    light-heartedly; freely
  • In the manner of setting out somewhere light-heartedly, freely.
  • 어떤 곳을 시원스럽고 가벼운 기분으로 떠나는 모양.
    lightheartedly; carefreely
  • In the state of feeling light and comfortable without being burdened or bothered by something.
  • 신경이 쓰이거나 귀찮지 않고 가볍고 편안하게.
  • A tall building on an island or beach, which signals a light to guide vessels to travel safely at night.
  • 밤에 배들이 안전하게 다니도록 안내하기 위하여, 섬이나 바닷가에 세워 불빛 신호를 보내는 높은 건물.
  • lighthouse
  • (figurative) A person or fact that illuminates one's path ahead.
  • (비유적으로) 나아가야 할 길을 밝혀 주는 사람이나 사실.
lighthouse keeper
    lighthouse keeper
  • A person who tends and maintains the lighthouse so that the light does not go out.
  • 등댓불이 꺼지지 않도록 관리하며 등대를 지키는 사람.
light in a kerosene lamp
    light in a kerosene lamp
  • The light in a small lantern filled with oil, which is lit by igniting a wick in it.
  • 석유를 담고 심지를 넣은 작은 병에 켠 불.
light industry
    light industry
  • An industry making products that weigh lighter relative to their volume.
  • 부피에 비해 무게가 가벼운 물건을 만드는 공업.
  • The act of lighting a lamp.
  • 등에 불을 켬.
    lighting; turning on
  • The act of kindling or lighting something.
  • 불을 붙이거나 켬.
  • The act of illuminating a light on something to make it look bright.
  • 빛을 비추어 밝게 보이게 함.
  • lighting
  • The act of illuminating a light on the stage or an object of a photograph.
  • 무대나 사진 촬영의 대상에 빛을 비춤. 또는 그 빛.
  • The state of bringing in sunlight through a window, etc.
  • 창문 등으로 햇빛을 받아 안으로 들임.
    lightly; nimbly; with agility
  • In such a manner that the body or mind is light and refreshed.
  • 몸이나 마음이 가볍고 상쾌하게.
  • With little weight.
  • 무게를 적게.
  • lightly; rashly
  • In such a manner that the importance, value, responsibility, etc., of one's given task is low or less.
  • 맡은 일의 비중이나 가치, 책임 등이 낮거나 적게.
  • lightly; slightly
  • In such a manner that a crime, mistake, damage, etc., is not serious.
  • 죄나 실수, 손해 등이 심하지 않게.
  • lightly; simply
  • In such a manner that the action does not become a burden.
  • 부담이 되지 않도록 간단하게.
  • lightly; easily
  • In such a manner that one considers something easy.
  • 대수롭지 않게.
  • easily; lightly
  • In such a manner that the movement of the body is quick.
  • 몸의 움직임이 재빠르게.
  • lightly
  • In such a manner that the mind is comfortable and joyful.
  • 마음이 편하고 경쾌하게.
    lightly; easily
  • In such a manner that an object is light enough to be easily picked up.
  • 들기 괜찮을 정도로 무게가 가볍게.
  • lightly
  • In such a manner that one's speech, behavior, etc., is not serious or difficult.
  • 말이나 행동 등이 심각하거나 어렵지 않게.
  • lightly; easily
  • In such a manner that the state of one's body is fresh.
  • 몸의 상태가 상쾌하게.
  • lightly; easily
  • In such a manner that one's mind has no burden.
  • 마음에 부담이 없고 편하게.
    lightly; gently
  • A word describing the state or movement of something floating or rising softly.
  • 물건이 가볍게 떠오르거나 떠 있는 모양.
    a little; lightly
  • In the manner of opening the door, etc., very slightly and quietly.
  • 문 등을 살며시 아주 조금 여는 모양.
    lightly; softly
  • In the manner of walking with soft steps so that it does not make a sound.
  • 소리가 나지 않도록 가볍게 계속해서 걷는 모양.
    lightly; gently
  • A word describing breeze blowing lightly.
  • 바람이 가볍게 부는 모양.
