with a whirl
    with a whirl
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the movement of a small, round object rolling or turning fast and lightly.
  • 작고 둥근 물건이 가볍고 빠르게 구르거나 돌아가는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with a whiz
    with a whiz
  • A word imitating or describing the sound or movement of a person or object moving so fast as to stir up the air.
  • 사람이나 물체가 바람을 일으킬 만큼 계속해서 매우 빠르게 움직일 때 나는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with a wobble
    with a wobble
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the movement of a small wheel rolling and wobbling on the hard ground.
  • 작은 바퀴가 단단한 바닥을 구르며 흔들리는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    swayingly; waveringly; with a wobble
  • A word describing the motion of a thin, long object bending flexibly and waving slowly for one time.
  • 가늘고 긴 것이 탄력 있게 휘어지며 느리게 한 번 흔들리는 모양.
with a wriggle
    with a wriggle; wrigglingly
  • A word describing the motion of moving while twisting or bending a body part.
  • 몸의 한 부분을 비틀거나 구부리며 움직이는 모양.
    with a wriggle
  • A word describing an animal, person, etc., with a small body hanging on something or sitting down while moving arms and legs.
  • 덩치가 작은 것이 매달리거나 주저앉아서 팔이나 다리를 내저으며 자꾸 움직이는 모양.
    with a wriggle
  • A word describing an animal, person, etc., with a small body hanging on something or sitting down while moving arms and legs.
  • 덩치가 약간 작은 것이 매달리거나 주저앉아서 팔이나 다리를 내저으며 자꾸 움직이는 모양.
with bare branches
    with bare branches
  • In the state of a tree looking desolate because its leaves fell and there are only bare branches left on it.
  • 나뭇잎이 지고 가지만 남아서 쓸쓸하게.
with big and sharp eyes
    with big and sharp eyes
  • In a state in which one's eyes are so distinctly wide and tense as to make one look fierce.
  • 인상이 강하게 보일 만큼 눈이 또렷이 크고 힘이 잔뜩 들어간 듯한 모양.
with blackish spots
    with blackish spots
  • In the state of being slightly black here and there.
  • 여기저기가 조금 검은 모양.
with buzzes
    with buzzes; with whiz
  • A word imitating the sound of winged insects, stones, etc., flying fast and continuously.
  • 날벌레나 돌팔매 등이 계속 빠르게 날아가는 소리.
with buzzing sounds
    with buzzing sounds; with humming sounds
  • A word imitating the sound made when an insect, etc., flies.
  • 벌레 등이 자꾸 날아다니는 소리.
with China
    toward China; with China
  • Related to something about China.
  • 중국에 대한 것.
with clear footsteps
    with clear footsteps
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the movement of walking with the sound of footsteps clearly audible.
  • 발자국 소리를 분명하게 내며 계속 걸어가는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with coils of rope
    with coils of rope; into a roll
  • A word describing one's winding or tying something over and over tightly.
  • 든든하게 여러 번 감거나 매는 모양.
with concern
    anxiously; with concern
  • In a state of mind in which one fears something bad may happen.
  • 좋지 않은 일이 있을까 봐 두렵고 불안한 마음으로.
with coughs
    with coughs
  • A word imitating repeated coughing sounds from deep in one's chest.
  • 가슴 속에서 계속해서 울려 나오는 기침 소리.
with cracking sounds
    with cracking sounds
  • A word used to describe the sounds made when something splits or cracks loudly, or such a motion.
  • 자꾸 크게 쪼개지거나 틈이 벌어지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with cracks
    with snaps; snappingly; with cracks
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the movement of a hard object breaking or hitting against another hard object again and again.
  • 단단한 물건이 자꾸 부러지거나 서로 부딪치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
    with snaps; with cracks
  • A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of big, hard objects being broken and cut repeatedly.
  • 크고 단단한 물체가 자꾸 부러지거나 끊어지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
with crawling movement
    with crawling movement
  • A word describing the motion of crawling with quite big movements while lying on one's stomach on the floor.
  • 몸을 바닥에 대고 엎드려서 조금 큰 동작으로 기는 모양.
with crisp sounds
    with crisp sounds
  • A word imitating the sound of harvesting crops like rice, barley, etc., continuously.
  • 벼, 보리 등의 곡식을 계속해서 베는 소리.
with crunching sounds
    with crunching sounds
  • A word imitating the sound of stepping on snow continuously.
