aestheticaesthetic feelingaestheticismaestheticsaesthetic senseA failing fishing ground tends to be infested with jellyfisha fellow who is as small as a chestnuta fewa few days agoaffableaffairaffairs of the worldaffectaffectedaffected areaaffecting greatlyaffectionaffectionateaffectionate strokingaffection based on positive feelings, affection based on negative feelingsAffection from childrearing is bigger than that from childbearingaffection from hatred, affection from loveaffidavitaffiliateaffiliated companyaffiliated professoraffiliationaffinityaffirmaffirmationaffirmativeaffirmative sentenceaffixaffixing with multiple foldsaffix with multiple foldsaffluentaffluent livingaffordabilityafforestation
aesthetic feeling
- A feeling regarding beauty or a beautiful feeling.
- 아름다움에 대한 느낌이나 아름다운 느낌.
sense of beauty; aesthetic feeling
- A trend in literature in which writers view beauty as something of the highest value, and seek it.
- 아름다움을 최고의 가치로 여겨 이를 추구하는 문예 사조.
- A branch of philosophy that studies the structure and nature of beauty inherent in a work of art.
- 철학의 한 갈래로 예술 작품이 가지고 있는 아름다움의 본질과 구조에 대해 연구하는 학문.
aesthetic sense
ProverbsA failing fishing ground tends to be infested with jellyfish
- You may suffer a lot of difficulties and troubles if things are destined to go wrong.
- 일이 안되려면 뜻대로 되지 않고 힘들고 귀찮은 일만 생긴다.
A failing fishing ground tends to be infested with jellyfish
Idioma fellow who is as small as a chestnut
관용구밤톨만 한 녀석[놈]
- A person who is young or has a small frame.
- 나이가 어리거나 몸집이 작은 사람.
a fellow[guy] who is as small as a chestnut
a few
a few days ago
2. 사근사근하다
- One's personality, manner of speaking, behavior, etc., being soft, gentle, and kind.
- 성격이나 말투, 행동 등이 부드럽고 상냥하고 다정하다.
affable; amiable
3. 싹싹하다
- Quick-witted, amiable, and open-hearted.
- 눈치가 빠르고 행동이나 성격이 상냥하고 시원스럽다.
affable; sociable
4. 온후하다
- One's personality, mind, etc., being tender and generous.
- 성격이나 마음씨 등이 순하고 부드러우며 너그럽다.
affable; mild; gentle
1. 바람¹
- The act of being secretly in love with someone of the opposite sex.
- 몰래 다른 이성과 애정을 나눔.
affair; extramarital affair
2. 불장난
- (slang) An act of a man and a woman dating without thinking about the consequences.
- (속된 말로) 남녀가 분별없이 사귀는 일.
3. 사건
- A matter that is worthy of interest or attention.
- 관심이나 주목을 끌 만한 일.
incident; event; affair; accident; case
4. 외도
- The act of having sexual intercourse with a person who is not one's spouse.
- 배우자가 아닌 사람과 성관계를 가지는 일.
adultery; affair
affairs of the world
affected area
affecting greatly
- The influence, impact, etc., of a certain incident being severe.
- 어떤 일의 영향, 충격 등이 심하다.
affecting greatly
1. 귀염
- A state of adoring and loving a younger person or animals.
- 자기보다 어린 사람이나 동물을 예뻐하고 사랑스러워하는 마음.
3. 애정
- A loving heart that one feels for someone or something.
- 누군가 혹은 무언가를 사랑하는 마음.
- Mutual longing and loving feelings between a man and a woman.
- 남녀 간에 서로 그리워하고 사랑하는 마음.
love; affection
love; affection
4. 애착
- A state of loving something so much that he/she cannot live without it; or such a state of mind.
- 몹시 사랑하여 떨어질 수 없음. 또는 그런 마음.
attachment; affection
5. 애착심
- A state of mind in which a person loves and becomes attached to something so that he/she cannot live without it.
- 몹시 사랑하거나 정이 들어 떨어질 수 없는 마음.
attachment; affection
6. 연모
- A feeling of loving and longing for someone of the opposite sex.
- 이성을 사랑하여 몹시 그리워함.
7. 자애
- One's warm and deep love for someone who is junior to one.
- 아랫사람에게 베푸는 따뜻하고 깊은 사랑.
affection; kindness
10. 정분
- A bond or the degree of intimacy that is formed through a close relationship.
