the heart of a mountainThe hearts and minds of people are ferociousthe height of summerthe height of winterthe highestthe highest amountthe highest degreethe highest gradethe highest levelthe highest-level classthe highest peakthe highest pricethe highest prioritythe highest rankthe highest scorethe holy bookthe House of Representativesthe hundred-and-eight passions of mortalsthe icethe ignorantthe inauguration of the constitutionthe insideThe inside of a place leavesthe insuredthe interiorthe International Committee of the Red Crosstheirtheismthe jaw areathe joblessthe judicaturethe judiciaryThe junctions of something fitthe Kingdom of Belgiumthe Kingdom of Norwaythe Kingdom of the Netherlandsthe Koranthe Korean peninsulathe Korean peoplethe language of a peoplethe largestthe lastthe last daythe last instancethe last screeningthe last watch of the nightthe latethe latestthe latest modelthe latest productthe latest workThe law is far and the fist is closethe leastthe least common multiplethe legislatureThe less said the betterThe lid is taken offthe life of a flyThe light is seenthe light of remorseThe livelihood is cut offthe longest
the heart of a mountain
IdiomThe hearts and minds of people are ferocious
관용구인심이 사납다
- For people to be hard-hearted and unsympathetic.
- 사람들의 마음이 각박하고 인정이 없다.
The hearts and minds of people are ferocious
the height of summer
- The time in summer when the heat is most severe.
- 더위가 가장 심할 무렵의 여름.
midsummer; middle of summer; the height of summer
the height of winter
- The time in winter when the cold is most severe.
- 추위가 가장 심할 무렵의 겨울.
midwinter; middle of winter; the height of winter
the highest
the highest amount
the highest degree
the highest grade
1. 최고급
- The highest grade in the quality of something.
- 어떤 것의 질에 있어서 가장 높은 등급.
the highest grade; top-level
2. 최상
- The level or degree that is the highest.
- 가장 높은 정도나 등급.
the highest level; the highest grade
3. 최상급
- The level or grade that is the highest.
- 가장 높은 정도나 등급.
the highest level; the highest grade
4. 최상위
- The position, rank, grade, level, etc., that is the highest.
- 가장 높은 지위나 등급.
the highest rank; the highest grade
the highest level
1. 최고봉
- The most prominent and highest level in a certain field.
- 어떤 분야에서 가장 뛰어나고 높은 수준.
the highest level
2. 최상
- The level or degree that is the highest.
- 가장 높은 정도나 등급.
the highest level; the highest grade
3. 최상급
- The level or grade that is the highest.
- 가장 높은 정도나 등급.
the highest level; the highest grade
the highest-level class
- The most advanced of classes of different levels as distinguished by a school or private academic institute.
- 학교나 학원 등에서 편성한 반 중 가장 수준이 높은 반.
class for advanced learners; the highest-level class
the highest peak
the highest price
the highest priority
- The state of handling a certain task first, or valuing it the most.
- 어떤 일을 가장 먼저 다루거나 가장 중요하게 여김.
top priority; the highest priority
the highest rank
the highest score
the holy book
- The book in which the principles and teachings of Islam are written down.
- 이슬람교의 이치와 가르침을 적은 책.
the Koran; the holy book
the House of Representatives
- In a system in which the Congress is composed of two bodies, the group that consists of lawmakers directly elected by the people.
- 국회를 두 개의 조직으로 구성하는 제도에서, 국민이 직접 뽑은 의원으로 구성된 의회.
lower house; the House of Representatives
the hundred-and-eight passions of mortals
- In Buddhism, 108 different kinds of agonies that are said to exist in the human mind.
- 불교에서, 사람의 마음속에 있다고 하는 108가지의 온갖 괴로움.
the hundred-and-eight passions of mortals
the ice
the ignorant
- (figurative) An illiterate person who does not know much of the world.
- (비유적으로) 세상 물정에 어둡거나 글을 모르는 사람.
the blind; the ignorant
the inauguration of the constitution
- The act of devising and establishing a constitution.
