nothing but
    only; nothing but
  • All, without being mixed with anything else.
  • 다른 것은 섞이지 않고 온통.
    only; just; nothing but
  • Being no more than a certain level.
  • 어떤 수준에 지나지 않은 상태이다.
    only; just; merely; nothing but
  • Only to such an extent without something great even if one tries hard.
  • 아무리 한다고 해야 대단한 것 없이 다만.
ProverbsNothing is easier
    eating tteok, rice cake, while lying down; a piece of cake; Nothing is easier
  • A proverb meaning something that is very easy to do.
  • 매우 하기 쉬운 일을 뜻하는 말.
IdiomNothing is seen in one's sight
    Nothing is seen in one's sight
  • To be unable to make an accurate judgement on a business or situation.
  • 일이나 상황을 잘 판단하지 못하다.
    nothingness; null; voidness
  • A state of being void or null.
  • 완전히 비어 있는 무의 상태.
    nothing; nothingness; zero
  • A state in which something is absent or non-existent.
  • 없거나 존재하지 않는 상태.
ProverbsNothing ventured, nothing gained
    You should go into a tiger's den to catch a tiger cub; Nothing ventured, nothing gained
  • You should make appropriate efforts to achieve the result you desire.
  • 원하는 결과를 얻으려면 그에 마땅한 일을 해야 한다.
  • An act of informing people of something by posting it up or by transmitting it in writing
  • 어떤 사실을 게시나 글을 통해 알림.
    notice; public announcement; notification
  • A public office or organization announcing news to the public.
  • 관청이나 단체에서 어떤 내용을 널리 알림.
  • A written statement by a government office or organization to announce something.
  • 관청이나 단체에서 어떤 내용을 널리 알리려고 쓴 글.
  • An act of informing many people of certain information.
  • 많은 사람들에게 어떤 내용을 널리 알림.
  • Content or information that is widely spread to many people.
  • 많은 사람들에게 널리 알리는 내용이나 사항.
    see; look at; notice
  • To perceive with eyes the existence or appearance of an object.
  • 눈으로 대상의 존재나 겉모습을 알다.
  • notice; recognize; see
  • To notice someone else's shortcomings or weaknesses.
  • 남의 결점이나 약점 등을 발견하다.
    letter of notice; notice; introduction
  • The document in which the introduction to a certain content or event is written.
  • 어떤 내용을 소개하여 알려 주는 글.
    notification; notice
  • An act of conveying and informing a certain fact or news in writing or speech.
  • 어떤 사실이나 소식을 글이나 말로 전하여 알림.
    announcement; notice
  • An act of announcing or notifying something in speech or writing
  • 말이나 글로 알림.
  • A document conveying a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실을 알리는 문서.
11. 통첩
    notification; notice; instruction
  • An act of informing someone of a certain fact in a document; or such a document.
  • 어떤 사실을 문서로 알림. 또는 그 문서.
    sign; notice; sign post
  • A board on which a specific mark is seen to inform the public of a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실을 알리기 위해 일정한 표시를 해 놓은 판.
    outstanding; noticeable
  • Clearly preeminent among many.
  • 여럿 가운데서 뚜렷이 드러나다.
    remarkable; great; noticeable
  • Very big.
  • 아주 큰.
    marked; noticeable; distinguished
  • Standing out very clearly.
  • 아주 분명하게 드러나 있다.
    markedly; noticeably; remarkably; conspicuously
  • To the extent of standing out very clearly.
  • 아주 분명하게 드러날 정도로.
notice board
    bulletin board; notice board
  • A board where notices are posted to be seen by as many people as possible.
  • 알릴 내용을 여러 사람이 볼 수 있도록 붙여두는 판.
    notice board; information board
  • A board on which announcements or notices about certain things are posted.
  • 어떤 내용이나 일을 소개하거나 사정 등을 알리는 글이 붙은 판.
    sign board; notice board
  • The board with a notice written or posted on it.
  • 알리는 내용을 적어 놓은 판. 또는 적은 것을 붙여 놓은 판.
    notice board; bulletin board
  • A board attached to a wall or a post standing on the ground, on which characters, signs, images, etc., are inscribed or printed to inform people of something.
  • 무엇을 알리기 위해 글씨, 기호, 그림 등을 새겨서 붙이거나 세워 놓은 판이나 말뚝.
Idiomnotice in advance
관용구지레 채다
    perceive beforehand; notice in advance
  • To notice that something will happen before it happens.
