the earth's axisthe edge of the skythe eldest grandson of the head familyThe elephant does not feel a flea bitethe employedthe endThe end is seenThe end justifies the meansthe end of one's talkThe end of the back is blurrythe end of the hairthe end of warthe engaged personthe entire daythe entire militarythe entire nationthe entire roomthe extreme rightThe eyes are the mirror of the mindthe face of a person who stepped on dog dungthe farm hardship periodthe far rightthe fast lifethe fate of a dwi-ungbak, a calabashthe fate of having loads of workthe feeling of windthe feudal systemthe fewestthe finalthe firstthe first and second volumesthe first anniversarythe first arrivalthe first day of a monththe first nightthe first ten days of a monththe first time to hearthe first to comethe first washingthe first wedding in a familythe first yearthe fitthe fittestthe flavor of sesame seeds with saltthe followingthe foregoingthe formerthe former home of a married womanThe former official is a wise officialThe fortune box is brokenThe Four Friends of the Studythe fourth watch of the nighttheftthe futurethe good fortune of knowing helpful peoplethe governed classthe greatest common divisorThe ground will become harder after rainThe guy who finds first is the ownerThe guy who gets whip first is betterthe head of the storythe hearing-impaired
the earth's axis
- The axis of the earth that connects the North and South Pole.
- 북극과 남극을 연결하는 지구의 자전축.
the earth's axis
the edge of the sky
- The edge of the sky that appears to be bordered by the land.
- 하늘과 땅이 맞닿아 보이는 하늘의 끝.
the edge of the sky; the border of the sky
the eldest grandson of the head family
- The eldest grandson that belongs to the head family whose lineage has continued through only the eldest sons and that will continue the bloodline of his clan.
- 어떤 성씨에서 맏이로만 이어 온 큰집의 대를 이을 맏손자.
the eldest grandson of the head family
ProverbsThe elephant does not feel a flea bite
1. 속담계란으로 바위 치기
- A situation where one is facing very difficult circumstances or an uphill battle against a very strong opponent.
- 매우 어려운 상황이거나 너무 강한 상대여서 맞서 싸워도 도저히 이길 수 없는 경우.
hitting a rock with an egg; a drop in the ocean; The elephant does not feel a flea bite
2. 속담달걀로 바위 치기
- A situation where one is facing very difficult circumstances or an uphill battle against a very strong opponent.
- 매우 어려운 상황이거나 너무 강한 상대여서 맞서 싸워도 도저히 이길 수 없는 경우.
hitting a rock with an egg; a drop in the ocean; The elephant does not feel a flea bite
the employed
- A person who obtains a job and goes to work.
- 일정한 직업을 얻어 직장에 나가는 사람.
the employed; an employed person
the end
IdiomThe end is seen
관용구끝이 보이다
- For a task or time to draw to an end.
- 일이나 시간이 마지막에 이르다.
The end is seen
ProverbsThe end justifies the means
- It is important to achieve the aim regardless of the method or way.
- 수단이나 방법은 상관없이 목적만 이루면 된다.
Even if it is the wrong way, it does not matter as long as you reach Seoul; The end justifies the means
the end of one's talk
IdiomThe end of the back is blurry
관용구뒤끝(이) 흐리다
- For a word or behavior to finish in an incomplete and unclear manner.
- 말이나 행동 등의 끝맺음이 확실하지 않다.
The end of the back is blurry
the end of the hair
the end of war
the engaged person
the entire day
the entire military
the entire nation
the entire room
the extreme right
- An inclination which is extremely conservative, or a person or group with this inclination.
- 극단적으로 보수적인 성향. 또는 그런 성향을 가진 사람이나 단체.
the far right; the extreme right; extreme right-winger
ProverbsThe eyes are the mirror of the mind
- A figurative expression meaning it is easy to guess someone's mind simply by looking into his/her eyes.
- 눈만 보아도 그 사람의 마음을 미루어 알 수 있다는 말.
