eldest sistereldest sonelectelect directlyelected personelectingelectionelection campaignelection dayelectioneering areaelection pledgeselection timeelection to fill a vacancyelectoral collegeelectoral districtelectrical heatelectrically heated applianceelectrical outletelectric currentelectric generatorelectricityelectricity billelectricity generationelectricity transmissionelectric leakageelectric lineelectric matelectric plugelectric poleelectric powerelectric razorelectric shockelectric trainelectric wireelectric wiringelectrifiedelectrodeelectrolyteelectronelectronic billingelectronic calculatorelectronic dictionaryelectronic mailelectronic rice cookerelectronicselectronic signboardelectronic watcheleganceelegantelegant ladyelegant proseelegy
eldest sister
eldest son
3. 장자
- The first to be born among two or more sons of someone.
- 둘 이상의 아들 가운데 첫째로 태어난 아들.
eldest son
elect directly
elected person
- The act of choosing a person to be in charge of a task or position.
- 어떤 일이나 자리를 맡을 사람을 골라 뽑음.
appointing; electing
election campaign
election day
electioneering area
- A place where a candidate of an election or his/her supporters explain and promote the pledges or political stance to voters.
- 선거에 나온 후보나 그 지지자들이 투표권을 가진 사람들에게 공약이나 정치적 입장을 설명하고 알리는 장소.
electioneering area
election pledges
- The public promises made to the citizens by a candidate during an election campaign.
- 선거 운동을 할 때에, 후보자가 시민들에게 제시하는 공적인 약속.
election pledges
election time
- The period before and after election day, including election day.
- 선거하는 날을 앞뒤로 한 얼마 동안의 시기.
election time
election to fill a vacancy
- An election held irregularly to fill an opening caused by a representative's death, resignation, etc.
- 임기 중에 의원이 사망이나 사직 등을 하여 빈자리가 생겼을 때 그 자리를 채우기 위해 비정기적으로 하는 선거.
special election; election to fill a vacancy
electoral college
- A group that consists of people with the right to vote when choosing the head of a country, representative of an organization, etc., through an indirect election.
- 간접 선거로 국가의 우두머리나 집단의 대표 등을 뽑을 때 그 선거권을 가진 사람들로 이루어진 단체.
electoral college
electoral district
- Territorial subdivisions of a residential area in order to elect a member of a legislative body or the representative of an organization.
- 의원이나 단체의 대표를 선출하기 위하여 거주 지역을 일정한 단위로 나눈 구역.
electoral district; constituency
electrical heat
electrically heated appliance
- An appliance that is heated with electricity.
- 전기를 사용해서 열을 내는 기구.
electrically heated appliance
electrical outlet
- An implement connecting an electric cable and cord, which enables electricity to pass when a plug is inserted into it.
- 전기가 흐르는 선과 코드를 이어주며, 플러그를 끼워 전기를 통하게 하는 기구.
electrical outlet; socket
electric current
- The phenomenon of electricity flow or the measurable degree to which it flows.
- 전기가 흐르는 현상이나 그 정도.
electric current
electric generator
- A machine that changes kinetic energy or potential energy into electric energy.
- 운동 에너지나 위치 에너지를 전기 에너지로 바꾸는 기계.
electric generator; dynamo
electricity bill
electricity generation
electricity transmission
- The act of sending the generated electrity to another place.
- 생산된 전력을 다른 곳으로 보냄.
electricity transmission
electric leakage
- The state of electricity leaking out of an electric cable.
- 전기가 전깃줄 밖으로 새어 흐름.
electric leakage; short circuit
electric line
- An electric line that sends power to a place in need of electricity or a variety of electric devices.
- 전력을 전력이 필요한 곳이나 여러 전기 장치에 보내는 전선로.
electric line
electric mat
- An electricity-powered mat that is used on the floor for heat.
- 전기를 이용해 바닥을 따뜻하게 덥힐 수 있게 만든 장판.
electric mat
electric plug
- The device attached to the end of an electric cable, so that an electric circuit can be connected or disconnected.
- 전기 회로를 잇거나 끊을 수 있도록 전선의 끝에 달린 장치.
electric plug
electric pole
1. 극¹
- Either end of a battery through which an electric current travels.
- 전지에서 전류가 드나드는 양쪽 끝.
electric pole
2. 전봇대
- A pole from which electric or telecommunication cables are hung.
