open a country to outside
    open a country to outside
  • To exchange cultures or ideas with other nations.
  • 다른 나라와 문화나 사상 등을 주고받다.
open air
    open air; outdoor
  • An outdoor place with no walls or a road.
  • 사방이 뚫린 바깥이나 길.
    outdoors; outside; open air
  • The area outside a house or building.
  • 집이나 건물의 밖.
    cold place; open; open air
  • A place whose four sides and top and bottom are not covered or veiled.
  • 사방과 위아래를 덮거나 가리지 않은 곳.
open-air cafe
    open-air cafe
  • An outdoor coffee shop with tables and chairs, where customers can have tea, coffee, food, etc.
  • 건물 밖에 테이블과 의자를 놓고 손님들이 간단한 차와 음식을 먹을 수 있도록 한 찻집.
open-air theater
    open-air theater
  • A theater that is not covered with a roof and which has a stage in the open air.
  • 지붕 같은 것으로 가리지 않고 야외에 무대를 설치하여 만든 극장.
open and close
    open and close
  • For a fish, etc., to keep drinking water or letting in air, while opening and closing its mouth.
  • 물고기 등이 입을 벌렸다 오므렸다 하면서 자꾸 물이나 공기를 들이마시다.
    open and close
  • For a fish, etc., to keep drinking water or letting in air, while opening and closing its mouth.
  • 물고기 등이 입을 벌렸다 오므렸다 하면서 자꾸 물이나 공기를 들이마시다.
    open and close
  • For a fish, etc., to keep drinking water or letting in air, while opening and closing its mouth.
  • 물고기 등이 입을 벌렸다 오므렸다 하면서 물이나 공기를 자꾸 들이마시다.
    open and close
  • For a fish, etc., to keep drinking water or letting in air, while opening and closing its mouth.
  • 물고기 등이 입을 벌렸다 오므렸다 하면서 물이나 공기를 들이마시다.
    open and close
  • To open and close a door, etc.
  • 문 등을 열고 닫고 하다.
open and close a door
    open and close one's mouth; open and close a door
  • For a closed mouth or door to silently open and close repeatedly.
  • 닫혀 있던 입이나 문 등을 자꾸 소리 없이 살짝 열었다 닫았다 하다.
    open and close one's mouth; open and close a door
  • For a closed mouth or door to silently open and close repeatedly.
  • 닫혀 있던 입이나 문 등을 자꾸 소리 없이 살짝 열었다 닫았다 하다.
open and close one's mouth
    open and close one's mouth
  • To open and then close one's mouth in quick succession when answering back or snapping at something.
  • 말대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빠르게 벌렸다 닫았다 하다.
    open and close one's mouth
  • To open and then close one's mouth in quick succession when talking back or snapping at something.
  • 말대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빠르게 벌렸다 닫았다 하다.
    open and close one's mouth
  • To open and then close one's mouth in quick succession when answering back or snapping at something
  • 말대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빠르게 벌렸다 닫았다 하다.
    open and close one's mouth
  • To open and then close one's mouth in quick succession when answering back or snapping at something.
  • 말대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빠르게 벌렸다 닫다.
    open and close one's mouth; open and close a door
  • For a closed mouth or door to silently open and close repeatedly.
  • 닫혀 있던 입이나 문 등을 자꾸 소리 없이 살짝 열었다 닫았다 하다.
    open and close one's mouth; open and close a door
  • For a closed mouth or door to silently open and close repeatedly.
  • 닫혀 있던 입이나 문 등을 자꾸 소리 없이 살짝 열었다 닫았다 하다.
open and close silently
    smile; open and close silently
  • To open and close a closed mouth, door, etc., slightly without a sound.
  • 닫혀 있던 입이나 문 등을 소리 없이 살짝 열었다 닫았다 하다.
open and look at
    open and look at
  • To open what has been sealed or wrapped and search inside.
  • 붙여 놓은 것을 헤치고 그 속을 살피다.
open and shut
    open and shut
  • To open and close.
  • 열고 닫다.
open area
    open area; open terrain
  • A stretch of land unblocked and stretching widely.
  • 앞이 막힘 없이 넓게 트인 땅.
    open area
  • Empty land without houses, fields, etc.
  • 집이나 밭 등이 없는 빈 땅.
    open area
  • Empty land without houses, fields, etc.
  • 집이나 밭 등이 없는 빈 땅.
    open area
  • Empty land without houses, fields, etc.
  • 집이나 밭 등이 없는 빈 땅.
open arms
    both hands; open arms
  • The right and left hands.
  • 오른손과 왼손.
Idiomopen a road
관용구길을 열다
    open a road
  • To find out or make a way.
  • 방법을 찾아내거나 마련하다.
open declaration
    open declaration
  • An act of announcing in front of many people, or such a statement.