The eyes are the mirror of the mind
Idiomthe face of a person who stepped on dog dung
관용구개똥 밟은 얼굴
- (slang) An expression used to describe a frown when one goes through something bad.
- (속된 말로) 좋지 아니한 일을 당해 일그러진 얼굴을 뜻하는 말.
the face of a person who stepped on dog dung
the farm hardship period
- The period of food shortage in the spring, when old crops are all consumed and new crops are not yet ripe.
- 먹을 곡식은 다 떨어지고 햇곡식은 아직 익지 않아 식량이 부족한 봄철.
the farm hardship period; the spring lean season
the far right
- An inclination which is extremely conservative, or a person or group with this inclination.
- 극단적으로 보수적인 성향. 또는 그런 성향을 가진 사람이나 단체.
the far right; the extreme right; extreme right-winger
the fast life
- Too much indulgence in drinking and womanizing, and the misdeeds that accompany this sort of lifestyle.
- 술과 여자에 빠져 좋지 못한 행동을 하는 것.
debauchery; intemperance; the fast life
Proverbsthe fate of a dwi-ungbak, a calabash
속담뒤웅박 팔자
- An expression which means a fate trapped in a calabash whose mouth is narrow and describes a miserable life one is quagmired in once it is ruined.
- 입구가 좁은 뒤웅박 속에 갇힌 팔자라는 뜻으로, 일단 신세를 망치면 거기서 빠져나오기가 어려움을 뜻하는 말.
the fate of a dwi-ungbak, a calabash
the fate of having loads of work
- One's destiny or fortune to have a lot of work to do all the time.
- 언제나 일이 많은 복.
the fate of having loads of work
the feeling of wind
the feudal system
- (archaic) A political system based on the hierarchical relationship between a monarch and a feudal lord.
- (옛날에) 군주와 제후 사이의 주종 관계를 바탕으로 했던 정치 제도.
feudalism; the feudal system
the fewest
the final
the first
1. 갑¹
- Among many orders or grades, the first one.
- 여럿 가운데 순서나 등급을 나타낼 때, 그 첫 번째.
the first; No. 1; A
2. 선²
- A state of it being one's turn to do something first, or such a turn.
- 먼저 해야 할 차례가 됨. 또는 그 차례.
the first
4. 톱²
- The first place in order, or the best state or position.
- 순서의 맨 처음. 또는 최고의 상태나 자리.
top; the first; the best
the first and second volumes
- The first and second volumes of a book of two volumes.
- 두 권으로 된 책의 첫 번째와 두 번째 권.
the first and second volumes
the first anniversary
- The day when it has been exactly one year since a certain event occurred.
- 어떤 일이 일어난 지 딱 일 년째가 되는 날.
the first anniversary
the first arrival
- A state of being the first to arrive at a certain place.
- 첫 번째로 도착함.
the first arrival; the first to come
the first day of a month
the first night
the first ten days of a month
- The period from the first day to the tenth day of each month.
- 한 달 가운데 1일부터 10일까지의 기간.
the first ten days of a month
Idiomthe first time to hear
관용구듣다 처음[첫 소리]
- An expression used to describe something that one has never heard before and has just heard of for the first time.
- 이전에 전혀 들어본 적 없던 내용의 말을 처음으로 듣게 됨.
the first time to hear[the first sound]
the first to come
- A state of being the first to arrive at a certain place.
- 첫 번째로 도착함.
the first arrival; the first to come
the first washing
- A rough washing prior to proper laundering; or the laundry washed in such a manner.
- 나중에 제대로 빨기 전에 먼저 대강 빨래를 함. 또는 그 빨래.
rough washing; the first washing
the first wedding in a family
- A grown child of a family getting married first among his/her siblings or such a wedding.
- 한 집안의 여러 자녀 가운데 처음으로 결혼을 함. 또는 그 결혼.
the first wedding in a family
the first year
- The year in which a new king comes to the throne, or one year after a new king comes to the throne.