- 전선이나 통신선을 이어 매달아 놓은 기둥.
electric pole
3. 전선주
- A pole with electric wires or telecommunications lines hanging from it.
- 전선이나 통신선을 이어 매달아 놓은 기둥.
electric pole
4. 전신주
- A pole where electric or telecommunication cables connected with one another are hung.
- 전선이나 통신선을 이어 매달아 놓은 기둥.
electric pole
electric power
- The amount of energy used during a certain period of time.
- 전류가 일정한 시간 동안 하는 일. 또는 일정한 시간 동안 사용되는 에너지의 양.
electricity; electric power
electric razor
- An electricity-powered device that allows the user to shave facial hair or remove his beard.
- 전기를 이용해 수염을 깎을 수 있게 만든 기구.
electric razor
electric shock
- A shock caused by an object with electric currents running through it coming into contact with the human body.
- 전기가 통하고 있는 물체가 몸에 닿아 충격을 받음.
electric shock
electric train
- A electricity-powered vehicle that runs on railway tracks.
- 전기의 힘으로 레일 위를 달리는 차.
electric train; train
electric wire
electric wiring
- The act of connecting wires properly to a variety of electric devices to use power.
- 전력을 쓰기 위하여 여러 전기 장치에 전선을 알맞게 연결하는 일.
electric wiring
1. 짜릿짜릿
- In the state of feeling very excited and tense temporarily from psychological stimulation.
- 심리적 자극을 받아 마음이 순간적으로 꽤 흥분되고 떨리는 듯한 느낌.
2. 짜릿짜릿하다
- Feeling temporarily excited and tense as the result of a psychological stimulation.
- 심리적 자극을 받아 마음이 순간적으로 꽤 흥분되고 떨리는 듯하다.
electrified; thrilled
3. 짜릿하다
- Feeling slightly excited and tense temporarily out of a psychological stimulation.
- 심리적 자극을 받아 마음이 순간적으로 조금 흥분되고 떨리는 듯하다.
electrified; thrilled
4. 쩌릿하다
- Feeling very excited and tense temporarily out of a psychological stimulation.
- 마음이나 정신에 자극을 받아 마음이 순간적으로 약간 흥분되고 떨리는 듯하다.
electrified; thrilled
- A substance that can be dissolved in liquid and broken into ions.
- 액체에 녹아 이온으로 분해되는 물질.
- In an atom, an elementary particle that carries negative charge and revolves around the atom's nucleus.
- 한 원자 속에서 음전기를 띠고 원자의 핵의 둘레를 도는 소립자.
electronic billing
- An approach in which payments are made to an organization, company, etc., on behalf of the payee, through the bank.
- 은행에서, 돈을 보내는 사람을 대신하여 단체나 회사 등의 예금 계좌에 돈을 보내 주는 방법.
electronic billing
electronic calculator
- An electricity-powered device that is used for calculating.
- 전기를 이용해 계산을 하는 데 사용하는 기계.
electronic calculator
electronic dictionary
- A dictionary whose content is derived from a paper dictionary and in turn is stored in electronic storage, and which displays the definitions and information the user searches for.
- 책으로 된 사전의 내용을 전자 기록 장치에 담아, 찾는 정보가 화면에 나타나도록 만든 사전.
electronic dictionary
electronic mail
electronic rice cooker
electronic signboard
- A board on which a number of light bulbs are arranged and turned on and off to create pictures or letters.
- 여러 개의 전구를 배열해 놓고 그것을 켜고 끔으로써 그림이나 문자가 나타나게 만든 판.
electronic signboard
electronic watch
- A watch made with electronic components that indicates time by displaying numbers on the screen.
- 전자 장치를 이용하여 만든, 화면에 숫자를 표시하여 시간을 알리는 시계.
electronic watch
1. 귀티
- An elegant image, or the attitude of one with high status or position.
- 신분이나 지위가 높고 귀하게 보이는 모습이나 태도.
2. 기품¹
- A high-class and magnificent ambience that comes from someone or something.
- 어떤 사람이나 사물에서 드러나는 격이 높고 훌륭한 분위기.
elegance; gracefulness
3. 멋
- An air or impression of being high-quality and looking attractive.
- 매우 수준이 높고 보기 좋은 분위기나 인상.
charm; elegance; flavor
elegant lady
- A woman that acts and talks properly, and is refined and modest.
- 말과 행동이 바르고 품위가 있으며 얌전한 여자.
graceful lady; elegant lady
elegant prose
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