send by mailsend downsendersend insendingsending an anonymous lettersending backsending story materialsending to the northsending troopssend offsend-offsend one's child to worksend outsend oversend someone homesend someone or something far awaysend someone to a sports gamesend someone to the valleysend someone to warsend to a countrysend to the afterlifesend troopsSenegalsenescencesenescent periodsenilesenilityseniorsenior citizensenior citizen centersenior inspectorseniorityseniority ruleseniority systemsenior leadershipsenior managementsenior officialsenior scholarssenior statesmansenior studentsensation
send by mail
send down
1. 발송자
- A person who sends goods, letters, documents, etc. by mail or courier.
- 물건, 편지, 서류 등이 우편이나 택배 등으로 보낸 사람.
2. 발신인
- A person who is sending a mail, electronic signal, etc.
- 우편이나 전기 신호 등을 보내는 사람.
addresser; sender
3. 발신자
- A person who is sending a mail, electronic signal, etc.
- 우편이나 전기 신호 등을 보내는 사람.
sender; addresser; caller
4. 송신자
- A person who sends signals of telegrams, telephones, radios, television broadcasts, etc., mainly through electricity.
- 주로 전기를 이용하여 전보나 전화, 라디오, 텔레비전 방송 등의 신호를 보내는 사람.
sender; transmitter
send in
1. 발송
- The act of sending an object, letter, document, etc., by mail, delivery service, etc.
- 물건, 편지, 서류 등을 우편이나 택배 등을 이용하여 보냄.
sending; forwarding
2. 발신
- An act of sending out a letter, an electrical signal, radio, etc.
- 우편이나 전기 신호, 전파 등을 보냄.
mailing; sending; transmission
3. 송부
- The act of sending a letter, document, object, etc.
- 편지나 서류, 물건 등을 부치어 보냄.
sending; forwarding
5. 송치
- An investigative agency sending the suspect and related documents of a certain case to higher authorities.
- 수사 기관에서 어떤 사건의 피의자와 관련 서류를 검찰이나 상급 기관에 보냄.
sending; forwarding
6. 파견
- An act of sending someone to a certain place with a mission or task.
- 일정한 임무를 주어 사람을 보냄.
sending; dispatching
7. 파송
- An act of sending someone to a certain place with a mission or task.
- 임무를 주어 사람을 어떤 곳에 보냄.
sending; dispatching
8. 호송
- An act of accompanying a criminal to his/her destination while keeping an eye on him/her.
- 죄를 지은 사람을 목적지까지 감시하면서 데려가는 일.
escort; sending; transportation
9. 회부
- An act of returning or passing over a certain issue, document, case, etc., to the relevant authority, meeting, trial, etc.
- 어떤 문제나 서류, 사건 등을 관계 기관이나 회의, 재판 등에 돌려보내거나 넘김.
sending; referral; submission
sending an anonymous letter
- An act of writing and secretly sending a letter to an organization or a designated recipient, to report an unrevealed fact or someone's fault; or such a letter.
- 드러나지 않은 사실이나 남의 잘못을 고발하기 위해 어떤 기관이나 대상에게 글을 써서 몰래 보내는 일. 또는 그런 글.
sending an anonymous letter; anonymous letter
sending back
- The act of returning a document back to its submitter by a person or institution of a superior rank.
- 윗사람이나 위 기관에 제출한 문서 등을 처리하지 않고 되돌려 줌.
returning; sending back
sending story material
- An act of sending material for a news story for a newspaper or magazine; or such material.
- 신문이나 잡지에 실을 기사의 자료를 보냄. 또는 그 자료.
sending story material; sent story material
sending to the north
- The act of sending someone or something to the north.
- 사람이나 물건 등을 북쪽으로 보냄.
repatriation to the north; sending to the north
sending troops
send off
1. 배웅
- The act of going along with a person who is leaving the area to send him/her off.
- 떠나가는 사람을 따라 나가서 작별 인사를 하여 보냄.
send one's child to work
- To get a child hired at an inappropriate place to make money.
- 돈을 마련하기 위해 자식을 적당하지 않은 곳에 취업시키다.
send one's child to work
send out
4. 몰아내다
- To forcibly make someone go out or expel him/her to another place.
- 강제로 밖으로 나가게 하거나 다른 곳으로 쫓아내다.
send out; kick out
send over
- To have someone or something move and move near the receiving person.
- 사람이나 사물을 받는 사람 쪽으로 움직여 오게 하다.
send over
send someone home
send someone or something far away
- To let someone or something go away or lose him/her or it.
- 멀리 떠나보내거나 잃다.
send someone or something far away
send someone to a sports game
Idiomsend someone to the valley
관용구골로 보내다
- (slang) To take someone's life.
- (속된 말로) 생명을 잃게 하다.
send someone to the valley
send someone to war
send to a country
- To send someone from a large city to a smaller city or a rural area.
- 큰 도시에서 작은 도시나 시골로 옮겨가게 하다.
send to a country
Idiomsend to the afterlife
관용구저승으로 보내다
- (euphemism) To kill.
- (완곡한 말로) 죽이다.
send to the afterlife
send troops
- A country located on the western coast of Africa; it is a major producer of peanuts, and ores containing phosphorus, etc.; its official language is French and its capital is Dakar.
