eight provinceseightyeighty-eight years of ageeither dying or faintingeither wayejaculationeke out a livingeking outelelaborateelaboratelyelaborationelapseelastic cordelasticityelastic stringelateelatedelationelbowelbow-benderelbow one's way throughelderelder brotherelder brother of one's husbandelderlyelderly manelderly or infirm peopleelderly parentselderly peopleelderly personelderselder sisterelder sister's husbandeldesteldest and second eldest brotherseldest brothereldest brother's wifeeldest childeldest daughtereldest grandsoneldest male child of one's eldest son
eight provinces
- In Joseon Dynasty, the eight administrative districts.
- 조선 시대에, 전국을 여덟 개로 나눈 행정 구역.
eight provinces
eighty-eight years of age
Idiomeither dying or fainting
관용구죽기 아니면 까무러치기
- An expression used to describe an attitude of a person who runs every risk and makes all-out efforts.
- 물러설 곳이 없어 모든 위험을 무릅쓰고 온 힘을 다함을 뜻하는 말.
either dying or fainting
either way
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun used to indicate that one does not care either way.
- 어느 쪽이어도 상관없다는 뜻을 나타내는 말.
either way
- The release of seminal fluids from a man's reproductive organ.
- 남자의 생식기에서 정액을 내보내는 일.
Idiomeke out a living
관용구입에 풀칠하다
- To live in severe poverty.
- 매우 가난하게 살다.
put glue on one's mouth; make ends meet; eke out a living
eking out
- An act of making ends meet, literally meaning putting glue on one's mouth.
- 입에 풀칠을 한다는 뜻으로, 가난하여 겨우 끼니를 이음.
keeping the wolf from the door; eking out
Postpositional Particle조사
- A postpositional particle used to indicate that the preceding statement is the destination or purpose of an act.
- 앞의 말이 어떤 행위의 목적지나 도달점임을 나타내는 조사.
1. 공교하다
- Being precise and excellent in skill or technique.
- 솜씨나 기술 등이 꼼꼼하고 훌륭하다.
elaborate; skillful
2. 꼼꼼하다
- Paying much attention to detail, leaving nothing out, and being calm.
- 빈틈이 없이 자세하고 차분하다.
meticulous; elaborate; careful
4. 부연하다
- To add details to an explanation for easy understanding.
- 알기 쉽게 다른 내용을 더하여 자세히 말하다.
expatiate; elaborate
5. 오밀조밀하다
- Very delicate and sophisticated in decorating or arranging something.
- 꾸미거나 정리하는 것이 매우 꼼꼼하고 정교하다.
elaborate; delicate; exquisite
6. 정교하다
- Flawless, detailed and superb in skills or technique.
- 솜씨나 기술이 빈틈이 없이 자세하고 뛰어나다.
delicate; elaborate
1. 꼼꼼
- In a thorough, careful, and composed manner.
- 빈틈이 없이 자세하고 차분한 모양.
elaborately; punctiliously; carefully
2. 꼼꼼히
- In a thorough, careful, and composed manner.
- 빈틈이 없이 자세하고 차분하게.
elaborately; punctiliously; carefully
3. 오밀조밀
- In a very delicate and sophisticated manner in decorating or arranging something.
- 꾸미거나 정리하는 것이 매우 꼼꼼하고 정교한 모양.
elaborately; delicately; exquisitely
4. 정교히
- In the manner of being flawless, detailed and superb in skills or technique.
- 솜씨나 기술이 빈틈이 없이 자세하고 뛰어나게.
delicately; elaborately
elastic cord
- A long, narrow, stretchy cord, string, band, etc., made of rubber.
- 고무로 만들어 잘 늘어나는 길고 가는 줄.
elastic cord; elastic string
1. 신축성
- The quality of an object expanding and contracting.
- 물체가 늘어나고 줄어드는 성질.
elasticity; flexibility
2. 탄력
- The force of an object with tension to go back to its original shape.
- 탄성이 있는 물체가 본래의 형태로 돌아가려는 힘.
tension; elasticity; resilience
3. 탄력성
- The characteristic of an elastic object which keeps returning to its former form.
- 탄성이 있는 물체가 본래의 형태로 돌아가려는 성질.
4. 탄성¹
- The characteristic of something changing in volume and shape when an external force is given, and returning to its former state when the force is removed.
- 물체에 외부에서 힘을 가하면 부피와 모양이 바뀌었다가, 그 힘을 없애면 본디의 모양으로 되돌아가려 하는 성질.
elastic string
- A long, narrow, stretchy cord, string, band, etc., made of rubber.
- 고무로 만들어 잘 늘어나는 길고 가는 줄.
elastic cord; elastic string
1. 기고만장하다
- Filled with pride and high spirits because everything turned out as desired.
- 일이 자기 뜻대로 잘되어 뽐내는 기세가 대단하다.
elated; puffed up
2. 득의만만하다
- Filled with pride because everything turned out as desired.
- 일이 뜻대로 되어 뽐내는 기색이 가득하다.
triumphant; puffed up; elated
3. 득의만면하다
- A person's face being full of joy because everything turned out as desired.
