agree with
    share; have common with; agree with
  • To share an idea or time, or be in accord with someone.
  • 생각이나 때를 똑같이 가지거나 맞추다.
    be in accord with; agree with
  • For things in comparison to be not different, either be exactly the same or match one another.
  • 비교되는 대상이 서로 다르지 않고 꼭 같거나 들어맞게 되다.
    share; have in common with; agree with
  • To share an idea or time, or be in accord with someone.
  • 생각이나 때를 똑같이 가지거나 맞추다.
    agree with; accord with; correspond to
  • To have exactly the same opinion, view, or thought as another.
  • 의견, 주장, 생각 등이 서로 어긋나지 않고 정확히 맞다.
    agricultural chemicals; agrichemicals
  • The chemicals used to kill harmful insects, weeds, etc. to protect crops.
  • 농작물에 해로운 벌레, 잡초 등을 없애는 약품.
agricultural and fishing villages
    agricultural and fishing villages
  • The villages whose residents are mostly farmers and fishermen.
  • 농촌과 어촌.
agricultural and marine products
    agricultural and marine products
  • Agricultural products and marine products.
  • 농산물과 수산물.
agricultural chemicals
    agricultural chemicals; agrichemicals
  • The chemicals used to kill harmful insects, weeds, etc. to protect crops.
  • 농작물에 해로운 벌레, 잡초 등을 없애는 약품.
agricultural cooperative association
    agricultural cooperative association
  • A national organization that supports the production and economic activities of farmers who were registered for the purpose of agricultural development and increase in the earnings of agricultural areas.
  • 농업을 발전시키고 농촌 지역의 소득을 늘리기 위한 목적으로 가입된 농민의 생산 활동과 경제 활동을 지원하는 전국적인 단체.
agricultural country
    agricultural country; farming country
  • A country whose main industry is agriculture among its national economic activities.
  • 국가 경제 활동에서 농업이 기본이고 주요 사업인 나라.
agricultural high school
    agricultural high school
  • An abbreviated word for agricultural high school.
  • ‘농업 고등학교’를 줄여 이르는 말.
agricultural implements
    agricultural implements; farming implements
  • Implements used for farming.
  • 농사를 짓는 데 쓰는 도구.
agricultural land
    farmland; agricultural land
  • Land for farming.
  • 농사짓는 땅.
agricultural machine
    farm machine; agricultural machine
  • A machine used for farming.
  • 농사를 짓는 데 쓰는 기계.
agricultural methods
    agricultural methods
  • The methods of doing farming.
  • 농사짓는 방법.
agricultural off-season
    agricultural off-season
  • A period during which farmers have little work and lots of time on their hands.
  • 농사일이 바쁘지 않아서 시간적인 여유가 많은 시기.
agricultural water
    agricultural water
  • All the water necessary for farming in the fields and paddies.
  • 농사를 지으려고 논밭에 대는 데 필요한 모든 물.
    cultivation; agriculture
  • Farming.
  • 농사를 짓는 일.
    agriculture; farming
  • The industry or job related to farming.
  • 농사를 짓는 일. 또는 농사를 짓는 직업.
  • A branch of science that studies agriculture.
  • 농업에 관해 연구하는 학문.
agriculture and fisheries
    agriculture and fisheries
  • The industries of agriculture and fisheries.
  • 농업과 수산업.
    agriculture and fisheries
  • The industries of agriculture and fisheries.
  • 농업과 수산업.
agriculture and industry
    agriculture and industry
  • Farming and manufacturing.
  • 농업과 공업.
agriculture high school
    agriculture high school
  • A high school in which education on actual agricultural tasks such as cultivation and the process of creating farm produce, raising livestock, etc., is given.
  • 농산물을 재배하고 가공하며 가축을 기르는 일 등 농업에 관한 실제 업무 교육을 실시하는 고등학교.
Idioma groaning sound
관용구앓는 소리
    a groaning sound
  • A remark that is made to exaggerate one's difficulties.
  • 일부러 과장하여 엄살을 피우며 하는 말.
agro-livestock products
    agro-livestock products
  • All the products obtained from farming and stockbreeding.
  • 농사를 짓거나 가축을 길러 생산한 모든 물품.
a group of reporters
    a group of reporters
  • A group of reporters who belong to the editorial department of a newspaper company or magazine company, etc., and who work to find material for a story.
  • 신문사나 잡지사 등의 취재부에 속하여 기사의 재료를 찾기 위해 활약하는 기자들의 무리.
a gulp
    a gulp; with a gulp
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the manner of drinking something in small sips with effort.
  • 액체를 힘들게 조금씩 삼키는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • fireplace; fuel hole: A hole made to burn wood, etc., to heat a room or to cook.
  • 방이나 솥 등에 불을 때기 위해 만든 구멍.
ProverbsA guy who has nine is envious of a guy who has one
    A guy who has nine is envious of a guy who has one
  • To be greedy or have greed for what others have.
