    insult; affront
  • The act of defaming, humiliating, and looking down on someone.
  • 낮추어 보고 창피를 주고 불명예스럽게 함.
  • A country located in southwestern Asia; most of the country is highlands, and the majority of its people believe in Islam; its major language are Pashto and Dari, and its capital is Kabul.
  • 서남아시아에 있는 나라. 국토 대부분이 고원에 위치해 있으며 주민 대부분이 이슬람교를 신봉한다. 주요 언어는 파슈토어, 다리어이고 수도는 카불이다.
ProverbsA fight between children turns into a fight between adults
    A fight between children turns into a fight between adults
  • An expression used to describe a situation where something minor becomes severe and larger.
  • 중요하지 않은 작은 일이 점점 커짐을 뜻하는 말.
ProverbsA fight should be stopped and bargaining should be encouraged
    A fight should be stopped and bargaining should be encouraged
  • It is advised to discourage a negative event while encouraging a positive event.
  • 나쁜 일은 말리고 좋은 일은 권해야 한다.
IdiomA fire breaks out
관용구불이 나다
    A fire breaks out
  • For one's feeling to become violent due to anger.
  • 화가 나는 일로 감정이 격해지다.
IdiomA fire drops on top of one's foot
    A fire drops on top of one's foot
  • For something to suddenly strike.
  • 일이 몹시 급박하게 닥치다.
IdiomA fire rises
관용구불이 일다
    A fire rises
  • For one's feeling to become violent due to anger.
  • 화가 나는 일로 감정이 격해지다.
ProverbsA fish that got away is bigger
    A lost fish is[looks] bigger; A fish that got away is[looks] bigger
  • To feel that something one used to have is better than the one that one has now.
  • 지금 가지고 있는 것보다 이전 것이 더 좋은 것 같다.
Idioma fish that meets water
    a fish that meets water
  • A person who escaped from a difficult situation and had a good chance to demonstrate his/her ability.
  • 어려운 상황에서 벗어나 자신의 능력을 발휘할 만한 좋은 환경을 만난 사람.
a flame before the wind
    a flame before the wind
  • (figurative) The state of something being placed in a very dangerous situation, from the literal meaning, 'a lamplight before the wind'.
  • (비유적으로) 바람 앞의 등불이라는 뜻으로, 사물이 매우 위험한 처지에 놓여 있음.
a flash of time
    instant; moment; a flash of time; being in the wink of an eye
  • A very short period of time
  • 매우 짧은 시간.
    instant; moment; a flash of time; being in the wink of an eye
  • A very short period of time
  • 아주 짧은 시간 동안.
Idioma flower cultivated in the greenhouse
    a flower cultivated in the greenhouse
  • A person who has grown up in a sheltered environment without difficulties or sufferings.
  • 어려움이나 괴로움을 겪지 않고 편안하게만 자란 사람.
Idioma flower in the greenhouse
    a flower in the greenhouse
  • A person who has grown up in a sheltered environment without difficulties or sufferings.
  • 어려움이나 괴로움을 겪지 않고 편안하게만 자란 사람.
IdiomA foundation is established
    A foundation is established
  • For the fundamental aspects of something to become able to function.
  • 어떤 일의 기본이 되는 부분이 제 기능을 발휘할 수 있게 되다.
  • Feeling anxious and uneasy.
  • 걱정되고 불안하다.
    afraid; scared
  • A person or situation being so dreadful as to make one want to avoid the person or thing.
  • 어떤 사람이나 상황이 대하기 어렵거나 피하고 싶다.
IdiomA frame is built
    A frame is built
  • For an outline and frame to form to do something.
  • 어떤 일을 하기 위한 기본 줄거리와 틀이 이루어지다.
IdiomA framework is established
    A framework is established
  • To have an appropriate formality or manner.
  • 격에 어울리게 격식이 갖추어지다.
    anew; afresh
  • Newly again, although one had already felt that way or knows.
  • 이미 느끼거나 알고 있었지만 다시 새롭게.
    anew; afresh
  • Newly again, although one had already felt or knew.
  • 이미 느끼거나 알고 있었지만 다시 새롭게.
  • One of the six continents; the equator passes through the continent, explaining its tropical and subtropical climates; it is home to the countries such as Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, etc.
