approachingapproach quicklyappropriateappropriate ageappropriate levelappropriatelyappropriatenessappropriate priceappropriationapprovalapproval and disapprovalapproval ratingapproval voteapproveapprove officiallyapproximateapproximatelyapproximate valueapricotAprilApril Fool's Dayapronaptitudea pumpkin which has just rolled inA pumpkin with its vines on drops in one's lapaquamarineaquariumA quarrel between a married couple is like cutting water with a knifeaquatic plantaqueous solutionaquiline nose-araArabicArabic numeralsarable land
- A state in which a certain time is coming closer.
- 어떤 때가 가까이 닥쳐옴.
approaching; impending; being imminent
approach quickly
1. 알맞다
- Satisfying a certain standard, condition, or degree without being excessive or insufficient.
- 일정한 기준이나 조건 또는 정도에 잘 맞아 넘치거나 모자라지 않은 데가 있다.
appropriate; proper; suitable
2. 온당하다
- A judgment, behavior, etc., being right without being contrary to reason.
- 판단이나 행동 등이 일의 이치에 어긋나지 않고 알맞다.
proper; reasonable; appropriate
6. 징발하다
- To take another person's belongings by force.
- 남에게 물품을 강제로 거두어들이다.
- To forcibly or mandatorily requisition people, food, or supplies in case of a national emergency.
- 나라에 위급한 일이 생겼을 때 필요한 사람이나 물자를 강제로 모으거나 거두다.
appropriate; confiscate
requisition; appropriate
8. 합당하다²
- Suitable for a certain standard or condition.
- 어떤 기준이나 조건 등에 꼭 들어맞다.
reasonable; suitable; appropriate
appropriate age
appropriate level
- A range that constitutes an appropriate and right level.
- 알맞고 바른 정도를 나타내는 범위가 되는 선.
appropriate level; reasonable amount
appropriate price
1. 징발
- An act of taking another person's belongings by force.
- 남에게 물품을 강제로 거두어들임.
- An act of forcibly or mandatorily requisitioning people, food, or supplies in case of a national emergency.
- 나라에 위급한 일이 생겼을 때 필요한 사람이나 물자를 강제로 모으거나 거둠.
requisition; appropriation
requisition; appropriation
1. 가²
- An expression indicating one's agreement when voting for a certain proposal, as in a meeting.
- 회의 등에서 어떤 안건에 대해 표결을 할 때 찬성한다는 표시.
yes; pros; approval
2. 가결
- The act of deciding to approve an agenda item that was submitted to a meeting because it is deemed good.
- 회의에 제출된 안건을 좋다고 인정하여 결정함.
passage; approval
3. 결재
- The approval of a superior, who is authorized to decide, about a plan submitted by a subordinate.
- 업무를 결정할 권한이 있는 윗사람이 아랫사람이 낸 안건을 허가하거나 승인함.
approval; authorization
7. 용인
- The act of tolerating something with a generous mind.
- 너그러운 마음으로 받아들여 인정함.
admission; approval; acceptance
8. 인가²
- An act of giving an official permission to someone.
- 인정하여 허가함.
authorization; permission; approval
9. 인준
- An official recognition of a decision, result, etc.
- 결정이나 결과 등을 정식으로 인정하는 일.
approval; ratification
10. 인허
- An act of recognizing and permitting something.
- 인정하여 허가함.
authorization; permission; approval
11. 재가²
- The act of a superior accepting and authorizing a plan submitted by his/her subordinate.
- 아랫사람이 제출한 안건을 윗사람이 결재하여 허가함.
12. 찬동
- An act of identifying oneself with a certain movement or opinion and acting on it together with others.
- 어떤 행동이나 의견에 찬성하여 뜻을 같이함.
approval; support
13. 허가
- The act of allowing someone to perform a certain act or task.
- 행동이나 일을 할 수 있게 허락함.
permission; approval
approval and disapproval
approval rating
- A rating based on voters' support towards a certain candidate in an election, etc.
- 선거 등에서 투표하는 사람들이 어떤 후보를 지지하는 비율.
approval rating
approval vote
1. 가결하다
- To decide to approve an agenda item submitted to a meeting because it is deemed good.
- 회의에 제출된 안건을 좋다고 인정하여 결정하다.
pass; approve
3. 결재하다
- For a superior with decision-making authority to approve a plan submitted by a subordinate.
- 업무를 결정할 권한이 있는 윗사람이 아랫사람이 낸 안건을 허가하거나 승인하다.
approve; authorize
8. 인준하다
- To recognize a decision, result, etc., officially.
