familiarityfamiliar speechfamiliar withfamilyfamily backgroundfamily burial groundfamily burial groundsfamily businessfamily courtfamily customfamily eventsfamily feudfamily fortunefamily gardenfamily gravesfamily linefamily lineagefamily medical historyfamily meetingfamily memberfamily membersfamily mottofamily namefamily of reputationfamily of the deceasedfamily planningfamily problemsfamily propertyfamily registerfamily ritefamily rulesfamily's financial statusfamily's luckfamily systemfamily traditionfamily treasurefamily treefamily troublesfamily with many daughtersfaminefamousfamous bowfamous calligrapherfamous familyfamous filmfamous mountainfamous personfamous phrasefamous placefamous sayingfamous singerfamous templefan
- The state of being close to and familiar with someone, from whom one hides nothing.
- 친하여 익숙하고 허물이 없음.
familiar speech
- A form of speech used to address or refer to a person or an object in a condescending manner.
- 사람이나 사물을 낮게 대우하여 이르는 말.
familiar speech
familiar with
- Knowing a lot about something.
- 어떤 일에 대하여 아는 것이 많다.
well acquainted with; familiar with
1. 가계¹
- The line of a family from ancestors to descendants.
- 조상에서부터 후손으로 이어지는 한 집안.
lineage; family
3. 가문
- A family that descends from the same ancestor or the social status of such a family.
- 한 조상으로부터 이어져 내려오는 집안. 또는 그 사회적 지위.
family; clan
4. 가정¹
- A community consisting of family members or the house they live in.
- 한 가족으로 이루어진 공동체나 그들이 생활하는 집.
home; family
5. 가정적¹
- The state of being related to home or the family, or as such.
- 집이나 가족과 관계된 것. 또는 그것과 같은 것.
family; being domestic
6. 가족
- A group of people who mainly live together in the same house and are related by marriage or as parents, children, siblings, etc., or the members of such a group.
- 주로 한 집에 모여 살고 결혼이나 부모, 자식, 형제 등의 관계로 이루어진 사람들의 집단. 또는 그 구성원.
7. 계통
- A domain where things with similar qualities belong together.
- 서로 비슷한 성질의 것들이 속해 있는 분야.
line; family
8. 과¹
- A biological classification, which is below order and above genus.
- 생물의 분류 단계의 하나로 목의 아래, 속의 위에 있는 단계.
9. 댁¹
- A term meaning one's wife, home, family, etc.
- ‘부인’, ‘집’, ‘가정’ 등의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
wife; home; family
10. 문중
- A family that consists of people with the same family name and of the same clan.
- 성과 본관이 같은 사람들로 이루어진 집안.
family; clan
11. 식구
- (figurative) A group of people working together in the same organization.
- (비유적으로) 한 조직에 속하여 함께 일하는 사람.
13. 일가족
- A family or all the members in one household.
- 한 집안의 가족. 또는 온 가족.
family; the whole family
15. 한집
- A family living together in the same house.
- 한집에서 사는 가족.
- A family formed by parents, children, siblings, etc., who are related by blood.
- 부모와 자식, 형제 등 같은 핏줄로 이루어진 집안.
family; same family
16. 한집안
- A family living together in the same house.
- 한집에서 사는 가족.
- A family formed by parents, children, siblings, etc., who are related by blood.
- 부모와 자식, 형제 등 같은 핏줄로 이루어진 집안.
family; same family
family background
- The atmosphere or conditions of a family.
- 가정의 분위기나 조건.
family background; home environment
family burial ground
family burial grounds
- The grave of an ancestor, or the mountain with the grave of an ancestor.
- 조상의 무덤. 또는 조상의 무덤이 있는 산.
family burial grounds; family graves
family business
- Business handed down from generation to generation in a family.
- 한 집안에서 대대로 이어서 하는 사업.
family business
family court
- A court that takes charge of family disputes such as divorce, over property, etc., and crimes by under-19-year-old juveniles.
- 이혼, 재산 문제 등 가정에서 일어나는 사건과 19세 미만의 소년이 저지른 범죄에 관한 사건을 담당하는 법원.
family court
family custom
- A family custom or conduct that has been kept for generations within a family.
- 한 집안 대대로 지켜온 풍습이나 생활 규범.
family tradition; family custom
family events
family feud
- A situation in which family members are having trouble getting along.
- 가족이 화목하지 못함.
family troubles; family feud
family fortune
family garden
- A garden attached to a house, or located near a house.
- 집에 딸려 있거나 집 가까이 있는 밭.
family garden; kitchen garden
family graves
family line
family lineage
family medical history
- Medical characteristics within a family, such as diseases suffered, hereditary diseases, causes of deaths, etc.
- 앓은 병, 유전병, 사망 원인 등 질병에 대한 한 가족의 의학적 특성.
family medical history
family meeting
- Family members getting together to discuss family-related matters, or such a meeting.
