Proverbsa dog at a house in mourning
    a dog at a house in mourning
  • (figurative) A pitiful state in which one begs for food in an abject manner while being treated with contempt, like an ownerless dog at a house in mourning.
  • (비유적으로) 먹여 주고 돌봐 줄 주인을 잃은 상갓집 개와 같이 천대를 받으며 비굴하게 얻어먹으러 다니는 불쌍한 꼴.
ProverbsA dog recites a poem if it spends three years at a seodang, a village school
    A dog recites a poem if it spends three years at a seodang, a village school; The sparrow near a school sings the primer
  • Exposure to a certain field for a long time will help even a layperson gain knowledge and experience of it.
  • 어떤 분야에 지식이 전혀 없는 사람이라도 그 부문에 오래 있으면 지식과 경험을 갖게 된다.
ProverbsA dog's life is the best lot
    A dog's life is the best lot
  • An expression used to complain about one's hectic and tough life and show one's envy of a dog's idle and nonchalant life.
  • 놀고 있는 개가 부럽다는 뜻으로, 일이 매우 바쁘고 힘들 때 넋두리로 하는 말.
  • A dog's life is the best lot
  • An expression used to complain about one's hectic and tough life and show one's envy of a dog's idle and nonchalant life.
  • 자기 팔자가 너무 나빠서 차라리 개 팔자가 더 좋겠다고 넋두리로 하는 말.
ProverbsA dog with dung rebukes a dog with husks of grain
    A dog with dung rebukes a dog with husks of grain
  • For one with greater faults or defects to speak ill of someone with smaller faults.
  • 자기는 더 큰 잘못이나 결점이 있으면서 도리어 남의 작은 잘못을 흉본다.
ProverbsA dog with husks of grain rebukes a dog with dung
    A dog with husks of grain rebukes[speaks ill of] a dog with dung
  • A sarcastic expression about a person who has small faults and speaks ill of someone with greater faults while both have faults.
  • 결점이 있기는 마찬가지인데 조금 덜한 사람이 더한 사람을 흉보는 경우를 비꼬아 이르는 말.
ProverbsA dog would not resist dung
    A dog would not resist dung
  • An expression used to criticize someone who pretends to refuse something he/she actually likes dearly.
  • 옳지 못한 어떤 것을 속으로는 좋아하면서 겉으로는 싫다고 거절할 때 이를 비꼬는 말.
Idioma dok, a jar, without a bottom
    a dok, a jar, [pot] without a bottom
  • A situation where one makes every effort in vain.
  • 아무리 노력해도 보람이 없는 상태.
    adolescence; puberty
  • A period from age 12 to 18, when a child matures physically and mentally to become a grown-up.
  • 보통 십이 세부터 십팔 세 정도에 나타나는 육체적, 정신적으로 성인이 되어가는 시기.
  • The adolescent period between the ages of 12 and 20.
  • 열두 살에서 스무 살까지의 소년, 소녀일 때의 시기.
  • The time between one's early teenage years and early 20s when one's body and mind develop rapidly.
  • 신체와 정신이 가장 왕성하게 발달한 20대 전후의 연령대.
    adolescent period; adolescence
  • The period when a child's body and identity changes as he/she is becoming an adult.
  • 아동이 신체적 변화와 정체성의 혼란을 겪으며 성인이 되어 가는 도중의 시기.
adolescent period
    adolescent period; adolescence
  • The period when a child's body and identity changes as he/she is becoming an adult.
  • 아동이 신체적 변화와 정체성의 혼란을 겪으며 성인이 되어 가는 도중의 시기.
    get; adopt
  • To allow someone who is not one's family member to stay at one's place.
  • 식구가 아닌 사람을 집에서 지내게 하다.
  • get; adopt
  • To have someone as a new family member.
  • 어떤 사람을 새로운 식구로 맞이하다.
    accept; adopt
  • To not block an incoming culture or goods, and to make it one's own.
  • 다른 문화나 문물을 막지 않고 들어오게 하여 자기 것이 되게 하다.
    adopt; have; take
  • To make someone a person become related to oneself.
  • 어떤 사람을 자기와 관계가 있는 사람이 되게 하다.
  • To accept someone as one's child by taking legal procedures.
  • 법적인 절차를 거쳐 자신이 낳지 않은 사람을 자식으로 들이다.
  • To bring an abandoned child into one's household in order to raise him/her.
  • 버려진 아이를 키우려고 데려오다.
  • To accept and use a certain form, theory, etc.
  • 어떤 형식이나 이론 등을 받아들여 쓰다.
    adopt; apply
  • To select or accept an opinion, way, etc., and apply it.
  • 어떤 의견이나 방안 등을 고르거나 받아들여서 쓰다.
adopt a diet or exercise regimens
    adopt a diet or exercise regimens
  • To keep a certain diet or lead a good life in order to be healthy.
  • 건강을 지키기 위하여 음식을 가려 먹거나 올바른 생활을 하다.
adopt a slogan of
    profess; adopt a slogan of
  • To place a certain cause ahead of one's own argument or situation.