  • A word describing a breeze blowing lightly and repeatedly.
  • 바람이 가볍게 자꾸 부는 모양.
    lightly; softly; cautiously
  • In a slow, light, and careful manner.
  • 천천히 가볍고 조심스럽게.
10. 살짝
    slightly; lightly
  • A little, not severely.
  • 심하지 않게 아주 약간.
  • Lightly in succession without much effort.
  • 힘을 들이지 않고 잇따라 가볍게.
12. 설핏
  • In the state of falling into a light sleep.
  • 얕은 잠에 빠져든 모양.
13. 솔솔
  • A word describing a fine rain or snow falling lightly.
  • 가는 비나 눈이 잇따라 가볍게 내리는 모양.
  • lightly
  • In the state of a smell or smoke rising lightly.
  • 가볍게 냄새가 나거나 연기가 피어오르는 모양.
14. 술술
  • A word describing a fine rain or snow falling lightly.
  • 가는 비나 눈이 잇따라 가볍게 내리는 모양.
  • In a slow manner that an action or situation is not exposed clearly.
  • 행동이나 상황이 뚜렷하게 드러나지 않고 천천히.
16. 슬쩍
    slightly; lightly
  • A little, not severely.
  • 심하지 않게 약간.
    slightly; lightly
  • Little by little, not severely.
  • 심하지 않게 약간씩.
    lightly; deftly
  • A word describing the motion of rubbing or wiping something lightly.
  • 슬쩍 문지르거나 비비는 모양.
  • In the state of being slightly asleep, not sound asleep.
  • 잠이 깊이 들지 않고 살짝 든 듯 만 듯 하게.
  • In the state of one's sleep being not deep or one's dream being vague.
  • 잠이 깊지 않거나 꿈이 희미하게.
  • thinly; lightly
  • In the state of smoke, smell, etc., being very weak, not thick or strong.
  • 연기나 냄새 등이 짙거나 선명하지 않고 매우 연하게.
21. 펄쩍
    suddenly; abruptly; lightly
  • A word describing a sudden, light, and strong act of flying up or jumping.
  • 갑자기 가볍고 힘 있게 뛰어오르거나 날아오르는 모양.
    suddenly; abruptly; lightly
  • A word describing a sudden, light, strong and repeated act of flying up or jumping.
  • 갑자기 가볍고 힘 있게 자꾸 날아오르거나 뛰어오르는 모양.
23. 폭삭
  • A word describing the state of stacked dust, etc., rising suddenly and lightly.
  • 쌓였던 먼지 등이 갑자기 가볍게 일어나는 모양.
    lightly; flutteringly
  • In the manner of drooping feebly and swaying lightly, repeatedly.
  • 힘없이 늘어져 가볍게 계속해서 흔들리는 모양.
25. 홀짝
  • A word describing the motion of jumping or flying lightly at once.
  • 한 번에 가볍게 뛰거나 날아오르는 모양.
  • A word describing the motion of jumping or flying lightly.
  • 계속 가볍게 뛰거나 날아오르는 모양.
27. 홀홀
  • A word describing the motion of birds, etc., fluttering their wings and flying lightly one after another.
  • 작은 새나 나비 등이 잇따라 날개를 치며 가볍게 나는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of snow, paper, fur, etc., flying lightly.
  • 가는 눈, 종이, 털 등이 가볍게 날리는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of running or moving as if to fly lightly.
  • 가볍게 날듯이 뛰거나 움직이는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of repeatedly sprinkling a light object or throwing it far.
  • 작고 가벼운 물건을 자꾸 멀리 던지거나 뿌리는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of continuously shaking off dust or crumbs, etc., lightly,
  • 먼지나 작은 부스러기 등을 잇따라 가볍게 떠는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of fire burning little by little.
  • 불길이 조금씩 타오르는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of blowing one's breath on something little by little, repeatedly.
  • 입김을 자꾸 조금씩 부는 모양.
28. 훌쩍
  • A word describing the motion of jumping or flying lightly at once.
  • 단숨에 가볍게 뛰거나 날아오르는 모양.