- 아프리카 서해안에 있는 나라. 주요 생산물로는 땅콩과 인을 함유한 광석 등이 있다. 공용어는 프랑스어이고 수도는 다카르이다.
senescent period
- A period when physiological functions become weak due to old age.
- 늙어서 생리적인 기능이 떨어지고 약해지는 시기.
senescent period; senescence
1. 노망
- A state in which a person's mental acuity is weak and his/her words and behavior are abnormal as a result of old age.
- 늙어서 정신이 흐려지고 말이나 행동이 정상이 아닌 상태.
dotage; senility
2. 노망기
- A hint of diminishing intelligence and saying or acting abnormally, due to aging.
- 늙어서 정신이 흐려지고 말이나 행동이 정상을 벗어나는 낌새.
senility; second childhood
4. 노환
- (honorific) The weakening of the body as a result of old age.
- (높임말로) 늙어서 몸이 약해지며 생기는 병.
5. 망령
- Words or actions deviating from what is considered normal due to old age or a fuzzy mind, or such words or actions.
- 늙거나 정신이 흐려져서 말이나 행동이 정상적인 상태를 벗어남. 또는 그러한 말이나 행동.
1. 대선배
- A person who is more experienced and holds a higher position than oneself because he/she started his/her career in the same field much earlier.
- 같은 분야에서 자기보다 훨씬 먼저 활동하여 경험이 더 많고 지위 등이 더 높은 사람.
- A person who graduated from the same school much earlier than oneself.
- 같은 학교를 자기보다 훨씬 먼저 졸업한 사람.
senior; veteran
3. 선배
- A person who is more experienced and holds a higher position than oneself because he/she started his/her career in the same field earlier.
- 같은 분야에서 자기보다 먼저 활동하여 경험이나 지위 등이 더 앞선 사람.
- A person who graduated from the same school earlier than oneself.
- 같은 학교를 자기보다 먼저 입학한 사람.
senior; veteran
4. 손윗사람
- A person who is higher in age, status, etc., than oneself.
- 자기보다 나이나 지위 등이 위인 사람.
elder; senior
5. 웃어른
- A person who is older, or senior in status or position and thus should be treated with respect.
- 나이나 지위, 신분 등이 자기보다 높아서 모셔야 하는 윗사람.
elders; senior
6. 졸업반
- A class that is about to graduate, or a student in such a class.
- 졸업을 앞둔 학년. 또는 그런 학생.
graduating class; senior
senior citizen
senior citizen center
1. 경로당
- A house or center specially built or designated for senior citizens to gather and rest or enjoy leisure activities.
- 노인들이 모여서 쉬거나 놀 수 있도록 마련한 집이나 방.
senior citizen center
2. 노인정
- A house or center specially built or designated for senior citizens to gather and rest or enjoy leisure activities.
- 노인들이 모여 쉴 수 있도록 마련한 집이나 방.
senior citizen center
senior inspector
- A police officer's rank that is above the inspector and under the superintendent; a person of that rank.
- 경위의 위이고 경정의 아래인 경찰 공무원 계급. 또는 그 직위의 사람.
senior inspector
2. 선임¹
- The state of taking a certain assignment, job, etc., earlier than others.
- 조직에서 어떤 임무나 직무 등을 먼저 맡음.
3. 연상¹
- The state of being older than someone; a person who is older than someone.
- 자기보다 나이가 많음. 또는 그런 사람.
seniority; elder
4. 장유유서
- An idiom meaning that there is a strict order that needs to be followed and obeyed between adults and children.
- 어른과 어린이 사이의 도리는 엄격한 차례가 있고 복종해야 할 질서가 있음.
seniority; hierarchical order between adults and children
seniority rule
- A practice or system in which one's position is elevated according to the number of his/her service years.
- 일한 연수에 따라 지위가 올라가는 일. 또는 그런 체계.
seniority rule; seniority system
seniority system
- A practice or system in which one's position is elevated according to the number of his/her service years.
- 일한 연수에 따라 지위가 올라가는 일. 또는 그런 체계.
seniority rule; seniority system
senior leadership
- A meeting composed of senior executives like presidents or vice-presidents.
- 회장이나 부회장으로 이루어진 모임.
senior leadership; senior management
senior management
- A meeting composed of senior executives like presidents or vice-presidents.
- 회장이나 부회장으로 이루어진 모임.
senior leadership; senior management
senior official
senior scholars
- A person who studied and researched a certain field of study before others.
- 어떤 학문을 먼저 공부하고 연구한 사람.
scholars of the past; senior scholars
senior statesman
- (archaic) A public official who is older in age, or higher in position or reputation than oneself.
- (옛날에) 나이나 벼슬, 덕망이 높은 관리.
senior official; senior statesman
senior student
1. 감각
- One's physical perception of a stimulus through one's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.
- 눈, 코, 귀, 혀, 피부를 통하여 자극을 느낌.
sense; sensation; feeling
2. 선풍
- (figurative) An incident which occurs suddenly and greatly influences society or becomes the focus of attention.
- (비유적으로) 갑자기 일어나 사회에 큰 영향을 미치거나 관심의 대상이 될 만한 사건.
3. 손맛
- The sensation that an angler feels when a fish takes the bait on his/her fishing rod.
- 고기가 낚싯대의 미끼를 물었을 때 손에 전해 오는 느낌.
4. 지각¹
- An awareness of the outside object or world through one's sensory organs.
- 외부의 사물이나 세계를 감각 기관을 통해 인식함.
perception; sensation
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