  • 눈을 계속해서 밟는 소리.
  • with crunching sounds
  • A word imitating the sound of a fruit, biscuit, etc., being chewed and broken continuously.
  • 과일이나 과자 등을 계속해서 씹어서 부스러지는 소리.
with difficulty
    with difficulty
  • With much effort.
  • 매우 어렵게 힘을 들여.
    with difficulty
  • With much effort.
  • 힘들게 겨우.
    with difficulty
  • With much effort.
  • 아주 힘들게.
    barely; with difficulty
  • Barely with difficulty.
  • 어렵게 겨우.
    barely; with difficulty
  • Barely with difficulty.
  • 어렵게 겨우.
    strugglingly; with difficulty
  • A word describing a state of feeling flustered or having a hard time because something is beyond one's ability or power.
  • 힘에 부쳐 자꾸 쩔쩔매거나 힘들어하는 모양.
with doubts
    with doubts
  • With an attitude of being anxious about something because one cannot trust it.
  • 의심스러워 마음에 걸리는 듯한 태도.
    stop; withdraw
  • To end or stop expressing one's thoughts or feelings.
  • 생각이나 감정 표현을 끝내거나 그만두다.
    cancel; withdraw; pull back
  • To cancel one's words, proposals, etc.
  • 자신이 내놓은 말이나 제안 등을 취소하다.
  • withdraw; pull back; stop
  • To stop showing interest in or casting a look at something.
  • 관심이나 시선 등을 보내기를 그만두다.
    cancel; withdraw; pull back
  • To cancel one's words, proposals, etc.
  • 자신이 내놓은 말이나 제안 등을 취소하다.
  • withdraw; pull back; stop
  • To stop showing interest for or casting a look at something.
  • 관심이나 시선 등을 보내기를 그만두다.
    withdraw; retire; resign
  • To give up what one is doing, or a place or position one is holding, and leave.
  • 하고 있던 일, 차지하고 있던 자리나 지위 등을 내놓고 떠나다.
  • withdraw; leave
  • To depart from an encounter with a person who is older than one.
  • 윗사람 앞에 왔다가 도로 나가다.
    withdraw; leave
  • To depart from an encounter with a person who is older than oneself.
  • 어른 앞에 있다가 도로 나오다.
  • withdraw; retire; resign
  • To give up what one is doing or position one is holding, and leave.
  • 하던 일이나 자리를 내놓고 나오다.
    withdraw; retire; resign
  • To give up what one is doing, or a place or position one is holding.
  • 하고 있던 일, 차지하고 있던 자리나 지위 등을 내놓다.
  • withdraw; back off
  • To give up after confronting and enduring a certain situation.
  • 맞서서 버티다가 포기하다.
    withdraw; retire; resign
  • To give up what one is doing, or a place or position one is holding.
  • 하고 있던 일, 차지하고 있던 자리나 지위 등을 내놓다.
    retire; withdraw
  • To give up one's position, interest, etc.
  • 자신의 지위나 이익 등을 내놓다.
    withdraw; get back
  • To withdraw savings or get back the deposit.
  • 저금이나 보증금 등을 찾다.
10. 뽑다
  • To take money out of a bank account.
  • 맡겨 두었던 돈을 도로 찾다.
    shrink; withdraw; hunch
  • For one's body or a part of the body to retract or become smaller.
  • 몸이나 몸의 일부가 오그라져 들어가거나 작아지다.
    shrink; withdraw; hunch
  • To make one's body or a part of the body retract and become smaller.
  • 몸이나 몸의 일부를 오그려 작아지게 하다.
  • To draw something out.
  • 끌어서 빼내다.
  • withdraw
  • To take out money from a financial institution like a bank, etc.
  • 은행 등의 금융 기관에서 맡겨 둔 돈을 찾다.
    evacuate; withdraw; pull back
  • To make people gather up their equipment, supplies, etc., and leave a place where they have been stationed.
  • 있던 곳에서 시설이나 장비 등을 거두어 가지고 물러나게 하다.
    evacuate; withdraw
  • To gather up the equipment, supplies, etc., and leave a place where one has been stationed.
  • 있던 곳에서 시설이나 장비 등을 거두어 가지고 물러나다.
  • To revoke or cancel something that was submitted or argued.
