lipslip servicelipstickliquidliquidateliquidationliquid crystalliquid foodliquidityliquid medicineliquid painkillerliquid soapliquorliquor barrelliquor bottleliquor businessliquor kegliquorsliquor with a meallistlistenlisten attentivelylisten carefullylisten courteouslylistenerlisteninglistening attentivelylistening courteouslyListening is not as good as watchinglisten tolisten to someone's wordslisten to wordsListen to your parents and you will get tteok, rice cake, even while sleepinglisten with the back of one's earlisten with the rim of one's earlistinglistlesslist of itemslist of matcheslist of nameslist of programslist of showsliterliteral translationliteraryliterary awardliterary circleliterary circlesliterary clubliterary competencyliterary friendliterary gemliterary magazineliterary manliterary person
lip service
1. 겉말
- Insincere words that one utters without meaning them.
- 마음으로는 그렇지 않으면서 겉으로만 꾸며서 하는 말.
mere words; lip service; shallow compliments; honeyed words
2. 빈말
- An insincere word that will not be put into action.
- 마음에 없으면서 겉으로만 하는 말.
empty words; empty promise; lip service
3. 관용구입에 발린 소리
- Words that do not reflect one's true feelings or intention.
- 마음에 없이 거짓으로 하는 말.
remarks that are plastered on one's lips; lip service
4. 관용구입술에 침 바른 소리
- Glib words without substance.
- 겉만 꾸며 듣기 좋게 하는 말.
a remark made with one's lips moistened with saliva; lip service
1. 액
- Substance that flows like water or oil.
- 물이나 기름처럼 흐르는 물질.
- A word usually attached to another noun, meaning 'liquid.'
- ‘액체’의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
3. 액체
- A substance such as water and oil, which flows freely and has volume yet no fixed form.
- 물, 기름과 같이 부피가 있으나 일정한 형태가 없으며 흐르는 성질이 있는 물질.
liquid crystal
- A substance between liquid and solid, mainly used for the displays of electronic goods.
- 주로 전자 제품의 화면에 쓰이는, 액체와 고체의 중간 상태에 있는 물질.
liquid crystal
liquid food
- Watery food such as porridge, thin rice gruel, soup, etc., made to help digestion.
- 죽, 미음, 스프 등과 같이 소화가 잘 되도록 묽게 만든 음식.
liquid food
- The property of flowing like liquid.
- 액체처럼 흘러 움직이는 성질.
- The convertibility of assets or bonds to cash.
- 자산이나 채권을 현금으로 바꿀 수 있는 정도.
fluidity; liquidity
liquid medicine
liquid painkiller
- A liquid medicine that is applied on the skin in order to remove the pain of muscles, joints, etc.
- 근육이나 관절 등의 통증을 없애기 위해 바르는 액체로 된 약.
liquid painkiller
liquid soap
liquor barrel
liquor bottle
liquor business
liquor keg
liquor with a meal
3. 목록
- A series of names, titles, etc., written down in a certain order.
- 어떤 것들의 이름이나 제목 등을 일정한 순서로 적은 것.
4. 열거하다
- To mention several examples, facts, etc., one by one.
- 여러 가지 예나 사실 등을 하나하나 죽 늘어놓다.
list; name; enumerate
5. 일람표
- A table or list neatly arranged to allow one to skim easily through a variety of information.
- 여러 가지 내용을 한 번에 훑어볼 수 있도록 보기 좋게 만들어 놓은 표.
table; list
listen attentively
listen carefully
- To listen intently so that one will not forget good words, advice, etc.
- 좋은 말씀이나 충고 등을 잊지 않도록 집중해서 듣다.
- To listen carefully to another person.
- 다른 사람이 하는 말을 잘 이해하며 듣다.
listen carefully
listen carefully
listen courteously
- To listen to what someone says very attentively.
- 다른 사람이 말하는 것을 귀를 기울여 듣다.
listen attentively; listen courteously; be all ears
listening attentively
- Listening to what the other person says very attentively.
- 다른 사람이 말하는 것을 귀를 기울여 들음.
listening attentively; listening courteously; being all ears
listening courteously
- Listening to what the other person says very attentively.
