with one glance after another
    with one glance after another; with one look after another
  • A word describing the motion of looking at something briefly, repeatedly.
  • 슬쩍슬쩍 자꾸 흘겨보는 모양.
with one look
    with one glance; with one look
  • A word describing the motion of looking at something briefly one time.
  • 슬쩍 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.
with one look after another
    with one glance after another; with one look after another
  • A word describing the motion of looking at something briefly, repeatedly.
  • 슬쩍슬쩍 자꾸 흘겨보는 모양.
with one's head down
    with one's head down; with a deep bow
  • In the manner of continuing to bow one's head before a superior person.
  • 윗사람을 대하면서 허리나 고개를 자꾸 구부렸다 펴는 모양.
    with one's head down; with a deep bow
  • In the manner of continuously bowing one's head before a superior person.
  • 윗사람을 대하면서 허리나 고개를 구부렸다 펴는 모양.
    with one's head down; with a deep bow
  • In the manner of continuing to bow one's head before a superior person.
  • 윗사람을 대하면서 허리나 고개를 자꾸 구부렸다 펴는 모양.
with one's mouth open
    with one's mouth open
  • A word describing the motion of opening and then closing one's mouth quickly when answering back or snapping at something.
  • 대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빨리 벌렸다가 닫는 모양.
    with one's mouth open
  • A word describing the motion of opening and then closing one's mouth quickly when answering back or snapping at something.
  • 말대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빠르게 벌렸다 닫는 모양.
    with one's mouth open
  • A word describing the motion of opening and then closing one's mouth in quick succession when answering back or snapping at something.
  • 말대답을 하거나 무엇을 받아먹을 때 입을 빠르게 벌렸다 닫았다 하는 모양.
with one's mouth stuffed
    with one's mouth stuffed
  • In the manner of stuffing food into one's mouth or chewing with one's mouth full.
  • 입속에 음식을 억지로 넣거나 가득 넣고 먹는 모양.
with one's mouth wide open
    with one's mouth wide open
  • In the manner of smiling quietly with one's mouth wide open so that one's teeth are revealed.
  • 이가 보이도록 입을 크게 벌려 소리 없이 웃는 모양.
with one's own hands
    with one's own hands; oneself
  • In person without receiving other's help.
  • 남의 힘을 빌리지 않고 자기 손으로 직접.
  • Without any matter, symptom, etc.
  • 어떤 일이나 증상 등이 나타나지 않게.
  • without
  • In a state in which there are not much of something.
  • 어떤 것이 많지 않은 상태로.
  • without
  • In a poor state due to lack of money, wealth, etc.
  • 돈이나 재산 등이 넉넉하지 못하여 가난하게.
  • without
  • In a state in which a person, object, phenomenon, etc., does not exist or occupy a certain place or space.
  • 사람, 사물, 현상 등이 어떤 곳에 자리나 공간을 차지하고 존재하지 않게.
  • without
  • In the state of not having a certain object, qualification, ability, etc.
  • 어떤 물건을 가지고 있지 않거나 자격이나 능력 등을 갖추지 않은 상태로.
  • without
  • In a state in which one does not have anyone with whom one has a certain relationship.
  • 일정한 관계를 가지는 사람이 존재하지 않는 상태로.
  • without
  • In a state in which nothing happens to someone.
  • 어떤 사람에게 아무 일도 생기지 않게.
  • without
  • In a state in which a reason, possibility, etc., has not been found.
  • 이유나 가능성 등이 성립되지 않게.
  • without
  • Without a distinction between up and down, left and right, statuses, etc.
  • 위와 아래, 왼쪽과 오른쪽, 지위 등이 구별되지 않게.
without a choice
    without a choice
  • With no other method to try.
  • 달리 어떻게 할 방법이 없어서.
without a clue
    without a clue
  • Relating to one's having no knowledge or memory of a certain fact.
  • 어떤 사실에 대한 지식이나 기억이 전혀 없는 모양.
without a hitch
    without a hitch
  • A word describing the motion of fire burning without a hitch.
  • 불길이 시원스럽게 타오르는 모양.
without a missing part
    without a missing part
  • Without missing something or without having a vacant part.
