that much distancethat placethat rice with those vegetablesthat's howthat sideThat's itthat son for that fatherthat son for that motherthat's rightthat timethat waythat yearthawthawingthethe 8th of Aprilthe abovethe absence of a planthe Absolutethe accusedthe act of showing offthe agedthe age group of 30 to 40 yearsthe age of sixtythe almighty dollarthe amount of snowfallthe angel in white clothesthe Antarctic OceanThe appetite grows with what it feeds ontheatertheater actortheater actresstheater districttheatergoertheater streettheatrical companythe authorThe back of a shrimp bursts amid a fight between whalesthe back of the headthe back of the kneethe back of the neckthe basicThe beacon does not shine on its own basethe beauty of the end
that much distance
that place
1. 저곳
- A word used to describe a place that is far away from the speaker or the listener.
- 말하는 사람이나 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 떨어져 있는 곳을 가리키는 말.
that place
2. 저기¹
- A word used to describe a place that is far away from the speaker or the listener.
- 말하는 사람이나 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 떨어져 있는 곳을 가리키는 말.
that place
3. 조기²
- A word used to describe a place that is far away from the speaker or the listener.
- 말하는 사람이나 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 떨어져 있는 곳을 가리키는 말.
that place
Proverbsthat rice with those vegetables
- For two people or things to be at almost the same level to such an extent that a difference is hardly noticeable.
- 서로 비슷한 수준이어서 별다른 점을 느끼지 못함을 뜻하는 말.
that rice with those vegetables
that's how
that side
1. 저쪽
- A pronoun used to indicate a place or direction that is far from both the speaker and listener.
- 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 있는 곳이나 방향을 가리키는 말.
that side
2. 조쪽
- A pronoun used to indicate a place or direction that is far from both the speaker and listener.
- 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 있는 곳이나 방향을 가리키는 말.
that side
IdiomThat's it
- That is the end of the story.
- 그것으로 끝이다.
- For something or a situation to be very good to such an extent that nothing can compare.
- 더 이상 비교할 만한 것이 없을 만큼 매우 좋다.
be no more than that; be enough; That's it
be no more than that; be enough; That's it
Proverbsthat son for that father
- An expression used to describe a son who resembles his father in a variety of aspects.
- 아들이 여러 면에서 아버지를 닮았음을 뜻하는 말.
that son for that father
Proverbsthat son for that mother
- An expression used to describe a son or a daughter to resemble his or her mother in a variety of aspects.
- 아들이나 딸이 여러 면에서 어머니를 닮았음을 뜻하는 말.
that son[daughter] for that mother
that's right
1. 고렇지¹
- An exclamation used to indicate that it is absolutely right.
- 틀림없이 고렇다는 뜻으로 하는 말.
of course; that's right
2. 그렇지¹
- An exclamation used when the speaker is impressed that a certain fact is not different from he or she had thought.
- 어떤 사실이 자신이 생각했던 것과 같을 때 감탄하며 쓰는 말.
of course; that's right
that time
that way
2. 고리로
- (emphasizing form) To that place or in that direction.
- (강조하는 말로) 고 곳으로. 또는 고쪽으로.
that way; there
5. 그리로
- (emphasizing form) To that place or in that direction.
- (강조하는 말로) 그곳으로. 또는 그쪽으로.
that way; there
6. 글로
- (emphasizing form) To that place or in that direction.
- (강조하는 말로) 그곳으로. 또는 그쪽으로.
that way; there
7. 저리로
- (emphasizing form) To that place or toward that direction.
- (강조하는 말로) 저곳으로. 또는 저쪽으로.
in that direction; that way
that year
1. 녹다
- For ice or snow to become water after being heated.
- 얼음이나 눈이 열을 받아서 물이 되다.
- For solid substance to become like water or softened after being heated or moisturized.
- 고체가 열을 받거나 습기를 먹어서 물러지거나 물처럼 되다.
melt; thaw
melt; thaw
3. 해동
- A state in which a frozen object melts and becomes softened; or an act of turning it into such a state.
- 얼었던 것이 녹아서 풀림. 또는 그렇게 하게 함.
unfreezing; defrosting; thaw
4. 해동하다
- To melt a frozen object to soften it; or to make this happen.
- 얼었던 것이 녹아서 풀리다. 또는 그렇게 하게 하다.
unfreeze; defrost; thaw
5. 해빙기
- The time when ice melts.
- 얼음이 녹는 때.
- (figurative) The time when the tension between two opposing groups or countries is eased.
- (비유적으로) 서로 대립 중이던 집단이나 나라 사이의 긴장이 느슨해지는 때.
6. 해빙되다
- For ice to come to melt.
- 얼음이 녹게 되다.
- (figurative) For the tension between two opposing groups or countries to be eased.
- (비유적으로) 서로 대립 중이던 집단이나 나라 사이의 긴장이 느슨해지다.
thaw; melt
7. 해빙하다
- For ice to melt.
- 얼음이 녹다.
- (figurative) For the tension between two opposing groups or countries to be eased.
- (비유적으로) 서로 대립 중이던 집단이나 나라 사이의 긴장이 느슨해지다.
thaw; melt
- The melting of ice.
- 얼음이 녹음.
- (figurative) The easing of tension between two opposing groups or countries.
- (비유적으로) 서로 대립 중이던 집단이나 나라 사이의 긴장이 느슨해짐.
thawing; melting
thawing; melting
the 8th of April
- The day when the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was born, which is April 8th in the lunar calendar.
