one's shape after tidying himselfherself
    one's shape after tidying himself/herself
  • One's appearance after adjusting his/her clothes.
  • 옷을 바르게 입은 모양새.
one's shape in clothes
    one's shape in clothes
  • One's appearance in clothes.
  • 옷을 입은 모양새.
IdiomOne's shoulders shrug
    One's shoulders shrug[shrug one's shoulders]
  • To feel like showing off something or feel confident and proud about it.
  • 뽐내고 싶은 기분이나 떳떳하고 자랑스러운 기분이 되다.
IdiomOne's side is empty
관용구곁이 비다
    One's side is empty
  • To be without a guardian or caregiver nearby.
  • 보호하거나 돌보는 사람이 가까이에 없다.
one's sister-in-law
    one's sister-in-law
  • A word used to refer to or address one's elder brother's wife in a family or among relatives.
  • 가족이나 친척 사이에서 형의 아내를 이르거나 부르는 말.
one's sixtieth birthday
    one's sixtieth birthday; the age of sixty
  • The sixtieth birthday of a person.
  • 사람이 태어난 지 만 육십 년이 되는 예순 번째 생일.
one's sixtieth birthday party
    one's sixtieth birthday party
  • A party held to celebrate one's sixtieth birthday.
  • 사람이 태어난 지 만 육십 년이 되는 예순 번째 생일에 하는 잔치.
    one's sixtieth birthday party
  • A party held to celebrate one's sixtieth birthday.
  • 사람이 태어난 지 만 육십 년이 되는 예순 번째 생일에 하는 잔치.
one's skill
    specialty; one's skill
  • One's special skill or talent that someone else does not have.
  • 남이 가지지 못한 특별한 기술이나 재능.
IdiomOne's soles are on fire
    One's soles are on fire
  • To get around here and there hurriedly and quickly.
  • 서둘러서 급하게 여기저기 돌아다니다.
IdiomOne's spine is horror-struck
    One's spine is horror-struck
  • To feel a chill out of horror.
  • 너무 끔찍스러워 몸이 오싹해지다.
IdiomOne's spirit drains
    One's spirit drains
  • To be engrossed in something to such an extent that nothing else is in mind.
  • 다른 것을 생각하지 못할 만큼 열중하다.
IdiomOne's spirit goes out
    One's spirit goes out
  • To have nothing in mind or lose one's senses.
  • 아무 생각이 없거나 정신을 잃다.
IdiomOne's spirit has left
    One's spirit has left
  • To become flustered due to something unexpected.
  • 뜻밖의 일 등으로 정신을 못 차리다.
IdiomOne's spirit is alive
    One's spirit is alive
  • For one's energy to rise and force to soar.
  • 기세가 오르고 힘이 솟다.
IdiomOne's spirit is blocked
    One's spirit is blocked
  • To be dumbfounded by something surprising or unpleasant.
  • 어떠한 일이 놀랍거나 못마땅해서 어이가 없다.
IdiomOne's spirit is dead
    One's spirit is dead
  • To get depressed since one's courage and energy disappears or weakens.
  • 용기나 기세가 사라지거나 약해져 시무룩하다.
IdiomOne's spirit is full
    One's spirit is full
  • To become speechless with surprise and perplexity.
  • 너무 놀라거나 어이가 없어 말이 안 나오다.
IdiomOne's sprout is yellow
    One's chance is yellow; One's sprout is yellow
  • For a business or person to have no chance of success.
  • 일이나 사람이 잘될 만한 가능성이 없다.
IdiomOne's step feels heavy
    One's step feels heavy
  • To feel reluctant or unwilling to do something.
  • 마음이 내키지 않거나 선뜻 어떤 일을 하고 싶지 않다.
IdiomOne's steps are reluctant
    One's steps are reluctant
  • To be reluctant to go somewhere.
  • 가고 싶은 생각이 좀처럼 나지 않다.
IdiomOne's step would not be taken off
    One's step would not be taken off
  • To be unable to leave as one feels uneasy.
  • 마음이 놓이지 않아 떠나지 못하다.
IdiomOne's stomach is eased
    One's stomach is eased
  • For uncomfortable feelings in one's stomach to be relieved.
  • 거북하던 배 속이 괜찮아지다.
IdiomOne's stomach is turned inside out
    One's stomach is turned inside out
  • To be disgusted at something and feel like throwing up.
  • 비위가 상하여 토할 것 같이 되다.
  • One's stomach is turned inside out
  • To feel very displeased and annoyed with someone.
