acting abilityacting as one pleaseacting cuteacting humbleacting like a babyacting on one's own judgment or beliefsactionaction movieaction taken resolutelyactiveactive dutyactive engagementactivelyactivenessactive roleactive stockactive voiceactivistactivityactivity costact like a patient with typhoid feveractoract ostentatiouslyact rashlyact recklesslyactressact soact stupidlyact subservientlyact surlyact the foolact the giddy goatact thoughtfullyactual
acting ability
- An actor's or actress' ability to express the character, personality, behavior, etc., according to the part or situation he/she plays.
- 배우가 맡은 역할과 상황에 맞춰 인물, 성격, 행동 등을 표현해 내는 능력.
acting ability
acting as one please
- The act of not thinking about others and acting as one pleases.
- 남을 생각하지 않고 제멋대로 행동함.
acting as one please
acting cute
- Cute words and behavior of a small child.
- 어린아이의 귀여운 말과 행동.
- Cute behavior of pets such as dogs, cats, and etc.
- 강아지나 고양이 등의 애완동물이 하는 귀여운 행동.
acting cute
acting cute
acting humble
- A humble and self-lowering attitude that one shows because he/she is intimidated by, or wants to curry favor with, the other person.
- 상대편에게 눌리거나 상대편의 마음에 들려고 굽실거리는 낮은 자세.
acting humble
acting like a baby
- An act of behaving like a child to please others or be adored by them.
- 남을 기쁘게 하거나 남에게 귀여움을 받으려고 어린아이처럼 행동하는 일.
acting like a baby; child's act of coquetry
acting on one's own judgment or beliefs
- Making a judgment or decision on one's own without taking the opinions of others into consideration.
- 남과 상의하지 않고 혼자서 판단하거나 결정하는.
arbitrary; dogmatic; acting on one's own judgment or beliefs
2. 대응책
- A measure for adopting the appropriate attitude or taking the appropriate action in a certain situation.
- 어떤 상황에 알맞은 태도나 행동을 취하기 위한 대책.
countermeasure; action
3. 대책
- A plan that enables one to overcome a difficult situation.
- 어려운 상황을 이겨낼 수 있는 계획.
measure; action
5. 실천
- The act of putting one's theory, plan, thought, etc. into action.
- 이론이나 계획, 생각한 것을 실제 행동으로 옮김.
practice; action
6. 액션
- An array of actions done by an actor or actress to perform a certain scene.
- 배우가 특정한 연기를 위해 하는 행동.
7. 작용
- The process of causing or affecting a certain phenomenon or act.
- 어떠한 현상이나 행동을 일으키거나 영향을 줌.
working; function; action
8. 조처
- The act of resolving a problematic situation or issue well, or a way of such resolution.
- 문제가 된 상황이나 일을 잘 처리함. 또는 그러한 방식.
step; action
9. 조치
- The act of developing and implementing an adequate solution to an issue, or such solution.
- 벌어진 사태에 대하여 적절한 대책을 세워서 행함. 또는 그 대책.
action; step; measure
10. 처분
- An act of ordering or deciding how to handle something, or such an order or decision.
- 일을 어떻게 처리할 것인가에 대해 지시하거나 결정함. 또는 그런 지시나 결정.
- An act by a government or administrative office of handling a special case by applying certain laws.
- 행정, 사법 관청이 특별한 사건에 대해 법규를 적용하여 처리하는 일.
measure; action
measure; action
11. 행동
- An act of moving one's body to do a certain task or action.
- 몸을 움직여 어떤 일이나 동작을 함.
action; movement behavior; deed
action movie
- A movie or play focusing on fights, escapes, adventure, etc.
- 싸움, 도망, 모험 등을 위주로 하여 만든 영화나 연극.
action movie
action taken resolutely
- Action taken boldly despite risks and difficulties.
- 위험이나 어려움이 있지만 과감하게 실행함.
action taken resolutely
2. 적극적²
- Proactive and positive in attitude toward something.
- 어떤 일에 대한 태도에 있어 자발적이고 긍정적인.
3. 활동적²
- Moving one's body to perform some action.
- 몸을 움직여 행동하는.
- Striving to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘쓰는.
active; energetic
active; energetic
4. 활발하다
- Being characterized by vigorous activity or frequent occurrence of a event.
- 어떤 일이 많이 이루어지거나 벌어지다.
active; busy
active duty
- A state in which one is currently serving in a troop; or a person currently serving as a soldier in the troop.
- 현재 각 부대에서 복무함. 또는 복무하는 군인.
active duty; soldier on duty
active engagement
- A person's taking an impressively active part in something.
- 매우 뛰어날 정도로 활발하게 활동함.
active engagement; vigorous activity
2. 활발히
- In the manner of being full of life and energy.
