withdrawal route
    retreat route; withdrawal route
  • The route along which one retreats.
  • 뒤로 물러날 길.
withdraw from one's post
    withdraw from one's post; resign from one's position
  • To leave one's post, giving up one's duties.
  • 맡아보던 일을 내놓고 자리를 떠나다.
    withdrawing; sinking
  • An atmosphere, etc., feeling heavy and quiet, because it is depressed.
  • 분위기 등이 가라앉아 무겁고 조용하다.
Idiomwithdraw one's life
    withdraw one's life
  • To die.
  • 죽다.
Idiomwithdraw tears
    withdraw tears
  • To stop crying.
  • 울음을 멈추다.
with ease
    readily; with ease
  • Very easily without any trouble or difficulty.
  • 아무 탈이나 어려운 점 없이 아주 쉽게.
    with ease; without trouble
  • In the manner of doing something easily.
  • 일을 거침없이 손쉽게 해내는 모양.
with effort
    in the manner of gulping something back; with effort
  • In the manner of forcing oneself to hold back one's tears or a surge of a sentiment.
  • 솟아오르는 감정이나 울음 등을 억지로 참는 모양.
    with effort
  • In the manner of forcing oneself to hold back one's tears or a surge of a sentiment.
  • 솟아오르는 감정이나 울음 등을 억지로 참는 모양.
    in the manner of gulping something back; with effort
  • In the manner of forcing oneself to hold back one's tears or a surge of a sentiment again and again.
  • 솟아오르는 감정이나 울음 등을 억지로 자꾸 참는 모양.
with enthusiasm
    passionately; with enthusiasm
  • With all one's heart, with great care and enthusiasm.
  • 매우 깊고 뜨거운 정성을 다하여.
    wither; be rotten
  • For stacked straw, grass, etc., to be rotten or to turn yellow.
  • 쌓인 짚이나 풀 등이 썩거나 누렇게 시들다.
    wither; wane
  • To become diminished because of shrinking or subsiding.
  • 줄어들거나 가라앉아서 거의 없어져 가다.
    wither; shrivel; shrink
  • For something to come to contract or get smaller in volume as it dries or wilts.
  • 마르거나 시들어서 쪼그라들거나 부피가 작아지게 되다.
    wither; shrivel; shrink
  • To make something dry or wilt, and thus contract or get smaller in volume.
  • 마르거나 시들어서 쪼그라들거나 부피가 작아지게 하다.
    wither; shrivel; shrink
  • For something to contract or get smaller in volume as it dries or wilts.
  • 마르거나 시들어서 쪼그라들거나 부피가 작아지다.
    shrink; cower; wither
  • For one's body to shrink back in surprise.
  • 매우 놀라서 몸이 움츠러들다.
    wither; fall
  • For a flower or leaf to shrivel and fall down.
  • 꽃이나 잎이 시들어 떨어지다.
    shrivel; wither
  • To lose weight and become wrinkled.
  • 살이 빠져서 주름이 많이 잡히다.
wither away
    wither away
  • For an interest in, or passion for a matter to decrease.
  • 어떤 일에 대한 관심이나 기세가 이전보다 줄어들다.
    fading; withering
  • A state in which the leaves of plants and trees wither away.
  • 풀과 나무의 잎이 시들어 떨어짐.
    withering; shrinkage; contraction
  • The state in which something contracts or gets smaller in volume as it dries or wilts.
  • 마르거나 시들어서 쪼그라들거나 부피가 작아짐.
withering to death
    withering to death
  • A tree or grass withering to death.
  • 나무나 풀 등이 말라 죽음.
wither to death
    wither to death
  • For a tree or grass to wither to death.
  • 나무나 풀 등이 말라 죽다.
with everything
    with everything; in every single thing
  • In every case, or in every matter.
  • 매 건마다. 또는 매 일마다.
with fever
    with fever
  • A word describing the state of one's body or the floor of a room being very hot with a high heat.
  • 몸이나 방바닥이 높은 열로 몹시 뜨거운 모양.
    with fever
  • A word describing the state of one's body or the floor of a room being very hot with a high heat.
  • 몸이나 방바닥이 높은 열로 몹시 뜨거운 모양.
with flaps
    with flaps; with flutters
  • A word imitating the sound made when a big bird moves its wings strongly and repeatedly, or describing such a scene.