  • 어떤 이유를 붙여 자신의 주장이나 처지를 앞에 내세우다.
adopted child
    adopted child
  • A person becoming the child of someone who is not his/her birth parent, by taking legal procedures.
  • 자신이 낳지 않았지만 법적인 절차를 거쳐 자식으로 삼은 아이.
adopted daughter
    adopted daughter; foster daughter
  • Another person's daughter that one brings up as one's own.
  • 남의 자식을 데려다가 자기 자식으로 삼아 기른 딸.
    foster daughter; adopted daughter
  • A girl who a person adopts and raises as his/her own daughter, not related by birth.
  • 자기가 낳지 않고 데려다가 기르는 딸.
    adopted daughter; foster daughter
  • Another person's daughter that one brings up as one's own.
  • 남의 자식을 데려다가 자기 자식으로 삼아 기른 딸.
adopted son
    adopted son; foster son
  • Another person's son that one brings up as one's own.
  • 남의 자식을 데려다가 자기의 자식으로 삼아 기른 아들.
    adopted son; foster son
  • Another person's son that one brings up as one's own.
  • 남의 자식을 데려다가 자기 자식으로 삼아 기른 아들.
adopting a slogan of
    profession; adopting a slogan of
  • An act of placing a certain cause ahead of one's own argument or situation.
  • 어떤 이유를 붙여 자신의 주장이나 처지를 앞에 내세움.
  • Becoming the child of someone who is not their birth parent, or accepting someone as one's child by taking legal procedures.
  • 법적인 절차를 거쳐 자신을 낳지 않은 사람의 자식으로 들어감. 또는 자신이 낳지 않은 사람을 자식으로 들임.
  • An act of accepting and using a certain form, theory, etc.
  • 어떤 형식이나 이론 등을 받아들여 씀.
    adoption; application
  • An act of selecting or accepting an opinion, way, etc., and applying it.
  • 어떤 의견이나 방안 등을 고르거나 받아들여서 씀.
adoption or rejection
    adoption or rejection
  • An act of taking what is worth taking and dumping what is not.
  • 쓸 만한 것은 쓰고 버릴 것은 버림.
    adoption or rejection; choice; selection
  • Among many, an act of taking what is worth taking, and dumping what is not.
  • 여럿 가운데서 쓸 만한 것은 쓰고 버릴 것은 버림.
adoptive father
    adoptive father; foster father
  • A father that one comes to have by being adopted by him as a son or daughter.
  • 양자가 됨으로써 생긴 아버지.
    adoptive father; foster father
  • A father that one comes to have by being adopted by him as a son or daughter.
  • 양자가 됨으로써 생긴 아버지.
adoptive mother
    adoptive mother; foster mother
  • A mother that one comes to have by being adopted by her as a son or daughter.
  • 양자가 됨으로써 생긴 어머니.
    adoptive mother; foster mother
  • A mother that one comes to have by being adopted by her as a son or daughter.
  • 양자가 됨으로써 생긴 어머니.
adoptive parents
    adoptive parents; foster parents
  • Parents that one comes to have by being adopted by them as a son or daughter.
  • 양자가 됨으로써 생긴 부모.
adoptive son
    adoptive son
  • The son of others that one takes and rears as his/her own son.
  • 자기가 낳지 않고 데려다가 기르는 아들.
adopt or reject
    adopt or reject; choose; select
  • Among many, to take what is worth taking, and dump what is not.
  • 여럿 가운데서 쓸 만한 것은 쓰고 버릴 것은 버리다.
    lovable; adorable
  • Looking pretty and lovely.
  • 보기에 예쁘고 사랑스러운 데가 있다.
    cute; adorable; sweet
  • Pretty and adorable.
  • 보기에 예쁘거나 사랑스럽다.
    cute; adorable
  • One's look or appearance being small and cute.
  • 생김새나 모습이 작고 귀엽다.
    lovely; adorable
  • So cute as to evoke a feeling of affection.
  • 사랑을 느낄 만큼 귀엽다.
  • One's behavior, movements, way of speaking, etc., being lovely and cute.
  • 행동이나 동작, 말투 등이 보기에 사랑스럽고 귀엽다.
  • One's behavior, movements, way of speaking, etc., being lovely and cute.
  • 행동이나 동작, 말투 등이 보기에 사랑스럽고 귀엽다.
    adorably; cutely; sweetly
  • In the state of being lovely and pretty to the eye.
  • 보기에 사랑스럽고 예쁘게.
    admiration; adoration
  • An act of respecting someone readily and following him/her sincerely.
  • 기쁜 마음으로 존경하고 마음속 깊이 따름.
    admire; respect; adore
  • To esteem someone deep in one's heart, and follow him/her.
  • 마음속으로 깊이 받들고 따르다.
    admire; adore
  • To respect someone readily and follow him/her sincerely.
