changeabilitychangeablechange a burial sitechange completelychange for the worsechange in generationschange in the nation's capitalchange of a burial sitechange of heartchange of jobchange of seasonschange one's abodechange one's careerchange one's clotheschange one's facechange one's majorchange one's mindchange one's surnamechange one's wordschange rapidlychange seatschange sideschanges in personnelchange someone's clotheschange something entirelychange suddenlychange the subjectchange violentlychange waterchanggachanggeukChanggyeonggung Palacechanghojichan-gichangingchanging one's majorchanging roomchannelchansonchantchantingchanting a sutra to the ears of a cowchanting of the Buddhist scriptureschant the Buddhist scriptureschaos
- The characteristic of something that changes in a certain condition or situation.
- 일정한 조건이나 상황에서 변하는 성질.
variability; changeability
1. 가변적²
- Possibly being changed or actually changing.
- 변할 수 있거나 변하는.
changeable; changing; variable
2. 변덕맞다
- Words, behavior, feelings, etc., often changing capriciously.
- 말이나 행동, 감정 등이 이랬다저랬다 자주 변하는 데가 있다.
whimsical; changeable; inconstant
3. 변덕스럽다
- Words, behavior, feelings, etc., often changing capriciously.
- 말이나 행동, 감정 등이 이랬다저랬다 자주 변하는 데가 있다.
whimsical; changeable; inconstant
change a burial site
change completely
- To change altogether; to change something altogether.
- 매우 달라지다. 또는 달라지게 하다.
change completely; revolutionize; change something entirely
change for the worse
change in generations
- The transition from the generation which led an era to a new, young generation.
- 한 시대를 이끄는 집단이 나이 든 세대에서 새로운 젊은 세대로 바뀜.
generational transition; change in generations
change in the nation's capital
change of a burial site
change of heart
change of job
- Quitting a job in one company for a job in a different company.
- 다니던 직장을 옮기거나 직업을 바꿈.
change of job
change of seasons
change one's abode
- To leave the place where one has lived, and move into another place.
- 살던 곳을 떠나 다른 곳으로 옮기다.
move; change one's abode
change one's career
change one's clothes
- To take off one's clothes and put on other clothes.
- 입은 옷을 벗고 다른 옷으로 바꾸어 입다.
change one's clothes
Idiomchange one's face
관용구안면(을) 바꾸다
- To pretend not to know one's acquaintance intentionally.
- 잘 알고 지내던 사람을 일부러 모른 체하다.
change one's face
change one's major
- To move from one academic or business department to another.
- 소속된 학과나 부서에서 다른 곳으로 옮기다.
change one's major; get transferred
change one's mind
Idiomchange one's surname
관용구성을 갈다
- To pledge to take responsibility for what one said.
- 자신이 말한 사실에 대해 책임을 지겠다고 장담하다.
change one's surname
change one's words
- To say something different from what was first said.
- 처음에 했던 말과는 다른 내용의 말을 하다.
change one's words; reverse oneself about
change rapidly
- For a situation to change drastically, suddenly.
- 상황 등이 갑자기 많이 변하다.
change rapidly; undergo upheaval
change seats
- To have someone move inside or move to a front seat.
- 밖에서 안으로 또는 뒤에서 앞으로 옮겨 앉게 하다.
go in; change seats
change sides
- To abandon one's belief, will or duty, and take on an opposing belief, will or duty.
- 믿음이나 의지, 도리를 지키지 않고 바꾸다.
betray; change sides
changes in personnel
- The act of changing the positions or departments of employees, staff members, or soldiers in a public office, company, or an army.
- 관공서나 회사, 군대 등에서, 직원이나 사원, 군인의 지위나 일하는 부서를 바꾸는 일.
changes in personnel; a reshuffling of employees
change someone's clothes
- To have someone take off his/her clothes and put on other clothes.
- 입고 있던 옷을 벗고 다른 옷으로 바꾸어 입게 하다.
change someone's clothes
change something entirely
- To change altogether; to change something altogether.
- 매우 달라지다. 또는 달라지게 하다.
change completely; revolutionize; change something entirely
change suddenly
4. 돌변하다
- For a situation to change suddenly in an unexpected direction.
- 어떤 일이나 상황이 예상하지 못한 방향으로 갑자기 변하다.
change suddenly
change the subject
change violently
- For the circumstances of a society to change rapidly and dramatically.
- 사회의 상황이 매우 빠르고 급격하게 변하다.
be turbulent; change violently
change water
- To change stagnant, dirty water in a fish tank, swimming pool, etc., to new water.
- 어항이나 수영장 등에 고여 있는 물이 더러워지면 새로운 물로 갈아 넣다.
change water
- A song that originated after the reform movement in the Joseon Dynasty under the ruling of King Gojong, made based on a western tune.
- 조선 고종 때의 개혁 운동 이후에 발생한, 서양식 곡조로 만든 노래.
- A traditional Korean opera with traditional narrative songs sung in pansori style, in which performers play different roles and tell a story mostly by singing.
- 판소리의 형식으로 만들어 여러 사람이 배역을 맡고 노래를 중심으로 이야기를 진행하는 연극.
Changgyeonggung Palace
- A palace of the Joseon Dynasty, located in Seoul; during the Japanese colonial period, it was temporarily renamed Changgyeongwon and served as a zoo and a botanical garden, and in 1983, it was reverted to its original name, which is its current name.