- 새로운 임금이 자리에 오른 해. 또는 임금이 자리에 오른 다음 해.
- The year in which a country is established.
- 나라를 세운 해.
- The year in which something begins for the first time.
- 어떤 일이 처음 시작되는 해.
the first year
the first year
the first year
the fit
- A person who is accustomed or adapted to a certain condition or environment.
- 어떠한 조건이나 환경에 익숙해지거나 알맞게 된 사람.
the fit; the fittest
the fittest
- A person who is accustomed or adapted to a certain condition or environment.
- 어떠한 조건이나 환경에 익숙해지거나 알맞게 된 사람.
the fit; the fittest
Idiomthe flavor of sesame seeds with salt
관용구깨소금 맛
- A pleasant feeling that one has when someone one dislikes goes through misfortune.
- 평소 싫어하던 사람이 불행한 일을 당했을 때 느끼는 통쾌한 감정.
the flavor of sesame seeds with salt
the following
- A part following the present sentence in a piece of writing, etc.
- 글 등에서 뒤에 오는 내용.
the following
the foregoing
- A part mentioned before the present sentence in a piece of writing, etc.
- 글 등에서 앞에 말한 내용.
the above; the foregoing
the former
the former home of a married woman
1. 친정
- The house a woman lived in before her wedding, where her parents and siblings live.
- 결혼한 여자가 본래 살던, 그 가족들이 사는 집.
the former home of a married woman
2. 친정집
- The house a woman lived in before her wedding, where her parents and siblings live.
- 결혼한 여자가 본래 살던, 그 가족들이 사는 집.
the former home of a married woman
ProverbsThe former official is a wise official
속담구관이 명관이다
- Whatever it is, those who have done it several times before or are familiar with it will be better at it.
- 무슨 일이든 경험이 많거나 익숙한 사람이 더 잘하는 법이다.
- People tend to belatedly realize that those whom they have known before are much better than those whom they have just met.
- 나중에 다른 사람을 만나서 겪어 보면 먼저 사람이 좋았음을 알게 되는 법이다.
The former official is a wise official
The former official is a wise official
IdiomThe fortune box is broken
관용구산통이 깨지다
- To mess up something.
- 일을 망치게 되다.
The fortune box is broken
The Four Friends of the Study
- Four tools used by scholars in their studies, such as paper, brush, ink, and ink stone.
- 문인들이 서재에서 쓰는 종이, 붓, 먹, 벼루의 네 가지 도구.
The Four Friends of the Study
the fourth watch of the night
- The fourth of five divisions of the night, referring to the time between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.
- 하룻밤을 다섯으로 나눈 오경의 넷째 부분으로, 새벽 한 시에서 세 시 사이.
the fourth watch of the night
the future
the good fortune of knowing helpful people
- A person's fortune to be surrounded by many people who are willing to help him/her.
- 다른 사람의 도움을 많이 받는 복.
the good fortune of knowing helpful people
the governed class
the greatest common divisor
- The biggest of the common divisors of two or more numbers.
- 둘 이상의 수의 공통되는 약수 중에서 가장 큰 수.
the greatest common divisor
ProverbsThe ground will become harder after rain
- To become stronger after going through tough times.
- 어려운 일을 경험한 뒤에 더 강해진다.
The ground will become harder after rain
ProverbsThe guy who finds first is the owner
- An expression meaning an object belongs to someone who takes it first.
- 물건은 먼저 차지하는 사람의 것이라는 말.
The guy who finds first is the owner; Finders keepers
ProverbsThe guy who gets whip first is better
- It is better to go through a very difficult and painful situation as soon as possible if one has to go through it anyway.
- 어차피 겪어야 할 일이라면 아무리 어렵고 괴롭더라도 먼저 당하는 편이 낫다.
The guy who gets whip first is better
the head of the story
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