pencil sharpenerpendantpendingpending issuependulumpenetratepenetratingpenetrating abilitypenetrationpen friendpenguinpenholderpeninsulapenispenitencepenknifepenmanshippen namepenniless journeypennilessnesspenniless personpennypenny by pennypenny pincherpenny-pinchingpen palpen pointpen shellpensionpension planpensivelypentagonpeonypeoplePeople are likely to disclose their true intentions while they are drunkpeople around onepeople in allpeople in povertypeople in powerpeople interested in the same hobbyPeople leave a name when they die, and tigers leave leather when they diepeople of all ages and both sexespeople of lower classpeople-orientednesspeople's carPeople tend to become a child when when they become olderPeople tend to become attached to each other after a fightPeople tend to become more nitpicky when they become olderPeople tend to become wasteful with tears when they become older
pencil sharpener
- A necklace, with a jewel hanging from its center over one's chest.
- 가운데에 보석으로 된 장식을 달아 가슴에 늘어뜨리게 만든 목걸이.
pending issue
1. 시계추
- A weight that sways from left to right, hung from a grandfather clock, etc.
- 괘종시계 등에 매달려 좌우로 흔들리는 추.
2. 진자
- An object that is made to swing back and forth by attaching a weight to a piece of string.
- 줄 끝에 추를 매달아 옆으로 흔들리며 움직이게 만든 물체.
3. 추
- An object or device attached to a string that hangs from a fixed point.
- 끈에 매달려 늘어진 물건이나 장치.
2. 관통하다
- To make a hole in something by going into its one side and then coming out of its other side.
- 한쪽에서 다른 한쪽으로 뚫어 구멍이 나다.
penetrate; pierce
4. 뚫다
- To realize the truth or secrets of learning by studying deeply.
- 깊이 연구하여 그 분야의 이치나 진리를 깨닫다.
pierce; penetrate; master
5. 잦아지다¹
- For a feeling, energy, etc., to become deeply absorbed or seep into something.
- 느낌이나 기운 등이 속으로 깊이 스며들거나 배어들게 되다.
seep; penetrate
6. 투과하다
- For light, liquid, sound, etc., to make a hole or holes in a substance and pass through it.
- 빛, 액체, 소리 등이 물질을 뚫고 통과하다.
penetrate; go through
9. 흘러들다
- For an undesirable idea or lifestyle, etc., to infiltrate one's mind.
- 좋지 않은 사상이나 생활 양식 등이 사람들에게 스며들다.
flow into; infuse; penetrate
- One's eyes, etc., being sharp like fiercely staring eyes.
- 눈매나 시선 등이 쏘아보는 듯 날카롭다.
piercing; penetrating
penetrating ability
- Ability to penetrate opponents or the defense of opponents in a sports game.
- 운동 경기에서 상대 선수 또는 상대의 수비를 뚫고 들어가는 힘.
penetrating ability
1. 관통
- A state in which a hole is made by piercing something from one side to the other.
- 한쪽에서 다른 한쪽으로 뚫어서 구멍이 남.
penetration; puncture
2. 투과
- An act of light, liquid, sound, etc., making a hole or holes into a substance and passing through it.
- 빛, 액체, 소리 등이 물질을 뚫고 통과함.
penetration; going through
3. 투시
- An act of seeing through a covered or blocked object.
- 막힌 물체를 꿰뚫어 봄.
seeing through; penetration
4. 혜안
- One's wisdom and ability to clearly understand the content or essence of a certain object and make a judgment based on such knowledge.
- 어떤 대상의 내용이나 본질을 잘 알고 판단하는 지혜와 능력.
insight; penetration; wisdom
pen friend
- A friend with whom one keeps in touch by exchanging letters.
- 편지를 주고받으며 사귀는 친구.
pen pal; pen friend
- A bird living in groups in the south pole region, which cannot fly and which walks with two feet and swims well.
- 날지 못하고 두 발로 걸으며 헤엄을 잘 치는, 남극 지방에 무리 지어 사는 새.
- A long and narrow stick holding a pen nib, which is put into a holder.
- 펜촉을 끼어서 쓰는 가늘고 긴 막대.
- Land narrowly sticking out to the sea, of which the three sides are surrounded by the sea and one side is connected to the mainland.
- 바다쪽으로 좁게 튀어나온 삼면이 바다로 둘러싸이고 한 면은 육지에 이어진 땅.
pen name
2. 별호
- A name given to someone to address him/her endearingly, other than his/her original name or childhood pet name.
- 본래의 이름이나 자 외에, 친근하게 부르기 위해 지어서 쓰는 이름.
byname; pen name
3. 필명
- A name that a writer uses instead of his/her real name when writing and publishing articles or books.
- 글을 써서 발표할 때에 사용하는, 본명이 아닌 이름.
pen name; pseudonym
4. 호²
- A name given to someone to address him/her endearingly, other than his/her original name or childhood pet name.
- 본래의 이름이나 자 외에, 친근하게 부르기 위해 지어서 쓰는 이름.
byname; pen name
penniless journey
- Traveling without the money necessary for the journey such as lodging expenses, food expenses, etc.
- 숙박비나 식비 등 여행에 필요한 돈 없이 하는 여행.
penniless journey; travel without money
penniless person
- A person who has no money, nor property.
