teacher-student relationsteachingteaching aidteaching materialteaching methodteaching professionteaching scheduleteaching staffteacuptea houseteahousetea leavesteamteam competitionteam leaderteam memberteam of threeteam spiritteam sportteam trialsteam upteamworktea priceteartear aparttear bombtear downteardowntearfultearful facetear gas bombtear offtearstears at the end of laughterTears hide one's fronttears of bloodtears that look like chicken droppingstear to piecesteasetea settea shopteasingteasinglyteaspoontea-thingstea tray
teacher-student relations
- A relation between a teacher and a student.
- 스승과 제자 사이.
being between teacher and student; teacher-student relations
1. 가르침
- The act of making people realize what they did not know by teaching them, or what is taught.
- 모르는 것을 알려주어 깨닫게 함. 또는 그런 내용.
teaching; lesson
4. 설교
- An act of scolding and instructing someone, or such a teaching.
- 다른 사람을 타이르고 가르침. 또는 그런 가르침.
teaching; coaching
5. 출강
- An act of an instructor, professor, etc., going to a lecture.
- 강사나 교수 등이 강의를 하러 감.
teaching; lecturing
teaching aid
teaching material
- Textbooks or other materials necessary for teaching or learning.
- 교육이나 학습을 하는 데 필요한 교과서나 그 외의 자료.
teaching material; teaching aid
teaching method
teaching profession
teaching schedule
- A chart that shows the progress of a task or course of study.
- 어떤 일이나 학습의 진도를 그려서 나타낸 도표.
teaching schedule
teaching staff
tea house
- A place for people to rest and talk, selling beverages such as coffee, tea, etc.
- 사람들이 편히 쉬며 이야기할 수 있게 꾸며 놓고 커피, 차 등의 음료수를 파는 곳.
tea leaves
- Leaves that are used for making tea by pouring hot water over them.
- 물을 부어 차를 우려 마실 수 있는 잎.
tea leaves
1. 선수단
- A group that consists of players who were chosen for a sports competition.
- 운동 경기를 위해 선발된 선수들로 이루어진 단체.
team; squad
2. 팀
- A group of people who do the same kind of work.
- 같은 일을 함께하는 한 무리.
- In a sport game held in two groups, a group organized with two or more members.
- 두 조로 나누어 진행되는 운동 경기에서 둘 이상의 인원으로 조직된 한 조.
team competition
- A sport game in which teams compete to win.
- 단체끼리 승부를 가리는 운동 경기.
team sport; team competition
team leader
- A person who leads a team whose members do the same kind of work for a company, etc.
- 회사 등에서 같은 일을 맡아서 하는 한 팀의 책임자.
team leader
team member
team of three
team spirit
- An attitude of trying to join together to do something with one heart.
- 어떤 일을 하기 위해 서로 마음과 힘을 하나로 합하려는 마음.
cooperative spirit; team spirit; teamwork
team sport
- A sport game in which teams compete to win.
- 단체끼리 승부를 가리는 운동 경기.
team sport; team competition
team trials
- A competition to choose the best player among many.
- 많은 선수 중에서 실력이 뛰어난 선수를 뽑기 위한 시합.
team trials
team up
3. 협동심
- An attitude of trying to join together to do something with one heart.
- 어떤 일을 하기 위해 서로 마음과 힘을 하나로 합하려는 마음.
cooperative spirit; team spirit; teamwork
4. 호흡
- The state of being in harmony with people that one works with, or such harmony.
- 함께 일을 하는 사람들과 조화를 이룸. 또는 그 조화.
teamwork; being one with
tea price
3. 찢다
- To cause to be split by using a tool or pulling apart.
- 도구를 이용하거나 잡아당겨 갈라지게 하다.
- (figurative) To make one's heart hurt badly.
- (비유적으로) 마음을 몹시 아프게 하다.
tear; rip
break; tear
tear apart
tear bomb
- A bomb containing a chemical or substance that stimulates the lachrymal gland and makes tears come out.
- 눈물샘을 자극하여 눈물을 흘리게 하는 약이나 물질을 넣은 탄환.
tear bomb; tear gas bomb
tear down
1. 무너뜨리다
- To pull down and collapse a pile of something.
- 쌓아 올린 것을 허물어 내려앉게 하다.
tear down; pull down; crumble
3. 해체하다
- To pull down a building or bridge, etc., to make it collapse.
- 건물이나 다리 등을 헐어서 무너뜨리다.
deconstruct; tear down; dismantle
4. 허물다²
- To make something piled up or built fall apart.
- 쌓이거나 지어져 있는 것을 헐어서 무너지게 하다.
pull down; tear down; demolish
5. 허물어뜨리다
- To make something piled up or built fall apart.