  • 욕심이 많거나 남의 물건에 욕심이 생기다.
Proverbsa guy who would beg for rice and cook juk, rice porridge, with it
    a guy[fellow] who would beg for rice and cook juk, rice porridge, with it
  • A person who is not only lazy, but also stupid.
  • 게으른 데다가 어리석기까지 한 사람.
  • side slit; side placket: The side opening of durumagi, a traditional Korean overcoat or women's lower undergarment in hanbok, the traditional Korean outfit.
  • 두루마기나 여자들이 입는 한복의 아랫도리 속옷의 옆을 터 놓은 구멍.
  • agwi
  • grip: The central metallic part of a bow that is curved slightly inward that the archer holds for shooting.
  • 활의 한가운데 손으로 쥐는 부분과 금속 부분이 닿는, 안으로 조금 들어간 부분.
-a gyesida
    -a gyesida
  • (honorific) An expression used to indicate that the state mentioned in the preceding statement is continued.
  • (높임말로) 앞의 말이 나타내는 상태가 계속됨을 나타내는 표현.
    oh; ah
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker expresses his/her surprise, embarrassment, impatience, or urgency.
  • 놀라움, 당황함, 초조함, 다급함의 느낌을 나타낼 때 내는 소리.
  • oh; wow; ah
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker expresses his/her delight or excitement.
  • 기쁨이나 감동의 느낌을 나타낼 때 내는 소리.
    ah; oh; wow
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker is greatly impressed or sighs because he/she is upset.
  • 크게 감동하거나 매우 속상하여 한숨을 쉴 때 내는 소리.
  • ah; charge
  • An exclamation uttered to cheer oneself up when people fight or play a game in groups.
  • 무리를 지어서 싸우거나 단체로 시합을 할 때, 기운을 내거나 돋우려고 내는 소리.
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker musters up his/her power in the spur of the moment.
  • 한순간에 힘을 모아 쓸 때 내는 소리.
    ah; mmm; ooh
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker expresses his/her delight or excitement.
  • 기쁨이나 감동의 느낌을 나타낼 때 내는 소리.
  • ah; argh
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker expresses the feelings of worry, anxiety, regret, or lamentation.
  • 걱정, 근심, 안타까움, 한탄의 느낌을 나타낼 때 내는 소리.
    oh; ooh; ah
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker feels very glad or good.
  • 매우 반갑거나 좋을 때 내는 소리.
    ah; argh; eek
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker is surprised or falls suddenly.
  • 갑자기 놀라거나 쓰러질 때 내는 소리.
    ah; oh
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker tries to shake some thoughts out of his/her mind.
  • 스스로 생각을 떨쳐 내려 할 때 내는 소리.
  • ah; oh; aw
  • An exclamation uttered to the speaker himself/herself when he/she feels refreshed.
  • 기분이 상쾌할 때 혼자서 내는 소리.
    ah; oh
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker is very achy, exhausted, surprised, or stunned.
  • 매우 아프거나 힘들거나 놀라거나 기막힐 때 내는 소리.
  • aw; oh; ah
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker feels very glad or good.
  • 매우 반갑거나 좋을 때 내는 소리.
    oh; ah; eek
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker is very achy, exhausted, surprised, or stunned.
  • 매우 아프거나 힘들거나 놀라거나 기막힐 때 내는 소리.
  • oh; ah; wow
  • An exclamation uttered quickly when the speaker feels very glad or good.
  • 매우 반갑거나 좋을 때 다급하게 지를 때 내는 소리.
10. 오²
    oh; ah
  • An exclamation used to express such feelings as surprise, gladness, etc.
  • 놀라움, 반가움 등의 느낌을 나타내는 소리.
11. 옳아
    oh; ah; right
  • An exclamation uttered when realizing or understanding a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실을 지금 깨닫거나 이해했을 때 하는 말.
12. 하²
    ah; oh
  • An exclamation casually uttered when the speaker feels happy, sad, angry, or worried.
  • 기쁘거나 슬프거나 화가 나거나 걱정스러울 때 가볍게 내는 소리.
    ah; ohah; ohah; ohah; oh
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker is worried or wishes to rebuke another because he/she is dissatisfied with something.
  • 마음에 들지 않는 일을 당했을 때 걱정하거나 나무라는 뜻으로 가볍게 내는 소리.
    oh; aha; oh yeah
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker realizes something he/she did not know.
  • 모르던 것을 깨달았음을 나타낼 때 내는 소리.
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker realizes something he/she failed to think of before.
  • 미처 생각하지 못한 것을 깨달았을 때 내는 소리.
    oh; aha
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker realizes something he/she did not know.
  • 모르던 것을 깨달았음을 나타낼 때 내는 소리.
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker suddenly realizes or discovers something.
  • 잊고 있던 것이 문득 생각날 때 내는 소리.
