without hindrance
    without hesitation; without hindrance
  • Without hesitating or stopping one's work or behavior.
  • 일이나 행동 등이 중간에 머뭇거림이나 막힘이 없이.
without illness
    healthy; without illness
  • Staying healthy without suffering any diseases.
  • 병이 없이 건강하다.
without interruptions
    without interruptions
  • In the state of something not feeling confined because it has an open view without any obstructions.
  • 막힌 데가 없이 활짝 트여 마음이 답답하지 않게.
    without interruptions
  • In the state of something not feeling confined because it has an open view without any obstructions.
  • 막힌 데가 없이 활짝 트여 마음이 답답하지 않게.
    openly; clearly; without interruptions
  • A word describing the state of having an open and expansive view.
  • 넓고 멀리 시원스럽게 트인 모양.
    clearly; openly; without interruptions
  • In the state of a mountain, etc., soaring or floating in open view.
  • 시원스럽게 솟아 있거나 확 트인 모양.
without mercy
    without mercy
  • Coldly, rather than understanding the situation, reasoning, etc., of someone.
  • 다른 사람의 형편이나 이유 등을 헤아려 주지 않고 아주 쌀쌀맞게.
without notice
    willy-nilly; without notice
  • Right away, not trying to find out the situation or tell someone.
  • 일의 앞뒤 사정을 알아보거나 이야기하지 않고 바로.
    willy-nilly; without notice
  • Right away, not trying to find out the situation or tell someone.
  • 일의 앞뒤 사정을 알아보거나 이야기하지 않고 바로.
    without permission; without notice; without reason
  • Without getting permission or notifying in advance; without any reason.
  • 미리 허락을 받거나 알림 없이. 또는 아무 이유 없이.
without permission
    without permission; without notice; without reason
  • Without getting permission or notifying in advance; without any reason.
  • 미리 허락을 받거나 알림 없이. 또는 아무 이유 없이.
without reason
    without permission; without notice; without reason
  • Without getting permission or notifying in advance; without any reason.
  • 미리 허락을 받거나 알림 없이. 또는 아무 이유 없이.
without reserve
    without reserve
  • In a shameless, haphazard manner.
  • 조심스럽거나 부끄러운 마음이 없이.
    without reserve
  • In the state of one's way of speaking or behaving being unhesitating and lively.
  • 말이나 행동이 막힘이 없고 활발하게.
    without reserve
  • In the state of one's way of speaking or behaving being unhesitating and lively.
  • 말이나 행동이 막힘이 없고 활발하게.
    on intimate terms with; without reserve; candidly
  • In a state of being very close to each other with no need to worry about saving face or be cautious.
  • 서로 매우 친하여, 체면을 차리거나 조심할 필요가 없이.
    without hesitation; without reserve
  • A word describing the motion of throwing off one's or another's clothes without hesitation.
  • 옷을 가볍게 벗어 버리거나 벗기는 모양.
    unhesitating; without reserve; unhindered; outspoken
  • One's way of handling a task or personality being very unhesitating without reserve.
  • 일을 처리하는 방식이나 성격이 매우 시원스럽다.
    without hesitation; without reserve
  • A word describing the motion of throwing off one's or another's clothes without hesitation.
  • 옷을 시원스럽게 벗어 버리거나 벗기는 모양.
without restriction
    without restriction
  • In the state of flowing powerfully and freely.
  • 물이 흐르는 모양이 막힘이 없고 힘차게.
without saying
    without saying
  • Not saying a word.
  • 말이 없는 가운데.
Idiomwithout saying that one comes and leaves
    without saying that one comes and leaves
  • Stealthily without telling anyone where one is from or headed to.
  • 자신이 어디를 오가는지 아무에게도 말하지 않고 슬며시.
Idiomwithout sounds or rumors
    without sounds or rumors
  • In a secret and quiet manner.
  • 다른 사람이 모르게 조용히.
without stopping
    without stopping
  • In such a manner that one reads, writes or speaks without faltering a bit.
  • 조금도 막힘이 없이 글을 읽거나 쓰거나 말하는 모양.
    without stopping
  • In such a manner that a thing, act, etc., takes place at once.
  • 어떤 일이나 행동 등이 한꺼번에 이루어지는 모양.
    without stopping
  • In such a manner that one does something without hesitation.
  • 거침없이 어떤 일을 하는 모양.
    without stopping
  • In such a manner that one reads, recites or speaks without faltering.
  • 거침없이 읽거나 외거나 말하는 모양.
    without stopping; on and on
  • In a manner of doing something at once without any hindrance.
  • 어떤 행동을 막히는 것 없이 한 번에 이어서 하는 모양.
    without stopping
  • In such a manner that one reads, recites or says something continuously without mumbling.
  • 거침없이 계속 읽어 내려가거나 외거나 말하는 모양.
    without stopping
  • In such a manner that one reads, recites or speaks without faltering a bit.