  • 어떤 일이 일어나기 전이나 어떤 때가 되기 전에 미리 짐작으로 알아차리다.
notice notebook
    notice notebook
  • Paper or a book with notices in it.
  • 알려야 할 내용을 적은 종이나 책.
notice of death
    obituary; notice of death
  • A report that announces one's death and funeral.
  • 사람의 죽음과 장례식 등을 알리는 글.
no tie
    no tie; open-necked shirt
  • A state of not wearing a tie on a shirt.
  • 와이셔츠에 넥타이를 매지 않은 차림.
    notification; announcement
  • The act of notifying people of a decision in writing, which is usually made by a national organization or an administrative organization.
  • 주로 국가 기관이나 행정 기관 등에서 정한 사항을 글로 써서 사람들에게 널리 알림.
    notice; public announcement; notification
  • A public office or organization announcing news to the public.
  • 관청이나 단체에서 어떤 내용을 널리 알림.
    notification; notice
  • An act of conveying and informing a certain fact or news in writing or speech.
  • 어떤 사실이나 소식을 글이나 말로 전하여 알림.
    notification; informing
  • An act of conveying an order, news, etc., in speech or in writing.
  • 어떤 명령이나 소식 등을 말이나 글로 알림.
    notification; informing; advising
  • An act of conveying a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실을 알림.
    notification; notice; instruction
  • An act of informing someone of a certain fact in a document; or such a document.
  • 어떤 사실을 문서로 알림. 또는 그 문서.
    notify; announce
  • To notify people of a decision in writing, which is usually made by a national organization or an administrative organization.
  • 주로 국가 기관이나 행정 기관 등에서 정한 사항을 글로 써서 사람들에게 널리 알리다.
    notify; announce
  • To make something public by posting it up or by transmitting it in writing.
  • 어떤 사실을 게시나 글을 통해 알리다.
    announce; notify
  • To inform many people of certain information.
  • 많은 사람들에게 어떤 내용을 널리 알리다.
    notify; inform
  • To inform a person who is in another place.
  • 다른 곳에 있는 사람에게 소식을 전하다.
    order; notify
  • To notify an order, direction, etc., or make this happen.
  • 명령이나 지시 등을 알려 주다. 또는 그렇게 하다.
    inform; tell; notify
  • To let someone realize or know what he/she did not know or forgot.
  • 모르던 것이나 잊었던 것을 깨닫게 하거나 알게 하다.
    notify; communicate; speak to
  • To deliver a fact in order to inform someone of it.
  • 어떤 사실을 전하여 알리다.
    notify; give notice
  • To convey to or inform someone of a certain fact or news in writing or speech.
  • 어떤 사실이나 소식을 글이나 말로 전하여 알리다.
    deliver; convey; announce; notify
  • To announce or notify something in speech or writing.
  • 말이나 글로 알리다.
    notify; inform
  • To convey an order, news, etc., in speech or in writing.
  • 어떤 명령이나 소식 등을 말이나 글로 알리다.
    notify; inform; advise
  • To convey a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실을 알리다.
notify previously
    notify previously
  • To notify someone of something before it happens.
  • 어떤 일이 일어나기 전에 미리 알리다.
not ill
    peaceful; not ill
  • Having no worries or troubles, or being well, healthy, and safe.
  • 걱정이나 탈이 없다. 또는 무사히 잘 있다.
    peaceful; not ill
  • Having no worries or troubles, or being well, healthy and safe.
  • 걱정이나 탈이 없다. 또는 무사히 잘 있다.
not inferior
    not inferior; as good as; almost equal
  • Not falling behind or being inferior when compared with other things.
  • 다른 것과 비교했을 때 뒤떨어지거나 못하지 않다.
    not inferior
  • Having no weaknesses when compared to another person or thing.
  • 남이나 다른 것과 비교해서 못한 점이 없다.
noting down
    note; noting down
  • The act of jotting down a brief summary of some details, or such jottings.
  • 어떤 내용을 간단히 정리하여 적음. 또는 그런 자료.
    note; noting down
  • The act of taking notes on the details of a lecture, speech, address, etc.
  • 강의, 강연, 연설 등의 내용을 받아 적음.
not in one's right mind
    not in one's right mind; beside oneself; not clear-headed
  • Stunned by or concentrating on something so much that one is not capable of logical thinking or sound judgment.
