    discussion; talk; meeting
  • An act of exchanging opinions with one another in a friendly manner, or a narrative constructed in such a format.
  • 친근하게 서로 의견을 나누는 일. 또는 그러한 이야기.
    meeting; talk; discussion
  • A meeting where people shares one another's opinions in a friendly manner.
  • 친근하게 서로 의견을 나누는 모임.
    meeting; convention
  • Gathering or meeting attended by a lot of people.
  • 많은 사람이 모이는 모임이나 회의.
  • A meeting.
  • 만나는 일.
    meeting; gathering
  • A meeting of many people to do something.
  • 어떤 일을 하기 위하여 여러 사람이 모이는 일.
    meeting; conference; concert; exhibition
  • A public meeting which presents or showcases artistic or academic achievements in creative areas such as dance or music.
  • 무용이나 음악 등의 예술, 창작, 연구 활동의 결과를 공개적으로 보여 주는 모임.
    meeting; encountering
  • A state of being faced with a situation.
  • 어떤 처지나 상태에 부닥침.
    meeting; reunion
  • An act of meeting one another.
  • 서로 만남.
  • The act of meeting a guest officially.
  • 공식적으로 손님을 만남.
  • meeting
  • The act of a detained person whose sentence has been executed meeting someone from outside.
  • 형의 집행을 받아 구속된 사람이 외부 사람을 만남.
  • A meeting where many people are gathered in one place to share their opinions or stories.
  • 여러 사람들이 한자리에 모여서 서로 자신들의 의견이나 이야기를 하는 모임.
11. 집합
    gathering; meeting
  • An act of gathering people in one place, or the gathering of people in one place.
  • 사람들을 한곳으로 모음. 또는 사람들이 한곳으로 모임.
12. 충족
    satisfying; filling; meeting
  • An act of meeting a certain condition or reaching a certain quantity, making sure that there is no shortage.
  • 일정한 기준이나 분량을 채워 모자람이 없게 함.
13. 합류
    joining; meeting
  • A state in which several streams of water join together to flow into a river, sea, etc.; or such a stream.
  • 여러 물줄기가 하나로 모여 흐름. 또는 그 물줄기.
    meeting; conference; council
  • A meeting held by many people to have a discussion.
  • 여러 사람이 모여 의논하기 위해 여는 모임.
15. 회담
    talk; meeting
  • A state in which interested parties meet and discuss a certain matter; or such a discussion.
  • 어떤 문제를 가지고 거기에 관련된 사람들이 모여서 토의함. 또는 그 토의.
16. 회동
    meeting; gathering; assembly
  • A state in which many people gather in one place for a certain purpose.
  • 여러 사람이 일정한 목적을 가지고 한데 모임.
    meeting; conference
  • A state in which people gather and discuss a topic, issue, etc.; or such a meeting.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논함. 또는 그런 모임.
18. 회합
    meeting; gathering; convention
  • Many people meeting to share their opinions on an issue, etc.; or such a meeting.
  • 의견을 나누기 위해 여러 사람이 모임. 또는 그런 모임.
meeting again
    meeting again
  • The act of meeting someone again or for a second time.
  • 다시 만남. 또는 두 번째로 만남.
meeting and parting
    meeting and parting; being together and splitting
  • A state of going back and forth between meeting and parting.
  • 헤어졌다가 만나고 모였다가 흩어짐.
meeting for special purpose
    meeting for special purpose
  • A meeting organized temporarily for a special purpose.
  • 특별한 목적을 위하여 일시적으로 조직된 모임.
meeting halfway
    compromise; meeting halfway
  • An act of mutually conceding and discussing a certain issue.
  • 어떤 일을 서로 양보하여 의논함.
meeting hall
    meeting hall; conference center
  • A place where people gather and discuss a topic, issue, etc.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논하는 장소.
    meeting hall; conference center
  • A place where people gather and discuss a topic, issue, etc.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논하는 장소.
meeting inevitably being followed by parting
    meeting inevitably being followed by parting
  • Literally meaning that people never meet without parting; a phrase suggesting that everything in this world is transient.
  • 만난 사람은 반드시 헤어진다는 뜻으로 세상의 모든 것이 덧없음을 나타내는 말.
meeting in person
    interview; meeting in person; confrontation
  • Meeting someone in person.
  • 직접 얼굴을 보며 만남.
    face-to-face meeting; meeting in person; personal interview
  • An act of meeting someone face-to-face.
