come upcome up shortcome up tocome up to the surfacecome up withcome visitingcome withcomfortcomfortablecomfortable sleepcomfortablycomfortercomforting handcomfort of wearingcomfort womencomfotcomiccomicalcomic bookcomic book rental shopcomicscomic talkcomingcoming bycoming cleancoming dayscoming downcoming forward as a candidatecoming generationcoming home from schoolcoming in first placecoming into effectcoming-of-age ceremonyComing-of-Age Daycoming-of-age ritualcomings and goingscoming sooncoming to light
come up
2. 넘어오다
- For food that has been eaten to come back out, or for words or emotions to come out through the throat.
- 음식, 말, 감정 등이 속에서 목구멍으로 올라오다.
come up; throw up; rise
4. 올라오다
- To move from a lower place to a higher one.
- 낮은 곳에서 높은 곳으로 오다.
- To come toward a higher place against the current of water.
- 흐름을 거슬러 위쪽으로 향하여 오다.
- To move from the bottom toward the top.
- 아래쪽에서 위쪽을 향하여 오다.
- To come toward a high place.
- 높은 곳을 향하여 오다.
come up; rise; ascend
come up
come up
come up
5. 치밀다
- For a nauseous symptom to start from inside one's stomach.
- 속에서 구역질과 같은 것이 솟아오르다.
throw up; come up
6. 피어나다
- For a certain feeling or thought, etc., to rise.
- 어떤 느낌이나 생각 등이 일어나다.
rise; come up; well up
come up short
come up to
come up to the surface
- To appear on the surface or be noticeable; or to make this happen.
- 겉으로 나타나거나 눈에 띄다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
come up to the surface
come up with
come visiting
come with
1. 다독거리다
- To cover up someone's weakness and comfort him/her.
- 남의 연약한 점을 계속 감싸고 달래다.
comfort; console
2. 다독다독하다
- To keep covering up someone's weakness and comforting him/her.
- 남의 연약한 점을 계속 감싸고 달래다.
comfort; console
3. 다독대다
- To keep covering up someone's weakness and comforting him/her.
- 남의 연약한 점을 계속 감싸고 달래다.
comfort; console
4. 다독이다
- To keep covering up someone's weakness and comforting him/her.
- 남의 연약한 점을 감싸고 달래다.
comfort; console
5. 안락
- The state of one's mind and body being comfortable and pleased, without worries.
- 근심이나 걱정 없이 몸과 마음이 편안하고 즐거움.
ease; comfort
6. 안위²
- The state of one's mind and body being stable and at ease.
- 몸과 마음이 안정되고 편안함.
comfort; stability
7. 위로
- The act of easing someone's pain or sadness through warm words or behavior, etc.
- 따뜻한 말이나 행동 등으로 괴로움을 덜어 주거나 슬픔을 달래 줌.
consolation; comfort
8. 위로하다
- To ease someone's pain or sadness through warm words or behavior, etc.
- 따뜻한 말이나 행동 등으로 괴로움을 덜어 주거나 슬픔을 달래 주다.
console; comfort
1. 느긋하다
- Keeping one's composure and not hurrying.
- 서두르지 않고 마음의 여유가 있다.
comfortable; relaxed; carefree
2. 안락하다
- Feeling pleasant and comfortable mentally and physically without anxiety.
- 근심이나 걱정 없이 몸과 마음이 편안하고 즐겁다.
comfortable; carefree
4. 편안하다
- One's body or mind being relaxed and good.
- 몸이나 마음이 편하고 좋다.
comfortable; being at ease
5. 편하다
- The state of one's body or mind being good, neither sick, nor troubled.
- 몸이나 마음이 괴롭지 않고 좋다.
comfortable; easy; peaceful
6. 포근하다
- A feeling or atmosphere that is comfortable because it is soft and warm.
- 느낌이나 분위기가 보드랍고 따뜻하여 편안하다.
7. 폭신폭신하다
- Feeling soft and elastic, in a very snug way.
- 매우 포근하게 부드럽고 탄력이 있다.
soft; snug; comfortable
8. 푸근하다
- A feeling or atmosphere that is comfortable because it is soft and warm.
- 느낌이나 분위기가 부드럽고 따뜻하여 편안하다.
9. 푹신푹신하다
- Feeling soft and elastic, in a very snug way.
- 매우 푸근하게 부드럽고 탄력이 있다.
soft; snug; comfortable
comfortable sleep
1. 느긋이
- With composure, not hurrying.
- 서두르지 않고 마음의 여유가 있게.
comfortably; in a relaxed manner; at ease
2. 따듯이
- In a loving and comfortable state of mind, having such emotions or attitude, or being in such an atmosphere, etc.
- 마음, 감정, 태도, 분위기 등이 정답고 편안하게.
4. 설설
- In the manner of water boiling slowly and evenly, or the floor being evenly warm.
- 물이 천천히 고루 끓거나 바닥이 고루 따뜻한 모양.
gently; comfortably
5. 편안히
- In a relaxed and good condition in one's body or mind.
