the Lord's daythe Lord's prayerthe lower part of the napethe lowestthe lowest classthe lowest common denominatorthe lowest floorthe lowest gradethe lowest groupthe lowest levelthe lowest pricethe lowest rankthemthe manner of doing something if one wants and not doing it if one does not wantthe manufacturing industrythe maximum number of admissionsthe maximum valuethemeThe meaning and the bone is in the wordstheme musicthe mentionedtheme songthe Messiahthe middle agedthe Middle Agesthe middle of talkingthe militarythe Milky Waythe mind of a big-eyed herringThe mind of a man changes twelve times a dayThe mind of a man is a thousand fathomsthe minimumThe money in the pocket is the money in the pouchThe money in the pouch is the money in the pocketThe money is getting rottenThe moon will wane when it waxesthe more, the betterthe mostthe most advancedthe most honorary termthe most important workthe most powerfulthe most recentthe most sought-after itemthe most sought-after personthe most suitableThe mouth for speaking is blockedThe mouth for speaking opensThe mouth for speaking partsthe muzzle of a cannonthenthe nation's literaturethe needythe Neolithic Agethe Netherlandsthe new richthe New Stone Agethe Norththe north and south polesthe northernmostthe number of itemsthe number of storiestheocracythe oldesttheologiantheologist
the Lord's day
the Lord's prayer
- In Christianity, a prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.
- 기독교에서, 예수가 제자들에게 가르친 기도문.
the Lord's prayer
the lower part of the nape
- The lower back part of the neck between the shoulders.
- 목의 뒤쪽 아래 부분으로, 양 어깻죽지 사이.
the lower part of the nape
the lowest
the lowest class
the lowest common denominator
- The smallest number, other than 1, among the common denominators of two or more numbers.
- 둘 이상의 수의 공통되는 약수 중에서 1이 아닌 가장 작은 수.
the lowest common denominator
the lowest floor
- The lowest floor in a multi-story building.
- 여러 층으로 된 건물의 맨 아래의 층.
bottom floor; the lowest floor
the lowest grade
1. 가²
- The lowest mark when grades are divided into five categories (su, wu, mi, yang, and ga) in the grading system in Korean secondary schools.
- 성적이나 등급을 나타내는 ‘수’, ‘우’, ‘미’, ‘양’, ‘가’의 다섯 단계 중에서 가장 낮은 등급.
F mark; the lowest grade
3. 최하위
- The position, rank, grade, level, etc., that is the lowest.
- 가장 낮은 지위나 등급.
the lowest rank; the lowest grade; tailender
the lowest group
- The range of positions or grades that is the lowest.
- 가장 낮은 지위나 등급에 해당하는 범위.
the lowest group
the lowest level
the lowest price
the lowest rank
- The position, rank, grade, level, etc., that is the lowest.
- 가장 낮은 지위나 등급.
the lowest rank; the lowest grade; tailender
- A pronoun used to indicate the previously-mentioned persons.
- 앞에서 이미 이야기한 사람들을 가리키는 말.
Idiomthe manner of doing something if one wants and not doing it if one does not want
- A complacent attitude of a person who does something if he/she wants to and does not if he/she does not want to because he/she has no passion for it.
- 간절한 마음이 없이 하고 싶으면 하고 하기 싫으면 하지 않는 안일한 태도.
the manner of doing something if one wants and not doing it if one does not want
the manufacturing industry
- A business that engages in processing materials to make an item.
- 원료를 가공하여 물건을 만드는 사업.
the manufacturing industry
the maximum number of admissions
- The number of people that is pre-determined in accordance with certain rules.
- 일정한 규정에 따라 정해진 사람의 수.
capacity; the maximum number of admissions
the maximum value
1. 악상
- A melody or feeling coming across a composer's mind, when writing a piece of music.
- 작곡자가 곡을 쓸 때 머릿 속에 떠오르는 가락이나 느낌.
theme; motif; melodic subject
2. 주제
- In an artwork such as a novel, painting and film, the main idea that the creator wants to express.