  • 몹시 아니꼽고 얄밉게 느껴지다.
IdiomOne's string falls off
    One's string falls off
  • For ways or means to live on to be cut off.
  • 붙들고 살아가던 방법이나 수단이 끊어지다.
one's superior
    one's superior
  • A person who is higher than oneself in one's social life.
  • 사회 생활에서 자신보다 위치가 위인 사람.
one's superior's wife
    one's superior's wife
  • (polite form) One's superior's or elder's wife.
  • (높이는 말로) 윗사람의 부인.
ProverbsOne's tail is bound to be stepped on if it is long
    One's tail is bound to be stepped on if it is long
  • Something secret is bound to be revealed if it continues for a long time.
  • 비밀스러운 일을 오랫동안 계속하면 결국 들키게 되어 있다.
IdiomOne's tail is revealed
    One's tail is revealed
  • For one's identity to be revealed.
  • 정체가 밝혀지다.
IdiomOne's tail is stepped on
    One's tail is stepped on
  • For one's whereabouts that had been concealed to be discovered.
  • 숨겼던 행적을 들키다.
one state
    one country; one state
  • One nation.
  • 한 나라.
one's teacher's wife
    one's teacher's wife
  • (polite form) One's teacher's wife.
  • (높이는 말로) 스승의 부인.
IdiomOne's tears spin
    One's tears spin
  • For tears to suddenly form and gather in one's eyes.
  • 갑작스럽게 눈에 눈물이 고이다.
IdiomOne's teeth are ground
1. 관용구이(가) 갈리다
    One's teeth are ground
  • To have a grudge from strong resentment and fury.
  • 매우 분하고 화가 나서 독한 마음이 생기다.
    One's teeth are ground
  • (disparaging) To have a grudge from strong resentment and fury.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 매우 분하고 화가 나서 독한 마음이 생기다.
IdiomOne's teeth fall out
    One's teeth fall out
  • For the mouth of a bottle or the brim of a dish, or a part of the blade of a knife to be chipped or broken.
  • 그릇이나 병 등의 입구나 칼날의 일부분이 깨져 나가다.
IdiomOne's teeth shudder
    One's teeth shudder
  • To feel unbearably resentful or distressed.
  • 참을 수 없이 몹시 분하거나 괴롭고 싫다.
one step
    one step
  • (figurative) Literally meaning one step, a state of being very close to something.
  • (비유적으로) 한 걸음이라는 뜻으로, 아주 가까이 있음.
    one step; a single step; one stride
  • A state of taking one step without stopping, or such a pace.
  • 쉬지 않고 한 번에 가는 걸음이나 움직임.
    one step
  • A word used to indicate that a certain event or action takes place earlier or later than another at slight temporal or spatial intervals.
  • 어떤 일이나 행동이 다른 일이나 행동보다 시간 또는 위치가 약간의 간격을 두고 일어남을 나타내는 말.
one's thought
    one's thought
  • (impolite form) One's own thought.
  • (낮추는 말로) 자기의 생각.
    one's thought; one's will
  • One's own thought or opinion.
  • 자기 생각이나 뜻.
ProverbsOne sticks to the liver and then the gall bladder
    One sticks to the liver and then the gall bladder
  • To side with one party and then another party for the sake of one's own interest.
  • 자기에게 이익이 되도록 이편이 되었다 저편이 되었다 하다.
one-storied house
    one-storied house
  • A house with a single story.
  • 한 층으로 된 집.
one stride
    one step; a single step; one stride
  • A state of taking one step without stopping, or such a pace.
  • 쉬지 않고 한 번에 가는 걸음이나 움직임.
one stroke
    one stroke; one blow
  • An act of making one attack or such an attack.
  • 한 번 공격함. 또는 그런 공격.
one stroke of the sword
    one stroke of the sword
  • A single flourish of the sword.
  • 칼을 한 번만 휘두름.
  • one stroke of the sword
  • (figurative) The act of doing something once and for all.
  • (비유적으로) 어떠한 행동을 한 번에 해 버림.
one’s true heart
    one’s true heart
  • A sincere feeling, from deep in one's heart.
  • 마음속에서 우러나오는 참된 마음.
one's turn
    being on duty; one's turn; shift
  • Becoming one's turn to do something, or the person in this turn.
  • 어떤 일을 할 차례가 됨. 또는 그 차례가 된 사람.
one's untying a knot one has tied
    one's untying a knot one has tied
  • Whoever creates the problem solves it.