  • 큰 새가 계속해서 힘차게 날개를 치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with flattery
    flatteringly; with flattery; fawningly
  • In the manner of fawning on someone in order to please or gain favor with him/her.
  • 남의 비위를 맞추거나 남에게 잘 보이려고 자꾸 아첨을 떠는 모양.
    flatteringly; with flattery
  • In the manner of deceiving someone continuously while flattering him/her to gain favor.
  • 남의 마음에 들려고 아첨을 하며 계속 남을 속이는 모양.
with flicks
    with flicks; with swishes
  • A word imitating the sound made when a big fish shakes its tail strongly and repeatedly, or describing such a scene.
  • 큰 물고기가 계속해서 힘차게 꼬리를 치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with fluency
    smoothly; with fluency
  • In the manner of reciting fluently and without hesitation.
  • 막힘이 없이 시원시원하게 외는 모양.
with flutters
    with flutters
  • A word describing an act of a butterfly, leaf, etc., flying lightly here and there continuously.
  • 나비나 나뭇잎 등이 가볍게 계속 날아다니는 모양.
    with flaps; with flutters
  • A word imitating the sound made when a big bird moves its wings strongly and repeatedly, or describing such a scene.
  • 큰 새가 계속해서 힘차게 날개를 치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with gasps
    gasps; with gasps
  • A word imitating the sound made when someone is short of breath as if he/she is about to die soon; in the manner of breathing hard as if it is one's last breath.
  • 곧 죽을 것처럼 숨이 끊어졌다 이어졌다 하는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    gasps; with gasps
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the manner of breathing hard as if it is one's last breath.
  • 곧 죽을 것처럼 숨이 끊어졌다 이어졌다 하는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    gasps; with gasps
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the manner of breathing hard as if it is one's last breath.
  • 곧 죽을 것처럼 숨이 자꾸 끊어졌다 이어졌다 하는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with great care
    with great care
  • In a manner of doing one's utmost with a genuine and sincere attitude.
  • 참되고 성실한 마음으로 온갖 힘을 다하여.
    with great care
  • In such a manner that appears genuine and sincere in trying to do one's best.
  • 보기에 온갖 힘을 다하려는 참되고 성실한 마음이 있게.
with great pains
    with much trouble; with great pains
  • With much effort.
  • 모처럼 힘들여서.
with gulps
    gulps; with gulps
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the manner of repeatedly drinking something in small sips with effort.
  • 액체를 힘들게 자꾸 조금씩 삼키는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with honks
    with honks
  • A word imitating the sound made repeatedly when a car, ship, etc., honks once.
  • 자동차나 배 등에서 경적이 잇따라 울리는 소리.
with hot air
    with hot air
  • In the manner of affirming recklessly.
  • 함부로 장담하여 말하는 모양.
with humming sounds
    with buzzing sounds; with humming sounds
  • A word imitating the sound made when an insect, etc., flies.
  • 벌레 등이 자꾸 날아다니는 소리.
  • with humming sounds
  • A word imitating the sound of a strong wind blowing against a thin, tight power line or string.
  • 강한 바람이 가늘고 팽팽한 전선이나 줄에 자꾸 부딪치는 소리.
    within; inside
  • A degree that does not exceed a certain standard or limit.
  • 일정한 기준이나 한계를 넘지 않은 정도.
    within; less than; not more than
  • Within a certain range.
  • 일정한 범위의 안.
with indifference
    negligently; indifferently; with indifference
  • In the manner of having no interest in or being careless about something.
  • 무엇에 관심이 없거나 소홀하게.
within realm of possibility
    potential; latent; within realm of possibility
  • Hidden inside, not exposed.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않고 속에 숨어 있는.
with inside out
    with inside out
  • A word describing something being turned inside out.
  • 안과 밖이 훌쩍 뒤집히는 모양.
within the same day
    that day; within the same day
  • The very day.
  • 바로 그날.
with joy
    gladly; with joy
  • With joy and happiness from meeting a person that one missed.
  • 보고 싶던 사람을 만나거나 원하는 일이 이루어져서 즐겁고 기쁘게.
with jumps
    with jumps
  • A word describing the motion of a person with short legs jumping up and down powerfully with his/her feet together.
  • 짧은 다리를 모으고 자꾸 힘 있게 위로 솟아오르며 뛰는 모양.
    with jumps
  • A word describing the motion of a person with long legs jumping up and down powerfully with his/her feet together.