- 헌법을 만들어 정함.
the inauguration of the constitution
the inside
- The side facing inward; or the part inside of something.
- 안으로 향하는 쪽. 또는 안에 있는 부분.
the inside; the interior; inner part
IdiomThe inside of a place leaves
관용구장내가 떠나가다
- For the inside of a venue to be very noisy.
- 일이 벌어지는 장소 안이 매우 시끄럽다.
The inside of a place leaves
the insured
- In insurance, a person who becomes the subject of an insurance policy, or a person who is eligible for the compensation for damage, according to a policy.
- 보험에서, 보험의 대상이 되거나 계약에 따라 손해의 보상을 받을 수 있는 사람.
the insured; insurant
the interior
- The side facing inward; or the part inside of something.
- 안으로 향하는 쪽. 또는 안에 있는 부분.
the inside; the interior; inner part
the International Committee of the Red Cross
- An international non-governmental organization that was established to take care of ill or injured people during war and runs programs for disaster relief, disease prevention, etc.
- 전쟁 시에 아프거나 다친 사람들을 보살필 목적으로 세워졌으며 재해나 질병의 구조, 예방 등의 사업을 펼치는 국제적인 민간 조직.
the International Committee of the Red Cross
1. 그쪽
- A pronoun used to indicate the listener or listeners.
- 듣는 사람 또는 듣는 사람들을 가리키는 말.
- A pronoun used to indicate many people including the listener.
- 듣는 사람과 듣는 사람을 포함한 여러 사람을 가리키는 말.
their; they; his; her; he; she
they; their
2. 그편
- A pronoun used to indicate a person who the speaker and listener already know.
- 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람이 이미 알고 있는 사람을 가리키는 말.
- A pronoun used to indicate the listener or listeners.
- 듣는 사람 또는 듣는 사람들을 가리키는 말.
their; they; his; her; he; she
their; they; his; her; he; she
- A religious or philosophical thought that there is a transcendent God.
- 초월적인 신이 있다는 종교적이거나 철학적인 사상.
the jaw area
the jobless
the judicature
- The Supreme Court and all the agencies under its control that have the power to judge right and wrong by applying law to a case.
- 사건에 법을 적용해 잘잘못을 따지는 권한을 가진 대법원 및 대법원이 관리하는 모든 기관.
judicial branch; the judiciary; the judicature
the judiciary
- The Supreme Court and all the agencies under its control that have the power to judge right and wrong by applying law to a case.
- 사건에 법을 적용해 잘잘못을 따지는 권한을 가진 대법원 및 대법원이 관리하는 모든 기관.
judicial branch; the judiciary; the judicature
IdiomThe junctions of something fit
관용구아귀(가) 맞다
- For the front and the back of something to fit with each other.
- 앞뒤가 빈틈없이 들어맞다.
- For a certain number or quantity to be correct.
- 일정한 수나 양 등이 들어맞다.
The junctions of something fit
The junctions of something fit
the Kingdom of Belgium
- A country in the northwestern region of Europe; it hosts the headquarters of EU; the official languages are Dutch and French and the capital is Brussels.
- 유럽의 서북부에 있는 나라. 유럽 연합의 본부가 있다. 공용어는 네덜란드어와 프랑스어이고 수도는 브뤼셀이다.
the Kingdom of Belgium
the Kingdom of Norway
- A country in the Scandinavian peninsula of northern Europe; its official language is Norwegian and its capital is Oslo; it awards the Nobel Prizes, every year.
- 북유럽의 스칸디나비아반도에 있는 나라. 매년 노벨 평화상을 시상하는 나라로 주로 임업과 어업이 발달하였다. 공용어는 노르웨이어이고 수도는 오슬로이다.
the Kingdom of Norway
the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- A country in Western Europe, one fourth of whose land, most of it reclaimed, is lower than the sea level; dairy farming and horticulture are well-developed and tulips are one of its major export items; the official language is Dutch and the capital is Amsterdam.