ProverbsA habit you acquire when you are three years old is hard to break even when you turn eighty
    A habit you acquire when you are three years old is hard to break even when you turn eighty
  • An expression used to advise someone to guard against falling into a bad habit as a child because it is very difficult to correct it however hard one may try throughout their whole life.
  • 어릴 때 몸에 밴 버릇은 늙어 죽을 때까지 고치기 힘들다는 뜻으로 어릴 때부터 나쁜 버릇이 들지 않도록 조심해야 한다는 말.
ProverbsA habit you acquire when you are young is hard to break even when you become old
    A habit you acquire when you are young is hard to break even when you become old
  • It is difficult to change a habit that one acquired as a child even if one may try hard during their whole life.
  • 어릴 때 한번 몸에 익숙해진 버릇은 평생 고치기 힘들다.
Idioma hair's breadth
    a difference like a moment; a little difference; a hair's breadth; a close call
  • A very minor difference to such an extent that it almost seems to be the same.
  • 거의 비슷할 정도의 아주 작은 차이.
Proverbsa hateful seven-year-old
    a hateful seven-year-old; a naughty seven-year-old
  • An expression used to describe the tendency of children around seven years old to be naughty and cause much trouble.
  • 어린아이들은 일곱 살을 전후로 부모 말을 잘 듣지 않고 말썽을 많이 일으킨다는 말.
    ahchoo; achoo
  • A word imitating the sound made when one sneezes.
  • 재채기할 때 나는 소리.
    future affairs; ahead
  • The affairs that will happen after one's death.
  • 죽은 뒤의 일.
ahead of time
    in advance; ahead of time
  • Before something happens.
  • 어떤 일이 있기 전에 먼저.
    in advance; ahead of time
  • Before something happens.
  • 어떤 일이 있기 전에 먼저.
IdiomA head subsides
    A head subsides
  • For respect to form.
  • 존경하는 마음이 생기다.
Proverbsa healthy and large tree can be recognized even as a seed leaf
    a healthy and large tree can be recognized even as a seed leaf; Sandalwood is fragrant even in seed leaf; As the twig is bent, so grows the tree
  • A promising person stands out as a young child.
  • 크게 될 사람은 어릴 때부터 남다르다.
a heap of
    a lot; a heap of
  • In the manner of there being a lot of worries or concerns.
  • 근심이나 걱정이 많이 쌓여 있는 모양.
    a lot; a heap of
  • In the manner of there being a lot of worries or concerns.
  • 근심이나 걱정이 많이 쌓여 있는 모양.
    umm; ahem
  • An exclamation uttered before the speaker begins his/her words when he/she talks to someone or attracts someone's attention.
  • 남에게 말을 걸거나 주의를 끌 때, 말에 앞서 내는 소리.
  • An exclamation uttered when the speaker coughs in a dignified manner.
  • 위엄 있게 기침하는 소리.
  • ahem
  • A coughing sound made intentionally by the speaker to let others sense his/her presence.
  • 기척을 나타내려고 일부러 내는 기침 소리.
    ahem; ehem
  • A coughing sound made intentionally by the speaker to pretend to be decent or let others sense his/her presence.
  • 점잖은 체하거나 사람이 있음을 알리려고 일부러 내는 큰기침 소리.
    clearing one's throat; ahem
  • An act of making a coughing sound intentionally to show one's dignity or to calm oneself down, or such a sound.
  • 위엄을 나타내거나 마음을 가다듬기 위해 큰 소리로 기침함. 또는 그런 기침.
ProverbsA hen crows
    A hen crows
  • For a woman instead of a man to take control of the family.
  • 가정에서 여자가 남자를 제쳐 놓고 집안을 휘두른다.
a hiding place
    a hiding place
  • (figurative) A small space where one can hide.
  • (비유적으로) 몸을 숨길 수 있는 아주 작은 장소.
Proverbsa high government post that is guaranteed
    a high government post that is guaranteed
  • An expression used to describe a situation where one is so sure that something will definitely go as planned.
  • 어떤 일이 확실해서 계획된 대로 틀림없이 진행될 것임을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbsa high government post that is set aside
    a high government post that is set aside
  • An expression used to describe a situation where one is so sure that something will definitely go as planned.
  • 어떤 일이 확실해서 계획된 대로 틀림없이 진행될 것임을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbsa high government post that was received
    a high government post that was received
  • A situation where something looks beyond doubt and very certain.
  • 어떤 일이 조금의 틀림도 없이 확실하게 보이는 경우.
a hit
    finishing blow; a hit
  • A hit or blow that decides the winner in a sports game such as baseball and boxing.
  • 야구, 권투 등의 운동 경기에서 승패를 가르는 결정적인 타격.
Proverbsa horseshoe for a dog paw
    a horseshoe for a dog paw
  • For someone's outfits or belongings not to match him/her and be above his/her status.
  • 옷차림이나 지닌 물건이 제격에 맞지 않아 어울리지 않음을 뜻하는 말.

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