first son's wifefirst spoonful of foodfirst stepfirst ten days of a monthfirst timefirst time in one's lifefirst-time offenderfirst-time offensefirst trainfirst tripfirst utterancefirst visitfirst volumefirst watch of the nightfirst wordfirst wordsfirst yearfir treefishfish and meatfish and shellfishfish baitfish bonefish bowlfish cakeFish do not gather in water that is too clearfisherfishermanfisheryfish foodfishgarthfishhookfishingfishing boatfishing fleetfishing gearfishing groundfishing hookfishing industryfishing linefishing placefishing polefishing portfishing rodfishing stringfishing vesselfishing villagefishing weirfish in troubled waters
first son's wife
first spoonful of food
- In eating, the first spoonful of food.
- 음식을 먹을 때, 처음으로 드는 숟갈.
first spoonful of food; first bite
first step
2. 첫걸음
- The first step taken towards a destination.
- 목적지를 향해 맨 처음 내딛는 걸음.
- The start of something.
- 어떤 일의 시작.
first step
first step; beginning
3. 첫발
- A step that one takes for the first time.
- 처음 내딛는 발.
- The very start of an affair.
- 어떤 일을 시작하는 맨 처음.
first step
first step
4. 초보
- The stage in which one does something, or learns a skill, for the first time.
- 어떤 일이나 기술을 처음으로 시작하거나 배우는 단계.
first step; beginner level
first ten days of a month
- A period from the first to ten days of a month.
- 한 달 가운데 1일부터 10일까지의 기간.
first ten days of a month; beginning of a month
first time
first time in one's life
- The very first experience of something since one's birth.
- 세상에 태어나서 첫 번째.
very first time; first time in one's life
first-time offender
- An act of committing a crime for the first time, or a person who does such an act.
- 처음으로 죄를 지음. 또는 그런 사람.
first-time offense; first-time offender
first-time offense
- An act of committing a crime for the first time, or a person who does such an act.
- 처음으로 죄를 지음. 또는 그런 사람.
first-time offense; first-time offender
first train
first trip
first utterance
first visit
first volume
first watch of the night
1. 일경
- The first of five divisions of the night, referring to the time between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m..
- 하룻밤을 다섯으로 나눈 오경의 첫째 부분으로, 저녁 일곱 시부터 아홉 시 사이.
first watch of the night
2. 초경¹
- The first of five divisions of the night, referring to the time between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m..
- 하룻밤을 다섯으로 나눈 오경의 첫째 부분으로, 저녁 일곱 시부터 아홉 시 사이.
first watch of the night
first word
first words
first year
fir tree
- An evergreen tree with leaves resembling short needles that grows straight up to tens of meters high.
- 잎은 짧은 바늘 모양으로 사계절 내내 푸르며, 수십 미터까지 높이 곧게 자라는 나무.
fir; fir tree
1. 건지다
- To lift something from the surface of water or another liquid or pull something out of water or another liquid.
- 물이나 액체 속에 들어 있거나 떠 있는 것을 밖으로 집어내거나 끌어내다.
fish; scoop
6. 낚시하다
- To catch fish by using a tool for fishing.
- 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 도구를 사용해 물고기를 잡다.
do fishing; fish
7. 물고기
- An underwater vertebrate that has gills, fins and scales.
- 물에서 사는, 아가미와 지느러미와 비늘이 있는 척추동물.
8. 어류
- An aquatic, gill-breathing animal that is usually covered with scales and swims with fins, such as mackerel, tuna, shark, etc.
- 고등어, 참치, 상어처럼 주로 몸이 비늘로 덮여 있으며, 물속에 살면서 지느러미로 헤엄을 치고 아가미로 숨을 쉬는 동물.
10. 어족¹
- An aquatic, gill-breathing animal that is usually covered with scales and swims with fins, such as mackerel, tuna, shark, etc.
- 고등어, 참치, 상어처럼 주로 몸이 비늘로 덮여 있으며, 물속에 살면서 지느러미로 헤엄을 치고 아가미로 숨을 쉬는 동물.
fish and meat
- The flesh of fish and animals.
- 생선과 짐승의 고기.
- (figurative) The state of having been killed or sacrificed cruelly.
- (비유적으로) 무참히 죽게 되거나 희생되는 것.
fish and meat
fish and meat
fish and shellfish
fish bait
fish bone
fish bowl
- A container made of glass, used for keeping and raising fish.
- 물고기를 넣어 기르는 유리로 된 통.
fish bowl; fish tank
fish cake
- Fish paste or fish cake, a dish made by mashing fish flesh, kneading the paste with salt, flour, etc., and cooking it.
