light of a match
    light of a match
  • A fire made with matches.
  • 성냥으로 켠 불.
light pink
    light pink; pale pink
  • The color light pink.
  • 연한 분홍색.
  • light pink; pale pink
  • The tine light pink.
  • 연한 분홍빛.
    light pink
  • Pale pink.
  • 연한 분홍색.
light pink color
    light pink color
  • Pale pink color.
  • 연한 분홍빛.
light purple
    light purple; pale purple
  • The color light purple.
  • 연한 보라색.
  • light purple; pale purple
  • The tint light purple.
  • 연한 보랏빛.
    light purple
  • Pale purple.
  • 연한 보라색.
light purple color
    light purple color
  • Pale purple color.
  • 연한 보랏빛.
light rail
    light rail
  • A small and light rail system which carries half the passengers for half the distance of regular subways.
  • 수송 인원과 운행 거리가 기존 지하철의 절반 정도인 작고 가벼운 전철.
light sleep
    light sleep; catnap
  • A light sleep.
  • 깊이 들지 않은 잠.
    catnap; light sleep; doze
  • A sleep which is not deep.
  • 깊이 들지 못한 잠.
lights out
    lights out
  • The act of turning off the lights of a public place, building, etc.
  • 공공장소나 건물 등의 등불을 끔.
light up
    light up; brighten up
  • To light up a dark place with a torch, lamp, etc.
  • 불이나 전등 등으로 어두운 곳을 환하게 하다.
    shine; illuminate; light up
  • For something that emits light, to make another thing appear or be illuminated by light.
  • 빛을 내는 것이 다른 것을 밝게 하거나 나타나게 하다.
  • light up; flash
  • To make something bright or visible by using an object that emits light.
  • 빛을 내는 물건을 사용하여 다른 것을 밝게 하거나 드러나게 하다.
    light up
  • For light to be shone brightly.
  • 빛이 환히 비치게 하다.
  • shine; light up
  • For one's eyes to shine with a clear sparkle.
  • 눈이 맑은 빛을 띠게 하다.
Idiomlight up one's eyes
    light up one's eyes
  • To intently focus on looking for something.
  • 무엇을 찾으려고 매우 집중하다.
    lightweight; light
  • The class for a light-weighted player in a sports match that divides players by weight.
  • 선수의 몸무게에 따라 등급을 매겨서 하는 경기에서, 몸무게가 가벼운 편에 드는 등급.
  • A rank of lighter weight in matches that set rankings according to the players' weight such as boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, etc.
  • 권투, 레슬링, 역도 등 선수의 몸무게에 따라 등급을 매겨서 하는 경기에서, 몸무게가 가벼운 편에 드는 등급.
light year
Bound Noun의존 명사
    light year
  • A bound noun that serves as a unit for indicating the distance among things in space.
  • 우주에 있는 물체 사이의 거리를 나타내는 단위.
light yellow
    light yellow
  • Pale yellow.
  • 빛깔이 옅은 노랑.
    enjoy; like
  • To be fond of something, and therefore keep it nearby to enjoy.
  • 어떤 것을 좋아하여 가까이 두고 즐기다.
    similar; like
  • Similar to each other.
  • 서로 비슷하다.
  • such as; like
  • A term used to indicate that one belongs to a similar group with something.
  • 무엇과 비슷한 종류에 속해 있음을 나타내는 말.
    like; enjoy
  • To like or enjoy something very much.
  • 무엇을 매우 좋아하거나 즐기다.
    love; like; be fond of
  • To like and love something.
  • 사랑하고 좋아하다.
  • To have good feelings toward something.
  • 무엇에 대하여 좋은 느낌을 가지다.
  • like; love
  • To have a special liking for a certain food, etc.
  • 특정한 음식 등을 특별히 잘 먹거나 마시다.
  • like
  • To enjoy doing something.
  • 즐겨서 하고 싶어 하다.
Proverbslike a big snake climbing over a wall
    like a big snake climbing over a wall
  • An expression used to describe the manner in which one furtively fudges a work and fails to finish it in a clear and complete manner.
  • 일을 분명하고 깔끔하게 처리하지 않고 슬그머니 얼버무려 버림을 뜻하는 말.
like a cat and dog
    like a cat and dog
  • In the state of frequently fighting with each other due to something trivial.
  • 사소한 일로 서로 자꾸 다투는 모양.
Proverbslike a cat coaxing a rat
    like a cat coaxing a rat
  • The manner in which one controls someone at one's disposal.