  • 어떤 것이 빠져 있거나 어떤 부분이 비어 있지 않게.
without an issue
    without an issue
  • With no problem or worry.
  • 특별히 문제되거나 걱정할 일이 없이 괜찮게.
without any cause
    for nothing; without any cause
  • Without any reason.
  • 아무런 이유 없이.
without any conditions
    without any conditions
  • With no strings attached.
  • 아무런 대가나 조건 없이.
without a plan
    roughly; carelessly; randomly; without a plan
  • In a rough and careless manner.
  • 아무렇게나 되는대로.
Idiomwithout a precedent
관용구전에 없이
    without a precedent
  • In a manner which is very different from what something used to be.
  • 이상할 정도로 이전과는 아주 달리.
without a trace
    without a trace
  • Without a clue on one's whereabouts, news, etc.
  • 행방이나 소식 등을 알 수 없게.
without a tree
    without a tree; without grass
  • A word describing a place being not thickly covered with trees or grass.
  • 나무나 풀이 우거지지 않아 반반한 모양.
    without a tree; without grass
  • A word describing a place being not thickly covered with trees or grass.
  • 나무나 풀이 우거지지 않아 반반한 모양.
without a trouble
    without a trouble
  • Peacefully without any problem or accident.
  • 아무런 사고 없이 평안하게.
without a wink
    without a wink
  • A word describing one staying up, not sleeping.
  • 잠을 자지 않고 밤을 새우는 모양.
    without a wink
  • A word describing many people staying up, or one staying up several nights in a row.
  • 여럿이 또는 연이어 잠을 자지 않고 밤을 새우는 모양.
    without a wink
  • A word describing one staying up, not sleeping.
  • 잠을 자지 않고 밤을 새우는 모양.
    without a wink
  • A word describing many people staying up, or one staying up several nights in a row.
  • 여럿이 또는 연이어 잠을 자지 않고 밤을 새우는 모양.
without a word
    without a word
  • Silently without any complaints.
  • 불평 없이 묵묵하게.
    silently; without a word; without comment
  • Quietly without saying anything.
  • 아무 말 없이 가만히.
without beard
    without hair; without beard
  • A word describing a smooth surface without hairs on a part of the body that should have had hair.
  • 털이 날 곳에 털이 없어 반반한 모양.
    without hair; without beard
  • A word describing a smooth surface without hairs on a part of the body that should have had hair.
  • 털이 날 곳에 털이 없어 반반한 모양.
without comment
    silently; without a word; without comment
  • Quietly without saying anything.
  • 아무 말 없이 가만히.
without complaint
    without complaint
  • Without any complaint or additional comment.
  • 이런저런 불평을 하거나 덧붙이는 말이 없이.
without defects
    without defects
  • Without a recognizable shortcoming or defect.
  • 두드러지는 단점이나 흠이 없이.
without delay
    quickly; without hesitation; without delay
  • A word used to hurry someone to work or do something quickly.
  • 일이나 행동을 빨리 하도록 재촉하는 말.
    without delay; fast; promptly
  • An adverb used to urge someone to act or do something very quickly.
  • 일이나 행동을 아주 빨리 하도록 재촉하는 말.
without difficulty
    easily; without difficulty
  • In such a manner that it is light and simple to handle.
  • 다루기가 가볍고 간편하게.
    without difficulty
  • Effortlessly in handling something.
  • 다루기가 간편하고 손쉽게.
    easily; without difficulty
  • Inclusively of all of us without need to distinguish between you and me.
  • 무엇을 하는 데에 모자라지 않고 여유 있게.
    competently; without difficulty
  • Easily with one's ability.
  • 능력이 있어 쉽게.
    easily; without difficulty; effortlessly
  • In the state of a task or person being pliable enough to be easily managed.
  • 일이나 사람이 만만하여 다루기 쉬운 모양.
without effort
    easily; without effort
  • In the manner of lifting something heavy very lightly and easily.
  • 무거운 물건을 아주 가볍고 쉽게 들어 올리는 모양.
Idiomwithout even a mouse or bird noticing
    without even a mouse or bird noticing; in secret; on the quiet
  • Without anyone knowing or without a trace.
  • 아무도 알 수 없게 감쪽같이.
