People tend to be unaware of affection that is coming in, but be aware of affection that is going outPeople tend to be unaware when becoming attached to others, but are aware when becoming detached from themPeople tend to be unaware when things come in, but are aware when things go outPeople tend to feel sorrow more often and easily when they become olderpeople the same agepeople with the same namepepperpeppermint candypep rallyperceiveperceive beforehandpercentpercentageperceptionperception of colorperceptivityperchperch onpercolatepercolationpercussion instrumentsperennationperfectperfect and faultlessPerfect attendanceperfect attendance awardperfect crimeperfect fitperfectionperfectlyperfectly calmperfectly repairedperfect matchperfect optionperfect scoreperfect siteperfect strangerperfect timeperformperform a concerto
ProverbsPeople tend to be unaware of affection that is coming in, but be aware of affection that is going out
- People barely realize that they have become attached to someone when they are getting close to him/her, but definitely know when they lose affection.
- 정이 드는 것은 드는 줄 모르게 들지만 정이 떨어질 때는 확실하게 알 수 있다.
People tend to be unaware of affection that is coming in, but be aware of affection that is going out
ProverbsPeople tend to be unaware when becoming attached to others, but are aware when becoming detached from them
- People can barely realize that they have become attached to someone when they are getting close to him/her, but clearly learn how deep their affection to him/her was when they part.
- 정이 드는 것은 드는 줄 모르게 들지만 헤어질 때는 정이 얼마나 두터웠는지를 새삼 알게 된다.
People tend to be unaware when becoming attached to others, but are aware when becoming detached from them
ProverbsPeople tend to be unaware when things come in, but are aware when things go out
- People can hardly realize when they gain a personal relationship or fortune, but clearly realize it when they lose him/her or it.
- 사람이나 재물 등이 붙는 것은 잘 드러나지 않아도 떨어지는 것은 쉽게 알 수 있다.
People tend to be unaware when things come in, but are aware when things go out
ProverbsPeople tend to feel sorrow more often and easily when they become older
- People tend to feel sorrow more easily and often even with a minor and trivial thing as they grow older.
- 나이가 많아지면 작은 일에도 쉽게 서러워진다.
People tend to feel sorrow more often and easily when they become older
people the same age
people with the same name
- A black, round-shaped fruit used usually as seasoning for food because of its spicy taste and smell.
- 검고 동그란 모양이며 매운 맛과 향기가 나 주로 음식의 양념으로 쓰는 열매.
peppermint candy
- A white candy with peppermint oil that tastes cool and fresh.
- 박하유를 넣어서 만들어 맛이 시원한 흰색 사탕.
mint candy; peppermint candy
pep rally
- (figurative) In a sports game, an act of groups of supporters cheering enthusiastically for their teams against the other teams.
- (비유하는 말로) 운동 경기 등에서 각 팀을 응원하는 사람들이 상대편에 맞서 열렬히 응원하는 것.
pep rally; cheering
1. 깨닫다
- To realize the essence of an object, principle, truth, etc., after thinking deeply.
- 사물의 본질이나 이치, 진리 등을 깊이 생각한 끝에 알게 되다.
realize; perceive; understand
2. 인식하다
- To know and understand something exactly.
- 무엇을 분명히 알고 이해하다.
perceive; be aware of; recognize
3. 인지하다
- To know a certain fact by becoming certain about it.
- 어떤 사실을 확실히 그렇다고 여겨서 알다.
recognize; perceive
4. 지각하다
- To understand a fact or thing.
- 어떤 일이나 사실에 대해 알아서 깨닫다.
- To sense an object through one's sensory organs.
- 감각 기관을 통해 대상을 인식하다.
Idiomperceive beforehand
관용구지레 채다
- To notice that something will happen before it happens.
- 어떤 일이 일어나기 전이나 어떤 때가 되기 전에 미리 짐작으로 알아차리다.
perceive beforehand; notice in advance
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun serving as a unit to express a ratio of something against the whole quantity, which is set as 100.
- 전체 수량을 100으로 하여 그것에 대해 가지는 비율을 나타내는 단위.
1. 도⁶
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun that serves as a unit indicating the proportion of alcohol contained in a liquor.
- 술에 들어 있는 알코올의 비율을 나타내는 단위.
2. 백분율
- Proportion or rate that shows how much a certain amount is in relation to a whole, with 100 set as the total amount.
- 전체 수량을 백으로 하였을 때 어떤 수량이 그에 대하여 얼마나 되는 셈인지를 나타내는 비율.
1. 지각¹
- An awareness of the outside object or world through one's sensory organs.
- 외부의 사물이나 세계를 감각 기관을 통해 인식함.
perception; sensation
2. 통찰
- The state of accurately and sharply seeing through an object, phenomenon, etc.
- 사물이나 현상 등을 정확하고 날카롭게 꿰뚫어 봄.
insight; discernment; perception
3. 통찰력
- An ability to accurately and sharply see through an object, phenomenon, etc.
- 사물이나 현상 등을 정확하고 날카롭게 꿰뚫어 보는 능력.
insight; discernment; perception
perception of color
- Sea fish whose flat body is covered with small scales, and which has a dark blue back and a white belly,
- 몸이 조금 납작하고 등은 검푸르고 배가 희며 온몸에 잔 비늘이 많은 바닷물고기.
sea bass; perch
perch on
1. 스며들다
- For a light, gas, liquid, etc., to enter or permeate through a gap.
- 빛이나 기체, 액체 등이 틈새로 들어오거나 배어들어 퍼지다.
permeate; percolate
2. 여과시키다
- To filter out the grains or submerged substance in a liquid.