  • 상대편을 제 마음대로 하는 모양을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike a cat teasing a rat
    like a cat teasing a rat
  • The manner in which one rushes someone or something as if one will prey on him/her or it immediately.
  • 당장에라도 잡아먹을 듯이 달려드는 모양을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike a cat washing its face
    like a cat washing its face
  • To finish washing one's face by slightly wetting it.
  • 얼굴에 물만 묻히고 세수를 마침을 뜻하는 말.
  • like a cat washing its face
  • To pretend to do something and stop there.
  • 흉내만 내고 그침을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike a cat watching a dog
    like a cat watching a dog
  • For two to be very much at odds and always be on alert for any chance to hurt each other.
  • 사이가 매우 나빠서 서로 해칠 기회만 찾는 모양을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike a chicken watching a cow, like a cow watching a chicken
    like a chicken watching a cow, like a cow watching a chicken
  • The manner in which two look at each other with indifference.
  • 서로 아무 관심도 없이 대하는 모양.
Proverbslike a cow sees a chicken
    like a cow sees a chicken
  • The manner in which one looks at something with indifference.
  • 어떤 것을 무심하게 대하는 모양.
like a demon
    like a demon
  • Amazingly precise and accurate in action or guessing.
  • 동작이나 추측이 매우 정확하고 재주가 놀라울 정도로 뛰어나다.
    like a demon
  • In the manner of being amazingly precise and accurate in action or guessing.
  • 동작이나 추측이 매우 정확하고 재주가 놀라울 정도로 뛰어나게.
Proverbslike a dog eats muscadine
    like a dog eats muscadine(yakgwa, Korean honey cookies)
  • To eat something quickly without without savoring its true flavor.
  • 참맛도 모르면서 그저 바쁘게 먹어 치우는 것을 뜻하는 말.
  • like a dog eats muscadine(yakgwa, Korean honey cookies)
  • To do something very carelessly without considering whether they are on the right track.
  • 내용이 틀리든지 맞든지 생각하지 않고 일을 아무렇게나 함을 뜻하는 말.
  • like a dog eats muscadine(yakgwa, Korean honey cookies)
  • To pretend to know something one doesn't know.
  • 뜻도 모르면서 아는 체함을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike a dog that has been chasing a chicken watching a roof
    like a dog that has been chasing a chicken watching a roof[distance mountain]
  • The manner in which one is discouraged and disappointed at one's effort ending up in failure.
  • 노력하여 하던 일이 실패하자 실망해 기운을 잃은 모양.
Proverbslike a dog watches a cat
    like a dog watches a cat
  • The manner in which two people are very much at odds and always on alert for any chance to hurt each other.
  • 사이가 매우 나빠서 서로 해칠 기회만 찾는 모양을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike a dog watches a chicken
    like a dog watches a chicken
  • The manner in which two sides show no mutual interest at all.
  • 서로 무심하게 보는 모양을 뜻하는 말.
like a fine thread
    like a fine thread
  • Very thinly.
  • 아주 가늘게.
like a flash
    like a flash
  • A word describing the manner of moving fast.
  • 재빨리 움직이는 모양.
    like a flash
  • A word describing an object, person, incident, etc., appearing shortly and soon disappearing.
  • 물건, 사람, 일 등이 잠깐 나타났다가 빨리 없어지거나 사라지는 모양.
    like a flash
  • A word describing an object, person, incident, etc., repeatedly disappearing..
  • 물건, 사람, 일 등이 연이어 빨리 없어지거나 끝나는 모양.
    like a flash
  • A word describing an object, person, incident, etc., appearing shortly and soon disappearing.
  • 물건, 사람, 일 등이 잠깐 나타났다가 빨리 없어지거나 끝나는 모양.
    like a flash
  • A word describing an object, person, incident, etc., repeatedly disappearing.
  • 물건, 사람, 일 등이 연이어 빨리 없어지거나 끝나는 모양.
like a gaggle
    like a gaggle
  • In a manner similar to a large group of children following someone.
  • 아이들이 많이 딸려 있는 모양.
    like a gaggle
  • In a manner similar to a large group of persons following someone.
  • 사람들이 많이 딸려 있는 모양.
like a hill
    like a hill
  • A word describing the shape of something that rises a little.
  • 조금 솟아 볼록하게 올라와 있는 모양.
    like a hill
  • A word describing the shape of something that rises a little.
  • 조금 솟아 볼록하게 올라와 있는 모양.
