live offlive off another personlive onliverliver and gall bladderliver and intestinesliver cancerliver colorliver spotlive shrimplivestocklivestock farminglivestock industrylivestock productslive togetherlive up tolive up to somethinglive withlive with a married woman's in-lawslive with one's flesh attached somewherelive without the lawlivingliving aloneliving apartliving bodyliving burialliving corpseliving environmentliving expensesliving from hand to mouthliving habitliving hand to mouthliving hellliving highliving in affluenceliving in a rented roomliving in comfortliving independentlyliving in hutliving in peaceliving in shackliving in solitudeliving in the lonelyliving organismliving personliving proofliving quartersliving roomliving skeletonliving spaceliving standard of peopleliving thingliving togetherliving up to somethingliving with one's in-lawsliving witnesslizard-lji-ljieonjeong
live off
live off another person
live on
1. 간³
- An organ in a human or animal's body, that detoxifies ingested substance.
- 사람이나 동물의 몸속에서 해독 작용을 하는 기관.
2. 간장³
- The organ located between one's lungs and stomach, whose functions include generating the substance helping digestion, clearing blood, and detoxifying.
- 폐와 위 사이에 위치하여 소화를 돕는 물질을 만들어 내고 몸의 피를 맑게 해 주며, 독을 없애 주는 역할을 하는 신체 기관.
liver and gall bladder
liver and intestines
liver cancer
liver color
liver spot
- Discoloration like dark spots forming on the skin of aged people.
- 나이가 든 사람의 피부에 생기는 거무스름한 점과 같은 얼룩.
age spot; liver spot
live shrimp
- Shrimp as it is without having been dried, cooked or salted.
- 말리거나 익히거나 절이지 않은 그대로의 새우.
live shrimp; raw shrimp
livestock farming
1. 목축
- An act of breeding livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses and pigs to earn a living.
- 생계를 위하여 소, 양, 말, 돼지와 같은 가축을 기르는 일.
livestock farming
2. 목축업
- An industry or occupation involving the breeding of livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses and pigs.
- 소, 양, 말, 돼지와 같은 가축을 기르는 산업이나 직업.
livestock farming; livestock industry
livestock industry
1. 목축업
- An industry or occupation involving the breeding of livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses and pigs.
- 소, 양, 말, 돼지와 같은 가축을 기르는 산업이나 직업.
livestock farming; livestock industry
2. 축산업
- The industry in which products are made by processing the materials obtained by breeding livestock.
- 가축을 길러서 얻은 원료를 가공하여 제품을 만드는 산업.
livestock industry
livestock products
live together
live up to
live up to something
live with
- (honorific) To have someone go, stay or live with oneself.
- (높임말로) 데리다.
live with; stay with; accompany
live with a married woman's in-laws
- For a married woman to live with her in-laws.
- 결혼한 여자가 시집에 들어가서 살다.
live with a married woman's in-laws
Idiomlive with one's flesh attached somewhere
관용구살을 붙이고 살다
- To settle down in a certain place.
- 어떤 곳에 정착해 살다.
live with one's flesh attached somewhere
Idiomlive without the law
관용구법 없이 살다
- For a person to be so upright and nice that he/she would not commit a crime if there is no law.
- 법이 없이도 나쁜 짓을 하지 않을 정도로 사람이 바르고 착하다.
live without the law
living alone
- A room where a wife is living alone without her husband for a long time; or such state.
- 오랫동안 아내가 남편 없이 혼자 지내는 방. 또는 그러한 상태.
living alone; staying alone
living apart
- The state of living separately and independently from the home you used to live in.
- 본래 살던 집에서 독립하여 따로 사는 살림.
living apart
living body
living burial
living corpse
- A person who is alive but as good as dead.
- 살아 있는 송장이라는 뜻으로, 살아 있지만 거의 움직이지 않고 죽은 것과 다름없는 사람.
living corpse
living environment
- The surrounding conditions and situations that affect one's life.
- 생활에 영향을 미치는 주변 조건과 상황.
living environment
living expenses
living from hand to mouth
- An act of barely managing to support oneself or earn a living.
- 어렵게 끼니를 이어 가는 일.
living from hand to mouth; making ends meet
living habit
living hand to mouth
- The act of barely managing to support oneself or earn a living; or a person living in such a situation.
- 하루하루를 어렵게 겨우 살아가는 사람. 또는 그런 생활.
living hand to mouth; earning a scanty living; making ends meet
living hell
- (figurative) A place which is very painful and difficult like a living hell, or such a state.
- (비유적으로) 살아서 겪는 지옥처럼 아주 괴롭고 힘든 곳. 또는 그런 상태.
living hell; hell on earth
living high
1. 호강
- An act of living an abundant and comfortable life; or such a life.
- 풍족하고 편안한 생활을 함. 또는 그런 생활.
living in comfort; living high; affluent living
2. 호의호식
- A state of living in comfort, literally meaning dressing and eating well.
- 좋은 옷을 입고 좋은 음식을 먹음.
being well-off; living in affluence; living high
living in affluence
- A state of living in comfort, literally meaning dressing and eating well.
- 좋은 옷을 입고 좋은 음식을 먹음.
being well-off; living in affluence; living high
living in a rented room
- The state of living in a room rented by paying money.
- 돈을 주고 빌려 쓰는 방에서 사는 생활.
living in a rented room
living in comfort
- An act of living an abundant and comfortable life; or such a life.
- 풍족하고 편안한 생활을 함. 또는 그런 생활.
living in comfort; living high; affluent living
living independently
living in hut
- The act of living in an old, small, shabby house.
- 낡고 초라한 작은 집에서 살아가는 일.
living in hut; living in shack
living in peace
living in shack
- The act of living in an old, small, shabby house.
- 낡고 초라한 작은 집에서 살아가는 일.
living in hut; living in shack
living in solitude
living in the U.S.
living lonely
- (figurative) The act of living lonely and being far away from the real world.
- (비유적으로) 세상과 동떨어져 외롭게 지내는 생활.
living lonely
living organism
living person
living proof
- A person who can give a vivid account of the history of a certain matter or event.
- 어떤 분야의 역사에 대하여 생생하게 말할 수 있는 사람.
living witness; living proof
living quarters
living room
living skeleton
living space
- A place where people lead their everyday lives.
- 일상생활을 하는 곳.
living space
living standard of people
living thing
living together
living up to something
- The act of meeting one's expectations, demands, etc.
- 기대나 요구 등에 따라 응함.
satisfaction; living up to something
living with one's in-laws
living witness
- A person who can give a vivid account of the history of a certain matter or event.
- 어떤 분야의 역사에 대하여 생생하게 말할 수 있는 사람.
living witness; living proof
- A reptile with a snake-like head, four stout legs, and a long tail.
- 머리는 뱀처럼 생기고, 짧은 네 다리와 긴 꼬리를 가진 파충류에 속한 동물.
Ending of a Word어미
- A connective ending used when having a doubt about a certain assumption and relating that to the fact or judgment of the following statement.
- 어떠한 추측에 대한 막연한 의문을 갖고 그것을 뒤에 오는 말이 나타내는 사실이나 판단과 관련시킬 때 쓰는 연결 어미.
- (informal addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to indicate the speaker's vague doubt.
- (두루낮춤으로) 말하는 사람의 막연한 의문을 나타내는 종결 어미.
Ending of a Word어미
- A connective ending used to admit to or assume the truth of the preceding statement and emphasize the following contradictory fact.
- 앞의 내용을 인정하거나 가정하여 뒤의 대조적인 사실을 강조함을 나타내는 연결 어미.
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