  • 여러 사람 앞에서 공개적으로 말함. 또는 그렇게 하는 말.
open eyes wide
    open eyes wide
  • To open one's eyes very widely.
  • 눈을 아주 크게 뜨다.
open field
    plain; open field
  • A wide field whose surface is flat.
  • 지표면이 평평하고 넓은 들.
Idiomopen fire
    open the the muzzle of a cannon; open fire; fire the first gun
  • To start a verbal attack on someone.
  • 상대방을 공격하는 말을 시작하다.
  • open the the muzzle of a cannon; open fire; fire the first gun
  • To vigorously start something.
  • 어떤 일을 힘차게 시작하다.
open for business
    open for business
  • To open for business.
  • 영업을 하고 있다.
    open for business
  • To start to sell products in a shop or store for the day; or to begin its operation.
  • 상점에서 하루의 영업이 시작되다. 또는 영업을 시작하다.
    opening; launch
  • A state in which institutes such as libraries, museums or gyms begins their operation for the first time after a period of preparation.
  • 도서관, 박물관, 체육관 등의 기관이 운영 준비를 하여 처음으로 문을 엶.
  • opening; launch
  • A state in which institutes such as libraries, museums or gyms opens for the day's operation.
  • 도서관, 박물관, 체육관 등의 기관이 그날의 운영을 시작함.
    commencement; opening
  • (figurative) The start of a certain era or an important event.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 시대나 중요한 일의 시작.
    opening; opening to the public
  • The act of opening the entrance to a place for people to enter or use freely.
  • 자유롭게 들어가거나 이용할 수 있도록 열어 놓음.
    unsealing; opening
  • The act of opening something wrapped or sealed to protect or conceal it.
  • 함부로 열지 못하게 단단히 붙이거나 싸 두었던 물건을 엶.
    establishment; opening
  • The act of making a new institution or facilities.
  • 기관이나 시설 등을 새로 만듦.
    beginning; start; opening
  • The act of starting work, an action, etc., for the first time.
  • 행동이나 일 등을 처음 시작함.
    opening; start; launch
  • The act of starting a business or opening a store.
  • 영업을 처음 시작함.
  • opening; start
  • The act of opening for the day's business.
  • 하루의 영업을 시작함.
  • The opening of a place, for people to use it.
  • 어떤 장소를 이용할 수 있도록 엶.
  • The completion or connecting of transportation or telecommunications facilities to allow use.
  • 교통 시설이나 통신 시설을 완성하거나 연결하여 이용할 수 있게 함.
10. 결원
    vacancy; opening
  • The state in which there are less members than the fixed number for members of an organization or the missing members.
  • 조직의 구성원이 빠져 정원에 차지 않고 빔. 또는 그런 인원.
11. 공개
  • The act of opening a location so that people can freely enter and exit this location.
  • 어떤 장소를 사람들이 드나들 수 있도록 열어 놓음.
    opening; starting
  • The act of starting business after newly setting up a store, restaurant, etc.
  • 가게나 식당 등을 새로 차려서 영업을 시작함.
    opening; position
  • A place where one works.
  • 일하는 곳.
    beginning; opening
  • The starting part of something.
  • 어떤 것이 시작되는 부분.
15. 탄생
    establishment; start; opening
  • The launching of an institution, organization, a system, etc.
  • 기관이나 조직, 제도 등이 새로 생김.
opening a country
    opening a country
  • The act of exchanging cultures or ideas with other nations.
  • 다른 나라와 문화나 사상 등을 주고받음.
opening act
    opening act
  • In a play or piece of theater, etc., the opening act that shows the characters and events, etc., roughly.
  • 연극 등에서, 인물과 사건 등을 예비적으로 보여 주는, 처음을 여는 막.
opening address
    opening address; opening speech
  • Remarks made by the chair or leader of a meeting, to begin a meeting or official gathering.
  • 회의나 공식적 모임을 시작하면서 그 모임의 회장이나 의장이 인사로 하는 말.
opening an account
    opening an account
  • The act of making a new account with a financial institution.
  • 금융 기관에서 계좌를 새로 만듦.
opening and shutting
    opening and shutting
  • The act of opening and closing.
  • 열고 닫음.
opening a shop
    opening a shop; starting a business
  • Opening a shop or store and starting a business, for the first time.
  • 새로 상점을 내고 처음으로 영업을 시작함.
opening between teeth
    opening between teeth
  • The space between two teeth.
  • 이와 이의 사이.
opening ceremony
    opening ceremony
  • A ceremony for when institutes such as libraries, museums or gyms prepare for and open for operations.