- 가진 것이 아무것도 없는 사람.
person with no property at all; penniless person
penny by penny
penny pincher
pen pal
- A friend with whom one keeps in touch by exchanging letters.
- 편지를 주고받으며 사귀는 친구.
pen pal; pen friend
pen point
pen shell
- A shell in the shape of a winnowing basket or a hand-held fan, whose hard shell has wheel-shaped lines on it.
- 키나 부채 모양이고 껍질에 바퀴 모양의 줄이 팬 조개.
pen shell; razor shell
1. 연금¹
- Money given annually to a person who rendered distinguished service to the state or society, or worked for a state agency for a certain period of time.
- 국가나 사회에 특별한 공로가 있거나 일정 기간 동안 국가 기관에서 일한 사람에게 매년 주는 돈.
2. 펜션
- Small-scale lodging facilities, furnished luxuriously like a hotel and decorated with the feel of a guest's own home.
- 호텔 정도의 고급 시설을 갖추고 분위기는 가정적으로 꾸민 작은 규모의 숙박 시설.
pension plan
- The system to secure one's livelihood in which one or one's family can receive a fixed amount of money when one cannot make money as a result of being too old or dead.
- 나이가 들어 돈을 벌 수 없거나 죽거나 하였을 때 당사자 또는 유족의 생활 보장을 위하여 매년 일정 금액을 지급하는 제도.
pension plan
- A large flower blooming from late spring through early summer, with layers of round-shaped, red, white, or pink petals.
- 늦봄에서 초여름까지 붉은색이나 흰색, 분홍색의 꽃잎이 둥글게 겹겹이 피는 큰 꽃.
2. 국민
- People that compose a country or a person with the nationality of a country.
- 한 나라를 구성하는 사람. 또는 그 나라 국적을 가진 사람.
people; national; citizen
3. 민족
- A group of people who have formed their own unique language, culture, and history while living together in a certain region over a long period of time.
- 오랫동안 일정한 지역에서 함께 생활하면서 고유한 언어, 문화, 역사를 이룬 사람들의 집단.
people; ethnic group; race
4. 민중
- People in general who account for the majority of a nation or society.
- 국가나 사회의 다수를 이루는 일반 대중.
people; public
ProverbsPeople are likely to disclose their true intentions while they are drunk
- An expression meaning the nonsense one talks when drunk reflects one's real intentions.
- 술에 취하여 횡설수설하는 말도 사실은 제 진심을 드러낸 말이다.
People are likely to disclose their true intentions while they are drunk
people around one
people in all
people in poverty
- A population that has difficulty leading a life due to poverty; or people in such a state.
- 가난하여 생활하기가 어려운 계층. 또는 그런 사람들.
poor population; the poor; people in poverty; the needy
people in power
- The class of people who exert political, economic, or social power over other persons or groups.
- 정치적, 경제적, 사회적으로 다른 사람이나 집단에 대하여 지배적인 힘을 가진 계층.
ruling class; people in power
people interested in the same hobby
- A person who shares a hobby with other people and enjoys it together.
- 같은 취미를 가지고 함께 즐기는 사람.
people interested in the same hobby
ProverbsPeople leave a name when they die, and tigers leave leather when they die
- The most important thing in a person's life is to do something worthy during his/her lifetime to help the later generations to gain honor.
- 인생에서 가장 중요한 것은 살아있을 때 보람 있는 일을 해서 후세에 명예를 얻는 것이다.
People leave a name when they die, and tigers leave leather when they die; He who leaves the fame of good works after him does not die
people of all ages and both sexes
- Men or women who are either young or old.
- 남자와 여자, 늙은이와 젊은이의 모든 사람.
men and women of all ages; people of all ages and both sexes
people of lower class
- A class of people who hold a lower place in rank, status, social standing, standard of living, etc.
- 계급이나 신분, 지위, 생활 수준 등이 낮은 사람.
people of lower class; lower class
- The idea of considering people to be the most important thing.
- 국민을 가장 중요하게 생각함.
people's car
- A light and small vehicle made so people to buy it without taking on an economic burden.
- 경제적으로 부담 없이 구입할 수 있도록 가볍고 작게 만든 자동차.
people's car
ProverbsPeople tend to become a child when when they become older
- People tend to behave like a child, not like an adult, as they grow older.
- 나이가 들면 오히려 어린아이처럼 행동한다.
People tend to become a child when when they become older
ProverbsPeople tend to become attached to each other after a fight
- People tend to get closer after a fight because it can help them resolve negative feelings toward or misunderstandings about each other.
- 싸움을 통하여 서로 지니고 있던 나쁜 감정이나 오해를 풀어 버리면 오히려 가까워진다.
People tend to become attached to each other after a fight
ProverbsPeople tend to become more nitpicky when they become older
- People tend to interfere in other's business or behavior more easily and often as they grow older.
- 나이가 많아질수록 남의 일이나 행동에 대해 참견이 심해진다.
People tend to become more nitpicky when they become older
ProverbsPeople tend to become wasteful with tears when they become older
- People tend to feel grief even with a minor and trivial thing as they grow older.
- 나이가 많아지면 작은 일에도 슬퍼하게 된다.
People tend to become wasteful with tears when they become older
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