- 쌓이거나 지어져 있는 것을 헐어서 무너뜨리다.
pull down; tear down; demolish
6. 허물어트리다
- To make something piled up or built fall apart.
- 쌓이거나 지어져 있는 것을 헐어서 무너트리다.
pull down; tear down; demolish
7. 헐다²
- To pull down a building such as a house, etc., or things piled up.
- 집 등의 건축물이나 쌓아 놓은 물건을 무너뜨리다.
tear down; demolish; pull down
- A state in which a building or bridge, etc., is pulled down to collapse; or an act of making this happen.
- 건물이나 다리 등이 헐어서 무너짐. 또는 그것을 헐어서 무너뜨림.
deconstruction; teardown; dismantlement
- A person's eyes being filled with tears as if they are on the verge of rolling down.
- 눈에 눈물이 넘칠 듯이 고여 가득하다.
tearful face
tear gas bomb
- A bomb containing a chemical or substance that stimulates the lachrymal gland and makes tears come out.
- 눈물샘을 자극하여 눈물을 흘리게 하는 약이나 물질을 넣은 탄환.
tear bomb; tear gas bomb
tear off
Proverbstears at the end of laughter
속담웃음 끝에 눈물
- An expression to describe a situation where something goes well at first but ends up with a negative result or in a tragedy.
- 처음에는 잘 지내다가 나중에 나쁘거나 슬픈 일이 생기는 경우를 이르는 말.
tears at the end of laughter
IdiomTears hide one's front
관용구눈물이 앞을 가리다
- For tears to keep falling.
- 눈물이 계속 흐르다.
Tears hide one's front
tears of blood
Idiomtears that look like chicken droppings
관용구닭똥 같은 눈물
- Very large drops of tears.
- 매우 굵은 눈물.
tears that look like chicken droppings
tear to pieces
- To tear paper, a cloth, etc., and make it into pieces.
- 종이나 천 등을 마구 찢어서 조각을 내다.
tear to pieces
1. 놀리다¹
- To make a laughingstock of someone by taking advantage of his/her weak point or mistake.
- 실수나 약점을 잡아 웃음거리로 만들다.
make fun of; tease
2. 빈정거리다
- To sneer at, be sarcastic about, or make fun of someone.
- 남을 은근히 비웃으며 자꾸 비꼬는 말을 하거나 놀리다.
tease; banter
3. 빈정대다
- To sneer at, be sarcastic about, or make fun of someone.
- 남을 은근히 비웃으며 자꾸 비꼬는 말을 하거나 놀리다.
tease; banter
4. 빈정빈정하다
- To sneer at, be sarcastic about, or make fun of someone.
- 남을 은근히 비웃으며 자꾸 비꼬는 말을 하거나 놀리다.
tease; banter
7. 치근거리다
- To keep annoying someone quietly and repeatedly.
- 괴로울 정도로 은근히 자꾸 귀찮게 굴다.
annoy; tease; make a nuisance; needle
8. 치근대다
- To keep annoying someone quietly and repeatedly.
- 괴로울 정도로 은근히 자꾸 귀찮게 굴다.
annoy; tease; make a nuisance; needle
9. 치근덕거리다
- To keep annoying someone tenaciously and repeatedly.
- 괴로울 정도로 끈질기게 자꾸 귀찮게 굴다.
annoy; tease; make a nuisance; needle
10. 치근덕치근덕하다
- To keep annoying someone tenaciously and repeatedly.
- 괴로울 정도로 끈질기게 자꾸 귀찮게 굴다.
annoy; tease; make a nuisance; needle
11. 치근치근하다
- To keep annoying someone quietly and repeatedly.
- 괴로울 정도로 은근히 자꾸 귀찮게 굴다.
annoy; tease; make a nuisance; needle
tea set
- Various tableware such as a teapot, tea cups, etc., used for making and drinking tea.
- 찻주전자, 찻종 등과 같이 차를 끓여 마시는 데 쓰는 여러 기구.
tea-things; tea set
tea shop
- Making someone look funny by pointing out or imitating his/her mistake or a weak point.
- 남의 실수나 약점을 잡아 웃음거리로 만드는 일.
making fun of someone; teasing
- In the manner of sneering at, being sarcastic about, or making fun of someone.
- 남을 은근히 비웃으며 자꾸 비꼬는 말을 하거나 놀리는 모양.
teasingly; banteringly; sarcastically
- Various tableware such as a teapot, tea cups, etc., used for making and drinking tea.
- 찻주전자, 찻종 등과 같이 차를 끓여 마시는 데 쓰는 여러 기구.
tea-things; tea set
tea tray
- A small tray for carrying dishes, spoons, etc., which are used to make and drink tea.
- 차를 달여 마시는 데에 쓰는 그릇이나 숟가락 등을 담는 조그마한 쟁반.
tea tray
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