  • 육대주의 하나. 적도에 걸처 있어 열대, 아열대의 기후가 나타난다. 이집트, 나이지리아, 남아프리카 공화국 등의 나라가 있다.
ProverbsA frog cannot remember when it was a tadpole
    A frog cannot remember when it was a tadpole
  • To brag about one's current status and condition which is much better than in the past without thinking about the humble past.
  • 지위나 형편이 과거에 비하여 나아진 사람이 과거의 어려움을 기억하지 아니하고 자신이 원래부터 잘난 듯이 뽐내다.
Proverbsa frog in a well
    a frog[fish] in a well; a babe in the woods
  • A person who is full of self-conceit as he/she has a limited or narrow view of the world.
  • 넓은 세상을 알지 못하거나 보는 눈이 좁아서 자기만 잘난 줄 아는 사람.
after all
    after all; finally
  • In the end.
  • 결국에는.
    finally; after all
  • Eventually, in the end.
  • 끝에 가서 결국에는.
    in any case; after all
  • Regardless of whether something turns out like this or that; regardless of whether one does something in this way or that.
  • 이렇게 되든지 저렇게 되든지. 또는 이렇게 하든지 저렇게 하든지 상관없이.
    after all
  • No matter how one thinks.
  • 아무리 생각해도.
    finally; after all; eventually
  • In the end.
  • 마지막에 가서는.
after a long interval
    after a long interval
  • After a very long time.
  • 아주 오래간만에.
after a meal
    after a meal
  • After eating a meal.
  • 밥을 먹은 뒤.
after a while
    soon afterward; in a while; after a while
  • Finally after some time passes.
  • 시간이 얼마쯤 흐른 뒤에 드디어.
ProverbsAfter death comes a doctor
    seek medicine after death; the doctor after death; After death comes a doctor; prescription after death
  • To come up with a belated measure against something that has already gone wrong.
  • 일을 그르친 후에야 뒤늦게 대책을 세움을 뜻하는 말.
    seek medicine after death; the doctor after death; After death comes a doctor; prescription after death
  • To come up with a belated measure to remedy something that has gone awry.
  • 일이 잘못된 후에야 뒤늦게 그에 대한 대책을 생각함을 뜻하는 말.
    aftereffect; aftermath
  • The lingering effects after a certain event ends.
  • 어떤 일이 끝난 뒤에 남아 미치는 영향.
    aftereffect; sequela
  • A symptom that lingers from a certain illness after the illness is cured.
  • 어떤 병을 앓고 난 뒤에도 남아 있는 증상.
  • aftereffect; aftermath
  • A side effect that develops after one goes through a certain difficulty.
  • 어떤 일을 치르고 난 뒤에 생긴 부작용.
  • Weak sunlight at sunset.
  • 해가 질 때쯤의 약한 햇빛.
  • afterglow
  • Weak residual light from a certain source after it has lost an external supply of energy.
  • 외부의 에너지 공급이 중단된 뒤에도 밖으로 나오는 약한 빛.
  • A vague image of an object that still lingers in one's eyesight briefly after the object has disappeared.
  • 눈에 보이던 사물이 없어진 뒤에도 잠시 희미하게 눈에 보이는 모습.
  • afterimage
  • An image from the past that has not been erased from one's memory.
  • 지워지지 않는 지난날의 모습.
    heaven; afterlife; otherworld
  • The world where the spirits of the deceased are believed to live.
  • 사람이 죽으면 그 영혼이 가서 산다는 세상.
    afterlife; heaven
  • (figurative) The grave.
  • (비유적으로) 저승.
afterlife view
    afterlife view
  • One's thoughts and opinions about life after death.
  • 내세에 관한 생각.
    aftermath; wake
  • The time right after something happened.
  • 어떤 일이 있은 바로 뒤.
  • Something that will happen after a certain event.
  • 어떤 일이 있은 뒤에 일어날 일.
    aftereffect; aftermath
  • The lingering effects after a certain event ends.
  • 어떤 일이 끝난 뒤에 남아 미치는 영향.
    spot; aftermath
  • A spot on a human body or an object where a mark is left after it underwent a change.
  • 사람의 몸이나 물건 등이 변화를 겪고 난 후 흔적이 남은 곳.
    trace; aftermath
  • A mark or trace that something has left.
