poor abilitypoor but incorruptiblepoor communitypoor constructionpoorest peoplepoor farmerpoor farm familypoor handwritingpoorlypoorly-fed childrenpoorly litpoor manpoornesspoor paypoor peoplepoor personpoor populationpoor qualitypoor receptionpoor relationpoor swimmerpoor treatmentpoor workpoppopcornPopepop-eyedpop outpop poppop-poppoppypopulacepopularpopular beliefpopular culturepopular custompopular customspopular electionpopular expectationpopular figurepopularity
poor ability
- (modest) One's small influence or paltry ability.
- (겸손하게 이르는 말로) 자신의 작은 힘이나 보잘것없는 능력.
poor ability; small ability
poor but incorruptible
- Being poor but good, incorruptible, and free from greed.
- 사람의 됨됨이가 바르고 깨끗하며 재물에 대한 욕심이 없어 가난하다.
poor but incorruptible
poor community
poor construction
- Shoddy construction of a facility, building, etc., into which adequate materials, time, etc., are not put.
- 시설이나 건물 등을 짓는 데 재료나 시간 등을 알맞게 들이지 않고 불성실하게 공사하는 것.
poor construction
poorest people
poor farmer
poor farm family
poor handwriting
2. 어설피
- In an imperfect and clumsy manner because one is not familiar with something.
- 익숙하지 않아 엉성하고 서투르게.
- In the state of one's knowledge, behavior, etc., being imperfect.
- 지식이나 행동 등이 치밀하지 못하고 빈틈이 있게.
awkwardly; in a slovenly manner; poorly
poorly; incompletely
3. 허술히
- In the manner of showing a loophole without being meticulous.
- 꼼꼼하지 못하고 빈틈이 있게.
loosely; laxly; poorly
poorly-fed children
- Children from poor families who are not well fed.
- 집이 가난해서 밥을 굶는 아동.
poorly-fed children; undernourished children
poorly lit
poor man
1. 부실
- A state in which the content of something is incomplete or unsubstantial.
- 내용이 충실하지 못하거나 실속이 없음.
weakness; poorness
3. 빈곤
- A state in which the content of something, etc., is unsatisfactory or insufficient.
- 내용 등이 만족스럽지 못하거나 풍부하지 않음.
4. 빈약
- A state in which the content or state of something is insufficient and worthless.
- 어떤 일의 내용이나 상태가 충분하지 못하고 보잘것없음.
- A state in which a body part is poorly developed.
- 신체 부분이 제대로 발달되어 있지 않음.
poorness; scantiness
poorness; flatness
poor pay
poor people
poor person
poor population
- A population that has difficulty leading a life due to poverty; or people in such a state.
- 가난하여 생활하기가 어려운 계층. 또는 그런 사람들.
poor population; the poor; people in poverty; the needy
poor quality
poor reception
poor relation
poor swimmer
- (figurative) A person who cannot swim at all or is poor at swimming.
- (비유적으로) 헤엄을 전혀 치지 못하거나 서툰 사람.
swimming like a brick; poor swimmer
poor treatment
poor work
1. 빵빵거리다
- For the sound of a balloon's popping out or bomb's blowing up to be made continuously; or to make such a sound continuously.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 터지는 소리가 계속해서 나다. 또는 그런 소리를 계속해서 내다.
pop; boom
2. 빵빵대다
- For the sound of a balloon's popping out or bomb's blowing up to be made continuously; or to make such a sound continuously.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 터지는 소리가 계속해서 나다. 또는 그런 소리를 계속해서 내다.
pop; boom
3. 뻥
- A word imitating the sound made when a balloon, bomb, etc., explodes suddenly and loudly.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 시끄럽게 터지는 소리.
boom; pop
4. 뻥뻥
- A word imitating the sound made when a balloon, bomb, etc., explodes suddenly, repeatedly, and loudly.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 계속해서 시끄럽게 터지는 소리.
boom; pop
5. 터뜨리다
- To press the surface surrounding something and make it burst open.