  • 서로 얼굴을 대하고 직접 만남.
meeting room
    meeting room
  • A room where one meets his/her guests officially.
  • 공식적으로 손님을 만나는 방.
  • meeting room
  • A room where a detained person whose sentence has been executed meets someone from outside.
  • 형의 집행을 받아 구속된 사람이 외부 사람을 만나는 방.
    meeting room
  • A room where people gather and discuss a topic, issue, etc.
  • 여럿이 모여 의논할 때에 쓰는 방.
meeting to launch the New Year
    meeting to launch the New Year
  • A ceremony performed at the beginning of the year to signal the start of work.
  • 연초에 근무를 시작할 때 하는 의식.
meet in person
    meet in person; see
  • To meet someone face-to-face.
  • 서로 얼굴을 대하고 직접 만나다.
Proverbsmeet one's loved one as well as pick mulberries
    meet one's loved one as well as pick mulberries; to catch two pigeons with one bean; to kill two birds with one stone
  • An expression meaning two things are achieved at the same time.
  • 두 가지 일을 동시에 이룬다는 말.
Idiommeet one's time
    meet one's time
  • To have a favorable time and everything goes smoothly.
  • 좋은 때를 만나 일이 순조롭게 진행되다.
meet privately
    meet privately
  • To meet someone privately for a discussion.
  • 어떤 일을 의논하려고 단둘이 만나다.
meet secretly
    meet secretly
  • To meet someone in secret for a certain purpose or form such a relationship.
  • 어떤 목적을 위해 몰래 만나다. 또는 그런 관계를 맺다.
meet someone for an arranged marriage
    meet someone for an arranged marriage
  • For a man and a woman to meet through an arrangement from another person in order to find a person to marry.
  • 결혼할 상대를 정하기 위하여 다른 사람의 소개로 남녀가 만나 보다.
Idiommeet the owner
    meet the owner
  • To meet the right person who helps one exercise one's ability or who gives one a hard time.
  • 적임자를 만나 능력을 발휘할 수 있게 되거나 크게 혼이 나다.
meet with
    meet; meet with; join
  • For one of two to go or come and be face to face with the other.
  • 누군가 가거나 와서 둘이 서로 마주 대하다.
  • meet with; encounter; come across; be exposed to; face; confront
  • To face a fact or object in front of one's eyes.
  • 어떤 사실이나 사물을 눈앞에 대하다.
  • meet with; be struck by; be hit by; go through; suffer
  • To go through something.
  • 어떤 일을 당하다.
    see; meet; meet with
  • To see a person who is elder.
  • 윗사람을 만나다.
    meet with
  • To meet a guest officially.
  • 공식적으로 손님을 만나다.
  • meet with
  • For a detained person whose sentence has been executed to meet someone from outside.
  • 형의 집행을 받아 구속된 사람이 외부 사람을 만나다.
    meet with
  • To meet or come in contact with someone.
  • 사람을 만나거나 대하다.
Idiommeet with a glare
    get a fierce stare; meet with a glare
  • To be hated by someone.
  • 다른 사람의 미움을 받다.
Bound Noun의존 명사
  • A unit for data quantity.
  • 데이터의 양을 나타내는 단위.
Bound Noun의존 명사
    megabyte; MB
  • A bound noun that serves as a unit of data quantity.
  • 데이터의 양을 나타내는 단위.
Bound Noun의존 명사
    megahertz; MHz
  • A unit for the frequency and the number of vibrations, etc., of an electromagnetic wave.
  • 전자기파의 주파수나 진동수 등을 나타내는 단위.
Bound Noun의존 명사
    megahertz; MHz
  • A unit used to measure the frequency and the number of vibrations, etc., of an electromagnetic wave.
  • 전자기파의 주파수나 진동수 등을 나타내는 단위.
  • A symptom of thinking that something is larger or better than it actually is, and that that is true.
  • 사실보다 지나치게 부풀려서 생각하고 그것을 사실로 믿어 버리는 증상.
  • A symptom of thinking that something is larger or better than it actually is, and that that is true.
  • 사실보다 지나치게 부풀려서 생각하고 그것을 사실로 믿어 버리는 증상.
  • A dried, brick-shaped lump of fermented soybeans, which is made by pounding, kneading, and shaping steamed soybeans, and which is used as an ingredient of soy sauce, soybean paste, and hot pepper paste.
