high schoolerhigh school girlhigh school studenthigh seahigh seasonhigh sensitivityhigh skyhigh snowfallhigh societyhigh sound qualityhigh speedhigh-speed boathigh-speed railhigh-speed railroadhigh-speed trainhigh-spiritedhigh spiritshigh techhigh-techhigh technologyhigh temperaturehigh-tension cablehigh tidehigh-tonedhigh treasonhigh voltagehigh wagehigh waterhighwayhighwaymanhikehikerhikinghiking bootshiking clotheshiking hathillhill areashill behindhillockhillockyhillsidehillside neighborhoodhillside slumhillside villagehilltophilly districthilly landhimhimselfhind endhinderhinderinghind leghind legshindrance
high schooler
high school girl
high school student
high sea
- Sharp, triangular waves that form as strong wind raises the surface of sea water.
- 강한 바람으로 바닷물의 표면이 높아져 생기는 뾰족한 삼각형 모양의 물결.
high sea
high season
- The peak time for a certain phenomenon or the appropriate time for doing a certain thing.
- 어떤 현상이 가장 왕성하거나 어떤 일을 하기에 알맞은 때.
high season; peak
high sensitivity
- Exceptionally high degree of response to or reception of external stimuli such as electronic waves or sounds.
- 전파나 소리 등의 외부 자극을 받거나 반응하는 정도가 매우 뛰어남.
high sensitivity
high sky
high snowfall
high society
1. 사교계
- A world where mostly upper class people get along and associate with one another.
- 주로 상류층의 사람들이 서로 어울려 사귀는 활동 분야.
high society; beau monde; social circles
2. 상류
- A class that holds a higher place in social status, standard of living, income, education, etc.
- 사회적 지위나 생활 수준, 소득 수준, 교양 등이 높은 부류.
elite; high society; upper class
3. 상류 사회
- A society of people who hold a higher place in social status, standard of living, etc.
- 사회적 지위나 생활 수준 등이 높은 사람들의 사회.
high society
4. 상류층
- A class that holds a higher place in social status, standard of living, etc.
- 사회적 지위나 생활 수준 등이 높은 계층.
elite; high society; upper class
high sound quality
high speed
high-speed boat
high-speed rail
- Rails developed so that a train can travel at a high speed of over 200 kph, or a train that travels on the rails.
- 시속 약 200킬로미터 이상의 빠른 속도로 달릴 수 있도록 개발된 철도. 또는 그 철도 위를 달리는 열차.
high-speed rail; high-speed train
high-speed railroad
- A railroad developed to run at a high speed of more than approximately 200 kilometers per hour; the train that runs on the railroad.
- 시속 약 200킬로미터 이상의 빠른 속도로 달릴 수 있도록 개발된 철도. 또는 그 철도 위를 달리는 열차.
high-speed railroad
high-speed train
- Rails developed so that a train can travel at a high speed of over 200 kph, or a train that travels on the rails.
- 시속 약 200킬로미터 이상의 빠른 속도로 달릴 수 있도록 개발된 철도. 또는 그 철도 위를 달리는 열차.
high-speed rail; high-speed train
high spirits
high tech
- A type of technology marked by the application of highly advanced science and technology to the production of cutting-edge goods.
- 고도로 발달된 과학 기술을 첨단 제품의 생산에 적용하는 기술 형태.
high technology; high tech
- The forefront of a certain time, fashion, technology, etc.
- 시대나 유행, 기술 등의 맨 앞.
the most advanced; high-tech; state-of-the-art
high technology
- A type of technology marked by the application of highly advanced science and technology to the production of cutting-edge goods.
- 고도로 발달된 과학 기술을 첨단 제품의 생산에 적용하는 기술 형태.
high technology; high tech
high temperature
high-tension cable
- An electricity cable through which high-voltage current flows.
- 고압의 전류가 통하는 전선.
high-tension cable
high tide
- Thinking highly of something far from reality.
- 현실과 벗어난 것을 고상하게 여기는.
highbrow; high-toned; transcendent
high treason
- (archaic) A severe crime of disrupting social order such as betraying a king, killing parents, etc.; or such an act.
