make frequent visits
    frequent; make frequent visits
  • To visit a certain place often.
  • 일정한 장소에 자주 왔다 갔다 하다.
make fun of
    make fun of; tease
  • To make a laughingstock of someone by taking advantage of his/her weak point or mistake.
  • 실수나 약점을 잡아 웃음거리로 만들다.
make gimchi
    make gimchi; kimchi for the winter
  • To make a lot of gimchi/kimchi at once in late fall to eat during winter.
  • 겨울 동안 먹을 김치를 늦가을에 한꺼번에 많이 만들다.
make great fuss about nothing
    exaggerate pain; feign pain; make great fuss about nothing
  • To feign or exaggerate pain or hardship.
  • 아픔이나 괴로움을 거짓으로 꾸미거나 실제보다 과장해서 나타내다.
make hard
    harden; make hard
  • To make a soft thing hard or stiff.
  • 무르던 것을 단단하거나 딱딱하게 만들다.
make headlines
    feature; make headlines; put on the front page
  • To publicize a certain incident through extremely important coverage in the newspaper.
  • 신문에서 어떤 사건을 특별히 중요한 기사로 알리다.
make higher
    make higher
  • To make the length from bottom to top be longer.
  • 아래에서 위까지의 길이를 길게 하다.
  • make higher
  • To make the space from bottom to top larger.
  • 아래에서 위까지의 벌어진 사이를 크게 하다.
  • make higher; raise
  • To make a price or rate higher than the average.
  • 값이나 비율을 보통보다 위에 있게 하다.
make it
    reach; make it
  • To reach a certain degree.
  • 어떤 정도에 이르다.
  • make it; be run; be put
  • For something to be recorded.
  • 무엇이 기록되다.
    make it; achieve; pull off; manage
  • To carry out a task successfully or get a job done.
  • 맡은 일이나 닥친 일을 잘 처리하다.
Idiommake jeong, affection, move through
    make jeong, affection, move through
  • To have extramarital sex.
  • 부부 사이가 아닌 남녀가 성적인 관계를 맺다.
make join the ranks
    let join; include; make join the ranks
  • To make many people or groups join together to achieve a common goal.
  • 같은 목적을 이루기 위해 여러 사람이나 집단을 한데 모이게 하다.
make known
    make known
  • To introduce something to someone, helping him/her know it.
  • 어떤 내용을 소개하여 알려 주다.
make larger
    enlarge; make larger
  • For a certain work or object to become larger in size.
  • 일이나 사물의 규모가 커지다.
    enlarge; make larger
  • For a certain work or object to become larger in size; to make it larger.
  • 일이나 사물의 규모가 커지다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
make look better
    make look better
  • To make something look better or valuable.
  • 어떤 것을 매우 돋보이게 하거나 가치 있는 것으로 만들다.
make love
    have sexual intercourse; make love
  • For a man and a woman to have sexual intercourse with their sexual organs.
  • 남자와 여자가 성기를 통하여 육체적으로 관계를 맺다.
make money
    make money; become rich
  • To accumulate property and become rich.
  • 재물을 모아 부자가 되다.
Idiommake mouths meet each other
    make mouths meet each other
  • To kiss.
  • 키스를 하다.
make noise
    clamor; make noise
  • For a lot of people to talk loudly.
  • 여러 사람이 큰 소리로 시끄럽게 떠들다.
make off
    escape; make off; flee
  • To run away from something or someone because one is either chased or wants to avoid it or him/her.
  • 피하거나 쫓기어 달아나다.
    escape; make off; flee
  • To run away when chased by or in order to avoid someone or something.
  • 피하거나 쫓기어 달아나다.
    escape; make off; flee
  • To run away when chased by or in order to avoid someone or something.
  • 피하거나 쫓기어 달아나다.
    take off; make off; get away; run away; bolt
  • (slang) To run away.
  • (속된 말로) 달아나다.
make one's debut
    make one's debut
  • To make one's first appearance in a certain field of endeavor, such as in the field of literature, entertainment, etc.
  • 문단이나 연예계 등 일정한 활동 분야에 처음으로 등장하다.
make oneself easy
    feel easy; make oneself easy
  • To have one's mind at rest, without worries.
  • 걱정 없이 마음을 편히 가지다.
make oneself familiar with
    make oneself familiar with; accustom oneself to; habituate oneself to
  • To make oneself not unfamiliar with something by experiencing it repeatedly.
  • 자주 경험하여 낯설지 않게 하다.
make oneself up
    adorn; make oneself up
  • To make one's appearance look nice or to maintain its condition.