- 불교를 창시한 석가모니가 태어난 날. 음력으로 4월 8일이다.
the 8th of April; the Buddha's Birthday
the above
the absence of a plan
- An act of doing things haphazardly without thinking ahead and planning carefully about how to handle things.
- 일을 어떻게 할 것인지 미리 제대로 생각하지 않고 되는대로 일을 함.
the absence of a plan
the Absolute
- A perfect being with limitless ability and power that exists by itself without depending on anything else.
- 어떤 것에도 의존하지 않고 스스로 존재하며 무한한 능력과 힘을 가진 완전한 존재.
the Absolute; supreme being
the accused
1. 피고
- A person who is sued and brought to a court of law, in a case regarding a conflict of rights or interests between individuals.
- 개인 간의 권리나 이익 문제 등에 대한 재판에서 소송을 당한 사람.
the accused; defendant
2. 피고인
- A person who stands in a trial, after being prosecuted by a prosecutor for possibly committing a crime.
- 범죄를 저질렀을 가능성이 있어 검사의 공소에 의해 재판을 받는 사람.
the accused
the act of showing off
- The attitude of being boastful or a show off after helping another person.
- 남에게 도움을 주고 그것을 자랑하거나 체면을 세우는 태도.
being boastful; the act of showing off
the aged
the age group of 30 to 40 years
- People belonging to an age group between 30 to 40 years in which they are the most active during their lives.
- 일생 중 가장 활발하게 활동하는, 나이가 서른 살에서 마흔 살 정도인 사람들.
the age group of 30 to 40 years
the age of sixty
- The sixtieth birthday of a person.
- 사람이 태어난 지 만 육십 년이 되는 예순 번째 생일.
one's sixtieth birthday; the age of sixty
the almighty dollar
- The belief that money enables one to do anything.
- 돈만 있으면 무엇이든지 마음대로 할 수 있음.
materialism; the almighty dollar
the amount of snowfall
Idiomthe angel in white clothes
관용구백의의 천사
- (dignifying) '간호사' (a nurse).
- (미화하는 말로) 간호사.
the angel in white clothes
the Antarctic Ocean
- The ocean surrounding the Antarctic Continent; with a very low temperature near the freezing point, it is covered with snow and ice all year round; whale fishing is active.
- 남극 대륙을 둘러싸고 있는 바다. 수온이 매우 낮아 어는점에 가까우며 일 년 내내 눈과 얼음으로 뒤덮여 있다. 고래잡이가 활발하다.
the Antarctic Ocean
ProverbsThe appetite grows with what it feeds on
- People's greed is endless.
- 사람의 욕심은 끝이 없다.
Once mounted on a horse, one wants to have a groom lead it by the halter; Give him an inch and he will take a mile; The appetite grows with what it feeds on
1. 공연장
- A place where performances take place, such as plays, music, dances, etc.
- 연극, 음악, 무용 등의 공연을 하는 장소.
2. 극²
- A work of art created by actors' and actresses' speech and acting.
- 배우의 대사와 행동으로 이루어지는 예술 작품.
play; theater
3. 극장
- A place equipped with a stage or screen, for performing plays, music, dance, etc., or showing movies.
- 연극이나 음악, 무용 등을 공연하거나 영화를 상영하기 위한 시설을 갖춘 곳.
theater; cinema
4. 연극
- An act in which an actor or actress acts on a stage according to a script for the audience.
- 배우가 무대 위에서 대본에 따라 관객에게 연기를 보이는 것.
play; drama; theater
5. 희곡
- A work of art that expresses a theme through characters' acts or dialogue.
- 등장인물의 행동이나 대화를 통해 주제를 표현하는 예술 작품.
play; theater; drama
theater actor
theater actress
theater district
1. 관객
- A person who watches sports games, movies, plays, concerts, dance performances, etc.
- 운동 경기, 영화, 연극, 음악회, 무용 공연 등을 구경하는 사람.
audience; concertgoer; theatergoer; moviegoer
2. 관람자
- A group of people who watch a particular event.
- 관람을 하는 사람.
audience; moviegoer; theatergoer
3. 관중
- People gathered to watch performances or sports games.
- 운동 경기나 공연을 구경하기 위하여 모인 사람들.
audience; theatergoer; spectator
theater street
theatrical company
- An organization performing plays professionally.
- 연극을 전문적으로 공연하는 단체.
theatrical company; troupe
the author
- The person who wrote a text or book; or the person who is currently working on a writing or going to write a certain text.
- 글을 쓴 사람. 또는 글을 쓰고 있거나 쓸 사람.
the author; the writer
ProverbsThe back of a shrimp bursts amid a fight between whales
- For an irrelevant and weak bystander to be hurt amid a fight between the strong.
- 강한 자들이 싸우는 틈에서 아무 상관없는 약한 자가 해를 입는다.
The back of a shrimp bursts amid a fight between whales; suffer a side blow in a fight
the back of the head
the back of the knee
- The part that is curved inward when one bends his/her knee.
- 무릎을 구부렸을 때 오목하게 들어간 부분.
ham; the back of the knee
the back of the neck
the basic
ProverbsThe beacon does not shine on its own base
- It is more difficult to notice something close.
- 가까이 있는 것을 오히려 잘 알기 어렵다.
It is dark under the oil lamp; The beacon does not shine on its own base
Idiomthe beauty of the end
관용구유종의 미
- An achievement to conclude something successfully.
- 어떤 일의 끝을 잘 마무리하는 성과.
the beauty of the end
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