- (옛날에) 왕을 배반하거나 부모를 죽이는 등 사회의 질서를 어지럽히는 큰 죄. 또는 그런 행동.
high treason; lese majesty
high voltage
high wage
high water
- The natural phenomenon in which the surface of the ocean rises to its highest level due to the flood tide, or such a time.
- 밀물이 들어와 바다의 수면이 가장 높은 곳까지 올라오는 현상. 또는 그런 때.
high tide; high water
- A large and wide road that connects one city to another.
- 도시와 도시를 이어 주는 크고 넓은 길.
highway; expressway
- Threatening and robbing a driver or pedestrian of money and valuables, or a robber doing this.
- 길 가는 사람을 협박하여 강제로 재물을 빼앗는 짓. 또는 그런 도둑.
highwayman; footpad; holdup man
- A person who climbs mountains for a hobby or exercise.
- 취미나 운동을 목적으로 산에 올라가는 사람.
hiker; mountaineer
hiking boots
hiking clothes
hiking hat
1. 고개²
- An area with a path leading up to a mountain or hill, allowing people to go up and down.
- 산이나 언덕을 오르내리며 다닐 수 있게 길이 나 있는 곳.
hill; pass
2. 비탈
- An inclined place that is not horizontal, as in a hill, road, etc.
- 언덕, 길 등이 수평을 이루지 않고 기울어진 곳.
hill; incline
4. 언덕
- An area raised slightly higher than the ground level, slanting like a small mountain.
- 낮은 산처럼 비스듬하게 경사져 있고, 보통 땅보다 약간 높이 솟아 있는 곳.
- (figurative) A person or thing that one can trust or rely on.
- (비유적으로) 기대거나 믿을 수 있는 대상.
hill; slope
hill areas
- A land with medium-sized hills, between the levels of a flat land and mountainous land.
- 평지와 산지의 중간 성격을 가지는, 별로 높지 않은 언덕들이 있는 땅.
hill areas
hill behind
hillside neighborhood
- A village or neighborhood located on a lower ridge or a hillside, normally populated with poor people.
- 낮은 산등성이나 산비탈에 있는, 주로 가난한 사람들이 모여 사는 동네.
hillside village; hillside neighborhood
hillside slum
- A village on a hill or slope, of which residents are mostly poor people.
- 낮은 산등성이나 산비탈에 있는, 주로 가난한 사람들이 모여 사는 동네.
hillside slum
hillside village
- A village or neighborhood located on a lower ridge or a hillside, normally populated with poor people.
- 낮은 산등성이나 산비탈에 있는, 주로 가난한 사람들이 모여 사는 동네.
hillside village; hillside neighborhood
- The summit of a hill or a very steeply tilted area of a hill.
- 언덕의 꼭대기. 또는 언덕의 몹시 비탈진 곳.
hilly district
- A region with hills that are not very high, with a quality of being between a flatland and mountain area.
- 평지와 산지의 중간 성격을 가지는, 별로 높지 않은 언덕들이 있는 지대.
hilly district
hilly land
- A pronoun used by a female when indicating her husband or boyfriend who is not there currently to another person.
- 여자가 다른 사람에게 그 자리에 없는 자기 남편이나 애인을 가리키는 말.
he; him
hind end
- The act of doing disservice by blocking and hindering something.
- 막아서 못하도록 해를 끼침.
disruption; hindering; stunting
hind leg
hind legs
1. 걸림돌
- (figurative) Something that is hindering the doing of something.
- (비유적으로) 일을 해 나가는 데에 방해가 되는 장애물.
obstacle; hindrance
2. 구애²
- Making it difficult to do something freely.
- 어떤 일을 자유롭게 할 수 없게 함.
trouble; obstruction; hindrance
4. 방해물
- An object or a phenomenon that intervenes in or blocks one's affair so as to prevent it from going well.
- 일이 제대로 되지 않게 간섭하거나 막는 사물이나 현상.
obstacle; obstructor; hindrance
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