  • 외모를 보기 좋게 꾸미거나 좋은 상태로 유지하다.
Idiommake one's eloquence stand up
    make one's eloquence stand up
  • To push ahead with one's argument to the end.
  • 주장을 끝까지 밀고 나가다.
Idiommake one's eyes bloodshot
    make one's eyes bloodshot
  • To get angry or enraged to such an extent that one's eyes get bloodshot.
  • 눈에 핏줄이 생길 정도로 화를 내거나 흥분하다.
Idiommake one's eyes look like those of an astonished rabbit
    make one's eyes look like those of an astonished rabbit
  • To open one's eyes wide since one is very startled with something unexpected.
  • 뜻밖의 일에 놀라서 눈을 크게 뜨다.
Idiommake one's eyes stand up upside-down
    make one's eyes stand up upside-down
  • To have a furious look in one's eyes due to anger.
  • 화가 나서 눈에 사나운 기운을 띠다.
make one's fortune by one's own efforts
    make one's fortune by one's own efforts; succeed on one's own
  • To make a lot of money and restore the family fortune on one's own without property inherited from one's parents.
  • 물려받은 재산 없이 자기의 힘으로 큰돈을 벌어 집안을 일으키다.
make one's hair stand on end
    make one's hair stand on end
  • To be so scared or surprised that it feels as if one's hair is standing on its end.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 머리카락이 똑바로 일어서는 듯한 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
    make one's hair stand on end
  • To be so scared or surprised that it feels as if one's hair is standing on its end.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 머리카락이 똑바로 일어서는 듯한 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
    make one's hair stand on end
  • To be so scared or surprised that it feels as if one's hair is standing on its end.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 머리카락이 자꾸 똑바로 일어서는 듯한 느낌이 들다.
    make one's hair stand on end
  • For something to be so scary or surprising that it makes one feel as if one's hair is standing on end.
  • 무섭거나 놀라서 머리카락이 똑바로 일어서는 듯한 느낌이 들다.
Idiommake one's head rot
    make one's head rot
  • To worry about something deeply.
  • 어떤 일로 몹시 신경을 쓰다.
Idiommake one's heart resonate
    make one's heart resonate
  • To deeply touch one's heart.
  • 깊게 감동시키다.
make one's living
    eat; be fed; make one's living
  • To make ends meet or earn one's living with difficulty.
  • 어렵게 끼니를 이어 가다.
Idiommake one's step
    make one's step
  • For someone older and with higher status or position to pay a visit to someone with lower position.
  • 주로 웃어른이나 신분이나 지위가 높은 사람이 어디에 들르다.
Idiommake one's stomach full
    make one's stomach full[fill one's stomach]
  • To take a great deal of wealth or profit to satisfy one's greed.
  • 재물이나 이득을 많이 차지하여 자기 욕심을 채우다.
Idiommake one's voice stand up upside-down
    make one's voice stand up upside-down
  • To make a squeaky and loud voice out of anger or nervousness.
  • 화나 신경질이 나서 날카롭고 큰 목소리를 내다.
make one's way through
    make one's way through; pierce
  • To push one's way through an obstacle.
  • 장애물을 헤치다.
make or break
    make or break
  • The act of something remaining as it is or the act of quitting or discontinuing something.
  • 어떤 것이 그대로 있는 것과 어떤 것을 그만두거나 없애는 것.
make over
    make over; beautify
  • To create a stylish or refined look.
  • 멋이나 기품을 생기게 하다.
make peace
    make peace
  • For two sides in conflict to stop fighting and get back to a peaceful state.
  • 싸움을 하던 두 편이 싸움을 멈추고 평화로운 상태가 되다.
make people confront each other
    make people confront each other
  • For the court to make both parties involved in a law suit meet face-to-face in one place and ask them to make a statement.
  • 법원이 소송 사건의 관계자 양쪽을 한자리에 마주 앉혀 사건에 대하여 진술하게 하다.
make physical contact
    touch; make physical contact; lay one's hands on
  • To feel something with one's hand.
  • 손으로 만지거나 건드리다.
make popular
    popularize; make popular
  • To make something become widespread and familiar to the public.
  • 대중에게 널리 퍼져 친숙해지게 하다.
make profit
    make profit
  • To cause profits to be made.
  • 이익이 생기게 하다.
    get back; make profit
  • To take back as profits as much as money or funds as were invested.