- 일이 뜻대로 되어 얼굴에 기쁨이 가득하다.
exultant; elated
4. 득의양양하다
- Acting boastfully and with pride, as one has achieved what one wanted to achieve.
- 원하는 것을 이루어 우쭐거리며 뽐내다.
triumphant; puffed up; elated
5. 의기양양하다
- Having an expression on one's face that appears satisfied and proud, as one has achieved what one wanted to achieve.
- 원하던 일을 이루어 만족스럽고 자랑스러운 마음이 얼굴에 나타난 상태이다.
elated; triumphant
1. 기고만장
- The state of being filled with pride and high spirits because everything turned out as desired.
- 일이 자기 뜻대로 잘되어 뽐내는 기세가 대단함.
wild rage; elation
2. 득의
- The state of being satisfied with or boasting about an achievement.
- 일이 뜻대로 되어 만족해하거나 뽐냄.
great joy; excitement; elation
3. 의기양양
- An expression on one's face that appears satisfied and proud, as one has achieved what one wanted to achieve.
- 원하던 일을 이루어 만족스럽고 자랑스러운 마음이 얼굴에 나타난 모양.
elation; triumphant air
- The outer part of the joint between one's upper and lower arm bone.
- 팔의 위아래 뼈가 이어진 곳의 바깥 부분.
- A person who loves and enjoys drinking alcoholic beverages.
- 술을 매우 좋아하는 사람.
elbow-bender; alcohol enthusiast; lover of alcoholic beverage
elbow one's way through
1. 헤다
- To push others aside and move forward.
- 사람들을 제치고 앞으로 나아가다.
elbow one's way through; push one's way through
2. 헤집다
- To push away a series of obstacles ahead.
- 앞을 가로막는 것을 이리저리 물리치다.
push one's way through; elbow one's way through
3. 헤치다
- To push away a series of obstacles ahead and move forward.
- 앞을 가로막는 것을 뚫고 지나가다.
push one's way through; elbow one's way through
1. 손윗사람
- A person who is higher in age, status, etc., than oneself.
- 자기보다 나이나 지위 등이 위인 사람.
elder; senior
2. 어른
- A person who is superior in age, position, etc.
- 나이나 지위 등이 높은 윗사람.
- A person in the family or group who is respected by others because of his old age and experience.
- 한 집안이나 집단 등에서 나이가 많고 경험이 많아 남에게 존경을 받는 사람.
3. 연상¹
- The state of being older than someone; a person who is older than someone.
- 자기보다 나이가 많음. 또는 그런 사람.
seniority; elder
4. 원로
- A person who has many experiences and achievements from doing one thing for a long time.
- 한 가지 일을 오래 하여 경험과 업적이 많은 사람.
elder; doyen
5. 장로
- In Christianity, the position involving missionary work and church management in assistance to the pastor, or a person who serves in the position.
- 기독교에서, 목사를 도와 선교 및 교회 운영에 관련된 일을 하는 직분. 또는 그런 일을 하는 사람.
elder brother
- A word used only by a girl to refer to or address her male siblings or cousins older than herself.
- 여자가 형제나 친척 형제들 중에서 자기보다 나이가 많은 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
- A word used only by a girl to refer to or address endearingly another male who is older than she.
- 여자가 자기보다 나이 많은 남자를 다정하게 이르거나 부르는 말.
elder brother
elder brother
elder brother of one's husband
1. 시아주버니
- A person among the brothers-in-law who is older than one's husband.
- 남편의 남자 형제 가운데 남편보다 나이가 많은 사람.
elder brother of one's husband
2. 아주버니
- A word used to refer to or address a person among the brothers-in-law who is older than one's husband.
- 남편의 남자 형제 가운데 남편보다 나이가 많은 사람을 이르거나 부르는 말.
elder brother of one's husband
- Relatively advanced in age, giving an impression of stability.
- 나이가 비교적 많아 듬직하다.
elderly man
elderly or infirm people
elderly parents
elderly people
elderly person
- A person who is older, or senior in status or position and thus should be treated with respect.
- 나이나 지위, 신분 등이 자기보다 높아서 모셔야 하는 윗사람.
elders; senior
elder sister
1. 누나
- A word used by a male to refer to or address his female siblings or cousins older than himself.
- 남자가 형제나 친척 형제들 중에서 자기보다 나이가 많은 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
elder sister
2. 누님
- (honorific) In a family or relatives, a word used by a man to refer to or address a woman who is older than him.
- (높임말로) 가족이나 친족 관계에서 남자가 자신보다 나이가 위인 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
elder sister
elder sister's husband
- A word used to refer to or address one's elder brother-in-law.
- 누나의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말.
elder sister's husband
- The person who is the oldest among many brothers or sisters.
- 여러 형제나 자매 중에서 나이가 가장 많은 사람.
firstborn; eldest
eldest and second eldest brothers
- One's eldest brother and second eldest brother.
- 형제 중 첫째와 둘째.
eldest and second eldest brothers
eldest brother
eldest brother's wife
eldest child
eldest daughter
eldest grandson
eldest male child of one's eldest son
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