- 서울에 있는 조선 시대의 궁궐의 하나. 일제 강점기에 창경원으로 이름을 바꾸고 동물원과 식물원으로 꾸며졌다가 1983년에 창경궁으로 이름을 다시 고쳤다.
Changgyeonggung Palace
- A type of hanji, traditional Korean paper, which is pasted on windows or doors.
- 한지의 한 종류로 주로 문을 바르는 데 쓰는 종이.
- dish; bowl; plate: A container, such as a plate, bowl, etc., for holding a side dish
- 반찬을 담는 접시나 종지 등의 그릇.
changing one's major
- The act of moving from one academic or business department to another.
- 소속된 학과나 부서에서 다른 곳으로 옮김.
changing one's major; transfer
changing room
- A room where one takes one's clothes off or changes clothes.
- 옷을 벗거나 갈아입는 방.
changing room; locker room
2. 루트
- A course or method for delivering a thing, information, etc.
- 물건이나 정보 등이 전해지는 경로나 방법.
- A method for building a relationship with or contacting someone.
- 관계를 맺거나 연락하는 방법.
route; channel
route; channel
5. 수로
- A passage through which water flows or is sent out.
- 물이 흐르거나 물을 흘려보내는 통로.
water way; channel
6. 줄기
- Any of the parts into which a stream, mountain, etc., is divided.
- 물이나 산 등의 뻗어 나가는 갈래.
- A unit of counting the parts into which a stream, mountain, etc., is divided.
- 물이나 산 등의 뻗어 나가는 갈래를 세는 단위.
branch; channel; section
branch; channel; section
7. 창구
- The passage of any negotiation or bargaining made with an external source.
- 외부와의 교섭이나 협상을 담당하는 경로.
8. 채널
- A course through which information is transmitted or a method of achieving something.
- 어떤 정보가 전달되는 경로나 어떤 일을 이루는 방법.
- A transmission path for radio waves distributed to a television or radio broadcaster, radio communications service, etc., according to the frequency level.
- 텔레비전, 라디오, 무선 통신 등에서 주파수대에 따라 각 방송국에 나누어 준 전파의 전송 통로.
10. 해협
- A long, narrow stretch of ocean between two pieces of land.
- 육지 사이에 있는 좁고 긴 바다.
channel; strait
3. 읊조리다
- To read or chant softly while thinking about the meaning.
- 뜻을 생각하며 낮은 목소리로 읽거나 외다.
recite; chant
Proverbschanting a sutra to the ears of a cow
속담쇠귀에 경 읽기
- An expression used to describe a situation where one tries very hard to make someone understand or realize something to no avail.
- 아무리 가르쳐 줘도 알아듣지 못하거나 효과가 없는 경우를 뜻하는 말.
chanting a sutra to the ears of a cow; preaching to deaf ears; To sing psalms to a dead horse
chanting of the Buddhist scriptures
chant the Buddhist scriptures
1. 난국¹
- A situation of social turmoil, confusion, and disorder.
- 사회적으로 혼란스러운 상황.
crisis; chaos; difficult situation
2. 난리
- A state of being chaotic without order due to flood, earthquake, drought, etc.
- 홍수, 지진, 가뭄 등으로 질서가 어지러운 상태.
chaos; disorder; mess
3. 난장
- A state of many people being in one place, noisy, and messy or a place in this state.
- 여러 사람이 뒤섞여 시끄럽게 하거나 어질러 놓은 상태. 또는 그런 곳.
chaos; disorder; mess
4. 난장판
- A state of many people being in one place, noisy, and messy or a place in this state.
- 여러 사람이 뒤섞여 시끄럽게 하거나 어질러 놓은 상태. 또는 그런 곳.
chaos; disorder; mess
6. 엉망
- A state in which a certain object, place, feeling, etc., is disorderly or complicated.
- 어떤 물건이나 장소, 기분 등이 지저분하거나 복잡한 상태.
mess; disaster; chaos
8. 중구난방
- The act of many people speaking so loudly at the same time that they cannot be stopped.
- 말을 막기 어려울 정도로 여러 사람이 시끄럽게 마구 떠듦.
9. 지리멸렬
- A state of things or thoughts being disorderly and confused.
- 일이나 생각이 이리저리 흩어져서 갈피를 잡지 못함.
10. 카오스
- The state before the universe was created, which was full of confusion and lacked any order.
- 우주가 발생하기 이전의 어지럽고 질서가 없는 상태.
11. 혼돈
- A state of lacking rules or order with all things mixed up without being organized.
- 마구 뒤섞여서 구분이 되지 않고 규칙이나 질서가 없음. 또는 그런 상태.
- The state before the heavens and earth were divided and all the creatures came into existence.
- 하늘과 땅이 나누어지고 만물이 생겨나기 이전의 상태.
chaos; confusion; mix
12. 혼란상
- A state of being mixed up to become chaotic without order.
- 뒤죽박죽이 되어 어지럽고 질서가 없는 모양.
confusion; chaos; disorder
13. 혼미
- A state in which a society and politics are not stable; or such a situation.
- 정치와 사회가 불안정함. 또는 그런 상태.
confusion; chaos
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