  • 들인 돈이나 밑천을 그만큼 거두어들이다.
make progress
    improve; make progress
  • To become better at something as one's talent, ability, etc., improves.
  • 재주나 능력 등이 전보다 많아져서 더 잘하게 되다.
    make progress
  • (slang) For a man and a woman to develop a closer relationship.
  • (속된 말로) 남녀가 사귀는 정도가 깊어지다.
    improve; enhance; make progress
  • For an ability, level, skill, etc., to get better.
  • 실력, 수준, 기술 등이 더 나아지다.
    improve; enhance; make progress
  • For an ability, level, skill, etc., to get better; or to make such a thing get better.
  • 실력, 수준, 기술 등이 더 나아지다. 또는 나아지게 하다.
make provoking remarks
    grate on someone's nerves; make provoking remarks
  • To speak hatefully or make fun of someone mockingly.
  • 자꾸 밉살스럽게 이야기하거나 비웃는 태도로 놀리다.
    grate on someone's nerve; make provoking remarks
  • To speak hatefully or make fun of someone mockingly.
  • 자꾸 밉살스럽게 이야기하거나 비웃는 태도로 놀리다.
    grate on someone's nerves; make provoking remarks
  • To speak hatefully or make fun of someone mockingly.
  • 자꾸 밉살스럽게 이야기하거나 비웃는 태도로 놀리다.
make public
    make public
  • To reveal a certain fact, object, content, etc., to people.
  • 어떤 사실이나 사물, 내용 등을 사람들에게 널리 알리다.
    announce; make public
  • To make something known to many people.
  • 여러 사람에게 널리 알리다.
  • A person who makes a product, or a company that manufactures it.
  • 상품을 만드는 사람 또는 제조 회사.
  • maker
  • A product of a famous manufacturer.
  • 유명한 제조 회사의 제품.
  • maker
  • A person who creates a certain thing or situation, etc.
  • 어떤 일이나 상황 등을 만들어 내는 사람.
make realistic
    realize; actualize; rationalize; make realistic
  • To become real or to make something real.
  • 현실로 되다. 또는 현실에 맞게 만들다.
make recall
    make remember; make recall
  • To make one not forget or recall past figures, facts, knowledge or experiences.
  • 이전의 모습, 사실, 지식, 경험 등을 잊지 않게 하거나 다시 생각나게 하다.
make recover
    make recover; make compensate
  • To make someone pay for the damage he/she caused by giving money or by recovering it.
  • 남에게 입힌 손해를 돈으로 갚게 하거나 본래의 상태로 돌려 놓게 하다.
make remember
    make remember; make recall
  • To make one not forget or recall past figures, facts, knowledge or experiences.
  • 이전의 모습, 사실, 지식, 경험 등을 잊지 않게 하거나 다시 생각나게 하다.
make repay
    make repay
  • To make someone pay what he/she is supposed to repay.
  • 갚아야 할 돈을 내게 하다.
make requital
    make requital; reward; return
  • To repay someone for his/her favors with gratitude.
  • 남에게 받은 은혜나 고마움을 갚다.
make rounds
    make rounds
  • For a doctor to go from ward to ward and see patients.
  • 의사가 병실을 돌아다니며 환자를 진찰하다.
make sense
    respond; make sense
  • For a speech or sentence to be logical and to be able to deliver a meaning well.
  • 말이나 문장이 논리에 맞지 않는 부분이 없이 의미가 잘 이어지다.
    makeshift; stopgap; temporary
  • Approaching a problem tentatively, not fundamentally.
  • 어떤 문제에 대하여 근본적으로 접근하지 않고 임시적으로 접근한.
makeshift building
    temporary building; makeshift building
  • A building built for temporary use.
  • 임시로 사용하기 위해 지은 건물.
makeshift construction
    makeshift construction; temporary construction
  • Something that is temporarily constructed.
  • 임시로 설치함.
makeshift house
    makeshift house
  • A temporary house built like a tent.
  • 임시로 간단하게 막처럼 지은 집.
makeshift measure
    stopgap measure; makeshift measure
  • A measure that resolves a problem just partially and temporarily, not fundamentally.
  • 잘못된 일을 근본적으로 해결하지 못하고 부분적으로만 임시로 해결하는 눈가림 대책.
makeshift shelter
    makeshift shelter; tent
  • A makeshift shelter that barely provides protection from rain and wind.
  • 비바람을 겨우 피할 수 있을 정도로 대충 지은 집.
makeshift stage
    makeshift stage
  • A stage built temporarily.
  • 임시로 만든 무대.

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