  • 기쁜 마음으로 존경하고 마음속 깊이 따르다.
    adorn; make oneself up
  • To make one's appearance look nice or to maintain its condition.
  • 외모를 보기 좋게 꾸미거나 좋은 상태로 유지하다.
    decorate; adorn
  • To decorate for something to look better.
  • 모양이 좋아지도록 손질하다.
    adorn; embroider; engrave
  • To carve a pattern, painting, letters, etc.
  • 무늬나 그림, 글자 등을 새기다.
  • To decorate something beautifully.
  • 아름답게 꾸미다.
adorning oneself
    adorning oneself
  • The act of making up one's face, grooming hair, and dressing up.
  • 얼굴이나 머리, 옷차림 등을 예쁘게 꾸밈.
adorn oneself
    adorn oneself; pretty oneself up
  • To adorn one's face, hair, outfit, etc., beautifully.
  • 얼굴이나 머리, 옷차림 등을 예쁘게 꾸미다.
    put on make-up; adorn oneself
  • To make oneself up by applying cosmetics over the face.
  • 화장품을 바르거나 문질러 얼굴을 예쁘게 꾸미다.
ProverbsA dragon is born in a brook
    A dragon is born in a brook
  • For a great person to arise from tough and humble circumstances.
  • 어려운 환경에서 훌륭한 인물이 나오다.
a drink
    a cup of; a drink; a glass of
  • A cup of tea or a drink that one has lightly.
  • 간단하게 한 차례 마시는 차나 술.
    skillful; adroit; deft
  • Accustomed to and good at something.
  • 일 등에 익숙하고 솜씨가 뛰어나다.
    skillful; adroit; deft
  • Accustomed to and good at something.
  • 어떤 일에 뛰어나고 익숙하다.
    skillful; adroit
  • Good at something.
  • 어떤 일 등에 뛰어나다.
    adroitly; gently
  • In the manner of persuading someone indirectly so that one's intention is not revealed.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않게 은근히 설득하는 모양.
    adroitly; gently
  • In the manner of persuading someone indirectly so that one's intention is not revealed.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않게 은근히 설득하는 모양.
Proverbsa drop in the ocean
    hitting a rock with an egg; a drop in the ocean; The elephant does not feel a flea bite
  • A situation where one is facing very difficult circumstances or an uphill battle against a very strong opponent.
  • 매우 어려운 상황이거나 너무 강한 상대여서 맞서 싸워도 도저히 이길 수 없는 경우.
    hitting a rock with an egg; a drop in the ocean; The elephant does not feel a flea bite
  • A situation where one is facing very difficult circumstances or an uphill battle against a very strong opponent.
  • 매우 어려운 상황이거나 너무 강한 상대여서 맞서 싸워도 도저히 이길 수 없는 경우.
Idioma duck egg in the Nakdonggang River
    a duck egg in the Nakdonggang River
  • An expression to describe someone's miserable situation because he/she is deserted or alienated from a group.
  • 무리에서 떨어져 나오거나 홀로 소외되어 처량하게 된 신세를 뜻하는 말.
-a duda
    -a duda
  • An expression used to indicate that a certain act mentioned in the preceding statement is completed and its result remains.
  • 앞의 말이 나타내는 행동을 끝내고 그 결과를 유지함을 나타내는 표현.
    flatter; adulate; bootlick
  • To fawn on someone in order to please or gain favor with him/her.
  • 남의 비위를 맞추거나 남에게 잘 보이려고 자꾸 아첨을 떨다.
    flatter; adulate; bootlick
  • To fawn on someone in order to please or gain favor with him/her.
  • 남의 비위를 맞추거나 남에게 잘 보이려고 자꾸 아첨을 떨다.
    flatter; adulate; bootlick
  • To fawn on someone in order to please or gain favor with him/her.
  • 남의 비위를 맞추거나 남에게 잘 보이려고 자꾸 아첨을 떨다.
    flatter; adulate; ingratiate
  • To praise someone without meaning it, for one's personal gains.
  • 개인적인 이익을 위해 마음에 없는 칭찬을 하며 따르다.
    overpraise; adulation
  • An act of praising someone excessively; or such praise.
  • 지나치게 칭찬함. 또는 그런 칭찬.
    flattery; blarney; adulation
  • Speaking or acting to please someone, working into his/her favor.
  • 다른 사람의 마음에 들기 위하여 비위를 맞추며 말하거나 행동함.
    flattery; blarney; adulation
  • Speaking or acting differently to please someone, or such a remark or behavior.
  • 남에게 잘 보이려고 꾸며 말하거나 행동함. 또는 그런 말이나 행동.
    flattery; adulation; ingratiation
  • The act of praising someone without meaning it, for one's personal gains.
  • 개인적인 이익을 위해 마음에 없는 칭찬을 하며 따름.
  • A person who has grown up to become an adult.
  • 자라서 어른이 된 사람.
    adult; grown-up
  • A person who is an adult.
  • 어른이 된 사람.
  • A fully-grown person.
  • 다 자란 사람.

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