  • 조금도 막힘이 없이 읽거나 외우거나 말하는 모양.
    without stopping
  • In the manner of a thing, act, etc., taking place at once.
  • 어떤 일이나 행동 등이 한꺼번에 이루어지는 모양.
    without stopping; on and on
  • In the manner of doing something at once without any hindrance.
  • 어떤 행동을 막히는 것 없이 한 번에 이어서 하는 모양.
10. 쭉쭉
    without stopping
  • In the manner of reading, reciting or saying something continuously without pausing or mumbling.
  • 거침없이 계속 읽어 내려가거나 외거나 말하는 모양.
11. 홀홀
    without stopping
  • A word describing the motion of drinking water or soup, etc., little by little, repeatedly.
  • 뜨거운 물 등을 조금씩 자꾸 마시는 모양.
12. 훌훌
    without stopping
  • A word describing the motion of drinking up water or soup, etc., continously.
  • 물이나 국 등을 시원스럽게 자꾸 마시는 모양.
Idiomwithout tears
    without tears
  • Without crying.
  • 울지 않고는.
without thinking
    unintentionally; without thinking
  • Without any thought or intention.
  • 아무런 생각이나 의도가 없이.
without trouble
    with ease; without trouble
  • In the manner of doing something easily.
  • 일을 거침없이 손쉽게 해내는 모양.
with patches
    with patches
  • In the manner of sewing by putting so many patches on something as to make it look messy.
  • 지저분할 정도로 이것저것 많이 대어 꿰맨 모양.
    with patches
  • In the manner of sewing by putting so many patches on something as to make it look shabby.
  • 보기 흉할 만큼 지저분하게 여기저기 기운 모양.
with pleasure
    with pleasure; please
  • A word used to welcome someone or eagerly ask someone to do something.
  • 반갑게 맞아들이거나 간절히 권하는 말.
with plops
    with splashes; with plops
  • A word used to describe the sounds made when large objects fall into the water or sink, or such a motion.
  • 큰 물체가 물에 자꾸 부딪치거나 잠기는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    with plops
  • A word imitating the light sound made when small and hard objects fall or are dropped into deep water.
  • 작고 단단한 물건이 계속 물에 떨어지거나 빠질 때 가볍게 나는 소리.
    with plops
  • A word imitating the sound made when big and heavy objects fall or are dropped into deep water repeatedly.
  • 크고 무거운 물체가 깊은 물에 계속해서 떨어지거나 빠질 때 나는 소리.
with popping and cracking sounds
    with popping and cracking sounds
  • A word describing the sound or motion of cracking one's joints hard.
  • 뼈마디를 세게 꺾을 때 나는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with puffs
    with puffs
  • A word describing one smoking a cigarette by opening and closing his/her mouth.
  • 담배를 빨면서 입을 벌렸다 오므리는 모양.
    with puffs
  • A word describing one smoking a cigarette by repeatedly opening and closing his/her mouth.
  • 담배를 빨면서 자꾸 입을 벌렸다 오므리는 모양.
    with puffs
  • A word describing one smoking a cigarette while letting in and out its smoke.
  • 연기를 세게 들이마셨다 내뱉었다 하면서 담배를 피우는 모양.
    with puffs
  • A word describing one continuously smoking a cigarette while letting in and out its smoke.
  • 연기를 세게 들이마셨다 내뱉었다 하면서 담배를 자꾸 피우는 모양.
    with puffs
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of drawing on a cigarette very hard and over and over.
  • 담배를 자꾸 아주 세게 빠는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with quick snatches
    with quick snatches
  • A word describing the motion of putting something into one's mouth or grasping something quickly and repeatedly.
  • 무엇을 재빨리 자꾸 입에 넣거나 손에 쥐어 가지는 모양.
    with quick snatches
  • A word describing the motion of putting something into one's mouth or grasping something quickly and repeatedly.
  • 무엇을 자꾸 빠르게 입에 넣거나 손에 쥐어 가지는 모양.
with rage
    with rage; harshly
  • A word describing one's state of being very angry or scolding someone severely.
  • 몹시 화를 내거나 크게 야단치는 모양.
with red spots
    with red spots
  • In the state of being slightly red in places.
  • 빛깔이 군데군데 조금씩 붉은 모양.
with repeated blinks
    with repeated blinks
  • A word describing the manner of opening and closing one's eyes repeatedly.
  • 눈을 자꾸 감았다 뜨는 모양.
    with repeated blinks
  • A word describing the manner of opening and closing one's eyes repeatedly.
  • 눈을 자꾸 감았다 뜨는 모양.
    with repeated blinks
  • A word describing the motion of one's eyes being slightly closed and open again and again.
