sensationalsensation of movementsensesenselesssenselessnesssense of accomplishmentsense of alienationsense of altruismsense of awesense of beautysense of belongingsense of betrayalsense of closenesssense of communitysense of crisissense of defeatsense of dependencesense of deprivationsense of differencesense of directionsense of dutysense of economysense of estrangementsense of freedomsense of guiltsense of hearingsense of honorsense of independencesense of inferioritysense of isolationsense of justicesense of losssense of missionsense of obligationsense of painsense of realismsense of refusalsense of responsibilitysense of rivalrysense of smellsense of solidaritysense of stabilitysense of superioritysense of touchsense of unitysensibilitysensiblesensibly
- Occuring suddenly and being capable of exerting huge influence on society or drawing attention in society.
- 갑자기 일어나 사회에 큰 영향을 미치거나 관심의 대상이 될 만한.
sensation of movement
- The sensation forming at each part of one's body as it moves.
- 몸의 각 부분의 운동에 따라 생기는 감각.
motor sensation; sensation of movement
2. 감각
- One's physical perception of a stimulus through one's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.
- 눈, 코, 귀, 혀, 피부를 통하여 자극을 느낌.
- One's ability to judge or express something based on what is felt and understood.
- 무엇에 대하여 느끼고 이해한 것을 통하여 판단하거나 표현하는 능력.
sense; sensation; feeling
sense; insight; taste
3. 감각하다
- To perceive stimuli through one's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.
- 눈, 코, 귀, 혀, 피부를 통하여 자극을 느끼다.
6. 눈치
- An ability to understand and know someone's mind or situation even though they have said nothing.
- 상대가 말하지 않아도 그 사람의 마음이나 일의 상황을 이해하고 아는 능력.
tact; sense; wits
7. 눈치채다
- To see and realize a situation, another person's feelings or secret, etc.
- 상황, 형편이나 다른 사람의 마음, 비밀 등을 살펴 알아채다.
9. 느낌
- A sense, mood, emotion, etc. felt in one's body and mind.
- 몸이나 마음에서 일어나는 기분이나 감정.
feeling; sense; impression
11. 사리²
- The right or wrong of a certain matter, or a system that is coherent.
- 일의 옳고 그름. 또는 앞뒤가 맞는 체계.
reason; logic; sense; coherence
13. 알아차리다
- To know the atmosphere of something by guess.
- 어떤 일의 분위기를 짐작으로 미리 알다.
sense; scent; get scent of
14. 알아채다
- To know the atmosphere of something by guess.
- 어떤 일의 분위기를 짐작으로 미리 알다.
sense; scent; get scent of
17. 의의
- A profound meaning contained in a remark or written words.
- 말이나 글의 속에 담긴 깊은 뜻.
meaning; sense
18. 이치
- A right principle consistent with reason, or underlying purpose or significant meaning.
- 정당하고 도리에 맞는 원리. 또는 근본이 되는 목적이나 중요한 뜻.
reason; principle; sense
20. 포착하다
- To find out the most important thing, or learn the skill necessary to do a certain task.
- 가장 중요한 점을 알아내거나 일을 하는 데 필요한 요령을 얻다.
sense; pick up
sense of accomplishment
- A sense of satisfaction when one achieves something one has aimed for.
- 목적한 것을 이루었다는 뿌듯한 느낌.
sense of accomplishment
sense of alienation
- A feeling of being kept far from a certain party as one is excluded from the party without being able to join it.
- 무리에 끼지 못하고 따돌림을 당해 멀어진 듯한 느낌.
sense of alienation; sense of estrangement
sense of altruism
- A mindset that regards others' interest as more important than one's own.
- 자기의 이익보다는 다른 사람의 이익을 더 중요하게 생각하는 마음.
sense of altruism; selfless mind
sense of awe
- A feeling of fearing and admiring a certain object.
- 어떤 대상을 두려워하며 우러러 보는 감정.
awe; sense of awe
sense of beauty
- A feeling regarding beauty or a beautiful feeling.
- 아름다움에 대한 느낌이나 아름다운 느낌.
sense of beauty; aesthetic feeling
sense of belonging
sense of betrayal
- The feeling when the person whom one trusted betrays the trust and fidelity.
- 믿었던 사람이 자신의 믿음과 의리의 저버렸을 때 느끼는 감정.
sense of betrayal
sense of closeness
- The feeling that a relationship with someone is very friendly and close.
- 사이가 매우 친하고 가까운 느낌.
sense of closeness; intimacy
sense of community
- A feeling of being in harmony with others and united as one.
