literary style
    literary style; written style
  • A style of writing used in texts rather than daily conversations.
  • 일상적인 대화가 아닌 글에서 쓰이는 문체.
literary talent
    literary talent; literary competency
  • A talent for writing, or a person who is good at writing.
  • 글을 짓는 재주. 또는 글을 잘 짓는 사람.
literary value
    literary value
  • The value or artistry of a literary work.
  • 문학 작품으로서의 가치나 예술성.
literary work
    literary work
  • A piece of art work belonging to literature, such as a poem, novel, drama, etc.
  • 시, 소설, 희곡 등 문학에 속하는 예술 작품.
literary works
    literature; literary works
  • Poetry and prose.
  • 시와 산문.
literary world
    literary circle; literary world
  • The field in which those who are engaged with literature work.
  • 문학과 관련된 일을 하는 사람들이 활동하는 분야.
    literary circles; literary world
  • The society of people related to literature.
  • 문학과 관련이 있는 사람들의 사회.
  • Literature as part of art.
  • 예술로서의 문학.
  • An art that expresses people's thoughts or emotions through words or writings such as poems, novels, essays, plays, etc.
  • 시, 소설, 수필, 희곡 등과 같이 사람의 생각이나 감정을 말이나 글로 표현한 예술.
    literature; document
  • Material or record that serves as evidence for understanding an institution or culture of the past.
  • 옛날의 제도나 문물을 아는 데 증거가 되는 자료나 기록.
    literature; literary works
  • Poetry and prose.
  • 시와 산문.
literature and art
    literature and art
  • A compound noun meaning literature and art.
  • 문학과 예술.
literature club
    literary club; literature club
  • A gathering of students at school who are interested in literature, where they learn literature and do activities related to it.
  • 학교에서 문예에 관심이 있는 학생들이 모여 문예를 배우고 그와 관련된 활동을 하는 모임.
literature collection
    literature collection
  • A collection of literary works.
  • 창작한 문학 작품을 모아서 만든 책.
literature in classical Chinese
    literature in classical Chinese
  • Literary works written in classical Chinese.
  • 한문으로 된 문학.
literature lecture
    literature lecture
  • Lecture on a work of literature with comments and translations at a university.
  • 대학에서 글을 읽고 그 뜻을 풀이하는 강의.
  • The person who requested the court to make a formal decision according to the laws on a point of contention between people.
  • 다툼이 일어났을 때 법률에 따라 판결해 달라고 법원에 요구한 사람.
    lawsuit; litigation
  • The act of requesting the court to make a formal decision according to the laws on a point of contention between people.
  • 사람들 사이에 일어난 다툼을 법률에 따라 판결해 달라고 법원에 요구함.
    lawsuit; litigation
  • The act of requesting the court to make a formal decision according to the laws on a point of contention between people, or such a procedure.
  • 사람들 사이에 일어난 다툼을 법률에 따라 판결해 달라고 법원에 요구함. 또는 그런 절차.
    mess up; litter
  • To intertwine or jumble up an organized matter or objects.
  • 정돈되어 있는 일이나 물건을 뒤섞거나 뒤얽히게 하다.
    mess up; put in disorder; litter
  • To mix things up in one place and make them messy.
  • 물건들을 한 곳에 뒤섞어 놓아 어지럽게 하다.
    mess up; put in disorder; litter
  • To mix things up in one place and make them messy.
  • 물건들을 한 곳에 뒤섞어 놓아 어지럽게 만들어 놓다.
litter box
    garbage can; litter box; trash can
  • A can used to contain or keep garbage.
  • 쓰레기를 담거나 모아 두는 통.
    garbage can; litter box; trash can
  • A container used to throw away waste paper or garbage.
  • 못 쓰게 된 종이나 쓰레기 등을 버리는 통.
    lighlty; little
  • In a way that does not cause much trouble or require too many things.
  • 번거롭거나 많지 않게.
    moment; little
  • A term referring to a very short time or a very small quantity.
  • 아주 잠시 또는 아주 적음을 나타내는 말.
    little; not greatly
  • Not to a great degree, or not that much.
  • 대단한 정도로는. 또는 그렇게까지는.
    not greatly; little
  • Not to a great degree, or not that much.
  • 대단한 정도로는. 또는 그렇게까지는.
    few; little
  • Very small in quantity or amount.
  • 수량이 아주 적다.
    little; miniature
  • (endearingly) A small object.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 크기가 작은 물건.
    little; bit; slight
  • Small amount or a lesser degree.
  • 작은 분량이나 정도.
    few; little
  • Very small in number or quantity.
  • 수나 양이 아주 적다.
    little; bit; small
  • A state of being small in amount, quantity, degree, etc.
  • 얼마 되지 않음.
10. 없다
    few; little
  • (for something to be) Not much in quantity.
  • 어떤 것이 많지 않은 상태이다.
    little; small
  • The degree or extent that one can assume or afford, as in the state or quality of something.
  • 상태나 성질 등의 짐작하거나 다스릴 수 있을 만한 정도.
    little; trivial; trifling
  • Small and insignificant.
  • 시시하고 대수롭지 않다.
13. 작다
    small; little
  • Lower than others or average in length, area, volume, etc.
  • 길이, 넓이, 부피 등이 다른 것이나 보통보다 덜하다.
  • small; little
  • Lower than others or average in magnitude, scope, degree, importance, etc.
  • 일의 규모, 범위, 정도, 중요성 등이 다른 것이나 보통 수준에 미치지 못하다.
    little; small
  • Of an insignificant degree.
  • 겨우 저만한 정도의.
15. 저깟
    little; small
  • Of an insignificant degree.