  • 눈이 자꾸 살짝 감겼다 뜨이는 모양.
    with repeated blinks
  • A word describing the motion of slightly closing and then opening one's eyes again and again.
  • 눈을 자꾸 살짝 감았다가 뜨는 모양.
    with repeated blinks
  • A word describing the motion of one's big eyes being closed and then open repeatedly.
  • 큰 눈이 자꾸 감겼다 뜨였다 하는 모양.
    with repeated blinks
  • A word describing the motion of a person's big eyes being closed and then open repeatedly.
  • 큰 눈이 자꾸 감겼다 뜨였다 하는 모양.
with repeated flashes
    with repeated flashes
  • A word describing the manner of a source of light brightening and then going dim, or dimming and then going bright repeatedly.
  • 불빛이 자꾸 밝았다가 어두워지거나 어두웠다가 밝아지는 모양.
    with repeated flashes
  • A word describing the manner of a source of light brightening and then going dim, or dimming and then going bright repeatedly.
  • 불빛이 자꾸 밝았다가 어두워지거나 어두웠다가 밝아지는 모양.
    with repeated flashes
  • A word describing the manner of a big source of light brightening and then going dim repeatedly.
  • 큰 불빛이 자꾸 어두워졌다 밝아졌다 하는 모양.
    with repeated flashes
  • A word describing the manner of a strong source of light repeatedly dimming and then becoming bright.
  • 큰 불빛이 자꾸 어두워졌다 밝아졌다 하는 모양.
with repeated nods
    with repeated nods
  • A word describing the motion of repeatedly bending forward and then raising one's head or body.
  • 머리나 몸을 자꾸 앞으로 숙였다가 드는 모양.
    with repeated nods
  • A word describing the motion of lightly moving one's head up and down repeatedly.
  • 머리를 가볍게 아래위로 자꾸 움직이는 모양.
with repeated startles
    with repeated startles
  • In the manner of being startled suddenly and frequently.
  • 자꾸 갑자기 놀라는 모양.
with repeated twitching
    with repeated twitching
  • A word describing the movement of a part of a muscle jerking to one side repeatedly.
  • 근육의 한 부분이 자꾸 한쪽으로 비뚤어지게 움직이는 모양.
    with repeated twitching
  • A word describing the movement of a part of a muscle jerking to one side repeatedly.
  • 근육의 한 부분이 자꾸 한쪽으로 비뚤어지게 움직이는 모양.
with rustling sounds
    with rustling sounds
  • A word imitating the sound of stiff fabrics, blades of grass, branches, etc., brushing against each other continuously
  • 뻣뻣한 옷감이나 풀, 나뭇가지 등이 서로 계속해서 스치는 소리.
with satisfaction
    with satisfaction; contentedly; pleasedly
  • In the state of being very happy and pleased with something.
  • 마음에 들어 매우 만족스럽게.
    with satisfaction; contently
  • In the state of being pleased with something because it is sufficient without any shortage.
  • 조금도 모자람이 없을 정도로 넉넉하여 만족하게.
with scrape
    with a scratching sound; with scrape
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of scratching or rubbing something hard and repeatedly.
  • 자꾸 세게 긁거나 문지르는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    with a scratching sound; with scrape
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the action of repeatedly scratching or rubbing a floor or the surface of something.
  • 바닥이나 표면을 세게 자꾸 긁거나 문지르는 소리나 모양.
with scratching sounds
    with scratching sounds
  • A word imitating the sound of writing on paper continuously.
  • 종이 위에 글씨를 계속해서 쓰는 소리.
with sirens wailing
    with sirens wailing
  • A word imitating the sound heard when a fire engine, ambulance, etc., sounding a siren continuously.
  • 소방차나 구급차 등이 경적을 계속 울릴 때 나는 소리.
with slow and slight moves
    with slow and slight moves
  • A word describing the motion of continuously moving the body slowly and slightly.
  • 몸을 천천히 작게 계속 움직이는 모양.
with slow moves
    with slow moves
  • A word describing the manner of moving one of body parts slowly and repeatedly.
  • 신체의 한 부분을 느리게 자꾸 움직이는 모양.
    with slow moves
  • A word describing the motion of something moving repeatedly and very slowly.
  • 어떤 것이 매우 느리게 자꾸 움직이는 모양.
  • with slow moves
  • A word describing the motion of moving some parts of the body repeatedly and slowly.
  • 신체 일부를 자꾸 느리게 움직이는 모양.
with smacking sounds
    with smacking sounds
  • A word used to describe the sounds made when one clicks one's tongue and then smacks one's lips, or such a motion.
  • 혀를 차면서 자꾸 입맛을 다시는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    with smacking sounds
  • A word used to describe the sounds made when one clicks one's tongue and then smacks one's lips noisily, or such a motion.
  • 혀를 차면서 자꾸 입맛을 크게 다시는 소리. 또는 그 모양.

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