  • 자기가 저지른 일은 자기가 해결함.
one´s utmost exertion
    one´s utmost exertion
  • Consuming all energy one has, or the energy.
  • 낼 수 있는 모든 힘을 다함. 또는 그 힘.
one's value
    one's value; one's price
  • The monetary value of a person who has been sold as a slave to another.
  • 누군가의 소유물로 팔려온 사람의 가치를 돈으로 계산한 액수.
ProverbsOne's visiting day is a market day
    One's visiting day is a market day
  • Just when one is about to do a certain thing, something unexpected occurs.
  • 어떤 일을 하려고 하는데 마침 그때 생각하지도 않은 일이 생긴다는 뜻.
ProverbsOne swallows something if it is sweet, while spitting it if it is bitter
    One swallows something if it is sweet, while spitting it if it is bitter
  • To chase one's own interest without considering right or wrong, or keeping faith.
  • 옳고 그른 것이나 신의를 신경 쓰지 않고 자기의 이익만을 따른다.
ProverbsOne swallows something if it tastes good, and spits it out if it tastes bitter
    One swallows something if it tastes good, and spits it out if it tastes bitter
  • To only take what is beneficial or helpful to oneself.
  • 자기에게 이롭거나 도움이 되는 것만 챙기다.
one's whole family
    one's whole family; one's family and relatives; kinsfolk
  • A group of people related by blood, having the same ancestors; or the relatives from the same ancestors.
  • 조상이 같고 한 핏줄로 이어진 집단. 또는 같은 조상의 친척.
one's whole life
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • A period of all one's life.
  • 한평생 살아 있는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • While one lives.
  • 살아 있는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • The time in which one lives.
  • 살아 있는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • The period of one's whole life.
  • 사람이 한평생 사는 동안.
    one's lifetime; one's whole life
  • The time that one lives.
  • 한 사람의 살아 있는 동안.
one's wife
    one's wife
  • The woman to whom a man is married.
  • 결혼하여 남자의 짝이 된 여자.
    one's wife
  • (polite form) Another person's wife.
  • (높이는 말로) 남의 아내.
    one's wife
  • (disparaging) One's wife.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 자기 아내.
one's will
    one's thought; one's will
  • One's own thought or opinion.
  • 자기 생각이나 뜻.
IdiomOne's windpipe is cut off
    One's windpipe is cut off
  • (slang) To die.
  • (속된 말로) 죽다.
one's word
    one's word; promise; swear
  • An act of promising something verbally, or such a promise.
  • 말로 약속함. 또는 그런 약속.
one's words
    implicit pledge; one's words; clue
  • Words that will act as evidence later; or a remark that allows others to guess what will happen in the future.
  • 나중에 증거가 될 말. 또는 앞으로의 일에 대해 추측할 수 있게 하는 말.
IdiomOne's words are blocked
    One's words are blocked
  • For words to be cut off in the middle of being made.
  • 하고 있는 말이 끊기다.
IdiomOne's words are sluggish
관용구말이 뜨다
    One's words are sluggish
  • For words to keep being blocked or slowed.
  • 말이 자꾸 막히거나 느리다.
IdiomOne's wrath is blue
    One's wrath is blue[dark blue]
  • For one's force or attitude to be threatening and ferocious to such an extent that no one dares to defy it.
  • 남이 맞서지 못할 정도로 기운이나 태도가 위협적이고 날카롭다.
IdiomOne's wrath is very dark bluedeep blueblack and blue
    One's wrath is very dark blue/deep blue/black and blue
  • For one's force or attitude to be threatening and ferocious to such an extent that no one dares to defy it.
  • 남이 맞서지 못할 정도로 기운이나 태도가 위협적이고 날카롭다.
one's younger sibling
    one's younger sibling
  • The younger brother or sister to whom the same parents gave birth.
  • 같은 부모에게서 태어난 동생.
ProverbsOne talks nicely to others so that in turn they will do the same to them
    One talks nicely to others so that in turn they will do the same to them; What goes around, comes around
  • A person tends to speak or act nicely to others, if they do the same to him/her.
  • 남이 나에게 말이나 행동을 좋게 하면 나도 남에게 말이나 행동을 좋게 한다.
one time
    one time
  • The same time.
  • 같은 때.
    one time; once
  • A certain period of time.
  • 어느 한 시기.
  • one time
  • The same time.
  • 같은 때.
one tiny boat
    one tiny boat
  • A single little boat.
  • 한 척의 작은 배.
one turn
    one round; one turn; one session
  • A state of having an event or match one time.
  • 한 차례 벌이는 일이나 경기.

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