  • 도서관, 박물관, 체육관 등의 기관이 운영 준비를 하여 문을 열 때 하는 기념행사.
    opening ceremony
  • A ceremony conducted when beginning a competition, performance, or event which continues for a certain length of time.
  • 일정 기간 동안 계속되는 대회, 공연, 행사를 처음 시작할 때 행하는 의식.
    opening ceremony
  • A ceremony to promote and celebrate the opening of a practice.
  • 개업을 알리고 축하하기 위한 의식.
    opening ceremony
  • An event held to commemorate the opening of something.
  • 개통을 기념하여 치르는 행사.
    opening ceremony
  • A ceremony to begin a meeting or official gathering.
  • 회의나 공식적 모임을 시작할 때 하는 기념식.
    opening ceremony
  • An official gathering before starting a group activity.
  • 집단적인 행동을 시작하기 전에 하는 공식적인 모임.
opening day
    D-day; opening day
  • The day beginning action or a project, etc.
  • 행동이나 일 등을 처음 시작하는 날.
opening of a course
    opening of a course; beginning of a series of lectures
  • The act of beginning the first lecture of a semester or term in a college, institute, etc.
  • 대학이나 학원 등에서 한 학기의 강의를 시작함.
opening of a game
    first round; opening of a game
  • The initial phase or situation of a certain task, sports game, etc.
  • 어떤 일이나 운동 경기 등에서 처음의 시기나 상황.
opening of a hospital
    opening of a hospital; opening of an institute
  • Opening a hospital, institute, etc., and starting work.
  • 병원, 학원 등의 기관을 새로 열어 일을 시작함.
opening of a meeting
    opening of a meeting
  • The beginning of a conference or official meeting.
  • 회의나 공식적 모임을 시작함.
opening of an airport
    opening of a port; opening of an airport
  • Opening a new port or airport and starting its operation.
  • 새로 항구나 공항을 열어 업무를 시작함.
opening of an institute
    opening of a hospital; opening of an institute
  • Opening a hospital, institute, etc., and starting work.
  • 병원, 학원 등의 기관을 새로 열어 일을 시작함.
opening of a port
    opening of a port; opening of an airport
  • Opening a new port or airport and starting its operation.
  • 새로 항구나 공항을 열어 업무를 시작함.
opening of post office or broadcasting station
    opening of post office or broadcasting station
  • The act of starting a work of a post office or a broadcasting station.
  • 우체국이나 방송국 등이 일을 처음으로 시작함.
opening of the National Assembly
    opening of the National Assembly
  • The National Assembly officially opening its session.
  • 국회나 의회가 공식적으로 회의를 시작함.
opening speech
    opening address; opening speech
  • Remarks made by the chair or leader of a meeting, to begin a meeting or official gathering.
  • 회의나 공식적 모임을 시작하면서 그 모임의 회장이나 의장이 인사로 하는 말.
opening the store for the day
    opening the store for the day
  • Starting to sell products in a shop or store for the day.
  • 상점에서 하루의 영업을 시작함.
opening to the public
    opening; opening to the public
  • The act of opening the entrance to a place for people to enter or use freely.
  • 자유롭게 들어가거나 이용할 수 있도록 열어 놓음.
opening up
    opening up; removing barriers
  • The act of removing a ban on something and letting people or goods travel or interact freely.
  • 금지하던 것을 풀어 자유롭게 교류하고 활동하게 함.
opening up a port to foreigners
    opening up a port to foreigners
  • Making a port available, for the first time, to passengers and goods traveling to and from foreign countries.
  • 외국과 교류를 하고 물품을 사고팔 수 있게 항구를 개방함.
    openly; publicly
  • So that something is open to the public, without being hidden or held back.
  • 숨김이나 거리낌이 없이 드러나게.
  • Without hiding anything.
  • 감추는 것이 없이.
  • A word describing a place with an open view, or someone speaking frankly.
  • 환하게 트이거나 숨기는 것 없이 터놓는 모양.
    openly; clearly
  • In the state of something imparting a feeling of not being confined, because it has an open view.
  • 앞이 탁 트여 넓고 시원스럽게.
    openly; clearly; without interruptions
  • A word describing the state of having an open and expansive view.
  • 넓고 멀리 시원스럽게 트인 모양.
    openly; clearly
  • In a state of a view being sweeping and clear without being obscured or obstructed.
  • 가려지거나 막힌 것이 없이 깨끗하고 시원스럽게.
    openly; clearly
  • In the state of view being sweeping and unobstructed.
  • 앞이 탁 트여 매우 넓고 시원스럽게.
    clearly; openly; without interruptions
  • In the state of a mountain, etc., soaring or floating in open view.
  • 시원스럽게 솟아 있거나 확 트인 모양.

'English - Korean > n , o' 카테고리의 다른 글

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