- 소설, 그림, 영화 등과 같은 예술 작품에서 지은이가 표현하고자 하는 주된 생각.
ProverbsThe meaning and the bone is in the words
- For words to have the intention to criticize or attack someone.
- 말 속에 상대를 비판하거나 공격하는 의미가 담겨져 있다.
The meaning and the bone is in the words
theme music
- In a film, theater, drama, etc., a piece of music that conveys the theme in a symbolic way.
- 영화, 연극, 드라마 등에 들어 있는, 주제를 상징적으로 표현하는 곡.
theme music
the mentioned
- (either endearing or disparaging) A word used to indicate the previously-mentioned object.
- (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 앞에서 이미 이야기한 대상을 가리킬 때 쓰는 말.
that; the mentioned
theme song
- In a film, theater, drama, etc., a song that conveys the theme in a symbolic way.
- 영화, 연극, 드라마 등에 들어 있는, 주제를 상징적으로 표현하는 노래.
theme song
the Messiah
- A great person or divine being who saves the world from difficulties or pain.
- 세상을 어려움이나 고통에서 구제하는 위대한 사람이나 신.
savior; the Messiah
the middle aged
the Middle Ages
- The period between the ancient and modern times in the historical timeline.
- 역사의 시대 구분에서 고대와 근세 사이의 중간 시대.
the Middle Ages
the middle of talking
the military
- The leadership of a military service that is in charge of military matters, or a force centered around such a leadership.
- 군사에 관련한 일을 맡은 군의 지도부. 또는 그것을 중심으로 한 세력.
the military; military authorities
the Milky Way
- (figurative) A long cluster of numerous heavenly bodies in the shape of a white cloud.
- (비유적으로) 흰 구름 모양으로 길게 보이는 수많은 천체의 무리.
the Milky Way
Idiomthe mind of a big-eyed herring
- The narrow and shallow mind of a person who is inconsiderate and quick-tempered.
- 이해심이 없고 작은 일에도 화를 잘 내는 좁고 얕은 마음.
the mind of a big-eyed herring
ProverbsThe mind of a man changes twelve times a day
- An expression meaning a person's life is very prone to change.
- 사람의 마음은 매우 변하기 쉬움을 뜻하는 말.
The mind of a man changes twelve times a day
ProverbsThe mind of a man is a thousand fathoms
- It is very difficult to know what a person has in mind.
- 사람의 속마음은 알기가 매우 어렵다.
The mind of a man is a thousand fathoms
the minimum
IdiomThe money in the pocket is the money in the pouch
- Money that does not need to be distinguished between my own and yours.
- 네 돈과 내 돈으로 구별할 필요가 없는 돈.
The money in the pocket is the money in the pouch
ProverbsThe money in the pouch is the money in the pocket
- Money that does not need to be distinguished between my own and yours.
- 네 돈과 내 돈으로 구별할 필요가 없는 돈.
- Something that does not need to be distinguished between my own and yours because it belongs to the whole family.
- 네 것과 내 것으로 구별할 필요가 없는 가족 전체의 것.
The money in the pouch is the money in the pocket
The money in the pouch is the money in the pocket
IdiomThe money is getting rotten
관용구돈이 썩어 나다
- To have too much money to use up.
- 돈이 지나치게 많아 다 쓰지 못하다.
The money is getting rotten
ProverbsThe moon will wane when it waxes
- There is a time when everything goes well, but there is also a time when everything goes wrong.
- 세상 모든 일이 잘 되고 좋은 때가 있으면 그렇지 않은 때도 있다.
The moon will wane when it waxes
the more, the better
- A phrase meaning that having more of something leads to a better result.
- 많으면 많을수록 좋음.
the more, the better
the most
the most advanced
- The forefront of a certain time, fashion, technology, etc.
- 시대나 유행, 기술 등의 맨 앞.
the most advanced; high-tech; state-of-the-art
the most honorary term
- Using the highest honorary term for someone, or the term itself.