- 생선의 살을 으깨어 소금, 밀가루 등을 넣고 반죽해서 익힌 음식.
fish cake
ProverbsFish do not gather in water that is too clear
- One may find it difficult to have many friends or colleagues around if one is too upright and right-minded.
- 사람이 지나치게 결백하고 올바르면 그 사람 주변에 친구나 동료가 많지 않다.
Fish do not gather in water that is too clear
1. 수산
- A state of coming from the ocean, from a river, etc., or such a thing.
- 바다나 강 등의 물에서 나는 것. 또는 그런 물건.
marine goods; being marine; fishery
2. 어업
- The industry that catches or breeds fish, clam, laver, seaweed, etc. for making money, or such an occupation.
- 이익을 얻기 위해 물고기, 조개, 김, 미역 등을 잡거나 기르는 산업. 또는 그런 직업.
fishery; fishing industry
3. 어장
- A place where one goes fishing.
- 고기잡이를 하는 곳.
- A place where there are abundant marine resources and people can engage in fisheries.
- 풍부한 수산 자원이 있고 어업을 할 수 있는 곳.
fishing ground; fishery
fishing ground; fishery
fish food
- A barrier for catching fish, which is made by installing a wooden fence across a river and then hanging a net in the middle of it.
- 나무 울타리를 친 다음 그 가운데에 그물을 달아 물고기를 잡는 장치.
fishing weir; fishgarth
- A small, hooked implement with a sharp point, used for fishing.
- 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 끝이 뾰족한 작은 도구.
fishing boat
4. 어선
- A boat or vessel used for catching fish with a net, etc.
- 그물 등으로 물고기를 잡는 데 사용하는 배.
fishing boat; fishing vessel
fishing fleet
fishing gear
fishing ground
- A place where one goes fishing.
- 고기잡이를 하는 곳.
- A place where there are abundant marine resources and people can engage in fisheries.
- 풍부한 수산 자원이 있고 어업을 할 수 있는 곳.
fishing ground; fishery
fishing ground; fishery
fishing hook
- A small implement with a pointed end, which is used to catch fish.
- 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 끝이 뾰족한 작은 도구.
fishing hook
fishing industry
1. 수산업
- The industry that catches, cultivates or processes organisms from water such as rivers, the ocean, etc.
- 바다나 강 등의 물에서 나는 생물을 잡거나 기르거나 가공하는 등의 산업.
fishing industry
2. 어업
- The industry that catches or breeds fish, clam, laver, seaweed, etc. for making money, or such an occupation.
- 이익을 얻기 위해 물고기, 조개, 김, 미역 등을 잡거나 기르는 산업. 또는 그런 직업.
fishery; fishing industry
fishing line
- A string or cord used to link a hook to a fishing rod.
- 낚싯대에 낚싯바늘을 매어 달기 위하여 쓰는 줄이나 끈.
fishing line; fishing string
fishing place
- A place where people fish by using a tool for fishing.
- 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 도구를 사용해 물고기를 잡는 곳.
fishing place
fishing pole
- A long and narrow rod used to fish, to which a fishing line is tied.
- 가늘고 긴 대에 낚싯줄을 매어 물고기를 잡을 때 쓰는 도구.
fishing rod; fishing pole
fishing port
- A port where fishing vessels stay, preparing for going out to the sea or transporting fish caught to the land.
- 어선이 머무르며 바다로 나갈 준비를 하거나 잡은 물고기를 육지로 운반하는 항구.
fishing port
fishing rod
- A long and narrow rod used to fish, to which a fishing line is tied.
- 가늘고 긴 대에 낚싯줄을 매어 물고기를 잡을 때 쓰는 도구.
fishing rod; fishing pole
fishing string
- A string or cord used to link a hook to a fishing rod.
- 낚싯대에 낚싯바늘을 매어 달기 위하여 쓰는 줄이나 끈.
fishing line; fishing string
fishing vessel
- A boat or vessel used for catching fish with a net, etc.
- 그물 등으로 물고기를 잡는 데 사용하는 배.
fishing boat; fishing vessel
fishing village
- A village inhabited by people who catch fish for a living.
- 물고기를 잡아 생활하는 사람들이 모여 사는 바닷가 마을.
fishing village
fishing weir
- A barrier for catching fish, which is made by installing a wooden fence across a river and then hanging a net in the middle of it.
- 나무 울타리를 친 다음 그 가운데에 그물을 달아 물고기를 잡는 장치.
fishing weir; fishgarth
fish in troubled waters
- An expression meaning that one gains an advantage effortlessly while the other two people are competing with each other.
- 두 사람이 서로 다투는 사이에 다른 사람이 힘들이지 않고 이익을 대신 얻는다는 말.
fish in troubled waters; playing both ends against the middle
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