much.
  • 매우 원하다.
IdiomOne's mind is untangled
    One's mind is untangled
  • For a negative feeling to disappear.
  • 안 좋은 감정이 없어지다.
IdiomOne's mind opens
    One's mind opens
  • To be broad-minded, and behave and speak in a bold manner.
  • 마음이 넓고 말과 행동이 대범하다.

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