- 친하게 지내면서 든 정. 또는 친하게 지내면서 정이 든 정도.
affection; love
affectionate stroking
- A state in which a man gently strokes a woman he loves, or vice versa.
- 이성을 사랑하여 어루만짐.
caress; affectionate stroking
Proverbsaffection based on positive feelings, affection based on negative feelings
- To have an intense feeling of good and bad mixed together towards someone after going through a lot with him/her.
- 여러 일을 통해 상대에게 나쁜 감정, 좋은 감정을 모두 가져서 깊어진 정을 뜻하는 말.
affection based on positive feelings, affection based on negative feelings
ProverbsAffection from childrearing is bigger than that from childbearing
- For the affection of those who bring up a child to be bigger and more valuable than that of those who give birth to one.
- 기르고 양육해 준 사랑이, 낳아 준 사랑보다 크고 소중하다.
Affection from childrearing is bigger than that from childbearing
Proverbsaffection from hatred, affection from love
- An intense feeling of good and bad mixed together towards someone after going through a lot with him/her.
- 여러 일을 통해 상대에게 나쁜 감정, 좋은 감정을 모두 가져서 깊어진 정.
affection from hatred, affection from love
1. 선서문
- A written statement officially announcing in front of many people that one acknowledges a fact or that one will guard something.
- 여러 사람 앞에서 공식적으로 무엇을 인정하거나 지키겠다고 다짐하는 내용을 적은 글.
affidavit; written oath
2. 자술서
- A statement written by a suspect or a witness of an incident in order to tell what he/she did and experienced.
- 사건의 피의자나 참고인이 자신의 한 일과 겪은 것에 대해 알리는 글.
affidavit; written statement
affiliated company
- A company that is financially connected with a large company, and thus is under its control.
- 큰 회사와 경제적 관계를 맺어 그 회사의 지배를 받는 회사.
subsidiary company; affiliated company; daughter firm
affiliated professor
- A position in which one is engaged in a certain area and gives lectures at a university at the same time, or a person who has such a qualification.
- 특정 분야에 종사하면서 대학의 강의를 동시에 하는 지위. 또는 그러한 자격을 가진 사람.
affiliated professor
2. 부속
- The state of being attached to the main thing, or the attached thing.
- 주된 것에 딸려 붙음. 또는 그렇게 딸려 붙어 있는 것.
attachment; affiliation
3. 소속
- The state of belonging to a certain institution or organization, or the person or object belonging to something.
- 어떤 기관이나 단체에 속함. 또는 속해 있는 사람이나 물건.
1. 긍정
- Recognizing that a certain fact or idea is correct or right.
- 어떤 사실이나 생각이 맞다거나 옳다고 인정함.
affirmation; acknowledgement
2. 확언
- An act of saying that something is definitely true; or such a remark.
- 틀림없이 그러하다고 말함. 또는 그런 말.
assertion; assurance; affirmation
3. 확인
- An act of finding out if something is true or admitting that it is true.
- 틀림없이 그러한지를 알아보거나 인정함.
check; affirmation; confirmation; verification
- Recognizing that a certain fact or idea is correct or right.
- 어떤 사실이나 생각이 맞다거나 옳다고 인정하는.
affirmative sentence
- A part that is not used independently but attached to the root of a word or the word itself to form a new word.
- 혼자 쓰이지 않고 어근이나 단어에 붙어 새로운 단어를 만드는 부분.
affixing with multiple folds
- An act of attaching multiple-folded, thin pieces of paper, cloth, etc. to something.
- 종이나 헝겊 등의 얇은 조각을 여러 겹으로 포개어 붙임.
attaching in many layers; affixing with multiple folds
affix with multiple folds
- To attach multiple-folded, thin pieces of paper, cloth, etc. to something.
- 종이나 헝겊 등의 얇은 조각을 여러 겹으로 포개어 붙이다.
attach in many layers; affix with multiple folds
affluent living
- An act of living an abundant and comfortable life; or such a life.
- 풍족하고 편안한 생활을 함. 또는 그런 생활.
living in comfort; living high; affluent living
- The power or ability left enough to do another work after finishing a certain job.
- 어떤 일을 하고 난 뒤 또 다른 일을 할 수 있을 만큼 남아 있는 힘이나 능력.
strength to spare; available power; affordability
- An act of greening a mountain or field by planting trees and grass.
- 산이나 들에 나무와 풀을 심어 푸르게 함.
afforestation; forestation
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