  • A word describing the motion of many things or people jumping or flying lightly all together or one after another.
  • 여럿이 다 또는 이어서 가볍게 뛰거나 날아오르는 모양.
30. 훌훌
  • A word describing the motion of birds, etc., fluttering their wings and flying lightly one after another.
  • 새 등이 잇따라 날개를 치며 가볍게 나는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of snow, paper, fur, etc., flying lightly.
  • 눈, 종이, 털 등이 가볍게 날리는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of running or moving as if to fly lightly.
  • 가볍게 날듯이 뛰거나 움직이는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of continuously shaking off dust or crumbs, etc., lightly,
  • 먼지나 작은 부스러기 등을 잇따라 가볍게 떠는 모양.
  • lightly
  • A word describing the motion of fanning lightly.
  • 가볍게 부채를 부치는 모양.
31. 훤히
    brightly; lightly
  • In the state of being slightly, dimly bright.
  • 조금 흐릿할 정도로 밝게.
light music
    light music
  • The category of western music many people enjoy, such as jazz, pop music, and chanson.
  • 재즈, 팝송, 샹송처럼 대중성을 띤 서양 음악.
lightness and heaviness
    lightness and heaviness
  • A compound noun meaning being light and heavy.
  • 가벼움과 무거움.
  • A strong light flashing for a split second in the sky, along with the sound of thunder when it rains.
  • 비가 내리는 중에 천둥소리와 함께 하늘에서 순간적으로 나는 번쩍이는 강한 빛.
  • lightning
  • (figurative) A person who is very quick and deft in action.
  • (비유적으로) 동작이 아주 재빠르고 날랜 사람.
  • The light that flashes during a thunderstorm.
  • 번개가 칠 때 번쩍이는 빛.
  • A natural phenomenon where a flash of light occurs in the sky accompanied by a loud boom.
  • 하늘에서 큰 소리를 내며 번쩍이는 빛의 줄기가 내리치는 자연 현상.
  • A light that flashes during a stroke of lightning.
  • 번개가 칠 때 번쩍이는 빛.
lightning bug
    firefly; lightning bug
  • A flying insect that emits light from its rear.
  • 꽁무니에서 빛을 내며 날아다니는 곤충.
    firefly; lightning bug
  • A flying insect that emits light from its rear.
  • 꽁무니에서 빛을 내며 날아다니는 곤충.
IdiomLightning falls
    Lightning falls[drops]
  • For an unexpected accident or disaster to occur.
  • 예상하지 못한 커다란 사고나 재난이 갑자기 생기다.
  • Lightning falls[drops]
  • To be severely rebuked or scolded.
  • 몹시 심한 야단이나 꾸지람을 듣다.
Idiomlightning flashes in one's eyes
    lightning flashes in one's eyes
  • For one's view to be suddenly darkened and for lights to flicker and go out in front of the eyes after one is hit hard in the cheek or head.
  • 뺨이나 머리 등을 강하게 맞아서 눈앞이 갑자기 캄캄해지고 잠깐 빛이 떠올랐다가 사라지다.
lightning in a clear sky
    lightning in a clear sky
  • Lightning that strikes from a clear sky without rain.
  • 비가 오지 않는 맑은 하늘에서 치는 번개.
Proverbslightning in broad daylight
    lightning in broad daylight
  • Misfortune from an unexpected accident.
  • 뜻밖의 일로 당한 화.
lightning rod
    lightning rod
  • A sharp, metal rod, which is installed on the top of a building, to prevent damage from lightning.
  • 벼락의 피해를 막기 위해 건물의 가장 높은 곳에 세우는, 금속으로 만든 끝이 뾰족한 막대기.
lightning war
    lightning war
  • The act of beating the enemy by delivering a series of swift attacks in a fight or war without dragging out the battle.
  • 싸움이나 전쟁을 오래 끌지 않고 빨리 몰아쳐 끝냄.
  • lightning war
  • (figurative) The act of finishing a task quickly.
  • (비유적으로) 일을 빨리 진행하여 빨리 끝냄.

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