- 다른 사람과 어우러져 하나가 된 느낌.
sense of unity; sense of community
sense of crisis
- An impression or feeling that one faces a dangerous situation or a danger is approaching.
- 위험한 상황에 놓여 있거나 위험이 닥쳐오고 있다는 생각이나 느낌.
sense of crisis
sense of defeat
- A sense of weakness felt when one is not confident of winning a fight, competition, etc., or the despair or shame felt after one is defeated in a fight, competition, etc.
- 싸움이나 경쟁 등에서 이길 자신이 없어 힘이 빠지는 느낌. 또는 싸움이나 경쟁 등에서 진 뒤에 느끼는 절망감이나 부끄러움.
sense of defeat
sense of dependence
sense of deprivation
- A state in which one feels as if one's property, right, qualification, etc., has been taken away.
- 재물이나 권리, 자격 등을 빼앗긴 느낌.
sense of deprivation
sense of difference
- A feeling that one is strange or does not fit in with others due to different qualities.
- 서로 성질이 달라서 낯설거나 잘 어울리지 않는 느낌.
sense of difference; heterogeneity
sense of direction
sense of duty
sense of economy
- The attitude of trying to spend money, goods, effort, time, etc. very efficiently.
- 돈이나 물건, 노력, 시간 등을 효율적으로 쓰려고 하는 생각.
sense of economy
sense of estrangement
- A feeling of being kept far from a certain party as one is excluded from the party without being able to join it.
- 무리에 끼지 못하고 따돌림을 당해 멀어진 듯한 느낌.
sense of alienation; sense of estrangement
sense of freedom
- A feeling of being released from those who suppress one's freedom.
- 자유를 억압하는 것으로부터 벗어난 느낌.
sense of freedom
sense of guilt
sense of hearing
sense of honor
- A desire to gain honor or a belief that honor is important.
- 명예를 얻으려는 마음. 또는 명예를 중요하게 여기는 마음.
sense of honor
sense of independence
- Eagerness to do something on one's own without depending on others.
- 남에게 매이거나 의지하지 않고 자기 힘으로 해내려는 마음가짐.
sense of independence
sense of inferiority
- A sense of regarding oneself as falling behind others or being incompetent.
- 자신이 다른 사람보다 뒤떨어졌다거나 자신에게 능력이 없다고 생각하는 의식.
sense of inferiority
sense of isolation
sense of justice
- A thought or mindset pursuing a righteous path that agrees with truth.
- 진리에 맞는 올바른 도리를 지향하는 생각이나 마음.
sense of justice
sense of loss
- A feeling of emptiness and loneliness after something is missing or disappears.
- 무엇이 없어지거나 사라진 후의 허전하고 쓸쓸한 감정.
sense of loss; feeling of loss; feeling of deprivation
sense of mission
sense of obligation
- A sense that one ought to do something given to one.
- 주어진 일을 마땅히 해야 한다고 여기는 마음.
sense of duty; sense of obligation
sense of pain
sense of realism
- A feeling that one can get from a scene where a certain event is taking place.
- 어떤 일이 벌어지고 있는 현장에서 느낄 수 있는 느낌.
sense of realism; liveliness; vividness
sense of refusal
sense of responsibility
- A sense that one considers one's task or duty important.
- 맡아서 해야 할 일이나 의무를 중요하게 여기는 마음.
sense of responsibility
sense of rivalry
sense of smell
sense of solidarity
- A feeling of being connected to each other with the same goal or idea.
- 같은 목표나 뜻으로 서로가 밀접하게 연결되어 있다고 느끼는 마음.
sense of solidarity; comradeship; camaraderie; bond
sense of stability
sense of superiority
- A thought or feeling that one is more excellent than others.
- 다른 사람보다 뛰어나다고 여기는 생각이나 느낌.
sense of superiority
sense of touch
- A sensation from an object touching the skin.
- 사물이 피부에 닿아서 느껴지는 감각.
sense of touch; tactile sensation
sense of unity
3. 상식적²
- Being understood through the knowledge or a sense of judgment, which people are normally supposed to know.
- 사람들이 일반적으로 알고 있는 보통의 지식이나 가치관으로 이해되는.
4. 슬기롭다
- Having the ability to handle things well by reasoning things out or correctly judging a situation.
- 사물의 이치나 주어진 상황 등을 바르게 판단하여 일을 잘 처리하는 재능이 있다.
wise; sage; sensible
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