  • 무엇에 놀라거나 몹시 몰두하거나 하여 앞뒤를 생각하거나 올바른 판단을 할 여유가 없다.
not inquire into right or wrong
    not inquire into right or wrong
  • To not distinguish between right and wrong.
  • 옳고 그름을 묻거나 따지지 않다.
not interesting
    not interesting
  • Lacking feelings of joy and pleasantness.
  • 즐겁고 유쾌한 느낌이 없다.
not in the least
    not in the least
  • Never or not at all.
  • 전혀 또는 도무지.
    concept; notion
  • General knowledge or thoughts about a certain fact, idea, or object, which are obtained through many specific examples or characteristics.
  • 어떤 사실이나 관념, 사물에 대한 많은 구체적인 예나 특성을 통해 얻은 일반적인 지식이나 생각.
    idea; notion
  • An opinion or idea regarding a certain thing.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 견해나 생각.
    conceptual; notional
  • Related to general knowledge or thoughts about a certain object.
  • 어떤 사물에 대한 일반적인 지식이나 생각에 관한.
not know
    not know; be ignorant; have no idea
  • To not clearly know the situation, reason, background, etc., of an incident.
  • 일의 형편이나 까닭, 사정 등을 잘 알지 못하다.
    not know
  • To have no knowledge or understanding of a person, object or fact.
  • 사람이나 사물, 사실 등을 알지 못하거나 이해하지 못하다.
Idiomnot know even a tiny bit
    not know even a tiny bit
  • To not know anything.
  • 아무것도 알지 못하다.
Proverbsnot know even if one's nose is held
    not know even if one's nose is held
  • For a place to be very dark to such an extent that one cannot notice what happens.
  • 무슨 일이 일어나도 모를 정도로 매우 어두운 것을 뜻하는 말.
Idiomnot know even know that you are being carried on someone's back
    not know even know that you are being carried on someone's back
  • For someone to be so deeply asleep that making a noise or shaking him/her will not wake him/her up.
  • 잠이 매우 깊게 들어 어떤 소리를 내거나 흔들어 깨워도 잘 일어나지 않다.
Idiomnot know how high the sky is
    not know how high the sky is
  • For prices to surge to a very high level.
  • 물가가 매우 높이 오르다.
  • not know how high the sky is
  • To boast or put on airs without thinking of one's own place.
  • 자기의 분수를 모르고 잘난 체하고 뽐내다.
Proverbsnot know if two out of three die while eating
    not know if two out of three die while eating
  • For food to be very delicious.
  • 음식이 아주 맛있다.
ProverbsNot knowing is the medicine, and knowing is the disease
    Not knowing is the medicine, and knowing is the disease; Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise; Ignorance is the peace of life
  • An expression to describe a situation where one feels at ease if one knows nothing about something, but worries if one knows about it.
  • 아무것도 모르면 마음이 편하고 좋지만, 무엇을 좀 알고 있으면 그것 때문에 걱정이 생겨 오히려 좋지 않다는 말.
not knowing or forgotten
    not knowing or forgotten
  • Having no knowledge or memory of a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실에 대한 지식이나 기억이 전혀 없다.
Idiomnot know jack
    not know jack
  • (slang) To know nothing at all.
  • (속된 말로) 아무것도 모르다.
not know one's face
    not know one's face
  • To have no idea who someone is.
  • 누구인 줄 모르다.
Idiomnot know the bottom or end
    not know the bottom or end
  • To not know the context or real intention.
  • 일의 앞 뒤 상황이나 속내를 하나도 모르다.
Proverbsnot know the letter 'ㄱ' in front of a sickle
    not know the letter 'ㄱ' in front of a sickle
  • To be very ignorant to such an extent that one does not know the letter 'ㄱ' even when a sickle shaped 'ㄱ' is in front of one's eyes.
  • 기역 자 모양의 낫을 앞에 두고도 기역 자를 모를 만큼 매우 무식하다.
Idiomnot know the world
    not know the world
  • To be deeply asleep and conscious of nothing.
  • 매우 깊게 잠이 들어 아무 것도 의식하지 못하다.
Idiomnot know what to do
    not know what to do
  • To be at a loss as one does not know what to do.
  • 어떻게 해야 할지를 모르고 쩔쩔 매다.
Proverbsnot know where someone's nose is attached to
    not know where someone's nose is attached to
  • To not know what a person looks like because he/she is an utter stranger.
  • 전혀 모르는 사람이라 어떻게 생겼는지도 모른다.

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