- 다른 사람이 말하는 것을 귀를 기울여 들음.
listening attentively; listening courteously; being all ears
ProverbsListening is not as good as watching
- It is better to see something in person than hear about it several times.
- 아무리 여러 번 들어도 직접 보는 것이 더 낫다.
Listening is not as good as watching
listen to
- To listen carefully with strained ears to others' words or sounds.
- 다른 사람의 말이나 소리 등에 귀를 기울이다.
listen to
Idiomlisten to someone's words
Idiomlisten to words
관용구말(을) 듣다
- To move as a human wants.
- 사람의 뜻대로 움직이다.
listen to words
ProverbsListen to your parents and you will get tteok, rice cake, even while sleeping
- Obedience to one's own parents will bring one good luck.
- 부모의 말을 잘 듣고 순종하면 좋은 일이 생긴다.
Listen to your parents and you will get tteok, rice cake, even while sleeping
Idiomlisten with the back of one's ear
관용구귓등으로 듣다
- To listen to what others say in a careless and cursory manner.
- 남이 하는 말을 성의 없이 대충 듣다.
listen with the back of one's ear
Idiomlisten with the rim of one's ear
관용구귓전으로 듣다
- To listen to what others say in a careless and cursory manner.
- 남이 하는 말을 성의 없이 대충 듣다.
listen with the rim of one's ear
list of items
list of matches
- A program containing the match schedules of all participating players or teams.
- 경기에 참여하는 모든 사람이나 팀이 겨루게 될 차례를 정해 놓은 표.
list of matches
list of names
- A table or a document that has names of people who are involved in a matter.
- 어떤 일에 관련된 사람들의 이름을 적은 표나 문서.
list of names
list of programs
1. 프로²
- The content that is broadcast on a radio or television by time, or the order or list of it.
- 라디오나 텔레비전 등에서 시간별로 나뉘어 방송되는 내용. 또는 그 차례나 목록.
program; show; list of programs
2. 프로그램
- The content that is broadcast on a radio or television by time, or the order or list of such programming.
- 라디오나 텔레비전 등에서 시간별로 나뉘어 방송되는 내용. 또는 그 차례나 목록.
program; show; list of programs
list of shows
- The list of operation plans or orders of a certain event, or the details of such an event.
- 어떤 행사의 진행 계획이나 순서를 적은 목록. 또는 그 행사의 세부 항목.
program; list of shows
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun that serves as a unit for measuring the amount of liquid or gas.
- 주로 기체나 액체의 양을 재는 부피의 단위.
literal translation
- The act of translating a foreign language word for word.
- 외국어를 글자 그대로의 뜻에 따라 번역함.
literal translation
- Having the character of literature; being related to literature.
- 문학의 특성을 가진. 또는 문학과 관련된.
literary award
- An award given to a person who has made great contributions to a literary-related area or has written an outstanding work of literature.
- 훌륭한 문학 작품을 썼거나 문학과 관련된 부문에서 뛰어난 공적이 있는 사람에게 주는 상.
literary award
literary circle
- The field in which those who are engaged with literature work.
- 문학과 관련된 일을 하는 사람들이 활동하는 분야.
literary circle; literary world
literary circles
- The society of people related to literature.
- 문학과 관련이 있는 사람들의 사회.
literary circles; literary world
literary club
- A gathering of students at school who are interested in literature, where they learn literature and do activities related to it.
- 학교에서 문예에 관심이 있는 학생들이 모여 문예를 배우고 그와 관련된 활동을 하는 모임.
literary club; literature club
literary competency
- A talent for writing, or a person who is good at writing.
- 글을 짓는 재주. 또는 글을 잘 짓는 사람.
literary talent; literary competency
literary friend
literary gem
literary magazine
- A magazine that publishes mainly literary works such as poems, novels, critiques, etc., or writings related to such works.
- 시, 소설, 평론 등과 같은 문예 작품이나 그와 관련된 글을 주로 싣는 잡지.
literary magazine
literary man
- A person who writes books, essays, etc., as an occupation, or who composes writings well.
- 글을 짓거나 쓰는 일을 하는 사람, 또는 글을 잘 짓는 사람.
man of letters; literary man
literary person
3. 문학도
- A person who learns and studies literature professionally.
- 문학을 전문적으로 배우고 연구하는 사람.
literary person
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