  • 이미 제출했던 것이나 주장했던 것을 다시 거두어들이거나 취소하다.
  • To take money out of one’s account in a financial institution such as a bank.
  • 은행과 같은 금융 기관의 계좌에서 돈을 빼다.
    withdraw; drop; call off
  • To cancel an application, document, etc., which was submitted.
  • 신청했던 일이나 서류 등을 취소하다.
    withdraw; sink
  • To sink or hide deeply, in order not to be seen from outside.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않도록 깊숙이 가라앉거나 숨다.
    withdraw; drop out; leave
  • To end one's relationship with an organization or group one had belonged to and leave.
  • 소속해 있던 조직이나 단체에서 관계를 끊고 나오다.
    withdraw; retreat
  • To pull back in a fight, war, project, etc.
  • 싸움이나 일 등에서 뒤로 물러나다.
    go back; walk back; withdraw
  • To move backward.
  • 뒤로 물러가다.
    leave; withdraw
  • To leave a post, place, etc., voluntarily, or to be expelled.
  • 물러나거나 쫓겨나서 나가다.
    withdraw; retreat
  • To call back troops or for troops to go back from a mission.
  • 군사를 돌이켜 돌아가거나 돌아오다.
    withdraw; pull back
  • To make people or things pull back from a battle, fight, war, project, etc.
  • 뒤로 물러나게 하다.
    withdraw; retreat
  • To pull back in a fight, war, project, etc.
  • 뒤로 물러나다.
    backing off; withdrawal
  • The act of avoiding being related to something.
  • 일에 관계되는 것을 피함.
  • The act of drawing something out.
  • 끌어서 빼냄.
  • withdrawal
  • The act of taking out money from a financial institution like a bank, etc.
  • 은행 등의 금융 기관에서 맡겨 둔 돈을 찾음.
    evacuation; withdrawal
  • An act of gathering up the equipment, supplies, etc., and leaving a place where one has been stationed.
  • 있던 곳에서 시설이나 장비 등을 거두어 가지고 물러남.
    retreat; withdrawal
  • An act of clearing a place where one stays and withdrawing.
  • 있던 곳을 정리하여 물러남.
  • An act of revoking or cancelling something that was submitted or argued.
  • 이미 제출했던 것이나 주장했던 것을 다시 거두어들이거나 취소함.
  • An act of taking money out of one’s account in a financial institution such as a bank.
  • 은행과 같은 금융 기관의 계좌에서 돈을 뺌.
    withdrawal; discontinuance
  • An act of cancelling an application, document, etc., which was submitted.
  • 신청했던 일이나 서류 등을 취소함.
    withdrawal; sinking
  • An act of sinking or hiding deeply, in order not to be seen from outside.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않도록 깊숙이 가라앉거나 숨음.
  • withdrawal; sinking
  • The state of an atmosphere, etc., feeling heavy and quiet, because it is depressed.
  • 분위기 등이 가라앉아서 무겁고 조용함.
    withdrawal; dropping out; leaving
  • An act of ending one's relationship with an organization or group one had belonged to and leaving.
  • 소속해 있던 조직이나 단체에서 관계를 끊고 나옴.
10. 퇴각
    withdrawal; retreat
  • An act of pulling back in a fight, war, project, etc.
  • 싸움이나 일 등에서 뒤로 물러남.
11. 퇴보
    going back; walking back; withdrawal
  • An act of moving backward.
  • 뒤로 물러감.
12. 퇴출
    leaving; withdrawal
  • An act of leaving a post, place, etc., voluntarily, or being expelled.
  • 물러나거나 쫓겨나서 나감.
13. 회군
    withdrawal; retreat
  • An act of calling back troops or troops going back from a mission.
  • 군사를 돌이켜 돌아가거나 돌아옴.
14. 후퇴
    withdrawal; retreat
  • An act of pulling back in a fight, war, project, etc.
  • 뒤로 물러남.
withdrawal amount
    withdrawal amount
  • An amount of money that is taken out of one’s account in a financial institution such as a bank.
  • 은행과 같은 금융 기관의 계좌에서 뺀 돈의 액수.
withdrawal from one's post
    withdrawal from one's post; resignation from one's position
  • An act of leaving one's post, giving up one's duties.
  • 맡아보던 일을 내놓고 자리를 떠남.

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