  • 겨우 저만한 정도의.
    little; a little
  • Not meeting a certain standard in terms of number, quantity or degree.
  • 수나 양, 정도가 일정한 기준에 미치지 못하다.
    small; tiny; little
  • Being fairly small or little.
  • 조금 작거나 적다.
  • little; trivial
  • Being of little importance.
  • 별로 대단하지 않다.
    small; tiny; little
  • Being fairly small or little.
  • 조금 작거나 적다.
  • little; trivial
  • Being of little importance.
  • 별로 대단하지 않다.
    a little; little
  • A small quantity or degree.
  • 적은 분량이나 적은 정도.
    little; small
  • Of an insignificant degree.
  • 겨우 조만한 정도의.
21. 조깟
    little; small
  • Of an insignificant degree.
  • 겨우 조만한 정도의.
    small; tiny; little
  • Being fairly small or little.
  • 조금 작거나 적다.
  • A small amount or quantity.
  • 적은 분량이나 적은 정도.
    small; tiny; little
  • Being fairly small or little.
  • 조금 작거나 적다.
  • A small amount or quantity.
  • 적은 분량이나 적은 정도.
    slim; rare; little
  • Something having little chance of being realized.
  • 어떤 일이 이루어질 가능성이 적다.
ProverbsLittle and often fills the purse
    Gathering dirt to make a big mountain; Many a mickle makes a muckle; Many drops make a shower; Little and often fills the purse
  • An expression meaning even very small things can become huge if they accumulate.
  • 아무리 작은 것이라도 모이고 모이면 나중에 큰 덩어리가 됨을 뜻하는 말.
little boat
    dugout canoe; little boat
  • A small boat made by splitting and hollowing out a log.
  • 통나무를 쪼개어 속을 파서 만든 작은 배.
little boy
    little boy; little girl; kid
  • (endearingly) A little child.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 어린아이.
little by little
    little by little
  • In a state in which ideas, feelings, etc., occur in one's mind gradually.
  • 느낌, 생각 등이 마음속에서 조금씩 일어나는 모양.
    little by little; slowly but surely
  • Bit by bit, so gradually that one does not become aware of the change or progress.
  • 모르는 사이에 조금씩 조금씩.
    little by little
  • Continuously in a small quantity.
  • 적은 정도로 계속해서.
    in a dribbling way; little by little
  • In the manner of spilling something in small quantities.
  • 물건을 조금씩 흘리는 모양.
  • in dribs and drabs; little by little
  • In the manner of spending or giving away things or money in small quantities.
  • 물건이나 돈을 조금씩 쓰거나 나눠서 주는 모양.
    in a dribbling way; little by little
  • In the manner of spilling something in small quantities.
  • 물건을 조금씩 자꾸 흘리는 모양.
  • in dribs and drabs; little by little
  • In the manner of spending or giving away things or money in small quantities.
  • 물건이나 돈을 조금씩 주거나 여러 번 나누어서 주는 모양.
    in a dribbling way; little by little
  • In the manner of spilling something in small quantities.
  • 물건 등을 조금씩 흘리는 모양.
  • in dribs and drabs; little by little
  • In the manner of spending or giving away things or money in small quantities.
  • 물건이나 돈 등을 조금씩 쓰거나 나누어서 주는 모양.
    in a dribbling way; little by little
  • In the manner of spilling something in small quantities.
  • 물건 등을 조금씩 자꾸 흘리는 모양.
  • in dribs and drabs; little by little
  • In the manner of spending or giving away things or money in small quantities.
  • 물건이나 돈 등을 조금씩 자꾸 쓰거나 여러 번 나누어서 주는 모양.
    (delaying) little by little
  • In the manner of repeatedly putting off one's promise to do something at a certain time or meet a deadline.
  • 약속이나 기한을 조금씩 자꾸 미루는 모양.
little capital
    little capital; limited capital
  • Relatively little of the money that is necessary for a business.
  • 사업이나 장사에 필요한, 비교적 적은 돈.
little child
    little child; one's own child
  • (endearing) A little child or one's own little child.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 어린아이나 어린 자식.
  • little thing; little child
  • (disparaging) A person who is younger than oneself.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 나이가 어린 사람.
little cuckoo
    little cuckoo; Asian Lesser Cuckoo
  • A bird similar to a cuckoo but smaller in size that often cries mournfully on spring nights.
  • 뻐꾸기와 비슷하지만 크기가 작은, 봄밤에 슬프게 우는 새.
little decoration
    small furniture; little decoration
  • Small furniture or decoration.
  • 작은 가구나 장식품.
little errands
    sundry errands; little errands
  • Several trivial errands.
  • 여러 가지 자질구레한 심부름.
little finger
    little finger
  • The fifth finger from the thumb that is the smallest and thinnest of the five fingers.
  • 다섯 손가락 중에서 엄지에서부터 다섯 번째에 있는 가장 작고 가는 손가락.
    little finger
  • The outermost finger.
  • 손가락 중에서 가장 바깥쪽에 있는 손가락.
little girl
    little boy; little girl; kid
  • (endearingly) A little child.
  • (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 어린아이.
    daughter; little girl
  • One's daughter who is little.
  • 어린아이인 딸.
    daughter; little girl
  • One's daughter who is little.
  • 어린아이인 딸.
ProverbsLittle goods, little care
    Being childless is having good fortune; Little goods, little care
  • An expression used to describe being childless and thus carefree.
  • 자식이 없는 것이 오히려 걱정이 없어 마음이 편함을 뜻하는 말.
    Having no children is having good fortune; Little goods, little care
  • Being childless is carefree.
  • 자식이 없는 것이 오히려 걱정이 없어 마음이 편함.

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