- 서유럽에 있는 나라. 간척지가 많아 국토의 사분의 일이 해수면보다 낮다. 낙농업과 원예가 발달하였는데, 특히 튤립이 주요 수출품이다. 공용어는 네덜란드어이고 수도는 암스테르담이다.
the Netherlands; the Kingdom of the Netherlands
the Koran
- The book in which the principles and teachings of Islam are written down.
- 이슬람교의 이치와 가르침을 적은 책.
the Koran; the holy book
the Korean peninsula
the Korean people
- The Korean race that has lived on the Korean Peninsula and its islands.
- 예로부터 한반도와 그에 딸린 섬에 살아온 우리나라의 중심이 되는 민족.
the Korean people
the language of a people
- The language used by one people or by one ethnic group.
- 한 겨레, 민족이 쓰는 말.
the language of a people; mother tongue
the largest
the last
the last day
the last instance
- In a trial, the last examination by the supreme court.
- 재판에서, 대법원에서 하는 마지막 심사.
the last instance
the last screening
- The last evaluation done to decide whether something is well done or poorly done.
- 잘하고 못한 것을 가리기 위해 마지막으로 하는 심사.
the last screening
the last watch of the night
- The last of five divisions of the night, referring to the time between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m..
- 하룻밤을 다섯으로 나눈 시각의 마지막 부분으로, 새벽 세 시에서 다섯 시 사이.
the last watch of the night
the late
the latest
the latest model
the latest product
- A work or product that is most recently made or released.
- 가장 최근에 만들거나 발표한 작품이나 제품.
the latest work; the latest product
the latest work
- A work or product that is most recently made or released.
- 가장 최근에 만들거나 발표한 작품이나 제품.
the latest work; the latest product
ProverbsThe law is far and the fist is close
- When people get angry, they tend to use violence to deal with a problem instead of dialogue or law.
- 사람이 화가 나면 말이나 법으로 문제를 해결할 생각을 하지 않고 먼저 폭력을 쓰게 된다는 말.
- It is sometimes better to solve a problem by using violence rather than law.
- 때로는 법보다는 폭력을 써서 문제를 해결하는 것이 더 나을 때도 있다는 말.
The law is far and the fist is close
The law is far and the fist is close
the least
the least common multiple
- The smallest of the common multiples of two or more numbers.
- 둘 이상의 수의 공통되는 배수 중에서 가장 작은 수.
the least common multiple
the legislature
- A national organization that enacts laws, which refers to the National Assembly as a rule.
- 원칙적으로 국회를 가리키는 말로, 법률을 제정하는 국가 기관.
legislative organ; the legislature
ProverbsThe less said the better
- One should guard against talking too much since one can say something that is better left unsaid if one talks too much.
- 말을 많이 하면 하지 않는 것이 좋은 말도 할 수 있기 때문에 이를 조심해야 한다.
When it comes to words, the less the better; The less said the better
IdiomThe lid is taken off
관용구뚜껑(이) 열리다
- For the content or result of something to be revealed.
- 사물의 내용이나 결과가 드러나다.
- (slang) To get very angry.
- (속된 말로) 몹시 화가 나다.
The lid is taken off
The lid is taken off
Idiomthe life of a fly
관용구파리 목숨
- A life in which a sudden death can occur easily and is likely to occur.
- 남에게 쉽사리 죽음을 당할 목숨.
the life of a fly
IdiomThe light is seen
관용구빛이 보이다
- To find a way or clue to solve a problem.
- 해결할 방법이나 단서가 생겨 나다.
The light is seen
Idiomthe light of remorse
관용구반성의 빛
- An attitude of remorse.
- 반성하는 태도.
the light of remorse
IdiomThe livelihood is cut off
- (slang) To lose one's job.
- (속된 말로) 직업을 잃다.
The livelihood is cut off
the longest
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