Idiomlike a honeycomb being poked
    like a honeycomb being poked
  • For something to fall into utter confusion and be very messy.
  • 일이 온통 난장판이 되어 매우 어수선하다.
Idiomlike a lie
    like a lie
  • Changing completely from what it was in the past.
  • 전과는 아주 많이 달라져서.
like an arrow
    like an arrow; as swift as an arrow
  • Very quickly like a shot arrow flying.
  • 쏜 화살이 날아가는 것처럼 매우 빠르게.
Idiomlike a squirrel going round and round in a treadwheel
    like a squirrel going round and round in a treadwheel
  • An expression to describe a situation where one remains in the same state which does not improve at all.
  • 더 나아지는 것이 없이 계속 그 상태에 머물러 있음을 뜻하는 말.
Idiomlike a wrap for dog paws
    like a wrap for dog paws
  • To be of little value and importance.
  • 별 가치가 없고 하찮다.
Idiomlike bashing a dog
관용구개 패듯
    like bashing a dog
  • The manner in which one hits and beats something to a pulp like when slaughtering a dog.
  • 개를 잡을 때처럼 함부로 치고 때리는 모습을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbslike beans sprouting in a drought
    like beans sprouting in a drought; once in a blue moon
  • To happen very rarely.
  • 아주 드물게 가끔 나타나다.
Idiomlike clouds clearing
    like clouds clearing
  • Clearly, completely without something.
  • 완전히 사라져서 깨끗이.
Proverbslike covering the eyes of a crab in the south wind
    like covering the eyes of a crab in the south wind
  • Very fast in eating food.
  • 음식 먹는 것을 매우 빨리.
like dots
    like dots
  • In a manner of being dispersed everywhere like dots.
  • 점을 찍은 듯이 여기저기 흩어지는 모습으로.
ProverbsLike draws to like
    Crawfish are always on the crabs' side; Like draws to like
  • People tend to side with others in a similar situation.
  • 사람은 서로 비슷한 처지에 있거나 가까운 사람의 편을 든다.
    Various types of green colors are all green; Like draws to like; Birds of a feather flock together; One devil knows another
  • An expression meaning people in the same situation or league side with each other.
  • 처지나 부류가 같은 사람들끼리 한 편임.
Proverbslike eating three meals in a day
    like eating three meals in a day
  • As if doing an ordinary or routine work.
  • 평범하거나 일상적인 일을 하듯.
Idiomlike eating tteok, rice cake
관용구떡 먹듯
    like eating tteok, rice cake
  • Easily; unconcernedly or indifferently.
  • 쉽게. 또는 예사로 아무렇지도 않게.
Proverbslike fallen leaves catching on fire
    like fallen leaves catching on fire
  • For one to be quick tempered and quick to snap at trivial things.
  • 성격이 급하고 작은 일에도 화를 잘 내는 것을 뜻하는 말.
like father, like son
    like father, like son
  • An idiom meaning that a father's appearance, personality, habit, etc., are handed down to his son.
  • 아버지의 겉모습, 성격, 버릇 등이 아들에게 그대로 전해짐.
Proverbslike Grand Duke Jiang fishing time
    like Grand Duke Jiang fishing time
  • To do something very slowly.
  • 어떤 일을 매우 느리게 한다.
Idiomlike hiding the eyes of a crab
    like hiding the eyes of a crab
  • To eat up very greedily and quickly.
  • 음식을 매우 급하게 먹는 모양.
Idiomlike juk, porridge, boils
    like juk, porridge, boils
  • To seethe inside with surging feelings such as rage, resentment, etc.
  • 화나 분통 등의 감정을 참지 못하여 마음속이 부글부글 끓어오르다.
Idiomlike kneading tteok, rice cake
    like kneading tteok, rice cake
  • As one wishes or likes.
  • 하고 싶은 대로 마음대로.
like lightning
    like lightning
  • A word describing a thought suddenly coming to one's mind.
  • 어떤 생각이 머릿속에 갑자기 떠오르는 모양.
    like lightning
  • A word describing a thought suddenly and repeatedly coming to one's mind.
  • 어떤 생각이 갑자기 머릿속에 자꾸 떠오르는 모양.
    possibility; chance; likelihood
  • The extent to which something can happen.
  • 어떤 일이 앞으로 이루어질 수 있는 성질.
    Probability; likelihood
  • A highly likelihood in general of something happening.
  • 일반적으로 그 일이 생길 가능성이 높음.

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