- 다른 사람을 가장 높여 부름. 또는 그런 말.
the most honorary term
the most important work
- The best work representing the whole works of a person, era, organization, etc.
- 어떤 사람이나 시대, 집단 등을 대표할 만한 가장 좋은 작품.
masterpiece; the most important work
the most powerful
- The state of being the strongest or the most powerful, or such a thing or person.
- 가장 강함. 또는 그런 것.
the strongest; the most powerful
the most recent
- The period from a past date, not long ago, to the present date.
- 얼마 되지 않은 지나간 날부터 현재까지의 기간.
the latest; the most recent
the most sought-after item
- (figurative) Something or someone that plays an important role in the achievement of a goal.
- (비유적으로) 목적한 바를 이루는 데 중요한 물건이나 사람.
the most sought-after item; the most sought-after person
the most sought-after person
- (figurative) Something or someone that plays an important role in the achievement of a goal.
- (비유적으로) 목적한 바를 이루는 데 중요한 물건이나 사람.
the most sought-after item; the most sought-after person
the most suitable
- The state of something best meeting a certain condition, standard, etc.
- 어떤 조건이나 기준 등에 가장 알맞음.
the most suitable; being optimal
IdiomThe mouth for speaking is blocked
관용구말문이 막히다
- For words to not come out.
- 말이 나오지 않게 되다.
The mouth for speaking is blocked
IdiomThe mouth for speaking opens
관용구말문이 열리다
- To be able to speak.
- 말을 하게 되다.
The mouth for speaking opens
IdiomThe mouth for speaking parts
관용구말문이 떨어지다
- For words to come out.
- 말이 나오다.
The mouth for speaking parts
the muzzle of a cannon
2. 그러면¹
- A conjunction used when accepting the preceding statement or bulding on it to make a new claim.
- 앞의 내용을 받아들이거나 그 내용을 바탕으로 하여 새로운 주장을 할 때 쓰는 말.
3. 그럼¹
- A word used when accepting the preceding statement or making a new suggestion based on it.
- 앞의 내용을 받아들이거나 그 내용을 바탕으로 하여 새로운 주장을 할 때 쓰는 말.
4. 당시
- The period when something happened, or the previously-mentioned period.
- 어떤 일이 일어나던 그 시기. 또는 앞에서 말한 그 시기.
then; at that time
the nation's literature
- The nation's literature or the studies of its literature.
- 자기 나라 고유의 문학. 또는 그것을 연구하는 학문.
Korean literature; the nation's literature
the needy
the Neolithic Age
- An era in which people started to use tools made by grinding stones, farmed, raised livestock and settled down.
- 돌을 갈아서 만든 도구를 사용하고 농경과 목축을 하며 정착 생활을 시작한 시대.
the Neolithic Age; the New Stone Age
the Netherlands
- A country in Western Europe, one fourth of whose land, most of it reclaimed, is lower than the sea level; dairy farming and horticulture are well-developed and tulips are one of its major export items; the official language is Dutch and the capital is Amsterdam.
- 서유럽에 있는 나라. 간척지가 많아 국토의 사분의 일이 해수면보다 낮다. 낙농업과 원예가 발달하였는데, 특히 튤립이 주요 수출품이다. 공용어는 네덜란드어이고 수도는 암스테르담이다.
the Netherlands; the Kingdom of the Netherlands
the new rich
- A person who became rich overnight.
- 갑자기 큰돈을 벌거나 얻어 부자가 된 사람.
overnight millionaire; the new rich
the New Stone Age
- An era in which people started to use tools made by grinding stones, farmed, raised livestock and settled down.
- 돌을 갈아서 만든 도구를 사용하고 농경과 목축을 하며 정착 생활을 시작한 시대.
the Neolithic Age; the New Stone Age
the North
the north and south poles
the northernmost
the number of items
the number of stories
- An ideology common in ancient societies which holds that rituals and politics are the same, or such a political system.
- 고대 사회에서 흔히 볼 수 있었던, 제사와 정치가 일치한다는 사상. 또는 그런 정치 형태.
the oldest
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