  • 어떤 것이 남긴 표시나 흔적.
    aftermath; consequence
  • Something that will happen after a certain event.
  • 어떤 일이 있은 뒤에 일어날 일.
    aftereffect; aftermath
  • A side effect that develops after one goes through a certain difficulty.
  • 어떤 일을 치르고 난 뒤에 생긴 부작용.
after next
    after next
  • Being the turn after next.
  • 이번 차례부터 두 번째 뒤의 차례인.
  • The time from past noon to before nightfall.
  • 오후 열두 시가 지나고 저녁이 되기 전까지의 동안.
  • The duration from noon to the time when the sun goes down.
  • 정오부터 해가 질 때까지의 동안.
  • afternoon
  • The time from noon to 12 p.m.
  • 정오부터 밤 열두 시까지의 시간.
  • The time between morning and evening when the sun is at its highest during the day.
  • 하루 중에 해가 가장 높이 떠 있는, 아침과 저녁의 중간이 되는 시간.
  • The time between morning and evening when the sun is at its highest during the day.
  • 하루 중에 해가 가장 높이 떠 있는, 아침과 저녁의 중간이 되는 시간.
  • The time from noon to midnight.
  • 낮 열두 시부터 밤 열두 시까지의 시간.
afternoon class
    afternoon class
  • A class which takes lessons in the afternoon in a school whose classes are divided into morning classes and afternoon classes.
  • 오전, 오후로 나누어 수업을 하는 학교 등에서, 오후에 수업을 하는 학급.
afternoon nap
    afternoon nap
  • Sleeping in the daytime for a short while.
  • 낮에 자는 잠.
after one's birth
    after one's birth
  • Since one's birth.
  • 태어난 뒤.
after party
    after party
  • A party that is held after work or a gathering, or such a party.
  • 일이나 모임이 끝나고 함께 모여서 놂. 또는 그런 일.
after-sales service
    after-sales service
  • An array of services including repair, return, exchange, etc., which is offered when there is a problem with goods sold.
  • 판매한 상품에 문제가 있을 때 수리, 반품, 교환 등을 해 주는 일.
  • The small quake occuring after a larger earthquake.
  • 큰 지진이 일어난 다음에 일어나는 작은 지진.
  • The taste that lingers in the mouth after eating.
  • 음식을 먹고 난 뒤에 입안에서 느껴지는 맛.
  • aftertaste
  • A feeling or sensation left after one has finished a job.
  • 일을 끝낸 뒤에 남는 기분이나 느낌.
  • In Buddhism, the world of souls where people go after death.
  • 불교에서, 사람이 죽은 후에 간다고 하는 영혼의 세계.
-a gada
    -a gada
  • An expression used to indicate that the act or state mentioned in the preceding statement is continued.
  • 앞의 말이 나타내는 행동이나 상태가 계속 진행됨을 나타내는 표현.
  • -a gada
  • An expression used to indicate that one occasionally repeats a certain act mentioned in the preceding statement, while continuing another act.
  • 앞의 말이 나타내는 행동을 이따금 반복함과 동시에 또 다른 행동을 이어 함을 나타내는 표현.
  • Repeatedly.
  • 계속 반복하여.
  • Repeatedly with the same words or behavior.
  • 같은 말이나 행동을 반복해서 또.
  • again
  • To do or begin once more by changing the method, goal, etc.
  • 방법이나 목표 등을 바꿔서 새로이.
  • again
  • In resumption of what has been suspended.
  • 하다가 멈춘 것을 이어서.
  • again
  • Once more in the future.
  • 다음에 또.
  • again
  • Back to the previous state.
  • 이전 상태로 또.
  • again; all over again
  • Anew starting from scratch.
  • 처음부터 새롭게.
  • Again, freshly.
  • 새롭게 다시.
  • Repeatedly and over again.
  • 자꾸 되풀이하여 다시.
again and again
    again and again
  • In the manner of repeating several times.
  • 여러 번 계속 반복하여.
    frequently; repeatedly; again and again
  • Several times.
  • 여러 번 계속하여.
    frequently; repeatedly; again and again
  • (emphasizing form) Again and again.
  • (강조하는 말로) 자꾸.
    again and again
  • In a manner of drawing a line or boundary repeatedly.
  • 줄이나 금을 잇따라 긋는 모양.

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