- 가족이 모여서 집안의 문제에 대해 의논함. 또는 그런 모임.
family meeting
family member
family members
family motto
- A teaching of ethical criteria for the descendants of a household.
- 한 집안의 자손들에게 윤리적 기준이 되는 가르침.
family motto; home discipline
family name
family of reputation
family of the deceased
family planning
- A plan set by a married couple to control the number of their children or birth spacing.
- 부부가 자녀의 수나 출산의 간격을 조절하기 위해 세우는 계획.
family planning
family problems
- Problems or events related to the family or to relatives.
- 가족 또는 친척에게 생긴 일이나 행사.
family problems; family events
family property
family register
- An official document that records the details of the identity of family's head and other members.
- 한 집안의 주인을 중심으로 그 집에 속한 사람들의 신분에 관한 내용을 기록한 공식적인 문서.
family register
family rite
- Family rites related to births, marriages, deaths, etc., of family members.
- 가족의 출생, 결혼, 죽음 등과 관련해서 가정에서 치르는 의식.
family rite
family rules
- Rules or customs one is expected to follow within his/her family.
- 한 집안에서 지켜야 할 규범이나 법도.
family rules
family's financial status
family's luck
family system
- A system set by the society regarding the formation, functions, etc., of families.
- 가족의 구성이나 기능 등에 관하여 사회가 규정하는 제도.
family system
family tradition
- A family custom or conduct that has been kept for generations within a family.
- 한 집안 대대로 지켜온 풍습이나 생활 규범.
family tradition; family custom
family treasure
- A very valuable thing handed down from generation to generation within a family.
- 한 집안에서 대대로 전해 오는 귀중한 물건.
family treasure; heirloom
family tree
- A family's bloodline and pedigree that has been passed down from generation to generation.
- 한 집안에 조상으로부터 이어져 내려오는 혈통과 계보.
lineage; family tree
family troubles
- A situation in which family members are having trouble getting along.
- 가족이 화목하지 못함.
family troubles; family feud
family with many daughters
1. 기근
- The state of being hungry for the lack of edible food.
- 먹을 양식이 모자라 굶주림.
- (figurative) A state of seriously lacking a necessity.
- (비유적으로) 필요한 것이 매우 모자라는 상태.
famine; extreme shortage
2. 흉년
- (figurative) A state in which the amount of something or the income is small.
- (비유적으로) 양이나 소득이 적은 경우.
bad year; famine
famous bow
famous calligrapher
famous family
- A person who is famous or remarkably capable in a certain professional field, or such a family.
- 어떤 전문 분야에서 실력이 뛰어나거나 유명한 사람. 또는 그런 집.
renowned person; great master; famous family
famous film
famous mountain
- A mountain famous for its beautiful appearance or scenery.
- 산의 모양이 매우 아름답거나 경치가 좋은 것으로 유명한 산.
famous mountain
famous person
- A person famous for remarkably extraordinary characteristics or talent.
- 남다르게 눈에 띄는 특징이나 재주가 있어 유명한 사람.
popular figure; celebrity; famous person
famous phrase
famous place
- A place famous for its beautiful scenery, historical significance or local specialties.
- 아름다운 경치나 유적, 특산물 등으로 유명한 장소.
famous place; tourist attraction
famous saying
famous singer
- A singer who is famous and demonstrates great ability in singing.
- 실력이 뛰어나고 유명한 가수.
- (figurative) A person who sings well.
- (비유적으로) 노래를 잘 부르는 사람.
famous singer; great singer
famous singer; great singer
famous temple
2. 부채질하다
- To stir up wind by moving a fan, a large piece of paper, etc.
- 부채나 넓은 종이 등을 흔들어 바람을 일으키다.
3. 부치다⁵
- To create wind by shaking a fan, a piece of wide paper, etc.
- 부채나 넓은 종이 등을 흔들어서 바람을 일으키다.
4. 선풍기
- A device used to beat the heat by making wind with electric power.
- 전기의 힘으로 바람을 일으켜 더위를 쫓는 기계.
6. 애호가
- A person who loves a certain object or work and is devoted to it.
- 어떤 사물이나 일을 사랑하고 좋아하는 사람.
lover; fan; enthusiast
7. 팬¹
- A person who passionately loves a sport, specific art genre, or an athlete, actor, singer, etc.
- 운동 경기나 특정 예술 장르, 또는 운동선수나 배우, 가수 등을 열광적으로 좋아하는 사람.
8. 팬²
- A machine with spinning blades, used to freshen the air and to cool a room by sending the inside air out.
- 날개가 빙글빙글 돌아가면서 공기를 안에서 밖으로 내보내어 탁한 공기를 맑게 바꾸거나 열을 식히는 기계 장치.
9. 풍기다
- For small fragments such as chaff, dust, etc., to fly; or to cause such fragments to fly away.
- 검불, 먼지 등의 작은 부스러기가 날리다. 또는 그런 것을 날리다.
winnow; fan
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