- 생기가 있고 힘차게.
- In the manner of doing a certain task vigorously or making a certain event occur frequently.
- 어떤 일이 많이 이루어지거나 벌어지게.
vigorously; energetically; actively
actively; busily; energetically; vigorously
active role
active stock
- A stock whose price or value has the potential of rising in the future.
- 앞으로 가격이나 가치가 오를 가능성이 있는 주식.
active stock
active voice
1. 운동가
- A person who works to achieve certain social or political purposes.
- 사회적 또는 정치적인 목적을 이루기 위해 활동하는 사람.
2. 운동권
- A group of people who actively participate in activities aimed at achieving social or political purposes, such as labor or human rights movements.
- 노동 운동, 인권 운동 등과 같은 사회적 또는 정치적인 목적을 이루기 위한 활동에 적극적으로 참여하는 사람의 무리.
activist; protestor
3. 투사³
- A person who actively protests at the front of a social movement, etc.
- 사회 운동 등에서 앞장서서 싸우는 사람.
4. 활동가
- A person who works hard to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘써 일하는 사람.
1. 사업
- An organized social activity done with a purpose other than money.
- 돈이 아닌 다른 목적을 가지고 조직적으로 하는 사회 활동.
project; activity
5. 활동
- An act of moving one's body to perform some action.
- 몸을 움직여 행동함.
- An act of striving to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘씀.
activity; movement
activity; effort; campaign
6. 활동력
- The power to move one's body to do an act or the energy to work hard to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 몸을 움직여 행동하거나 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘써 일하는 힘.
energy; power; vitality; activity
7. 활동성
- A quality of moving the body to do an act or working hard to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 몸을 움직여 행동하거나 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘써 일하는 성질.
activity cost
- Money needed for working to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 일하는 데에 필요한 돈.
activity cost; expense for activity
Idiomact like a patient with typhoid fever
관용구염병을 떨다
- To do something that is nonsensical or that can be criticized.
- 엉뚱하거나 욕먹을 만한 행동을 하다.
act like a patient with typhoid fever
act ostentatiously
- To make something showy outwardly only beyond one's means.
- 형편에 맞지 않게 겉만 화려하게 꾸미다.
act ostentatiously; practice empty formalities
act rashly
- (slang) To behave in an extremely noisy and thoughtless manner.
- (속된 말로) 마구 소란스럽고 분별없이 행동하다.
act rashly
act recklessly
1. 날뛰다
- To do whatever one likes to do as one fails to suppress one's emotions and gets extremely excited.
- 감정을 억누르지 못하고 흥분해서 내키는 대로 마구 행동하다.
act recklessly
2. 날치다
- To act as one pleases, flippantly and impudently, to the displeasure of others.
- 보기에 안 좋을 만큼 잘난 듯이 마음대로 행동하다.
act recklessly
3. 놀다
- To act without thinking, or to show a reckless attitude.
- 마음이 들떠서 실없이 행동하거나 신중하지 못한 태도를 가지다.
act recklessly
act so
act stupidly
- (slang) To speak or act pathetically or inappropriately.
- (속된 말로) 못나거나 어울리지 않는 말이나 행동을 하다.
say something stupid; act stupidly
act subserviently
act surly
- To harass someone or behave with a wish that things go wrong for him/her.
- 남을 괴롭히거나 남이 잘못되기를 바라는 행동을 하다.
act surly; behave perversely
act the fool
1. 해롱거리다
- To repeatedly behave frivolously, being ill-mannered and careless.
- 버릇없고 조심성 없이 자꾸 까불다.
act the giddy goat; act the fool
2. 해롱대다
- To repeatedly behave frivolously, being ill-mannered and careless.
- 버릇없고 조심성 없이 자꾸 까불다.
act the giddy goat; act the fool
3. 해롱해롱하다
- To repeatedly behave frivolously, being ill-mannered and careless.
- 버릇없고 조심성 없이 자꾸 까불다.
act the giddy goat; act the fool
act the giddy goat
1. 해롱거리다
- To repeatedly behave frivolously, being ill-mannered and careless.
- 버릇없고 조심성 없이 자꾸 까불다.
act the giddy goat; act the fool
2. 해롱대다
- To repeatedly behave frivolously, being ill-mannered and careless.
- 버릇없고 조심성 없이 자꾸 까불다.
act the giddy goat; act the fool
3. 해롱해롱하다
- To repeatedly behave frivolously, being ill-mannered and careless.
- 버릇없고 조심성 없이 자꾸 까불다.
act the giddy goat; act the fool
act thoughtfully
- To be considerate about someone, caring for or helping him/her.
- 관심을 가지고 보살펴 주거나 도와주다.
consider; act thoughtfully
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