Idiomwithout even oneself knowing
    without even oneself knowing; unknowingly; ignorantly
  • Automatically while one is unconscious.
  • 무의식중에 저절로.
without exception
    without exception
  • Evenly and variously without missing a thing or being partial.
  • 어느 하나에 치우치지 않고 여러 가지를 빠짐없이 골고루.
    without exception
  • Evenly and variously without missing a thing; both this and that.
  • 여러 가지를 빠짐없이 골고루. 이것저것 모두.
    uniformly; without exception
  • In such a manner that two or more persons or things are not a bit different from each other in appearance, reaction, etc.
  • 모두가 조금도 다른 데가 없이 꼭 같이.
without fail
    without fail; at any cost; certainly
  • By all means under any circumstances.
  • 어떤 일이 있어도 반드시.
    without fail; at any cost
  • By all means under any circumstances.
  • 무슨 일이 있어도 언제나 반드시.
    without fail; certainly
  • Surely.
  • 틀림없이 꼭.
    always; invariably; without fail
  • Every time.
  • 언제나 늘.
    certainly; surely; without fail
  • Certainly, without fail.
  • 조금도 어긋나지 않고 반드시.
    certainly; surely; without fail
  • (emphatic form) Certainly, without fail.
  • (강조하는 말로) 조금도 어긋나지 않고 반드시.
    without fail; at any cost
  • By all means necessary.
  • 어떤 일이 있어도 꼭.
without grass
    without a tree; without grass
  • A word describing a place being not thickly covered with trees or grass.
  • 나무나 풀이 우거지지 않아 반반한 모양.
    without a tree; without grass
  • A word describing a place being not thickly covered with trees or grass.
  • 나무나 풀이 우거지지 않아 반반한 모양.
without hair
    without hair; without beard
  • A word describing a smooth surface without hairs on a part of the body that should have had hair.
  • 털이 날 곳에 털이 없어 반반한 모양.
    without hair; without beard
  • A word describing a smooth surface without hairs on a part of the body that should have had hair.
  • 털이 날 곳에 털이 없어 반반한 모양.
without haste
    unhurriedly; without haste
  • In the manner of behaving very slowly without making haste.
  • 서두르지 않고 매우 느리게 행동하는 모양.
Idiomwithout having any time to take a breath
    without having any time to take a breath
  • In a hurried and quick manner without a chance to take a breath.
  • 숨을 쉴 여유조차 없이 급하게, 빨리.
Idiomwithout having any time to take a breather
    without having any time[moment] to take a breather
  • In a hurried and quick manner without a chance to catch one's breath.
  • 가쁜 숨을 고를 여유도 없이 급하게, 빨리.
without hesitation
    without hesitation; without hindrance
  • Without hesitating or stopping one's work or behavior.
  • 일이나 행동 등이 중간에 머뭇거림이나 막힘이 없이.
    without hesitation
  • A word describing the manner of quickly acting without hesitation.
  • 망설이거나 머뭇거리지 않고 행동하는 모양.
    without hesitation
  • In the manner of quickly acting without hesitation.
  • 망설이거나 주저하지 않고 얼른 행동하는 모양.
    without hesitation
  • In the manner of quickly acting without the slightest hesitation.
  • 조금도 망설이거나 주저하지 않고 얼른 행동하는 모양.
    without hesitation
  • Without hesitation in one's remark or behavior.
  • 말이나 행동에 망설임이나 막힘이 없이.
    quickly; without hesitation; without delay
  • A word used to hurry someone to work or do something quickly.
  • 일이나 행동을 빨리 하도록 재촉하는 말.
    readily; without hesitation
  • Without hesitation in one's speech and action.
  • 말과 행동이 머뭇거림 없이 시원하게.
    without hesitation; without reserve
  • A word describing the motion of throwing off one's or another's clothes without hesitation.
  • 옷을 가볍게 벗어 버리거나 벗기는 모양.
    without hesitation; freely
  • A word describing the motion of setting off toward a certain place freely, without hesitation.
  • 거침없이 가볍게 길을 떠나는 모양.
10. 훌훌
    without hesitation; without reserve
  • A word describing the motion of throwing off one's or another's clothes without hesitation.
  • 옷을 시원스럽게 벗어 버리거나 벗기는 모양.

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