- 액체 속에 들어 있는 알갱이나 가라앉은 물질을 걸러 내다.
filter; percolate
3. 여과하다
- To filter out the grains or submerged substance in a liquid.
- 액체 속에 들어 있는 알갱이나 가라앉은 물질을 걸러 내다.
filter; percolate
- The act of filtering out the grains or submerged substance in a liquid.
- 액체 속에 들어 있는 알갱이나 가라앉은 물질을 걸러 내는 일.
filtration; percolation
percussion instruments
- Musical instruments played by tapping with hands or striking with sticks.
- 손이나 채로 두드려서 소리를 내는 악기.
percussion instruments
3. 완전하다
- Everything being provided without anything left out.
- 부족한 점이 없이 모든 것이 다 갖추어져 있다.
complete; perfect
5. 철두철미하다
- Being complete without flaws or defects.
- 처음부터 끝까지 빈틈이나 부족함이 없다.
perfect; immaculate; impeccable
6. 철저하다
- Being complete without flaws because one is very careful about something.
- 어떤 일을 하는 데 있어서 매우 조심하여 부족함이 없이 완벽하다.
perfect; immaculate
perfect and faultless
- Complete without any flaws or deficiencies.
- 흠이나 모자람이 없이 완전하다.
perfect and faultless; absolutely perfect
Perfect attendance
- Not missing a single day of school or work during a set period of time.
- 학교나 회사에 정해진 기간 동안 하루도 빠지지 않음.
Perfect attendance
perfect attendance award
- An award given to someone who has not missed a single day during a certain period of time at school or work.
- 학교나 회사에서 정해진 기간 동안 하루도 빠지지 않은 사람에게 주는 상.
perfect attendance award
perfect crime
- A crime whose criminal cannot be found, as he/she does not leave an object or trace behind.
- 범인이 범행의 증거가 될 만한 물건이나 사실을 전혀 남기지 않아 범인을 찾을 수 없는 범죄.
perfect crime
perfect fit
3. 만점
- A state of being completely satisfied without lacking anything.
- 부족한 것 없이 아주 만족할 만한 정도나 상태.
perfection; best
1. 감쪽같이
- Without leaving any trace of decorating or mending that can be noticed.
- 남이 알 수 없을 정도로 꾸미거나 고친 흔적이 없이.
seamlessly; perfectly
6. 온전히
- In a perfect or accurate manner without any flaw.
- 잘못된 것이 없이 완벽하거나 올바르게.
perfectly; absolutely
7. 완전히
- In a manner of everything being provided without anything left out.
- 부족한 점이 없이 모든 것이 갖추어져 모자람이나 흠이 없이.
completely; perfectly
8. 철두철미
- Completely without flaws or defects.
- 처음부터 끝까지 빈틈이나 부족함이 없게.
perfectly; immaculately; impeccably
9. 철저히
- In the manner of being complete without flaws because one is very careful about something.
- 어떤 일을 하는 데 있어서 매우 조심하여 부족함이 없이 완벽하게.
perfectly; immaculately; thoroughly
perfectly calm
- Looking calm and not being shaken however one is stimulated emotionally.
- 마음에 어떠한 자극을 받아도 흔들림이 없이 아무렇지 않다.
perfectly calm; cool and collected
perfectly repaired
- Not leaving any trace that can be noticed of decorating or mending.
- 남이 알 수 없을 정도로 꾸미거나 고친 흔적이 없다.
seamless; as good as new; perfectly repaired
perfect match
perfect option
perfect score
perfect site
- A site or place that is very good for doing a certain thing.
- 어떤 일을 하기에 아주 좋은 자리.
perfect site; ideal place
perfect stranger
- A person who one knows nothing of because they have never met, or such a relationship.
- 서로 한 번도 만난 적이 없어서 전혀 모르는 사람. 또는 그런 관계.
perfect stranger; complete stranger
perfect time
1. 거행하다
- To act on order.
- 시키는 대로 행하다.
- To perform an event, ceremony, etc.
- 행사나 의식 등을 치르다.
perform; conduct
perform; hold
2. 공연하다¹
- To show or play music, dance or a play in front of many people.
- 음악, 무용, 연극 등을 많은 사람들 앞에서 보이다.
5. 상연하다
- To perform a show such as a play, dance, musical performance, etc., on a stage for an audience.
- 연극, 무용, 음악 등의 공연을 무대에서 해서 관객에게 보이다.
perform; run
6. 연극하다
- For an actor or actress to act on a stage according to a script for the audience.
- 배우가 무대 위에서 대본에 따라 관객에게 연기를 보이다.
act; perform
7. 연기하다²
- For an actor or actress to express the character, personality, behavior, etc., of a role he/she plays.
- 배우가 맡은 역할에 따라 인물, 성격, 행동 등을 표현해 내다.
act; perform
8. 연주하다
- To play a musical instrument to present a piece of music to an audience.
- 악기를 다루어 음악을 들려주다.
perform; play
9. 지내다
- To hold an event or ceremony such as a wedding, ancestral rite, etc.
- 결혼이나 제사 등의 행사나 의식을 치르다.
hold; perform
12. 흥행하다
- To show a play or movie to the audience in return for money.
- 돈을 받고 연극이나 영화 등을 사람들에게 보여 주다.
show; perform
perform a concerto
- For a the player of a particular instrument and an orchestra to perform together to highlight the soloist's skills.
- 독주 악기와 관현악이 함께 연주할 때 독주 악기의 기교가 돋보이게 연주하다.
perform a concerto
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