- 결정이나 결과 등을 정식으로 인정하다.
approve; ratify
10. 재가하다²
- For a superior to accept and authorize a plan submitted by his/her subordinate.
- 아랫사람이 제출한 안건을 윗사람이 결재하여 허가하다.
11. 찬동하다
- To identify oneself with a certain movement or opinion and act on it together with others.
- 어떤 행동이나 의견에 찬성하여 뜻을 같이하다.
approve; support
12. 허가하다
- To allow someone to do a certain act or task.
- 행동이나 일을 할 수 있게 허락하다.
- To allow someone to do certain acts forbidden by law, only in some special cases.
- 법에 의해 금지되어 있는 행위를 특정한 경우에 한해 허용하여 이를 행할 수 있게 하다.
permit; allow; approve
permit; authorize; approve
14. 허하다¹
- To allow someone to do a certain thing he/she wants to do.
- 다른 사람이 하려고 하는 일을 하게 하다.
permit; consent; approve
approve officially
- For the government, public organizations, or society to recognize officially.
- 국가, 공공 단체, 사회에서 정식으로 인정하다.
authorize; approve officially
2. 약³
- An unconjugation adjective used to indicate that a quantity is close to a certain number.
- 어떤 수량에 가까움을 나타내는 말.
about; approximately; around
approximate value
2. 근삿값
- A value that is attributed to something by using a different method of calculation than is used otherwise, but that is close to the acquisition value which was originally intended.
- 다른 계산 방법으로 얻어진 본래 구하고자 하는 수의 값에 가까운 값.
approximate value
- A round-shaped, sweet, small fruit, colored in yellow tinged with red, and produced in early summer.
- 이른 여름에 열리며 시고 단 맛이 나는, 붉은빛을 띤 노란색의 둥글고 작은 과일.
April Fool's Day
- April 1st, the day when people play pranks or jokes on each other for fun.
- 가벼운 거짓말로 서로 속이거나 장난을 치며 즐기는 날로 4월 1일.
April Fool's Day
1. 계류장
- A place where a boat is docked or a plane is kept.
- 배를 대고 매어 놓는 곳이나 비행기를 두는 곳.
marina; mooring; apron
2. 앞치마
- A garment covering the front of the body, usually worn in the kitchen to protect clothes from being dirty.
- 주로 부엌일을 할 때 옷이 더러워지지 않도록 몸 앞에 두르는 치마.
3. 행주치마
- A small garment covering the front of the body, usually worn in the kitchen to protect clothes from becoming dirty.
- 부엌일을 할 때 옷을 더럽히지 않으려고 입은 옷 위에 겹쳐 입는 작은 치마.
Proverbsa pumpkin which has just rolled in
속담굴러온 호박
- To gain something good or come across a fortune unexpectedly.
- 뜻밖에 좋은 물건을 얻거나 행운을 만났다.
a pumpkin which has just rolled in; an unexpected pumpkin
ProverbsA pumpkin with its vines on drops in one's lap
- To gain a good product or have good luck unexpectedly.
- 뜻밖에 좋은 물건을 얻거나 행운을 만났다.
A pumpkin with its vines on drops in one's lap; got a windfall
- A facility that cultivates marine organisms in order to observe and study how they live, their behavior patterns, etc.
- 물속에 사는 생물을 길러 살아가는 모습이나 행동 양식 등을 관찰하고 연구할 수 있도록 만든 시설.
ProverbsA quarrel between a married couple is like cutting water with a knife
- An expression meaning a married couple can easily reconcile with each other after a quarrel.
- 부부는 싸워도 화해하기 쉬움을 뜻하는 말.
A quarrel between a married couple is like cutting water with a knife
aquatic plant
aqueous solution
aquiline nose
- A nose with a prominent bridge and downward curve like that of a hawk, or a person with such a nose.
- 매의 부리처럼 코끝이 안쪽으로 삐죽하게 휘고 콧등이 솟은 코. 또는 그런 코를 가진 사람.
aquiline nose; hooked nose; Roman nose
Ending of a Word어미
- (formal, highly addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to indicate a statement as a command.
- (아주낮춤으로) 명령을 나타내는 종결 어미.
- (formal, highly addressee-lowering) A sentence-final ending used to indicate a statement as an admiration.
- (아주낮춤으로) 감탄을 나타내는 종결 어미.
Arabic numerals
- The ten numbers of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9의 10개의 숫자.
Arabic numerals
arable land
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