- 무엇을 둘러싸고 있는 표면을 눌러서 터지게 하다.
pop; burst
6. 터트리다
- To press the surface surrounding something and make it burst open.
- 무엇을 둘러싸고 있는 표면을 눌러서 터지게 하다.
pop; burst
7. 톡
- A word imitating the sound made when a small thing suddenly pops up or bursts open, or describing such a scene.
- 작은 것이 갑자기 튀거나 터지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
8. 톡톡거리다
- For sounds to be made repeatedly when small things to suddenly pop up or burst open.
- 작은 것이 갑자기 튀거나 터지는 소리가 자꾸 나다.
9. 톡톡대다
- For sounds to be made repeatedly when small things to suddenly pop up or burst open.
- 작은 것이 갑자기 튀거나 터지는 소리가 자꾸 나다.
10. 툭
- A word imitating the sound made when something suddenly pops up or bursts open, or describing such a scene.
- 갑자기 튀거나 터지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
12. 팡팡¹
- A word imitating the sound made when a balloon, bomb, etc., explodes suddenly and repeatedly.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 계속해서 터지는 소리.
boom; pop
13. 펑
- A word imitating the sound made when a balloon, bomb, etc., explodes suddenly and loudly.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 시끄럽게 터지는 소리.
boom; pop
14. 펑펑¹
- A word imitating the sound made when a balloon, bomb, etc., explodes suddenly, repeatedly, and loudly.
- 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 계속해서 시끄럽게 터지는 소리.
boom; pop
pop out
pop pop
1. 뿡뿡
- A word imitating the heavy, thick sound that is made when paper or paper weather strip, etc., are pierced in succession.
- 문풍지나 종이 등이 뚫릴 때 잇따라 나는 조금 무겁고 굵은 소리. 또는 그 모양.
pop pop
2. 톡톡
- In a manner of small things suddenly popping up or bursting open repeatedly, or such sound.
- 작은 것이 갑자기 자꾸 튀거나 터지는 소리나 모양.
pop pop
- A word imitating the sound made when something suddenly keeps popping up or bursting open, or describing such a scene.
- 자꾸 튀거나 터지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
- A plant that bears beautiful white or red flowers, and seeds used for making opium.
- 희거나 붉은 색의 아름다운 꽃이 피며, 열매는 아편을 만드는 데 쓰이는 풀.
- (old-fashioned) The public that makes up the foundation of a nation.
- (옛 말투로) 나라의 근본이 되는 국민.
subjects; populace; the people
popular belief
- An explanation or opinion passed down through generations.
- 사람들 사이에서 전해 내려오는 설명이나 의견.
popular belief
popular culture
popular custom
- The lifestyles and customs of ordinary civilians, which have been handed down from old times.
- 예부터 전해 내려오는 일반인들의 생활 풍속이나 습관.
popular custom; folkways
popular customs
- General trends or customs, which have been handed down around the world.
- 세상에 일반적으로 전해 오는 유행이나 습관.
popular customs
popular election
2. 보통 선거
- An election for which any adult is given the right to vote, regardless of their property, status, gender, education level, etc.
- 선거인의 자격에 재산, 신분, 성별, 교육 정도 등의 제한을 두지 않고, 성인이 되면 누구에게나 선거권이 주어지는 선거.
popular election; universal election; common election
popular expectation
- The respect or admiration by many people.
- 많은 사람이 인정하거나 우러러보는 것.
popular expectation; popular support
popular figure
- A person famous for remarkably extraordinary characteristics or talent.
- 남다르게 눈에 띄는 특징이나 재주가 있어 유명한 사람.
popular figure; celebrity; famous person
1. 각광
- Social attention and being well-liked by many people.
- 많은 사람들의 관심 또는 사회적 주목과 인기.
popularity; recognition
2. 대중성
- The characteristics of someone or something that the public enjoys and likes.
- 대중이 즐기고 좋아할 수 있는 성질.
3. 인기
- Great interest or favor shown by many people to a certain person or thing.
- 어떤 대상에 쏠리는 많은 사람들의 높은 관심이나 좋아하는 마음.
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