- 몸이나 마음이 편하고 좋은 상태로.
comfortably; easily
6. 편히
- Nicely without any trouble for one's body or mind.
- 몸이나 마음이 괴롭지 않고 좋게.
comfortably; easily
7. 포근히
- In a feeling or atmosphere being comfortable because it is soft and warm.
- 느낌이나 분위기가 보드랍고 따뜻하여 편안하게.
8. 폭신폭신
- Of a soft and elastic feeling in a very snug way.
- 매우 포근하게 부드럽고 탄력이 있는 느낌.
softly; comfortably
9. 푸근히
- In a feeling or atmosphere being comfortable because it is soft and warm.
- 느낌이나 분위기가 부드럽고 따뜻하여 편안하게.
10. 푹신푹신
- Of a soft and elastic feeling in a very snug way.
- 매우 푸근하게 부드럽고 탄력이 있는 느낌.
softly; comfortably
- Something made of fabric, etc., to cover a person's body when sleeping.
- 잘 때 몸을 덮기 위하여 천 등으로 만든 것.
bedclothes; comforter; blanket
comforting hand
- A hand considered to have an effect of removing pains when stroking the affected area of the body.
- 아픈 곳을 만지면 통증이 없어지는 것처럼 느껴지는 손.
soothing touch; healing hand; comforting hand
comfort of wearing
- A sensation one feels when wearing clothes, shoes, etc.
- 옷이나 신발 등을 입거나 신거나 했을 때의 느낌.
wearing sensation; comfort of wearing
comfort women
- Women mobilized forcefully by Japan to satisfy Japanese soldiers' sexual desires during the Pacific War.
- 전쟁 때 군대에서 군인들의 성적 욕구를 해소하기 위해 강제로 동원한 여성.
comfort women
- The act of soothing someone and easing his/her mind.
- 위로하여 마음을 편하게 함.
comfot; consolation; solace
comic book
comic book rental shop
1. 만화방
- A place where customers can rent comic books or read them for a fee on site.
- 돈을 받고 만화책을 빌려주거나 그 자리에서 읽을 수 있도록 해 놓은 곳.
comic book rental shop
2. 만홧가게
- A shop where customers can rent comic books or read them for a fee on site.
- 돈을 받고 만화책을 빌려주거나 그 자리에서 읽을 수 있도록 해 놓은 가게.
comic book rental shop
- A picture that expresses comically a person's life, tells stories of a society or is based on imagination, or a book in which such pictures are compiled.
- 사람의 인생이나 사회 또는 상상 속의 이야기를 재미있게 표현한 그림. 또는 그런 그림을 엮은 책.
comic talk
- A story, usually told by two people who exchange a funny and interesting conversation, which satirizes the world.
- 주로 두 명씩 짝을 이루어 재미있고 재치 있는 말을 주고받으며 세상을 풍자하는 이야기.
comic talk
coming by
- A state in which something becomes one's possession, or an act of obtaining something.
- 손에 들어옴. 또는 손에 넣음.
obtaining; coming by; acquisition
coming clean
- The act of telling one's innermost thoughts or secrets truthfully.
- 마음속의 생각이나 숨기고 있는 사실을 솔직하게 모두 다 말함.
confession; confiding; making a clean breast of something; fessing up; coming clean
coming days
coming down
- A deity coming down to the human world or someone senior to oneself coming down to a lower position.
- 신선이 인간 세상으로 내려오거나 웃어른이 아랫자리로 내려옴.
descent; coming down
coming forward as a candidate
- An act of running in an election as a candidate.
- 선거에 나감.
running for office; coming forward as a candidate
coming generation
coming home from school
- An act of making a trip between one's home and school.
- 집에서 학교까지 오가며 다님.
going to school; coming home from school
coming in first place
- The act of being selected as the winner of the first-tier contest in the ancient civil service exam system, or such a winner.
- 옛날에 과거 시험에서 첫째 등급에서 첫째로 뽑힘, 또는 그 사람.
- The act of being selected as the winner in an essay contest, etc.
- 백일장 등에서 가장 우수한 성적으로 뽑힘, 또는 그런 사람.
coming in first place; winner
coming in first place; winner
coming into effect
- The state of a treaty, legislation, official document, etc., entering into force or putting such things into force.
- 조약, 법, 공문서 등의 효력이 나타남. 또는 그 효력을 나타냄.
coming into effect; becoming effective
coming-of-age ceremony
- (archaic) A ceremony to celebrate a child coming of age.
- (옛날에) 아이가 어른이 되는 것을 기념하는 식.
coming-of-age ceremony
Coming-of-Age Day
- The day to celebrate becoming an adult, which is the third Monday of May.
- 성인이 된 것을 축하하는 기념일. 5월 셋째 월요일이다.
Coming-of-Age Day
coming-of-age ritual
comings and goings
coming soon
- For the date of the first showing of a movie to draw near.
- 새 영화가 처음으로 상영되는 날이 가까이 다가옴.
coming soon
coming to light
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