  • 장을 담그기 위해 삶은 콩을 찧어 크고 네모난 덩이로 뭉쳐서 발효시켜 말린 것.
    gloom; melancholy
  • A compound noun meaning worry and anxiety.
  • 걱정과 근심.
    depression; melancholy
  • The state of feeling low and frustrated due to worries, etc.
  • 걱정 등으로 마음이 답답하여 활발한 기운이 없음.
    the blues; mental depression; melancholy
  • The state of feeling so sad and frustrated as to be cheerless.
  • 기운이 없을 정도로 항상 마음이나 기분이 매우 답답하고 슬픈 상태.
    low-spirited; melancholy; blue
  • Feeling frustrated and cheerless due to worries, etc.
  • 걱정 등으로 마음이 답답하여 활발한 기운이 없다.
    melancholy; depressed; gloomy
  • Feeling down and lonely.
  • 마음이 우울하고 쓸쓸하다.
    gloomy; melancholy
  • A mood, atmosphere, etc., being dark and depressing.
  • 기분이나 분위기가 어둡고 우울하다.
melancholy of travel
    melancholy of travel
  • A feeling of melancholy and loneliness that occurs during the travel.
  • 여행을 할 때 느끼는 외롭고 울적한 감정.
  • Black or dark brown pigment in animal cells.
  • 동물의 조직에 있는 검은색이나 흑갈색의 색소.
    tussle; melee; scuffle
  • A state in which two teams in a sport game or troops in a battle are mixed and fight in a chaotic way.
  • 운동 경기나 전투 등에서 두 편이 뒤섞여 어지럽게 싸움.
  • A very chaotic scene, with many people gather to watch a fight, etc. or such a state.
  • 싸움 등의 이유로 많은 사람들이 몰려들어 혼잡한 곳. 또는 그런 상태.
    fierce battle; close match; melee
  • A state in which several competitors fight fiercely, mixed and evenly matched in a chaotic way.
  • 여러 편이 어지럽게 뒤섞여서 승패를 정할 수 없을 만큼 치열하게 다툼.
    melee; fight scene
  • (figurative) An episode or a scene featuring violent and cruel words or actions.
  • (비유적으로) 말이나 행동이 거칠고 잔인한 사건이나 장면.
    mellow; sweet
  • A story, voice, song, etc., sounding sweet.
  • 달콤한 느낌이 있다.
    melodious; mellow
  • Nice, giving a natural, comfortable, warm feeling without guile or pretense.
  • 거짓이나 꾸밈이 없이 자연스럽고 편안하고 따뜻한 느낌을 주며 멋지다.
    mature; mellow; ripe
  • One's personality, knowledge, etc., being profound and broad.
  • 인격이나 지식 등이 깊고 넓다.
  • A small keyboard instrument that is played by blowing air into it with one's mouth and pressing the keys.
  • 입으로 바람을 불어 넣으면서 건반을 눌러 소리 내는 작은 건반 악기.
melodic subject
    theme; motif; melodic subject
  • A melody or feeling coming across a composer's mind, when writing a piece of music.
  • 작곡자가 곡을 쓸 때 머릿 속에 떠오르는 가락이나 느낌.
    melodious; mellow
  • Nice, giving a natural, comfortable, warm feeling without guile or pretense.
  • 거짓이나 꾸밈이 없이 자연스럽고 편안하고 따뜻한 느낌을 주며 멋지다.
  • A popular, emotional drama with, usually, romance as its theme.
  • 주로 연애를 주제로 한, 통속적이고 감상적인 대중극.
    melodrama; soap opera
  • A play or drama dealing with the lives of common people.
  • 통속적인 내용의 연극이나 드라마.
    tune; melody
  • The flow of the highs and lows of a tune in music.
  • 음악에서 음의 높낮이의 흐름.
    tune; melody
  • The melody of music or lyrics.
  • 음악이나 가사의 가락.
    tune; melody
  • The flow of a piece of music or song.
  • 음악이나 노래의 흐름.
  • The flow of notes with highs and lows and a rhythm.
  • 높낮이와 리듬이 있는 음의 흐름.
    melody; tune
  • The flow of long and short or high and low notes.
  • 길고 짧거나 높고 낮은 소리가 어우러진 음의 흐름.
    tune; melody
  • The tune of music.
  • 음악의 곡조.
    melody; tune
  • The tune of sound and music.
  • 소리와 음악의 가락.

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