  • 긴 다리를 모으고 계속 힘 있게 솟구쳐 뛰는 모양.
    with jumps
  • In the manner of jumping into the air continuously.
  • 계속해서 공중으로 뛰는 모양.
    with jumps; in flights
  • A word describing a sudden, light, repeated, and powerful jump or flight.
  • 갑자기 가볍고 힘 있게 자꾸 뛰어오르거나 날아오르는 모양.
    with jumps
  • A word describing a small creature repeatedly jumping strongly and lightly.
  • 작은 것이 자꾸 세차고 가볍게 뛰어오르는 모양.
    with jumps
  • A word describing a somewhat big and heavy creature repeatedly jumping strongly and slowly.
  • 약간 크고 무거운 것이 자꾸 세차고 둔하게 뛰어오르는 모양.
with laughter
    with laughter
  • A word imitating a sudden, short burst of laughter.
  • 갑자기 짧게 웃음을 터뜨리는 소리.
with light jabs
    with light jabs
  • A word imitating the sound made when people hit each other lightly, or describing such a scene.
  • 서로 가볍게 치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    with light jabs
  • A word imitating the sound made when people keep hitting each other lightly, or describing such a scene.
  • 서로 가볍게 자꾸 치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with luck
    luckily; with luck
  • Seemingly lucky because the situation is not as bad as expected.
  • 예상보다 상황이 나쁘지 않아서 운이 좋은 듯하게.
    luckily; with luck
  • Luckily unexpected.
  • 뜻밖에 운이 좋게.
with many twists and turns
    with many twists and turns
  • In a state in which thin strings, etc., are tangled in an disorderly way.
  • 가는 줄 등이 이리저리 뒤섞여 얽힌 모양.
with much difficulty
    with much difficulty
  • With much effort to an excessive degree.
  • 지나칠 정도로 힘들고 어렵게.
with much trouble
    with much trouble
  • Barely, for the first time after having bided one's time.
  • 벼르고 별러서 처음으로, 가까스로.
    with much trouble
  • In a difficulty and agony in doing something.
  • 어떤 일을 하기가 힘이 들고 괴롭게.
    with much trouble
  • In a difficulty and agony in doing something.
  • 어떤 일을 하기에 힘이 들고 괴롭게.
    with much trouble; with great pains
  • With much effort.
  • 모처럼 힘들여서.
with no precedent
    with no precedent
  • Without a prior case of the same kind.
  • 이전에 있었던 사례가 없이.
with no similar example
    with no similar example
  • Without the same or a similar example.
  • 같거나 비슷한 예가 없이.
with nothing damaged
    perfectly; with nothing damaged
  • Just as it is.
  • 상태를 그대로 고스란히.
    very perfectly; with nothing damaged
  • Just as it is.
  • 상태를 그대로 고스란히.
with one contented smile
    grinningly; with one contented smile
  • A word describing the motion of laughing quietly once, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 한 번 웃는 모양.
    grinningly; with one contented smile
  • A word describing the motion of laughing quietly once, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 슬쩍 한 번 웃는 모양.
with one contented smile after another
    grinningly; with one contented smile after another
  • A word describing the motion of laughing quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 자꾸 슬쩍 웃는 모양.
    grinningly; with one contented smile after another
  • A word describing the motion of laughing quietly, continuously, feeling happy.
  • 좋아서 자꾸 슬쩍 웃는 모양.
with one furtive glance
    with one furtive glance
  • A word describing the motion of directing the eyes sideways and looking furtively at something one time.
  • 눈을 옆으로 돌려 슬쩍 한 번 쳐다보는 모양.
with one furtive glance after another
    with one furtive glance after another
  • A word describing the motion of directing the eyes sideways and looking furtively at something repeatedly.
  • 눈을 옆으로 돌려 슬쩍슬쩍 자꾸 쳐다보는 모양.
    with one furtive glance after another
  • A word describing the motion of directing the eyes sideways and looking furtively at something repeatedly.
  • 눈을 옆으로 돌려 슬쩍슬쩍 자꾸 쳐다보는 모양.
with one glance
    with one glance; with one look
  • A word describing the motion of looking at something briefly one time.
  • 슬쩍 한 번 흘겨보는 모양.

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